How to generate a PKCS#10 certificate request

does OWM generates certificate requests in PKCS#10 format?

Do you have tried with the command line "certutil" ?

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    As long as you have the keytool on that server (installed with WLS) , you can create the generate the certificate and import that into a keystore.
    Follow : Getting Started with WebLogic Server: How to Create and Configure Self Signed Certificates for WebLogic Server Environments [ID 1341192.1] , describes the two options.
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    SAN attributes shall not be used and CA shall refuse them. Instead, you certificate request should contain a signed SAN extension:
    Vadims Podāns, aka PowerShell CryptoGuy
    My weblog:
    PowerShell PKI Module:
    PowerShell Cmdlet Help Editor
    Check out new: SSL Certificate Verifier
    Check out new:
    PowerShell File Checksum Integrity Verifier tool.

  • How to generate self-signed CA certificate, client certifacate in pkcs12

    Based on the requirement, i need to generate self-signed CA certificate, client certificate, keystore type all in PKCS12 format.
    Below is the successful process of generating them in DER format
    1. openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 2190 -config openssl.cnf
    2. keytool -genkey -alias client -keyalg RSA -keystore client-keystore.jks
    3. keytool -certreq -keystore client-keystore.jks -storepass clientkeystore -alias client -file client.cert.req
    4. openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -out client.pem -days 2190 -infiles client.cert.req
    5. openssl x509 -outform DER -in client.pem -out client.cert
    openssl x509 -outform DER -in cacert.pem -out cacert.cert
    6. keytool -import -file cacert.cert -keystore client-keystore.jks -storepass clientkeystore -alias ca
    keytool -import -file client.cert -keystore client-keystore.jks -storepass clientkeystore -alias client
    So, i try to create them in PKCS12 format
    1. openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 2190 -config openssl.cnf
    2. keytool -genkey -alias client -keyalg RSA -keystore client-keystore.jks -storetype pkcs12
    3. keytool -certreq -keystore client-keystore.jks -storetype pkcs12 -storepass clientkeystore -alias client -file client.cert.req
    4. openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -out client.pem -days 2190 -infiles client.cert.req
    5. openssl pkcs12 -export -out cacert.p12 -in cacert.pem -inkey cakey.pem -name "CA Certificate"
    cacert.p12 successfully created. but,
    openssl pkcs12 -export -out client.p12 -in client.pem -inkey cakey.pem -name "Client Certificate"
    error message said "No certificate matches private key"
    I have no idea that which step goes wrong....any advice or suggestion? importantly is to convert into pkcs12 format.

    Your last step should be to import the signed certificate back into your client PKCS#12 keystore, client-keystore.jks.
    This file contains the private key used to create your signing requets originally, and must be matched when importing the signed certificate back in.
    I think you will need to follow steps 5 & 6 in your DER example to complete the client PKCS12 keystore (including -storetype pkcs12 argument on the import statement).
    Another way is to simply convert the keystore created in your DER example into a pkcs#12, by using JRE1.6 command:
    keytool importkeystore -srckeystore [jks keystore] -srckeystoretype jks -destkeystore [pkcs12 keystore] -destkeystorestype pkcs12

  • 2 way SSL: How does Sun implement handling malformed certificate requests?

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    to issue client certs. If you have a client cert from one of these
    CAs, then send it to me". That list is NEVER supposed to be empty.
    But the hint above suggests that it is. If your server has not been
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    it's sending an empty list.
    When an SSL client receives such a malformed request, with an empty
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    ***and hope the misconfigured server will accept it.***
    Please advice? What is the switch to tell the client to send any certificate?
    Thanks a lot

    That list is NEVER supposed to be empty.It doesn't actually say that anywhere in the RFC.
    When an SSL client receives such a malformed request, with an empty
    list of trusted client CA names, it may either (a) choose to send
    back a response that means "I have no cert issued by any of the
    issuers you have named", ***or (b) send back any certificate you have***
    ***and hope the misconfigured server will accept it.***That's not how I read the RFC. I would say the client should decide there is no suitable certificate available, and send back an empty ClientCertificate message. That in turn may provoke the server into sending a fatal handshake failure alert.
    What is the switch to tell the client to send any certificate?There is no such switch.
    More to the point, why is the server's CA list empty? That must mean that it has an empty truststore. That's the problem you should fix.

