How to find previously burned files?

Please explain this:
How do you find the previously burned files when you went to burn one of them again and another file is open? I understand that they are put in /cache/dvdstudioprofiles/VIDEO_TS (when using BUILD/FORMAT). But there's no way you can choose on DISC NAME those previously burned. I tried typing in the file name (that is found in the CACHE/VIDEO_TS without the extension "layout"), clicked enter but it burned the file that is open, not the file I entered in the Disc Name.
I'm a newbie and a little slow here, so please explain well. Thanksssss

Thanks for your response.
But how then do you start to burn file that's previously burned? Do I need to open the project that I want to burn to make it active and then do BUILD & BURN? Is that how straightforward it is?
I go this from a thread. Is it really reliable this way? I know, i know, i have to do it to know it. But it would be great if you can just tell me.
"""If you've made a few changes to the DVD, you can use the "Build/Format" button in the toolbar. It will pop up with a window similar to that of the Format window. Click "Build & Burn." It will tell you that a VIDEO_TS directory already exists, and it can reuse as much of it as possible. You can then click "Reuse" to build the new portions of the DVD, and then it will burn it on a DVD."""
Thanks again. God bless!!!!
btw.. mine is FCP 5.

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            directory       varchar2(1000),
            filename        varchar2(1000)
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                    final String ExpressionFilter =  filter;
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                                            return true;
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    into directory_list
    ( directory, filename )
    ( :directory, :element )
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    as language java
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    SCHEMA varchar2(30) := USER;
    '<<ALL FILES>>',
    'execute, read, write, delete'
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    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
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    /tmp X11_newfonts.log
    /tmp ipv6agt.crashlog
    /tmp dtappint.log
    /tmp dhcpclient.log
    /tmp oms.log
    12 rows selected.

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    Hi gayathri,
    This link would help i suppose
    Be careful,if not done without prior knowledge it would mess up.So mostly this job should be done by DBA of your company.They can log in as sysadministrator to get to "Enterprise Manager" and do as per the link
    Best Wishes,

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    Hi ,
    I go with Helios's reply. We cannot just predict if it was taken my expdp or exp.
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    Hello Abapers,
    I am doing customer statment report in FI.In this i need to find previous cumulative balance of document number and i need to add present balance.
    For eaxmple.
    Invoice    payment        Balance    Cumulative balance
    8000       4000              600             600
    8001       4001              500             (600 + 500 ) = 1100
                  4002              800             (600 + 800) = 1400.
    8002       4003             900              (1400+900) = 2300.
                  4004             1000            (1400+1000) = 2400.
    In the above example,I need to find cumulative balnce of 8000(600) and add document(4001,4002) of balance.
    This is my case.
    How can i achive it.
    waiting for u rfavourable replies.

    If I understand you right, the input is restricted to positive integers. (if you allow negative numbers, zero, or fractions, you need to define what results you want).
    For positive integers inputs, here's a mathematical solution (but the formatting solutions above are probably simpler).
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    CountDigits.png ‏11 KB

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    Best regards,

    Thank you for your interest Mr.Kartik.
    [root@tcellhost /]# find / -size +500M
    find: invalid -size type `M'
    [root@tcellhost /]# find / -size +500m
    find: invalid -size type `m'
    [root@tcellhost /]# find / -size +500000
    find: /proc/31477/task/31477/fd/4: No such file or directory
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    find: missing argument to `-exec'
    Best regards,

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