How to execute callback functions progamatically

Title says it all.
I want to execute a callback for a Command Button programatically. How is this possible?
Go to Solution.

Wolfgang answer is the most direct and indeed it works. Nevertheless, there can be different approaches that has been discussed severl times in this board. I can point you to this discussion and this one that offers alternatives to direct calling of the function.
Additionally, as a minor correction to Wolfgang's words, please note both in direct callback calling and if using CallCtrlCallback () you must pass the panel handle to the function, not the panel ID.
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    V11081985 wrote:
    I have a function named fun1(v_fun in date), with date as an input parameter and it returns a number. I have created the function successfully. But i couldnt execute this function in sqlplus. It's hard for me to say what you're doing wrong when I don't know what you're doing. Post a complete test script that people can run to re-create the problem and test their ideas. Include a function definition, CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for any of your own tables (if necessary), and the results you want to get from that data, as well as your query.
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    Go to SE37--> Give the FM name --> press F8 --> Give the values for Import parameters --> Press F8 or exection button on application tool bar.

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    Error at line 0
    ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number
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    Error at line 3
    ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
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    If everything you will do will be done inside PL/SQL (stored procedure or stored function) then you don't have to care about bind variable.
    When using PL/SQL (static SQL) you will never encounter issues related to bind variables. PL/SQL itself takes care of your code and uses bind variables behind the scene.
    The only situation where you have to look carefully to the use of bind variables within PL/SQL is when you use Dynamic sql into stored procedures or functions.
    So, see in the light of the above comment, if you have to care about returning your function into a bind variable?
    Best regards
    Mohamed Houri

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                                                      pi_company number,
                                                 pi_estab number
         RETURN t_in_list_tab
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              INTO      V_NB_IDVEHICLE,
              FROM      U_REF.V_REF_VEHICLES
              WHERE      V_REF_VEHICLES.NB_IDGROUP = pi_group
              AND      V_REF_VEHICLES.NB_IDCOMPANY = pi_company
              AND      V_REF_VEHICLES.NB_ESTABL = pi_estab;
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    please help
    Thank in advance

    I have a series of examples on this issue in my demo application. See this one:
    You will basicaly need to write it like this:
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE u_voc.t_in_list_tab AS OBJECT (
       i_group     NUMBER,
       i_company   NUMBER,
       i_estab     NUMBER
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE u_voc.t_in_list_tab_type AS TABLE OF u_voc.t_in_list_tab;
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fu_voc_s_vehicles (
       pi_group     NUMBER,
       pi_company   NUMBER,
       pi_estab     NUMBER
       RETURN t_in_list_tab PIPELINED
       l_tab   t_in_list_tab := t_in_list_tab (NULL, NULL, NULL);
       FOR c IN (SELECT v_ref_vehicles.nb_idvehicle, v_ref_vehicles.vc_reference,
                   FROM u_ref.v_ref_vehicles
                  WHERE v_ref_vehicles.nb_idgroup = pi_group
                    AND v_ref_vehicles.nb_idcompany = pi_company
                    AND v_ref_vehicles.nb_establ = pi_estab)
          l_tab.i_group := c.nb_idvehicle;
          l_tab.i_company_number := c.vc_reference;
          l_tab.estab_number := vc_licenceplate;
       END LOOP;
       RETURN l_tab;
    SELECT *
      FROM TABLE (fu_voc_s_vehicles (value1, value2, value3))But looking at your code, your function will return only one record.
    Denes Kubicek

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    Thank you very much once again.
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    Hi Ankit,
    There are some issue in your code mention below please have a look and correct these will work fine for your requirement.
    1. Save button Boolean value pass to the lower wheel conditional loop means if you press save your bottom loop will stop working this is not the code requirement you have to continue loop and tigger start event in last using value tigger event property to tigger again start event.
           This step will reset your loop and start from zero.
    2. According to me I think both loop should stop only in stop condition so you can remove stop function from upper loop and pass the button value in both loop directly to wheel loop condition terminal.
           Upper loop direct and lower both loop local variable.
    3. Why you want to stop your upper loop on any error condition, you should Handel the errors and keep running the code.
    4. What is the use of queue no case related with dequeue in bottom loop.
    5. Wheel loop in a event is not  good practice so you can use your queue structure here to run continuous lower code.
    I hope these changes can improve your code.
    Thanks and Regards
    Himanshu Goyal | LabVIEW Engineer- Power System Automation
    Values that steer us ahead: Passion | Innovation | Ambition | Diligence | Teamwork
    It Only gets BETTER!!!

