How to fetch message comments using JMA API?

Hi All,
From telnet <host> 143, and tring get comments associated with a message works well as shown below.
2 fetch 8 COMMENT ("/message/vendor/ms/follow-up-flag-status" ("value.shared"))
* 8 FETCH (COMMENT ("/message/vendor/ms/follow-up-flag-status" ("value.shared" "completed")))
How to fetch the same details using Java Mail API. I couldn't get any of these flags when added to FetchProfile before fetching. The last option is using IMAPFolder.ProtocolCommand.
Please suggest if there is a better way to fetch message meta data as "comment" using JMA

I don't know what JMA is. I assume you meant JavaMail.
Sorry, there's no direct support for fetching that data.
You might be able to get this to work using IMAPFolder.ProtocolCommand.

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    Anybody knows how to show messages with IMAPFolder ?
    Thank u.
    Chirag Patel

    I have never seen the class IMAPFolder. Here is a class I wrote that returns a table row that has message information from a folder.
    Use the messagelist method and pass in the folder you want along with the connection url to your server.
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import java.lang.*;
    import javax.mail.*;
    import javax.mail.internet.*;
    import javax.activation.*;
    public class EmailListMessages {
         static String outputString = "";
         public String timeoutVal = "5000";
         public String messagelist(String mbox, String url, int timeout) throws Exception {
              timeoutVal = timeout + "";
              return messagelist(mbox,url);
         public String messagelist(String mbox, String url) throws Exception{
              int optind;
         int port = -1;
         boolean verbose = false;
         boolean debug = false;
         boolean showStructure = false;
              Store store = null;
              outputString = "";
              try {
              // Get a Properties object
              Properties props = System.getProperties();
              // Get a Session object
              Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
              // Get a Store object
                   URLName urln = new URLName(url);
                   store = session.getStore(urln);
         } catch (Exception e) {outputString = "Error:Host Connection";}
              // Open the Folder
              Folder folder = store.getDefaultFolder();
              if (folder == null) {
         outputString = "No default folder error";
                   return outputString;
         folder = folder.getFolder(mbox);
         if (folder == null) {
         outputString = "Invalid folder error";
                   return outputString;
         // try to open read/write and if that fails try read-only
         try {
         } catch (MessagingException ex) {;}
         int totalMessages = folder.getMessageCount();
         if (totalMessages == 0) {
                   outputString = "(No Messages)";
                   return outputString;
              // Attributes & Flags for all messages ..
              Message[] msgs = folder.getMessages();
              // Use a suitable FetchProfile
              FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile();
              folder.fetch(msgs, fp);
              for (int i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) {
              return outputString;
         public static void dumpEnvelope(Message m, String mbox) throws Exception {
              String fromString = "";
              String subjectString = "";
              String dtString = "";
              String flagString = "";
              Address[] a;
              int msgNumber = m.getMessageNumber();
              if (mbox.equals("Sent"))
                   // TO
                   if ((a = m.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO)) != null) {
                   for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++)
                        fromString = a[j].toString();
                   fromString = ("<td><a href='EmailViewMessage.jsp?messageNumber=" + msgNumber + "&folderName=" + mbox + "'>" + fromString + "</a></td>");     
                   // FROM
                   if ((a = m.getFrom()) != null) {
                   for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++)
                        fromString = a[j].toString();
                   fromString = ("<td><a href='EmailViewMessage.jsp?messageNumber=" + msgNumber + "&folderName=" + mbox + "'>" + fromString + "</a></td>");     
              // SUBJECT
              subjectString = m.getSubject();
              subjectString = ("<td>" + subjectString + "</td>");
              // DATE
              Date d = m.getSentDate();
              dtString = "UNKNOWN";
              if (d != null) dtString = d.toString();
              dtString = ("<td>" + dtString + "</td>");
              // FLAGS
              Flags flags = m.getFlags();
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
              Flags.Flag[] sf = flags.getSystemFlags(); // get the system flags
              boolean first = true;
              for (int i = 0; i < sf.length; i++) {
              String s;
              Flags.Flag f = sf[i];
              if (f == Flags.Flag.ANSWERED)
                   s = "\\Answered";
              else if (f == Flags.Flag.DELETED)
                   s = "\\Deleted";
              else if (f == Flags.Flag.DRAFT)
                   s = "\\Draft";
              else if (f == Flags.Flag.FLAGGED)
                   s = "\\Flagged";
              else if (f == Flags.Flag.RECENT)
                   s = "\\Recent";
              else if (f == Flags.Flag.SEEN)
                   s = "\\Seen";
                   continue;     // skip it
              if (first)
                   first = false;
                   sb.append(' ');
              String[] uf = flags.getUserFlags(); // get the user flag strings
              for (int i = 0; i < uf.length; i++) {
              if (first)
                   first = false;
                   sb.append(' ');
              flagString = sb.toString();
              String testString = "\\Seen";
              if (!flagString.equals(testString))
                   flagString = ("<td>New</td>");
                   flagString = ("<td> </td>");
              outputString = (outputString + "<tr bgcolor='#a9a9a9'>" + fromString + subjectString + dtString + flagString + "</tr>");

