How to do Rough Edits (Trimming) with out Rendering?

I am new to video editing. Most of my experience is in audio mixing and mastering. If you've used one DAW you've used them all. I want to know how to do something similar to what can be done in Adobe Audition.
I used to be able to import a file, say a .wav file, throw it in multitrack view or edit view. In edit view I can edit the original imported file, trim, splice, tweak and then save it raw as the same file it was when it was imported, as a .wav.
How do I do this with video? I am making a documentary and I have so much footage already. My brother is doing the bulk of the real editing, all I want to do is cut up the interview in these files to the little sound bites that I want to keep for the documentary, this will make the entire process go a lot faster.
I am using .MTS and .MP4 files if that makes a difference.

Great tips man! Thanks a lot that cleared up a lot of my question, but I still have a few.
So first off, your saying keep the .MTS and the .MP4 as they are, import them into PP and save the sequence, send the sequence with the files to my brother and they will open up for him already trimmed down to my liking - I get that. Here is my question.
If for instance, I have one interview that has multiple segments that I want to use, do I import it multiple times? Or do I cut, trim and seperate?
Also, When opening up PP, which templete do you recommend for this endevour? If the raw footage is mixed formats, but true HD which sequence setting do I choose? Again, it will eventually end up on YouTube.
Thanks a lot for all the input it is helping me out so much!!
PS. I am new to the PP Jargon, what is a Source Monitor? And also, when I import them an trim them up, do i do it all in one track? (Video/Audo 1) ?? Or seperate? I am not use to this kind of sequence, especially on such a small monitor I am more used to Music Mixing in Pro Tools and what not. Thanks again!

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    good luck.

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    First, create a separate login on your computer for your friend. Do this BEFORE you do anything else. Next, make sure iTunes is up to date. Then:
    1. Disable auto sync when an iPod/iPhone is connected under Preferences>Devices in iTunes.
    2. Make sure you have one contact & one event in the supported applications(Address Book, iCal) on your computer. These entries can be fake, doesn't matter, the important point is that these programs not be empty.
    3. Connect her phone, iTunes running, do not sync at this point.
    4. Store>Authorize this computer.
    5. File>Transfer Purchases(To make sure all purchased content on her phone will be in her itunes library).
    6. Right click in the device pane & select reset warnings.
    7. Right click again and select backup.
    8. Right click again & select restore from backup, select the backup you just made. When prompted to create another backup, decline.
    9. This MUST be followed by a sync to restore her itunes content, which you select from the various tabs, You'll get a popup regarding her contacts & calendars asking to merge or replace, select merge.
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    Hey floridiansue,
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    vintage software, or a newer web browser, you have to look further. A fair
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    Good luck & happy computing!

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    See this Sample Program.
          DAYS(1)  TYPE N VALUE 2,
          COUNT(3) TYPE N VALUE 1,
          VALID    TYPE C.
      EXPORTING DESTINATION           = 'LT50'
                COPIES                = COUNT
                LIST_NAME             = 'TEST'
                LIST_TEXT             = 'SUBMIT ... TO SAP-SPOOL'
                IMMEDIATELY           = 'X'
                RELEASE               = 'X'
                NEW_LIST_ID           = 'X'
                EXPIRATION            = DAYS
                LINE_SIZE             = 79
                LINE_COUNT            = 23
                LAYOUT                = 'X_PAPER'
                SAP_COVER_PAGE        = 'X'
                COVER_PAGE            = 'X'
                RECEIVER              = 'SAP*'
                DEPARTMENT            = 'System'
                NO_DIALOG             = ' '
                VALID                 = VALID.
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    If you only want the free apps, take a look here:
    Read the steps carefully as the order in which you follow them is  critical. Note that you can do this only when creating a new Apple ID. You cannot use an existing ID. 
    You will of course not be able to get anything other than the free apps without entering in some sort of payment method (credit card, prepaid iTunes card, gift certificate, etc.)
    Forum Tip: Since you're new here, you've probably not discovered the Search feature available on every Communities page, but next time, it might save you time (and everyone else from having to answer the same question multiple times) if you search a couple of ways for a topic, both in the relevant forums and in the Apple Knowledge Base, before you post a question.

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