How to fetch NO DATA FOUND exception in Ref Cursor.

In my procedure ref cursor is out parameter with returns dataset. in my proceudre
its like...
when I call this procedure from report to get dataset it causes NO DATA FOUND exception.
How to fetch this exception in my oracle procedure so I can get some other data.
Any Idea to do this?
Edited by: Meghna on 17-Jun-2009 22:28

Mass25 wrote:
Correct me if I am wrong.
So if I do something as follows in my stored proc, I do not have to check for NO_DATA_FOUND?
      SELECT DISTINCT blah blah blahmy_cursr is what I am returning as OUT param in my SP.Correct. At the point you open the cursor, oracle has not attempted any 'fetch' against the data so it won't know if there is any data or no data. that only occurs when a fetch is attempted.
Take a read of this:
[PL/SQL 101 : Understanding Ref Cursors|]

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    OPEN casualty;
    FETCH casulaty
    BULK COLLECT INTO v_cas,v_adj,v_nbr
    LIMIT 10000;
    FORALL i IN 1..v_cas.count
    UPDATE tpl_casualty
         set casualty_amt = (select amt from tpl_adjustment where cas_adj = v_adj(i))
         where cas_nbr = v_nbr(i);
    EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN dbms_output.put_line('exception')
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    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "EXCEPTION" when expecting one of the following:
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    <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> <<
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    Thanks for your help.
    Edited by: user8848256 on Nov 13, 2009 6:15 PM

    No Data Found isn't an exception raised when an UPDATE cannot find any records to process.
    SQL%ROWCOUNT can be used to determine the number of rows affected by an update statement, but if 0 rows are updated then no exception will be raised (it's just not how things work).
    If you post your actual CURSOR (casualty) declaration, it's quite possible we can help you create a single SQL statement to meet your requirement (a single SQL will be faster than your current implementation).
    Have you looked in to using the MERGE command?

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    Select COL_B INTO Var_X from Table B where COL_C = id.EMPID;
    NO DATA FOUND ---- I need to go for insertion even though i get this error
    ---- Insertion Goes here to TABLE_C
    ----- Inserting VAR_X into the TABLE_C along with other Columns

    What you have should work. Are you saying thet the exception handler doesn't catch the exception? If that is the case then it must be another exception. You could change the exceptiuon handler to be a when others (which will catch everything) or you could just decalre a cursor which you open, fetch from, and then close. If no data is found you won't get an exception, but your variables won't be null unless you reset them every time you go round the loop.
    Obviously the no data found exception is actually no_data_found (i.e. with underscores) but your code wouldn't compile if you missed out the underscores so you must have that right.

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  • No Data Found: Exception in SQL inside PL/SQL block

