How to fullscreen the JFrame?

hi java_nuts,
can anyone of u give me the trend(code) of full-screening the JFrame.
i remember someone using the code: getToolkit() something. I forgot the rest line.
thanks in advance
-- sushil

How about searching the forum using "fullscreen" as the keyword?

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                return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
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                 try {
                 } catch (PrinterException ex) {
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            JLabel label2=new JLabel("Customer Name :Mahmoud Saleh       ",JLabel.LEFT);
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            JLabel label5=new JLabel("Number : 6 Copies                  ",JLabel.LEFT);
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            label2.setFont(new Font("Courier New", Font.BOLD, 13));
            label3.setFont(new Font("Courier New", Font.BOLD, 13));
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            label5.setFont(new Font("Courier New", Font.BOLD, 13));
            label6.setFont(new Font("Courier New", Font.BOLD, 13));
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            panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,1));

    First_knight wrote:
    please tell me am i thinking right
    about this method: setImageableArea(.....)
    public void setImageableArea(double x, double y,  double width, double height);
    like I said, I've tried this method and it doesn't seem to do anything.
    the width=the JFrame Width,the height=the JFrame Height right?actually, when printing, 72 points (printing version of pixels) = 1 inch, so to do WYSIWYG, you need width = JFrameWidth * 72.0 / Toolkit.getToolkit().getScreenResolution. Ditto with height
    upper left beginningx(0)---------------------------200--------------------------------600-----------------------------------y(1000)upper right beginningyou need to do something like PageSetup.getImageableX and do Graphics.translate(x,y);
    also, if your page width = 720, that = 10 inches - that's a wide page (unless its in landscape)
    so if i want the JFrame To Be In The Center Of The Page I Would Choose From x=200 ,y=600 depending that frame width is 400Actually, it would be 300 - 700 in your example
    Because when i tried to use:setImageableArea(200, 600,  400, 200);like the above code
    no changes occurs in the printed paperYes. You need to offset the Graphics object

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    After some more messing around, I finally made it! I like Java so much that it makes me a bit sad how hard it is to do stuff like this. Anyway, I found a method here to recursively change the font of all components from a JFileChooser, but it doesn't work on the JPopupMenu (now I know the name) that pops up from the titlebar's icon. So I messed around with that method, used some casting, and was able to change the JMenuItems' font:
    public static void setSubComponentFont (Component comp[], Font font) {
        for (int x = 0; x < comp.length; x++) {
            if (comp[x] instanceof Container) {
                setSubComponentFont(((Container)comp[x]).getComponents(), font);
            try {
                if (comp[x].toString().contains("JMenu")) {
                    for (Component y : ((JMenu)comp[x]).getPopupMenu().getComponents()) {
                        if (y.toString().contains("JMenu")) {
            } catch (Exception ex) {}
    I was inspired to use .toString().contains() by this thread.
    I also did this with nested loops, so the path to the menu items can be seen:
    for (Component a : frame.getLayeredPane().getComponents()) {
        if (a.toString().contains("MetalTitlePane")) {
            for (Component b : ((Container)a).getComponents()) {
                if (b.toString().contains("SystemMenuBar")) {
                    for (Component c : ((Container)b).getComponents()) {
                        for (Component d : ((JMenu)c).getPopupMenu().getComponents()) {
                            if (d.toString().contains("JMenu")) {
    Every System.out.println() gives a hint to what should go on the following if condition, so they should be used one at a time. This doesn't work for the JFileChooser's title font though. When I have time I'll either look further into it or ask another question.
    So, if someone else needs it like I did, here it is. As a tip, System.out.println() and .toString() are your friends! That's how I learned what was contained in each object, and what path I needed to take to get to the objects of interest.
    Thanks anyway!

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    god bless the "GlassPane"
    you can take a snapShot of your frame...
    draw it on your glassPane..
    and just use your glassPane
    to paint the image with the requested size...
    in this approach you cant press a button and to things..

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    1)how to set the fix size jframe window??
    2)how to set the jframe cannot change the window size??

    1. You can set the size by calling JFrame's method setSize. There are two versions of this method: (1) setSize(int width, int height) and (2) setSize(Dimension d). Note, that when you use this method to set the frame size, you don't have to call JFrame's pack method.
    2. JFrame has a method called setResizable(boolean resizable) which you can call with the argument false.
    Without any ill intent, these questions are regarding something that is very easily answered by looking at the documentation for the JFrame class. I suggest to anyone working with swing to at least look briefly through the base classes they're extending before giving up. In my experience it is always more gratifying to figure things out on my own than asking someone. But please don't take this the wrong way, I respect people who seek out help in order to further their knowledge, instead of just giving up.

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    I would greatly appreciate if anyone could give me any help.

    Thanks for your response. I fixed the problem in the following clumsy way:
    box2 = new JComboBox(cities);
    else if(box1.compareTo("rent")==0)
         box2 = new JComboBox(rents);     
    else if(box1.compareTo("type")==0)
         box2 = new JComboBox(types);
    box2.setBounds(305, 30, 90, 20);
    Maybe there is a better way, but I don't know, and I don't understand your suggestion, could you further explain it? Thanks a lot.

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    yes... setSize(), setLocation().
    And if you want the user to be able to do it with the mouse, you need to add a border to the rootpane to prevent anyone adding things over the whole rootpane, and add a mouse listener to it to catch mouse click and drag events and do the calculations.
    If you look at the BasicInternalFrameUI, or some thing in there should have some code that does the same thing.

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    I need to make my application expand to the maximum screen size when
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    however if my JFrame has a border layout and I have added a component at the page end
    "add(new JLabel("hello"), BorderLayout.PAGE_END);"
    this component is not displayed on the screen until I maximize the JFrame manually by clicking on
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    Does anyone know how to get the JFrame occupy the maximum screen size where all of the
    components would be visible?


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    harshal_2010 wrote:
    I want to design a GUI which consists of Fullscreen Undecorated JFrame Good for you, what have you done so far.
    and It must be running like a kiosksee reply #1
    So how to deal with as each Jframe will create a new object
    MyJFrame f = new JFrame("MyJFrame #1");
    and it is impossible to manage the heap sapceYes, you make sure you remove all references to your objects when you no longer need them and Java will do the rest with the GC.

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