How to filter simpleChat messages (private chat)

So I tried to find the solution, but after several hours, I can't find how to do it.
My use case:
There is one host for a room. Others users in the room can only talk to the host, and the users can only see their private discussion with the host. Users can see the chat component only when the host is connected.
The host use another application in which he can see the list of users who are talking to him. He can select a user in the list, and he see a simple chat with only the messages between him and the selected user.
What I have completed (I think it can help others in the future, and maybe there are better way to do it):
* In the user application: use the userManager property of your ConnectSessionContainer. It has an arrayCollection named hostCollection concerning the hosts who are currently connected.
In my case, I put the chat components into a container, and use a binding to the visible property:
You can also add an event listener to the userManager and listen for UserEvent.USER_CREATE and USER_REMOVE and check if event.userDescriptor.role==100  or checking the hostCollection.length of the userManager again.
* If you subclass simpleClass, you can access to the _toCombo which is the combo box of the chat.
You can set its visible property to false, and set its selectedItem to the first object in its dataprovider which role is equal to 100 in order to force the chat to be private with the host.
* In the host application, you can create a list that use the ConnectSessionContainer.userManager.audienceCollection as dataProvider to have a list of the users.
It's easy to set the combobox of the simple chat to speak only to the selected user, but what I haven't been able to do is to filter the history to only show the conversation with the selected user, and not other messages, without creating several rooms.
I looked into the source code, but the history property of the simpleChatModel is just a string, and haven't find an easy way to filter it.
I looked for an arrayCollection of the history nodes, because I could have use the filter property of the collection, but I haven't find it.
So, where should I look, and what is the best way to filter the history using the recipient_Id?
Thank you for your help...
Sorry for the long post, but maybe it will help someone in the future...

Thank you for your response Hironmay,
I made some great progress by sub-classing both the simpleChat and simpleChatModel classes.
I read on Nigel twitter feed that he hates private, and I can thank him for his love of protected members, because it made my job so much easier!
I will explain what I did in the interest of other users, but I've got one last question: 
In the Room Console AIR app, there is an "retract all items" in the node details of the explore tab. 
I want to build the same button in my host chat application, but I haven't find a way to do it. 
There is a retractItem method on the CollectionNode class, but it requires the itemID and I haven't find a way to access every item in the chat history in order to get their itemID. 
I tried the clear() method of the chatModel, but it cleared only the current session, and leave the items in the server, and when the host logout, the items reappears when the host login again. 
On the bright side, here is what I use for my applications:
- Subsclassed the simpleChat in hostChat and clientChat classes, and the simpleChatModel in HostChatModel and ClientChatModel
- subclass the ChatMessageDescriptor ==> PrivateChatMessageDescriptor with 2 properties: userConcernedId and fromHost (boolean)
- override in the HostChatmodel the addMessage function to obtain  PrivateChatMessageDescriptor instances, and I add them in an ArrayCollection
- When the host select a user in the RosterList, a filter is used on the ArrayCollection, and the HistoryTextArea is updated to show only the thread between the host and the user. The _toCombo is updated to send private message to this user.
- I override the updateTypingIfNeeded method of HostChat to use a SharedProperty which contains the userId of the selected user when the host is typing or an empty string. This way, in the clientChat, I only show for the user when the host is typing a message for him, and not when other users are typing.
- I replace the TextInput by a TextArea to enable multiline input (well, this one opened lots of problems to fix, but I have)
- A lots of other tweaks  
So as you can see, I made it
But I look forward to a new set of sparks component, because it would have been much easier to extend the SimpleChat without rewritten half of it. 
And here are some of my feature requests: 
- In the SimpleChat class, add a protected getAndInitModel() , which would be called in the subscribe method. This way, one can switch the model without overriding the subscribe method of the Chat class.
- Have a "multilineInput" property in the SimpleChat class to chose a TextInput or a TextArea as the user input component.
- Provide a way to enable Host/Users interaction directly in the pods without having to create a new room for each user to "separate" them.
I think a lot of use cases for LCCS would be to implement solutions for Customer Experience, and that will need more focus on what the host can do (private chat, ...) 
Thank you again for your help, and thank the entire teams for this incredible service. 
Dimitri K.

