How to execute a external command ?

Hi all ,
        I would like to transfer the oracle data to sql2000 , my idea is :
           - 1. write a external java program ( call trans.jar ) on oracle db server machine ( call sql2000 server to invoke the dtsrun.exe )
           - 2. create a dts package on sql2000 server .
           - 3. write an abap program in sap ( when the end-user execute this program , the trans.jar will call the dts package on sql2000 server ) .
        I know that we can use sm69 to define the external program , but i don't know how to use abap/4 to invoke this external program ? has someone can tell me how to do ?
Thanks a lot !
Best Regards,

You can use the function module <b>SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE</b> to execute external commands
Please find my sample code for it.
*       text
*      -->P_F_UNIX  text
  data: begin of IEPCOL occurs 100.
          include structure BTCXPM.
  data: end of IEPCOL.
BTCXPM = Log message from external program to calling program
* RFCDISPLAY = Display structure for RFCDES maintenance          "M5
* The External operating system command ZECOM is created * using thetransaction SM69. For any changes to the
* command goto SM69 and for executing and testing use
* the transaction SM49.
  call function 'SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE'
      COMMANDNAME                   = 'ZECOM'
      OPERATINGSYSTEM               = SY-OPSYS
      TARGETSYSTEM                  = W_HOST
      STDOUT                        = 'X'
      STDERR                        = 'X'
      TERMINATIONWAIT               = 'X'
      STATUS                        = W_STATUS
      EXEC_PROTOCOL                 = IEPCOL
      NO_PERMISSION                 = 1
      COMMAND_NOT_FOUND             = 2
      PARAMETERS_TOO_LONG           = 3
      SECURITY_RISK                 = 4
      PROGRAM_START_ERROR           = 6
      X_ERROR                       = 8
      PARAMETER_EXPECTED            = 9
      TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS           = 10
      ILLEGAL_COMMAND               = 11
      CANT_ENQ_TBTCO_ENTRY          = 13
      others                        = 15.
  if SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    case SY-SUBRC.
      when 1.
        message E138(ZSM) with 'No permission to Execute ' 'External O/S command'.
      when 2.
        message E138(ZSM) with 'External O/S Command not found'.
      when 3.
        message E138(ZSM) with 'Parameters too long.' 'Exceeds the limit of 128 characters'.
      when 4.
        message E138(ZSM) with 'Security risk. ' 'The Command contains impermissible characters'.
      when 5.
        message E138(ZSM) with 'Wrong check call interface.  Check the command.'.
      when 6.
        message E138(ZSM) with 'Error while starting the External O/S Command'.
      when 7.
        message E138(ZSM) with 'Error getting the return ' 'code of the External O/S command'.
      when 8.
        message E138(ZSM) with 'Unknown error'.
      when 9.
        message E138(ZSM) with 'Some mandatory parameter is not supplied'.
      when 10.
        message E138(ZSM) with 'Too many parameters. ' 'Check the additional parameter'.
      when 11.
        message E138(ZSM) with 'Illegal command'.
      when others.
        message E138(ZSM) with 'Unknown error'.
    if W_STATUS = 'O'.
      if UNIX_FILE cs '.ES'.
        message S138(ZSM) with 'File FTP Successfull..!'.
*        External O/S command to' 'FTP the above file to' 'ES FTP server succesfully!' P_F_UNIX.
      message I138(ZSM) with 'Ext O/S command to FTP the ' 'abv file to ext UNIX system not executed due to:'.
      loop at IEPCOL.
        write:/ SY-TABIX, IEPCOL-MESSAGE,255 ' '.
endform.                    " TRIGGER_EXT_OS_COMMAND

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    Process childProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /C dir *.*");or try with
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    //# Tested with VC++ & BC++. Include path must
    //# be adjusted to find the JNI headers. See
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    // See copyright notice in CopyRight.txt.
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    public int aValue;
    public void divByTwo() { aValue /= 2; }
    public class UseObjects {
    private native void
    changeObject(MyJavaClass obj);
    static {
    // System.loadLibrary("UseObjImpl");
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    // path set in your environment:
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    MyJavaClass anObj = new MyJavaClass();
    anObj.aValue = 2;
    System.out.println("Java: " + anObj.aValue);
    } ///:~
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    Native: 3
    Java: 3
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    There are quite a few pitfalls with using this though...
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    If google would be the best option, then I would not be on Sun's forums and I would not have asked experts like you, sir !! :-)
    Neway, I got the solution from PhHein !!
    Good link indeed..