    Hi Friends
    I am trying to execute an SQL SELECT stmt inside a PL/SQL block. But when i execute the procedure, it gives me No Data Found Exception.
    I know it is because no row is fetched in the query, but the condition of the SELECT query i have specified is being satisfied, i have checked it by running it on the SQL prompt.
    But somehow, it is not running from inside the PL/SQL procedure.Can anybody help me out on this as to why is this happening?? I am giving my code for reference and have Highlighted the Query inside it:
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure insert_sfdc_account
    SELECT customer_code, name1, name2, name3, name4, phone_number, fax, web_address, industry_sector, customer_profile, customer_type,
    address, city, postal_code, country_key, zzcust_type, vat_code
    FROM load_cust_general
    WHERE account_group = 'ZSIT';
    v_cust_cur c1%ROWTYPE;
    -- type sales_tab is table of load_cust_sales_area%rowtype;
    v_sales_area load_cust_sales_area%ROWTYPE;
    -- v_sales_area sales_tab;
         v_salesorg varchar2(10);
         v_sales_district varchar2(10);
         v_salesoff varchar2(10);
         v_custgrp varchar2(10);
         v_salesgrp varchar2(10);
    v_type varchar2(20);
    v_nature varchar2(10);
    v_partner_code varchar2(10);
    v_parent_cust varchar2(20);
    v_credit_blk varchar2(20);
    open c1;
    fetch c1 into v_cust_cur;
    exit when c1%NOTFOUND;
    for i in (SELECT customer_code, salesorg from load_cust_partner
    where customer_code = v_cust_cur.customer_code ) LOOP
    dbms_output.put_line(v_cust_cur.customer_code );
                        SELECT partner_code into v_partner_code from load_cust_partner
    where customer_code = i.customer_code and salesorg = i.salesorg and partner_function = 'Z1';
    SELECT salesorg, sales_district, salesoff, salesgrp, custgrp INTO v_salesorg, v_sales_district, v_salesoff, v_salesgrp, v_custgrp FROM load_cust_sales_area
              WHERE customer_code = i.customer_code and salesorg = i.salesorg;
                        SELECT parent_customer INTO v_parent_cust from load_cust_hierarchy
    WHERE customer_code = i.customer_code and salesorg = i.salesorg and hierarchy_type = 'G'; dbms_output.put_line(v_parent_cust);
                        SELECT credit_block INTO v_credit_blk from load_cust_company_cod
              WHERE customer_code = i.customer_code;
    for j in (SELECT account_group, customer_type from load_cust_general
    where customer_code IN (select customer_code from load_cust_partner
                                  where partner_code = i.customer_code and salesorg = i.salesorg and partner_function = 'ZS'))
    -- exit when j%NOTFOUND;
    if (j.account_group = 'ZDIS') THEN
    v_type := 'DISAC';
              v_nature := '06';
         --     EXIT ;
    v_type := 'SPACC';
    v_nature := '01';
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line(v_type||' '||v_nature);
    INSERT INTO sfdc_account
    VALUES((i.customer_code||i.salesorg), (v_cust_cur.Name1||' '||v_cust_cur.name2), ' ', v_type, v_parent_cust,
    v_cust_cur.phone_number, v_cust_cur.fax, v_cust_cur.web_address, v_partner_code, SUBSTR(v_cust_cur.industry_sector,1,2),
    v_cust_cur.industry_sector, v_cust_cur.customer_profile, v_cust_cur.name1, v_cust_cur.name2, v_cust_cur.name3,
    v_cust_cur.name4, v_credit_blk, v_custgrp, v_cust_cur.address,, v_cust_cur.postal_code,
    v_cust_cur.country_key, v_salesoff, v_salesorg, v_sales_district,
    v_salesgrp, v_nature, v_cust_cur.vat_code);
    end loop;
    end loop;
    CLOSE c1;
    -- Delete data from Load Table
    -- EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'TRUNCATE TABLE load_cust_general';
    /* truncate table load_cust_partner;
    truncate table load_cust_hierarhy;
    truncate table load_cust_sales_area;
    truncate table load_cust_company_cod;
    when others then
    raise_application_error( -20001, substr( sqlerrm, 1, 150 ) );
    Kindly Help.....
    Thanks and Regards