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    Hi Ruvika,
    Do you want the messages older than 10mins to be discarded? If you want only message which are there for less than 10mins then you can probably use one of these methods
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application layout="absolute"
                import com.adobe.rtc.pods.simpleChatClasses.ChatMessageDescriptor;
                import com.adobe.coreUI.controls.WhiteBoard;
                import com.adobe.rtc.sharedModel.SharedCollection;
                import com.adobe.rtc.sharedManagers.UserManager;
                import com.adobe.rtc.sharedManagers.descriptors.UserDescriptor;
                import mx.controls.listClasses.IListItemRenderer;
                import mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseSelectionData;
                import mx.collections.IList;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
                import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import com.adobe.rtc.pods.simpleChatClasses.SimpleChatModel;
                private const applicationTitle:String = "AFCS Sample Application";
           public var chatModel:SimpleChatModel;
           public var clickeduser:UserDescriptor = new UserDescriptor;
             public var userwnt:String=new String;
              public var clickusername:String=new String;
               public var selindex:int;
               public var count:int;
                private function init():void
                    sess.addEventListener(SessionEvent.ERROR, onEventNotification);
                    sess.addEventListener(SessionEvent.SYNCHRONIZATION_CHANGE, onEventNotification);
                    auth.addEventListener(AuthenticationEvent.AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE, onEventNotification);
                    auth.addEventListener(AuthenticationEvent.AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS, onEventNotification);
                private function popup(window:IFlexDisplayObject):void
                    PopUpManager.addPopUp(window, this, true);
                    window.visible = true;
                 * Process AFCS Events
                private function onEventNotification(p_event:Event):void
                    if (p_event.type == SessionEvent.SYNCHRONIZATION_CHANGE) {
                        if (sess.isSynchronized) {
                            // isSyncronized==true : we are connected to the room
                            panel.title = "Connected to room " + sess.roomURL;
                        } else {
                            // isSyncronized==false : we are disconnected from the room
                            panel.title = applicationTitle;
                            sess.roomURL = null;
                            notificationMessage.text = "";
                    else if (p_event.type == AuthenticationEvent.AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS) {
                        // Authentication succeeded
                        notificationMessage.text = "Authentication Succeeded";
                    else if (p_event.type == AuthenticationEvent.AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE) {
                        // Authentication failed : bad password or invalid username
                        notificationMessage.text = "Authentication Failed";
                    else if (p_event.type == SessionEvent.ERROR) {
                        // Generic session error, but this can happen if you mispell the account/room names
                        // ( == "INVALID_INSTANCE" and sError.error.message == "Invalid Instance")
                        var sError:SessionEvent = p_event as SessionEvent;
                        notificationMessage.text = sError.error.message;
                        notificationMessage.text = "Got event " + p_event;
                private function login():void
                    notificationMessage.text = "";
                    auth.userName = username.text;
                    auth.password = passwordBox.visible ? password.text : null; // password==null : the user is a guest
                    sess.roomURL = roomURL.text;       
                protected function buildModel():void
                    // Create the model: just calling the constructor won't create the collection node or pass the messages.
                    // Call subscribe and give it a shared ID while creating the model.
                    // The shared ID becomes the name of the collection node.
                    chatModel = new SimpleChatModel();
                    chatModel.sharedID = "myChat_SimpleChatModel";                               
                    chatModel.addEventListener(ChatEvent.HISTORY_CHANGE, onChatMsg);
                    this.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyStroke);
                 public var cmd:ChatMessageDescriptor = new ChatMessageDescriptor();
                public function userclick(bharath):void
                    clickeduser= sess.userManager.userCollection[bharath] as UserDescriptor;
                    var orignaluser:UserDescriptor = sess.userManager.userCollection[0] as UserDescriptor;
                    var username=orignaluser.displayName;
                    cmd= new ChatMessageDescriptor();           
                    protected function clearChat():void
                    chat_mesg_area.text = "";
                protected function submitChat(str:String):void
                var clickeduser:UserDescriptor = sess.userManager.userCollection[selindex] as UserDescriptor;
                var clickusername=clickeduser.displayName;  
                 cmd= new ChatMessageDescriptor();           
                    chat_mesg_input.text = "";               
                protected function onChatMsg(p_evt:ChatEvent):void
                    if(p_evt.message != null && p_evt.message.msg != null && p_evt.message.displayName != null)
                        chat_mesg_area.text += "\r\n" +  p_evt.message.displayName + ": " + p_evt.message.msg;
                        chat_mesg_area.text = "";   
                protected function onKeyStroke(p_evt:KeyboardEvent):void
                    if(p_evt.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER) {
        <rtc:AdobeHSAuthenticator id="auth"/>       
        <rtc:RoomSettings id="settings" autoPromote="true"/>
        <mx:Panel id="panel" title="{applicationTitle}" width="100%" height="100%" paddingLeft="5" paddingTop="5" paddingRight="5" paddingBottom="5">
             | Login Dialog Box
            <mx:TitleWindow id="loginWindow" title="Connect to Room" visible="false">
                        <mx:Label text="Room URL:" width="70"/>
                        <mx:TextInput id="roomURL" width="295" tabIndex="1">
                        <mx:Label text="Username:" width="70"/>
                        <mx:TextInput id="username" tabIndex="2">
                        <mx:Button label="Login" click="login()" width="126" tabIndex="4"/>
                        <mx:HBox id="passwordBox">
                        <mx:Label text="Password:" width="70"/>
                        <mx:TextInput id="password" displayAsPassword="true" tabIndex="3"/>
                        <mx:RadioButton label="User" selected="true" click="passwordBox.visible = true"/>
                        <mx:RadioButton label="Guest" click="passwordBox.visible = false"/>
                    <mx:Text id="notificationMessage" text=""/>
             | AFCS application UI wrapped in ConnectSession
                autoLogin="false" width="100%" height="100%" >       
                <mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%" horizontalGap="0">
                        <mx:TabBar dataProvider="viewStack" direction="vertical" width="100" verticalGap="0"/>
                        <!--mx:Button label="Disconnect" click="sess.close()"/-->
                    <mx:ViewStack id="viewStack" width="100%" height="100%" borderSides="left top right bottom" borderStyle="solid" borderThickness="2">
                         | Chat pod and roster
                        <mx:HBox label="Chat" width="100%" height="100%">
                            <rtc:SimpleChat width="40%" height="100%"/>
                            <rtc:WebCamera left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" width="40%" height="100%"/>
                            <mx:List alternatingItemColors="[#DFDFDF,#EEEEEE]" dataProvider="{sess.userManager.userCollection}" width="10%" height="100%" labelField="displayName" id="abc" click="userclick(abc.selectedIndex)"/>
                        <mx:Canvas id="white" label="privatechat" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="buildModel()">
                         <mx:VBox id="chatBox">
                    <rtc:WebCamera id="webcam" width="400" height="223"/>
                    <mx:TextArea width="398" height="140" id="chat_mesg_area"/>
                <mx:TextInput width="400" id="chat_mesg_input" y="370"/>
                <mx:Button label="Submit Chat" click="submitChat(chat_mesg_input.text)" y="398"/>
                         | Fileshare pod
                        <mx:Canvas label="FileShare" width="100%" height="100%">
                            <rtc:FileShare left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0"/>