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    I have not tried this, but apprently it is easy as in the sample pasted below. please see this article for more details
    Let me know how it goes...
    public string RunPowershell(string powershellText, SPWeb web, string param1, string param2) {
    // Powershell ~= RunspaceFactory - i.e. Create a powershell context
    var runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace();
    var resultString = new StringBuilder();
    // load the SharePoint snapin - Note: you cannot do this in the script itself (i.e. add-pssnapin etc does not work)
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    runspace.RunspaceConfiguration.AddPSSnapIn("Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell", out snapInError);
    // set a web variable.
    runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("webContext", web);
    // and some user defined parameters
    runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("param1", param1);
    runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("param2", param2);
    var pipeline = runspace.CreatePipeline();
    // add a "return" variable
    // execute!
    var results = pipeline.Invoke();
    // convert the script result into a single string
    foreach (PSObject obj in results)
    // close the runspace
    // consider logging the result. Or something.
    return resultString.ToString();
    Ok. We've written some code. Let us test it.
    var runner = new PowershellRunner();
    $web = Get-SPWeb 'http://server/web' # or $webContext
    $web.Title = $param1
    ", null, "New title", "not used");

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    Obviously you can execute Unix OS commands only on Unix OS. Why do you expect Windows to understand it?
    The solution in your case would be executing your ODI scenarios with an Agent installed on Unix machine.

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      <SetVar Name="Cmd">UpdateView</SetVar>
      <SetList Scope="Request">{GUID of List}</SetList>
      <SetVar Name="View">{GUID of View}</SetVar>  
      <SetVar Name="ViewStyle">6</SetVar>
      <SetVar Name="RowLimit">100</SetVar>
      <SetVar Name="Paged">TRUE</SetVar>

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    how to execute a cvs login command using system call ?

    To anyone that reached this post and still dont have a hint, try this small sample - it logs on CVS using installed CVSNT and execute a fake update:
    package testeCVS;
    public class execCMD
        String password="yourPassword";
        String directory="C:\\CVS\\yourPathToProject";
        //send commands to CVS and shows the resulting screen
        public int sendCMD(String[] command) throws IOException, InterruptedException
            ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(command);
            pb.redirectErrorStream(true); // merge stdout and stderr
            Process p = pb.start();
            InputStreamReader isr = new  InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream());
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
            String lineRead;
            StringBuilder buffer=new StringBuilder();
            System.out.println("Return of shell:");
            while ((lineRead = br.readLine()) != null)
                buffer.append(lineRead + "\n");
            return p.waitFor();
        //send commands to CVS, send the password after the prompt and show the resulting screen
        public int sendDialogCMD(String[] command) throws IOException, InterruptedException
            ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(command);
            pb.redirectErrorStream(true); // merge stdout and stderr
            Process p = pb.start();
            PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( p.getOutputStream() ));
            writer.println( password );
            InputStreamReader isr = new  InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream());
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
            String lineRead;
            StringBuilder buffer=new StringBuilder();
            System.out.println("Return of shell:");
            while ((lineRead = br.readLine()) != null)
                buffer.append(lineRead + "\n");
            return  p.waitFor();
        public static void main(String a[]) throws IOException, InterruptedException
            execCMD e=new execCMD();
            String[] command = new String[5];
            command[0] = "cvs";
            command[1] = "-q";
            command[2] = "-d";
            command[3] = ":pserver:yourUserID@localhost:2402/path/of/yourProject"; //in this case using CVS port 2402
            command[4] = "login";
            System.out.println("exit value=" + e.sendDialogCMD(command));
            command = new String[8];
            command[0] = "cvs";
            command[1] = "-q";
            command[2] = "-d";
            command[3] = ":pserver:yourUserID@localhost:2402/path/of/yourProject";
            command[4] = "-n";
            command[5] = "-q";
            command[6] = "update";
            command[7] = "-dA";
            System.out.println("exit value=" + e.sendCMD(command));
    }It is possible to send the password on the same command, but I had problems when the password had the character '@' because CVSNT took it as the separator between the username and server name. In that case the command is: ":pserver:yourUserID:yourPassword@localhost:2402/path/of/yourProject"

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    Fcodes ([cmd.Fcode]);
    If this isn't what you are looking for, let me know. Thanks. -Rick

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