    Create the procedure again and execute it in SQL*Plus environment and paste the output:
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure insert_sfdc_account
    SELECT customer_code, name1, name2, name3, name4, phone_number, fax, web_address, industry_sector, customer_profile, customer_type,
    address, city, postal_code, country_key, zzcust_type, vat_code
    FROM load_cust_general
    WHERE account_group = 'ZSIT';
    v_cust_cur c1%ROWTYPE;
    -- type sales_tab is table of load_cust_sales_area%rowtype;
    v_sales_area load_cust_sales_area%ROWTYPE;
    -- v_sales_area sales_tab;
    v_salesorg varchar2(10);
    v_sales_district varchar2(10);
    v_salesoff varchar2(10);
    v_custgrp varchar2(10);
    v_salesgrp varchar2(10);
    v_type varchar2(20);
    v_nature varchar2(10);
    v_partner_code varchar2(10);
    v_parent_cust varchar2(20);
    v_credit_blk varchar2(20);
    open c1;
    fetch c1 into v_cust_cur;
    exit when c1%NOTFOUND;
    for i in (SELECT customer_code, salesorg from load_cust_partner
    where customer_code = v_cust_cur.customer_code ) LOOP
    SELECT partner_code into v_partner_code from load_cust_partner
    where customer_code = i.customer_code and salesorg = i.salesorg and partner_function = 'Z1';
    SELECT salesorg, sales_district, salesoff, salesgrp, custgrp INTO v_salesorg, v_sales_district, v_salesoff, v_salesgrp, v_custgrp FROM load_cust_sales_area
    WHERE customer_code = i.customer_code and salesorg = i.salesorg;
    dbms_output.put_line('Customer_Code : '|| i.customer_code);
    dbms_output.put_line('SalesOrg : '|| i.salesorg);
    SELECT parent_customer INTO v_parent_cust from load_cust_hierarchy
    WHERE customer_code = i.customer_code and salesorg = i.salesorg and hierarchy_type = 'G';
    dbms_output.put_line('Successfully Executed SQL st. Error is somewhere else');
    SELECT credit_block INTO v_credit_blk from load_cust_company_cod
    WHERE customer_code = i.customer_code;
    for j in (SELECT account_group, customer_type from load_cust_general
    where customer_code IN (select customer_code from load_cust_partner
    where partner_code = i.customer_code and salesorg = i.salesorg and partner_function = 'ZS'))
    -- exit when j%NOTFOUND;
    if (j.account_group = 'ZDIS') THEN
    v_type := 'DISAC';
    v_nature := '06';
    -- EXIT ;
    v_type := 'SPACC';
    v_nature := '01';
    END IF;
    INSERT INTO sfdc_account
    VALUES((i.customer_code||i.salesorg), (v_cust_cur.Name1||' '||v_cust_cur.name2), ' ', v_type, v_parent_cust,
    v_cust_cur.phone_number, v_cust_cur.fax, v_cust_cur.web_address, v_partner_code, SUBSTR(v_cust_cur.industry_sector,1,2),
    v_cust_cur.industry_sector, v_cust_cur.customer_profile, v_cust_cur.name1, v_cust_cur.name2, v_cust_cur.name3,
    v_cust_cur.name4, v_credit_blk, v_custgrp, v_cust_cur.address,, v_cust_cur.postal_code,
    v_cust_cur.country_key, v_salesoff, v_salesorg, v_sales_district,
    v_salesgrp, v_nature, v_cust_cur.vat_code);
    end loop;
    end loop;
    CLOSE c1;
    -- Delete data from Load Table
    -- EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'TRUNCATE TABLE load_cust_general';
    /* truncate table load_cust_partner;
    truncate table load_cust_hierarhy;
    truncate table load_cust_sales_area;
    truncate table load_cust_company_cod;
    when others then
    raise_application_error( -20001, substr( sqlerrm, 1, 150 ) );
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec insert_sfdc_account;

  • How to display no data found in RTF template ? XML Publisher

       I have xml file, how to display no data found in RTF template ? XML Publisher ?
    This is the XML File
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Serial number and lot combination not valid in Axway Track-n-Trace.</REASON>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Serial number and lot combination not valid in Axway Track-n-Trace.</REASON>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Serial number and lot combination not valid in Axway Track-n-Trace.</REASON>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Serial number does not exist in Axway Track-n-Trace</REASON>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Serial number and lot combination not valid in Axway Track-n-Trace.</REASON>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Serial number and lot combination not valid in Axway Track-n-Trace.</REASON>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Serial number and lot combination not valid in Axway Track-n-Trace.</REASON>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Unknow Error </REASON>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Serial number and lot combination not valid in Axway Track-n-Trace.</REASON>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Serial number and lot combination not valid in Axway Track-n-Trace.</REASON>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Serial number and lot combination not valid in Axway Track-n-Trace.</REASON>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Serial number and lot combination not valid in Axway Track-n-Trace.</REASON>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Catchall fault scope has been executed</REASON>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Serial number and lot combination not valid in Axway Track-n-Trace.</REASON>
    <LOT_NUMBER>Viread 245mg,Korea</LOT_NUMBER>
    <CUSTOMER_NAME>Yuhan Corporation Korea</CUSTOMER_NAME>
    <REASON>Serial number and lot combination not valid in Axway Track-n-Trace.</REASON>