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    function Calculate(){
    // Set Route in google map
    // Store distance, lat/long in an array
    Then, after the Calculate function was executed, it should execute the code behind:
    protected void btn_calculate_onclick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Pull data stored in the array created by javascript
    // connect to db
    // store data
    But the javascript function doesn't execute.
    What should i do?
    Thanks in advance

       javascript function can not executed in server side, you can tranlate javascription fuction to c# function.
     if the reply help you mark it as your answer.
    Managed .NET
    Word Component(Create,
    Modify, Convert & Print)

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    An idea ?
    Thank you.

    Ferhati Ramdane wrote:
    > May be I have to make a standard modificatication in the program that intercepts this event, to insert my own function.
    > I don't know which one is and I don't like to do that.
    Intercepting the event SAP_END_OF_JOB doesn't help for your goal. This event  is only raised if a job is scheduled with the "after job XYZ" start condition. This means: The event SAP_END_OF_JOB will NOT be raised for jobs with start condition = at time hh:mm:ss. And there is no other event which is raised at the end of jobs with start condition = at time hh:mm:ss.
    Thus I think your goal is not feasible with the R/3 job scheduler. Perhaps you should consider purchasing an external scheduler from a third party company. But I don't know if there is something suitable for your goal on the market.

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    i create a function in sql and i want to use this in a query wizard or query generator, I tried to include this function in my query to create a report . but i im receiving a error saying 'invalid build function',
    running the query with the created function in sql server produce the expected result..
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    Hi Owen
    Thank you for your reply
    The function falls on scalar valued function , Here is my code
      start of code -
    USE [gk]
    /****** Object:  UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[SalesForThisDate]    Script Date: 01/19/2009 12:42:24 ******/
    ALTER  FUNCTION [dbo].[SalesForThisDate]
    (     @vItemCode nvarchar(20),
        @FrmDate DateTime,
         @ToDate  DateTime
    Returns Real
      RETURN (SELECT ISNULL(SUM(T1.[Quantity]),0)
         FROM OINV T0  INNER JOIN INV1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry
         WHERE T0.[DocDate] Between @FrmDate and @ToDate
              and t1.[ItemCode]=@vItemCode
         GROUP BY  T1.[ItemCode])
      end of code -
    then i tried to run this function on the query manager with this statement
    SELECT T1.[ItemCode],
         ISNULL(dbo.SalesForThisDate(T1.[ItemCode],'2008-10-1','2008-10-8'),0) Value1,
         ISNULL(dbo.SalesForThisDate(T1.[ItemCode],'2008-11-1','2008-11-8'),0) Value2,
         ISNULL(dbo.SalesForThisDate(T1.[ItemCode],'2008-12-1','2008-12-8'),0) Value3,
         ISNULL(dbo.SalesForThisDate(T1.[ItemCode],'2009-1-1','2009-1-8'),0) Value4
    ORDER BY T1.[ItemCode]
    executing this statements pop a error
    "SalesForThisDate is not recognized build-in function name"

  • How to execute a function in oracle plsql object, when object dies

    I have a plsql object with a member function as exec_last.
    I want this procedure to be called when plsql object is cleaned or when the session hosting this object dies.
    In C, we have a system call as atexit(). Is there any such feature in Oracle 10g or any workaround using embedded java.
    This feature is required to flush the contents stored in plsql table in the object to the database, when program exits.
    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,
    Navin Srivastava