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    I don't think you can passcode protect your contacts. Have you thought of giving the numbers a false name/heading? Maybe something like Wal-Mart or pizza take out (or other nonsensical names having nothing to do with the actual contact)? If you want the numbers hidden regardless, I doubt that it's possible.
    Another idea is to have multiple contact sets and restore the set you want to use/have on your phone at any one time. There are contact backup apps to do I use is called My Contacts Backup (free) which backs up your contacts to a file which you then email to yourself. Make multiple backups and then restore the set (after first deleting the previous set using the "delete contacts" option within the app) you wish to have on your phone. Restoring contacts involves tapping on the contact backup file (in VCard or CSV format) which will then restore them on the device.
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    Hello mayonnaise18,
    Thank you for the question.  You can disable the option to save chats in the Messages tab in Messages>Preferences:
    Automatically save conversations when you close them
    Choose Messages > Preferences, and then click Messages.
    Select “Save history when conversations are closed.”
    These steps are to enable the option to save messages, but you would want to uncheck the option to "Save history when conversations are closed."  You can find the full article here:
    Messages (Mountain Lion): Save conversations
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.


    sap gurus,
    how can i configure message determination in spro.
    any clues plz

    a) SAPmail has functions to display system messages to broadcast all users.
    b) Transaction sm02 will provide text boxes to submit a system-wide message.
    c) This must be set up as a profile parameter (login/messagecreate=true). Once the value is set, users can send it with the options under menu path system->status.
    d) Only users with SAP_ALL authorizations can broadcast from transaction sm03
    sadhu kishore

  • TS2755 Now that my husband has an iPhone5 as well, he receives all the messages sent to me, and my replies to them. How can I keep my messages private?

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    Go into the settings app.
    Settings > Messages > Send and Receive from
    Set each phone to send and receive only from the specific phone number assigned to the phone and the specifics one number of each user.
    If you each are using the same App,e ID I suggest one of you getting a different ID to keep all your stuff separate. I also recommend that each of you have different email addresses.

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    Please help .

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    Hi Ashish,
    You need to spend more time with the docs and code. We are here to help you but we want you to make efforts first in figuring out things yourself.
    You can use userManager.userCollection to get the ArrayCollection containing all users in the room. Then you can iterate over it and get the userDescriptor you want and from there the userID.
    Hironmay Basu

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    what about sending a message to a server and then to a user and both users behind routers or firewalls ?
    thanks in advance.

    apacheserver wrote:
    NO body understand meI know the feeling.
    i don't want to use any server like yahoo or habberI guessed that, but unless you have a server which is visible you cannot see it. (or connect to it)
    i want to make my own server and connect to it using an applet like those any one seeEither your server can be seen from the internet or it can't. There is no, it-can-only-be-seen-by-me, unless you have a super-power we don't know about. ;)
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    <Email Edited By Host>

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

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