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    I am giving the some part of the code please look into it and suggest me.
    ----**************************UPDATEING SHIPIN ATTR ***************************-------------
    I_changed_attributes (X_count).delivery_detail_id := cos.delivery_detail_id;
    I_changed_attributes (X_count).shipped_quantity := cos.shipped_quantity;
    X_ship_date := cos.act_shipped_date;
    X_slaes_order := cos.sales_order;
    X_org_id := cos.org_id;
    wsh_delivery_details_pub.update_shipping_attributes ( p_api_version_number => 1.0
    ,p_init_msg_list => I_init_msg_list
    ,p_commit => I_commit
    ,x_return_status => O_return_status
    ,x_msg_count => O_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data => O_msg_data
    ,p_changed_attributes => I_changed_attributes
    ,p_source_code => I_source_code
    ----***************************SHIP CONFIRM API ***************************-------------
    I_action_code := 'CONFIRM';
    I_sc_action_flag := 'B'; --'S'; -- Ship entered quantity. 'B' - Ship Entered Quantities, Backorder Unspecified
    --'T' - Ship Entered Quantities, Stage Unspecified'A' - Ship All'C' - Completely Backordered
    I_sc_intransit_flag := 'Y';
    --In transit flag is set to 'Y' closes the pickup stop and sets the delivery in transit.
    I_sc_close_trip_flag := 'Y'; -- Close the trip after ship confirm
    I_sc_trip_ship_method := X_ship_method_code; -- The ship method code
    I_sc_defer_interface_flag := 'Y';
    I_sc_stage_del_flag := 'Y';
    I_sc_create_bol_flag := 'N';
    I_wv_override_flag := 'N';
    -- API Call for Ship Confirmation
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Calling WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB to Perform Ship Confirmation');
    wsh_deliveries_pub.delivery_action ( p_api_version_number => 1.0
    , p_init_msg_list => I_init_msg_list
    , x_return_status => O_return_status
    , x_msg_count => O_msg_count
    , x_msg_data => O_msg_data
    , p_action_code => I_action_code
    -- , p_delivery_id => cos.delivery_id
    , p_delivery_name => G_delivery_name
    , p_sc_action_flag => I_sc_action_flag
    , p_sc_intransit_flag => I_sc_intransit_flag
    , p_sc_close_trip_flag => I_sc_close_trip_flag
    , p_sc_create_bol_flag => I_sc_create_bol_flag
    , p_sc_stage_del_flag => I_sc_stage_del_flag
    , p_sc_trip_ship_method => I_sc_trip_ship_method
    , p_sc_actual_dep_date => X_ship_date --P_act_shipped_dt
    , p_sc_defer_interface_flag => I_sc_defer_interface_flag
    , p_wv_override_flag => I_wv_override_flag
    , x_trip_id => O_trip_id
    , x_trip_name => O_trip_name

    Hi Shesh,
    Thanks you for your replay.
    I am tried Shipping transaction screen but here the ware house is WMS enabled I tried Oracle Mobile Terminal application to do this, but it is not accepting the partial shipping. May be some set up required or the process will be differ.
    I will try your suggested API's .
    Edited by: 843676 on Apr 23, 2012 10:31 PM
    I am not able to do the Partial Shipment or Backorder as mentioned above API's, but it is split the lines and all the lines are in same state (Awaiting Shipping)
    Edited by: 843676 on Apr 24, 2012 2:45 AM

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    I will agree with Martin on first you should take a step back and see the business drive for the use case but stil if you have to do it below is my thought to fire disable/enable task.
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    Pl use this api.
    getTaskAbstractsForMySubstitutedUsers.There are couple of variations u can use.

