How to embed the openGL console into windows form applicaion.

I am using tao.framework in C# and I've done what I want in OpenGL using external window , but I want
to integrate this window in windows form application. I created black window in form by using  simpleOpenGlControl1 in toolbox, but I dont know how can I integrate my code in this. I've attached my main method below.  Any help will be much appreciated.
static void Main()
Glut.glutInitDisplayMode(Glut.GLUT_DOUBLE | Glut.GLUT_RGB | Glut.GLUT_DEPTH);
Glut.glutInitWindowSize(500, 500);
Glut.glutInitWindowPosition(700, 100);
Glut.glutCreateWindow("Lang Yuzer Robot Arm");
Application.Run(new Form1());

Please use the OpenTK forums for questions related to the OpenTK framework (formerly Tao.Framework).

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                    <div id="Stage_Center2_Subscription_subscribe"></div>
                    <div id="Stage_Center2_Subscription_Submittbutton">
                        <div id="Stage_Center2_Subscription_Submittbutton_Submitbutton">
                            <div id="Stage_Center2_Subscription_Submittbutton_Submitbutton_RoundRect2"></div>
                        <div id="Stage_Center2_Subscription_Submittbutton_text">
                            <div id="Stage_Center2_Subscription_Submittbutton_text_Text">Join</div>
                    <div id="Stage_Center2_Subscription_Textbox">
                        <div id="Stage_Center2_Subscription_Textbox_textbox">
                            <div id="Stage_Center2_Subscription_Textbox_textbox_RoundRect"></div>
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    <!-- Begin MailChimp Signup Form -->
    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <style type="text/css">
              #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
              /* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block.
                 We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. */
    <div id="mc_embed_signup">
    <form action=" 1" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank" novalidate>
              <input type="email" value="" name="EMAIL" class="email" id="mce-EMAIL" placeholder="email address" required>
        <!-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups-->
        <div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;"><input type="text" name="b_4525b320bd81872705a48ea05_4743a970b1" value=""></div>
              <div class="clear"><input type="submit" value="Subscribe" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="button"></div>
    <!--End mc_embed_signup-->

    Hi, Kyle-
    What's happening is that you're inserting static HTML into the base HTML of your current project.  We treat any third party static HTML as underneath all managed elements.  You can find out whether or not it's being treated as static by hovering over the element in the elements panel:
    One thing you can do is to dynamically insert your mailchimp code into a div by changing the html() property of that div using jQuery.  So, something like this:
    In compositionReady:
    sym.$("myDiv").html("INSERT MY FORM CODE HERE");
    Hope that points you in the right direction!

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    <b>For Scripts</b>
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    Symptom :
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    Crystal Reports OLE object
    An OLE object only displays the first page.
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    Hope this helps!

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    You could encrypt them with a private key and then
    decrypt them with a public key.
    Almost had it... public key encryption works the other
    way around... otherwise what's the point of
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    juskocf wrote:
    But to scrub the timeline smoothly, I think OpenGL plays an important role.
    No, not necessarily. General things like footage I/O performance can be much more critical in that case. Generally speaking, AE only uses OpenGL in 2 specific situations: When navigating 3D space and with hardware-accelerated effects. It doesn't do so consistently, though, as any non-accelerated function, such as a specific effect or exhaustion of the avialbale resources can negate that.
    juskocf wrote:
    Also, some 3D plugins such as Boris Continuum 6 need OpenGL to smoothly maneuver the 3D objects.  Just wonder why the OpenGL Performance of such an expensive card should be so weak.
    It's not the card, it's what the card does. See my above comment. Specific to the Boris stuff: Geometry manipulation is far simpler than pixel shaders. Most cards will allow you to manipulate bazillions of polygons - as long as they are untextured and only use simple shading, you will not see any impact on performance. Things get dicy, when it needs to use textures and load those textures into the graphics card's memory. Either loading those textures takes longer than the shading calculations, or, if you use multitexturing (different images combined with transparencies or blendmodes), you'll at some point reach the maximum. It's really a mixed bag. Ultimately the root of all evil is, that AE is not build around OpenGL because at the time it didn't exist, but rather the other way around OpenGL was plugged-on at some point and now there is a number of situations where one gets in the way of the other...

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    Here's the instructions:
    1.  Copy the packages „com“ and „caurina“ from the folder to your classes directory. It works without that,
    but only if you always move these packages along with the FLA fle. If you‘re not familiar with working with
    classes, check the tutorial at Adobe Livedocs
    2.  Open the fle „piecemaker.fa“ and try to publish it to check, if the classes are referenced correctly.
    3.  The actual gallery is nothing more than the empty MovieClip on the „gallery“ layer. It has the base class
    „com.modularweb.imageGalleries.Piecemaker“, which holds all the code. To copy the gallery into your own
    project, you just need to copy this MovieClip as well as all the elements from the library to your project.
    4.  Three basic properties of the gallery are assigned on the „actions“ layer. The code from this layer has to be
    copied to your project, too. These properties are xmlSource, cssSource and imageSource, which
    hold the paths to the XML fle, the CSS fle and the folder containing the images to be loaded. Please note
    that if you embed the gallery to your project, these paths need to be relative to the location of your project.
    In the folder of the Piecemaker the I downloaded it contains:
    1) caurina
    2) com
    3) documentation
    4) images
    5) index
    6) piecemaker.fla
    7) piecemaker
    8) piecemakerCSS
    9) piecemakerXML
    So what do I need in order to make this work in my website?

    Yep,you have to look at JSR 75 (File Connection API). But:
    1) You need to understand is your phone model supports JSR 75
    // if prop==null, then this phone doesn't support JSR-75, otherwise you'll get File Connection API version
    String prop=System.getProperty("");2) You need to exactly locate on phone file system where is image gallery and/or memory card
    // get image gallery full url
    String imageGalleryURL=System.getProperty("");
    String memCardURL=System.getProperty("fileconn.dir.memorycard");After all of that file opening is easy...

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    Marianne F

    Hi there
    Clicking Project > Skin > Borders tab and DE-selecting the Show Borders option will eliminate the skin.SWF from being created.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • How to find the listener port on windows?

    Hi Friends,
    We have a client who is still using Oracle 8.0.6 on NT 4.0
    I have a laptop with oracle client 10g.
    I want to connect to the NT database to check it.
    How do I know what port does the listener used ? what is the command to run at the c:\ command prompt?
    I tried> c:\ lsnrctl stat but the command is not recognized
    I tried to find the lsnrctl and bin but there is not.
    Please help
    Thanks a lot

    ytterp2009 wrote:
    Please help.. and please do NOT post [duplicate posts|]
    How to find the listener port on windows?The Internet Protocol stack comes with a number of utilities - one of these, called netstat, is very useful to determine which processes are doing what to which IP ports on that platform. Unfortunately, different flavours are implemented. So the Windows one does not support the parameters and output than the Unix/Linux one.
    You can use the following on Windows (run it via a command console) to see what processes are listening on what address and port number:
    c:\> netstat -n -a -p tcp
      -n = display IP addresses and ports in numeric format
      -a = list all ports (including ones used for listening
      -p tcp = only display protocol entries for TCP An Oracle listener entry should look something as follows:
    Proto   Local Address  Foreign Address   State
    TCP         LISTENINGSeeing IP + means that the Listener is accepting connections on all your network interfaces - which is standard. The port number is typically 1521. The foreign address is meaningless for a port in listening state.
    PS. Why not simply check the listener.ora configuration file? Because what is actually happening may not be what you thought you configured to happen..

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