    This is the General XML forum.
    The homepage description says :
    Discussion of the general XML language, standards (XSLT, XQuery, XMLSchema, etc.) and application management issues, suggestions and tips.
    The BI Publisher forum is here :BI Publisher
    So please mark this post as answered and ask again over there.

  • How to fetch the data & display the data if fields got the same name in alv

    hi frnds, i need ur help.
    how to fetch the data & display the data if fields got the same name in alv grid format.
    thanks in advance,

    Refer the url :
    Go thru the guide for OOPs based ALV.
    Use SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY to display the table:
    CALL METHOD grid->set_table_for_first_display
    I_STRUCTURE_NAME = 'SFLIGHT'     “Structure data
    IT_OUTTAB = gt_sflight.          “ Output table
    You can also implement
    Full Screen ALV, its quite easy. Just pass the output table to FM REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY. 
    For controlling and implementing the FS-ALV we have to concentrate on few of the components as follows :
    1. Selection of data.
    2. Prepare Layout of display list.
    3. Event handling.
    4. Export all the prepared data to REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY.

  • SVG Pie chart : how to display no dat found message

    I have a SVG pie chart and written a message 'no data found' under charts attributes.
    If there is no data for the chart,
    In IE :the chart region will be blank . chart heading will be displayed and . no 'no data found ' message is displayed.
    In mozilla : in the chart region, i can see ,the part of whole page where i display the chart ,is filled . Chart region heading is also displayed.
    Could you please reply , how to display 'no data found ' in svg pie chart?
    Thanks in advance.

    I have a SVG pie chart and written a message 'no data found' under charts attributes.
    If there is no data for the chart,
    In IE :the chart region will be blank . chart heading will be displayed and . no 'no data found ' message is displayed.
    In mozilla : in the chart region, i can see ,the part of whole page where i display the chart ,is filled . Chart region heading is also displayed.
    Could you please reply , how to display 'no data found ' in svg pie chart?
    Thanks in advance.

  • How does Fetch Rx Data works?

    Dear Sir or Madam,
    I have a problem when I am implementing MAC protocols by using LabVIEW and USRP2. Actually there are two problem, I will show them in a simple CSMA protocol.
    The first design is that in CSMA protocol, node 1 sent a data packet to node 2, and node 2 received the packet, analyzed it, and sent back a corresponding ACK. The problem is, node 2 need to switch between receiving mode (to receive the packet) and transmitting mode (to sent ACK back), and the switching time is non-neglectable (around 7 to 10 ms). That delay significantly decreases system performance. Is that any way to reduce the switching time?
    The second problem is rising after the first one. To overcome the time delay, I use two antennas in the system, therefore one can always work in Tx mode and another in Rx mode therefore no switching is needed. The block diagram is simplified as figure (if transmitter mode is set to false, then the receiving VI works by using another antenna).
    The problem is, since we are using if structure, there is noway that transmitting and receiving can work concurrently. However, nodes always receive the signal it sent in the last while loop round. For example, after receiving a DATA packet from another node, this node sends a ACK back, and then the transmitter mode are switching to false then I can receive next packet. However, after sending the ACK, and switching to reception mode, I can receive the ACK I sent myself! That is my question, how does fetch Rx Data VI works?
    Thank you very much!