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    Please suggest the workaround

    This link is very useful:
    Knowledge Management and Collaboration (KMC)

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    Hey Mahendra,
    I am not aware of this API to do the 'Deployment Manager' load task. But III try to help you using another way:
    1-You can use ICF API to do this task(creating it specifically to OID). Using ICF:
    2- And following this example that my buddy did for Open DS:
    Another helpful doc:
    I hope this helps,
    Thiago Leoncio.

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    Check the defaulting rules setup. Defaulting rule will derive the line type based on the order type and shippable flag etc.
    Also check the line flows assigned to the order type in transaction types window.
    Thanks / Bhaskar Akkala

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    I'm trying to create a numeric attribute for a taxonomy table. In the how-to-examples there are only ways to create text attributes.
    Those who have tried, please let me know the steps.
    I have given below the code snippet which i tried to create numeric attribute. Please let me knw the missing link.
    ls_num_attr_val-rating = 500.
        APPEND ls_num_attr_val TO ls_ext_attr_info-characteristics.
      ls_ext_attr_info-attr_info-attr_id-id = lv_attribute_id.
           APPEND ls_ext_attr_info TO lt_ext_attr_info.
        GET REFERENCE OF lt_ext_attr_info INTO lv_data.
        ls_namevalue-value = lv_data.
        ls_namevalue-code = 'ACCT'.
        APPEND ls_namevalue TO ls_parameter-name_value_pairs.
        lv_string = 'Customer 12'.
        GET REFERENCE OF lv_string INTO lv_data.
        ls_namevalue-value = lv_data.
        ls_namevalue-code = 'CUST_NAME'.
        APPEND ls_namevalue TO ls_parameter-name_value_pairs.
        CALL METHOD lr_api->mo_core_service->create
            iv_object_type_code = 'ACCT_TYPE'
            is_parameter        = ls_parameter
            iv_parent_id        = 0
            ev_new_internal_id  = lv_key.
    Edited by: SwarnaDeepika on Dec 19, 2009 4:38 PM

    Hello Ashok,
    [here|] is the Java API of the needed command.
    There is also an example of how to create a field. You can use the class by replacing the strings for the server, repository, table, etc. to your needs.
    If you want to create more than one field, simply use a loop, like the for-loop, while-loop, etc.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards

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    Hi! Friends
    I wanna switch off my bedroom light through my laptop
    how to code in java for it please give me a little example
    if any suggetion please mail me [email protected]
    S M Hasan
    Message was edited by:

    Well, the problem is that a laptop cannot really "connect" to a light or light switch. In any way. No way.
    If your lights come with one of those neato remotes, there is a solution. Tape/glue the remote to the lid of your laptop, and once you close the laptop, push the "power" button on your remote. That should do the trick.
    Otherwise, you have to rewire your lights to go through some sort of mechanism that can be controlled using a neato remote. Then refer to the method listed above :D
    I'm not kidding one bit.

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    Moderator message: please do some research before asking.
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    Hi ,
    My requirement is to fetch the check number from payr table using CHECT field .
    but relation ship i taken from bseg table.
    i am giving query as follows
    select single chect from payr into a_chect where vblnr = bseg-belnr.
    above query is not giving solution.
    is there any other relation ship for getting check number.
    i  written  subroutine program for calling into form .
    form  check_get tables in_tab structure itcsy
                          out_tab structure itcsy.
    tables: payr.
    data:  a_chect type payr-chect,
           b_belnr type bseg-belnr.
    read table in_tab INDEX 1.   "with key NAME = 'BSIK-BELNR'.
           check sy-subrc = 0.
    b_belnr   =    in_tab-value.
    select single CHECT from PAYR into A_CHECT where vblnr = b_belnr.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    read table out_tab index 1. "with key 'CHECT'.
    check sy-subrc = 0.
    out_tab-value = a_chect.
    modify out_tab index 1.

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