How to Enable Deploy SDA

Hi all,
I'm trying to deploy a Mobile Component SDA file using Mobile Administrator on SAP NW 2004s. According to the SAP Library at Mobilizing Bussiness Process document online I have to switch to the Archive Converter function and choose Deploy SDA button after converting my WAR to SDA, if it's necessary, but Deploy button is missing!
What I have to do to enable this button to deploy my application?
By the way, I'm trying to deploy SAP MAM 2.5 application.

Hi Rogerio
   Yes it is not possible to deploy SDA files using NW Admin if you are on SPs09 since this feature was delivered only as part of 04s SPs10.  If you are on 09, then you need to user the SDM tool only to deploy the SDAs and no other option is available. We also knew the pain of developers needs to undergo since they have no physical access to the server and this was the reason why we developed this feature and delivered it as part of SPs10.  I don not understand why you are afraid of using SPs10. Just go ahead and upgrade to SPs10 which will enable developers to deploy the SDAs using NW Admin itself.
Best Regards

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    Best regards,

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    If you are using NW version < 7.1
    Log on to the remote server (host):
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    Consider your different hardware you can sysprep different system image then you can deploy them. The WDS include the following general knowledge point, you can refer the
    following article to get more detail steps.
    Deploying Windows 7 with SCCM 2007: How Microsoft IT deployed…
    Windows 7 Deployment Using SCCM 2007 SP2
    Capture and Apply Windows Images
     Windows Deployment with the Windows ADK
     Windows Deployment Services Getting Started Guide
     Deploying Windows 7
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    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
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