    Hi HustLiliAn,
    Thank you very much for you quick reply. I have to say sorry that my code is only partially belonging to me so I cannot distribute all of them, beg your understanding
    To overcome the delay, I open both Tx and Rx session at the beginning of the code so I don't need to initial and abort session before and after using respectively. It could save a lot of time (I measure the same delay as you shown). I read from WBX application notes ( that if the system is working in the duplex mode, then antenna TX/RX is using for transmission and RX2 is using for reception. I simply tested it and it seems true.
    Since two antennas are working concurrently, the receiving antenna (RX2) can receive packet even it is sent by TX/RX. My problem is, in software level I have used the if structure to make transmission and reception work successively, RX2 can still receive signal sent by TX/RX. That is the real problem. Probably we can write some compensation VI which we can remove it by using the transmitted signal, but I still want to know is there any official solution for it.
    BTW, I use the modulation toolkit. Its demodulation VI is also quite slow.
    Thank you for your reading. I am not a native English speaker, so if my post make you confuse, please let me know and I would like to elaborate it again.

  • No data found exception: no data found:  [1299] error in Procedure

    Hi all,
    I am getting "no data found exception: no data found:  [1299] " in SAP HANA procedure, even if data for the corresponding plant and material is present in the respective tables.
    Can any-one suggest why I am getting this and what would be the resolution of the same.

    Hi Dhinesh,
    Ok. It seems you have some condition in your SQL and it gets fail. It is best practice to capture SQL exception in all your store procedure to avoid such errors .
    Either you can capture the exception and write in a table if your procedure runs in background or simply throw the SQL exception message from dummy table.
    Check exceptional handling in SAP Documentation

  • How to fetch MIR4 data based on MB51 refrence number

    hi Experts.
    i want to fetch MIR4 data based on MB51 refrence number.
    I want to fetch below fileds in MIR4 TCODE.
    1.  RBKP-BELNR (Invoice Document NUMBER)
    2. DRSEG-MENGE ( quantity )
    3. DRSEG-WRBTR ( Amount in document currency)
    As mentioned above DRSEG is structure.
    please help me how to fetch 3 data fileds based on my MB51 refrence.( mkpf-xblnr ).
    In MIR4 , Number of External Delivery Note( DRSEG-XBLNR ) is same as my MB51 refrence ( mkpf-xblnr).
    This is the only link avilable to fetch above 3 fields.
    kindly give any suggestions .
    thanks & regards,
    hari priya

    Hi ,
    can anybody give me suggestions .
    What is the table name for fetching above 3 fileld data  . 
    DRSEG  is structure .
    Thanks & regards,
    Hari priya

  • How To keep No Data Found In my logic.

    Hi My RTF temple design is like below
    for-each C Table Heading
    column1| column 2| column3|
    F a1 a2 a3 E
    EC end-for-each
    The above logic is for each g_2 , C-- it si a condttion to check if:<ind='1'>
    print table heading and table ..
    end if, end for each
    how to keep no data found logic if i dont have anu data for the avove condtion.
    Thanks in Advance
    Have a Nice day.

    Then close the thread please

  • Regarding "select into" query and "no data found" exception

    So i have included the following into my procedure:
    select div_cd into c_div_cd
                   from division_tab d, emp_tab y
                   where d.div_name=y.div_text and y.emp_code=d.emp_code;
    and also an exception
    when no data found
    -- print something
    The above select query results into "no data found" and the control passes directly to the exception and prints something.
    How do I do the following?
    select div_cd into c_div_cd
                   from division_tab d, emp_tab y
                   where d.div_name=y.div_text and y.emp_code=d.emp_code;
    if c_div_cd is null then
    --enter this employee into some other table without raising an exception
    No need to write a code for an answer. Please just guide me with something I can incorporate or do.

    use explicit cursors
    c_div_cd division_tab.div_cd%type;
    cursor c_div is
    select div_cd
    from division_tab d, emp_tab y
    where d.div_name=y.div_text and y.emp_code=d.emp_code;
    open c_div;
    fetch c_div into c_div_cd;
    --You can either use c_div%NOTFOUND or c_div_cd is null in the below if condition to check the data
    -- Note if your select query returns multiple records then you have to do mutiple fetches for getting all records, so in that case your FETCH
    -- should be inside the LOOP statement
    if c_div_cd is null then
    --enter this employee into some other table without raising an exception
    end if;
    close c_div;
    IF c_div%ISOPEN then
    close c_div;
    END IF;

  • How to Fetch a data from HR Master Tables?