    navsriva wrote:
    Is there any better way to implement this in memory caching. What is the buffer cache of Oracle? It is exactly that - a memory cache for data blocks. Both new blocks (created by inserting new rows) and existing blocks (used by selects, updates and deletes, and re-used (freespace) by inserts).
    The Oracle buffer cache is a very mature and sophisticated cache. Attempting to do it "+better+" than the db buffer cache in another software layer (like PL/SQL) is mostly a waste of time and resources.. and invariable introduces another s/w layer that simply increases the number of moving parts. This in turn usually means increased complexity and slower performance.
    Why use bulk processing in PL/SQL? The basic and fundamental answer to that is to decrease the context switching between the PL engine and SQL engine.
    When running PL code to insert data into SQL, that data needs to be passed to the SQL engine, the PL engine needs to perform a context switch to the SQL engine to allow it to process that data and perform the SQL instruction.
    If there are a 1000 rows to inserts, it means a 1000 context switches.
    Bulk processing makes the "+communication/data pipe+" between the two bigger. Instead of passing a single row's data to the SQL engine via a context switch, a bulk collection/array of a 100 rows is passed. There is now a mere 10 context switches required to push that 1000 rows from the PL engine to the SQL engine.
    You can do the same from any other SQL client... (remember, that PL itself is also a SQL client). You can, using C/C++ for example, do the exact same thing. When passing row data to the SQL engine to insert, pass a collection of a 100 rows instead of the data for a single row.
    The exact same benefits result as in PL/SQL. A bigger communication pipe, allowing more data to be transferred to/from the SQL engine, resulting in less context switching.
    Of course, a context switch ito C/C++ is a lot more expensive than in PL/SQL - as the PL engine sits in the very same physical process as the SQL engine. Using C/C++, this will usually be a separate process communicating with the SQL engine process across the network.
    The same applies to other languages, like Java, C#, Delphi, Visual Basic and so on.
    It does not make sense to introduce another s/w layer, the PL/SQL engine, and have the client "+insert+" rows into its memory structures... and then use the PL engine to "+flush"+ that to the SQL engine via a bulk process command.
    It will be faster, and more scalable, having the client language using bulk processing directly and dealing with the SQL engine directly.
    Simple example. What does the SQL*Loader program (written in C) use? It does not use PL as a proxy for moving data from a CSV file into a SQL table. It calls SQL directly. It uses bulk processing. It is very fast at loading data.
    There is an exception to this. When PL is used as a business processing and validation layer. Instead of the client code implementing that logic, it is done using PL. The client then no longer will manually add an invoice to the INVOICES table for example. It instead calls the AddNewInvoice PL/SQL procedure - and this procedure does all. It checks the customer code as valid. Ensures that there's stock available of the products being ordered on the invoice. Etc.
    But in this scenario, PL is not used a secondhand "buffer cache". It is used for what it has been designed for - a proper application layer inside the database.

  • How to execute LXE_COMMON_XSTRING_TO_STRNGTAB function module ?

    the data in output table is unformate please sugesst me on passing the values for codepage parametes of the below fm.
        IN_XSTRING            = I_CONTENT
      TEXTKEY               = ''
        IN_CODEPAGE           = 4100 -
        EX_CODEPAGE           = 4120----
       DROP_EMPTY_LINE       = 'X'
       EX_TAB                = it_table
      PSTATUS               =
    thanks in advance

    Hi Which version of SAP are you using?

  • How to execute a function periodically

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    There is no standard way of doing that in C++, you'll have to use some library function. What's your platform?

  • How to execute function takes user defined type parameters as input &output

    Hi All,
    I want to execute a function which takes user defined type as input & output parameters. But i don't know how to execute that function in pl/sql statements.
    USER          VARCHAR2(255),
    REFERENCE          VARCHAR2(30)
    ) NOT FINAL;
    E_ID                    VARCHAR2 (50),
    CODE                    VARCHAR2 (3),
    SERVICE                    VARCHAR2 (10),
    C_TYPE                    VARCHAR2 (1)
    ) NOT FINAL;
         R_STATUS               NUMBER(10),
         E_DESC_LANG_1          VARCHAR2(1000),
         E_DESC_LANG_2          VARCHAR2(1000),
         A_REFERENCE          VARCHAR2(30)
    ) NOT FINAL;
    1. T_ID is an input parameter which is a combination of T_ID + T_INPUT,
    2. T_INFO is an output parameter which is a combination of T_INFO + T_OUTPUT.
    Here i'll assign the T_ID values.
    --- T_INPUT values
    USER          = "admin";
    APPLICATION     = "test";
    REFERENCE     = "null";
    ---- T_ID values
    E_ID               = "1234";
    CODE               = "TTT";
    SERVICE               = "NEW";
    C_TYPE = "P";
    Now i want to execute Get_Dtls function with T_ID,T_INFO parameters in pl/sql statements.
    I want to catch the E_INFO value from T_INFO type.
    How can i Do this ?
    Pls Help. Thanxs in advance.

    I am very new to this. New to Oracle, PL/SQL, OO programming or testing?
    set serveroutput on
      tst_obj ctype;
      tst_obj := pkg.proc(11);
    /Generally I disapprove of the use of DBMS_OUTPUT (for just about anything) but it is sufficient to demonstrate the basic principle.
    Really you should start using proper testing practices, ideally with an automated test harness like QUTE.
    Cheers, APC
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