    For all employees who have Infotype 0194 records valid in the time period or payroll period selected who have the vendor selected on the selection screen, you have to read the payroll results and find the Garnishment document in the GRORD if it exists. If a time period is selected, you must search for all payroll results with a check date that falls in that time period. If a payroll period is selected, search for that particular payroll and any off-cycle payroll whose check date falls between the begin date and end date of that pay period.
    Once you searched IT 0194 for Employees (EE) with the Garnishment Vendor selected and then found the payroll results to process, you must search through payroll internal GRDOC and find the same vendor. If the vendor is found, search the payroll Results Table (RT) for the V0 split which matches the GRDOC record. Then use this amount(s) for the Deduction Amount field.
    I have to fetch the Deduction amount according to the given Scenario,and I have to create an Outbound Interface Program to which creates an TXt file in Client Application server with Required fields
    Case Number:
    Social Security Number:
    Employee First Name:
    Employee Last Name:
    Deduction Amount:
    Payroll Results RT
    Can any one pls know me the entire procedure how to fetch the deduction amt based on the given scenario and what r the select statements i have to write to fetch required fields listed above.

    to provide infotype data you should use logical database PNP (see docu there)
    that will create a selection screen by default.
    In your report you have to specify
    INFOTYPES: 0002, 0194, ....
      get pernr.
      here you get all the specified infotypes in tables pxxxx
    end-of-selection. " ends processing one pernr and starts with next GET PERNR
    there is a function module to read payroll results
    in your report you have to initialize the buffers first
    and then get the cluster directory (RGDIR)

  • Forms application returns "ORA-01403 no data found" exception on Windows 7

    Hi everyone,
    I am currently involved in an application compatibility project for an O/S migration from Windows XP to Windows 7.
    We have a legacy Oracle Dev6i P18 Forms application that has been working perfectly on Windows XP for the last decade or so. When we installed the same application on Windows 7, it returned a pop-up error message with the text: "ORA-01403 no data found" when performing a certain operation (clicking on a Submit button in a specific form). The same operation works successfully on Windows XP displaying the message "Submit has been successful".
    This error is well documented and the solution involves adding an exception handler to the faulting SQL statement(s) in order to handle the ORA-01403 exception. Unfortunately, the application is composed of compiled forms (.FMX) and we no longer have the source code so I can't implement this solution.
    I ran a file comparison utility (WinDiff from the Windows SDK) and confirmed that all the files in the application folder and the Oracle Dev6i P18 folder are identical on both the Windows XP and Windows 7 systems.
    I enabled tracing in SQLNet.ORA by configuring TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT=SUPPORT (I know, too verbose) and other related settings on both systems and have uploaded the traces to my SkyDrive for public viewing:
    The traces show that the "ORA-01403" exception occurs many times on both Windows XP and Windows 7 systems as a result of various SQL statements being executed, for instance:
    ORA-01403: no data found.
    So the same error happens on both Windows XP and Windows 7.
    On Windows XP, the error is somehow handled, and does not cause the "Submit" operation to fail.
    On Windows 7, however, the error bubbles to the surface and is displayed to the user, thus halting the "Submit" operation.

    Thank you. I'm well aware that adding an exception handler is the classic solution to the ORA-01403 error. However, like I mentioned in my original post, I don't have the source code. All I have are the compiled .FMX forms so I can't implement such a solution:
    From my original post:
    This error is well documented and the solution involves adding an exception handler to the faulting SQL statement(s) in order to handle the ORA-01403 exception. Unfortunately, the application is composed of compiled forms (.FMX) and we no longer have the source code so I can't implement this solution.

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