  • How to generate PKCS#10 ECDSA Certificate Requests?

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    Can any body please let me know how can I create ECDSA/RSA/DSA PKCS#10 certificate requests in Java using non-SUN providers?
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    I've tried keytool with my provider which supports RSA and ECDSA, it works with RSA but not ECDSA.
    I'd appreciate your help.

    Hi all,
    Can any body please let me know how can I create ECDSA/RSA/DSA PKCS#10 certificate requests in Java using non-SUN providers?
    I've looked at the Java API docs and couldn't find any class for this purpose. Is there any open-source Classes/Tools which can be used?
    I've tried keytool with my provider which supports RSA and ECDSA, it works with RSA but not ECDSA.
    I'd appreciate your help.

  • Error generating certificate request in JES DSEE 6.0

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    I get the same error while performing this operation through command line.
    Any kind of help on what could be the reason for the same, is highly appreciated.

    Well the fact that both tools are issuing the same error is an indication that there is really an improper format in the Subject DN. Without the complete value, it is hard to explain the reason.
    Do the CN and O values only contain Ascii characters or UTF-8 encoded characters ?

  • How to generate CSR (certificate signing request) in PKCS#10 format

    First, I am a novice in security issues.
    I know how to generate CSR using PKCS#10 format with keytool. However I need to implement this functionality in my application. Unfortunately I can't find any docs describing this issue.
    Do anybody know about some API where I just pass data and it will generate CSR for me?
    Many Thanks,

    Hi again,
    After a long research I am finally able to generate PKCS#10 cert. request files:
    public static void generatePKCS10() throws Exception {
            // generate PKCS10 certificate request
            KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
            String sigAlg = "MD5WithRSA";
            // generate private key - use java.util.SecureRandom for entropy
            keyGen.initialize(1024, new SecureRandom());
            KeyPair keypair = keyGen.generateKeyPair();
            PublicKey publicKey = keypair.getPublic();
            PrivateKey privateKey = keypair.getPrivate();
            PKCS10 pkcs10 = new PKCS10(publicKey);
            Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(sigAlg);
                 //common, orgUnit, org, locality, state, country
            X500Name x500Name = new X500Name(
                      "CName",               // CN
                      "OUnit",               // OU
                      "Organization",          // O
                      "Bratislava",          // L
                      "Slovakia",               // S
                      "SK");               // C
            pkcs10.encodeAndSign(new X500Signer(signature, x500Name));
            // PKCS10 request generated
    Problem 1:
    However, this generates only a request with X500 subject's name ("CN, OU, O, ..."). But I also want to specify other things like "Key Usage" (example: "Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, etc.") or "Generic IA5 String" (example: "Only for test purposes."). How to do that?
    Problem 2:
    I'm also having trouble to find javadoc for "" package. As you can see, I'm using "" class for generating CSR in PKCS10 format, but can't find any javadoc for it.
    Many thanks,

  • Generate a certificate request with API (CSR, PKCS#10)

    Hi everybody,
    I want to request for a certificate using a PKCS10 File.
    I generate this file with this code :
    package test;
    import cryptage2.RSACryptor;
    import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
    import com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE;
    public class TestPKCS10
    public static void main(String argv[]){
         // provider
                   SunJCE jce = new SunJCE();
    Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
                   // generate KeyPair
         KeyPair pair = RSACryptor.generateKeyPair();
         // get Instance of signature with MD5 algorithm
         Signature dsa = Signature.getInstance("MD5withRSA");
                   // get Private Key
                   PrivateKey priv = pair.getPrivate();
              // init Signature with private Key
         // sign
    byte[] sig = dsa.sign();
                   // info for X509 are in X500Name Object
                   X500Name x500name = new X500Name(
    "Nicolas LEFEUVRE","IN","InTech","Schifflange","Luxembourg","Luxembourg");
                   // signer : bind Signature and X500Name
                   X500Signer signer = new X500Signer(dsa,x500name);
                   // get public Key
                   PublicKey publicKey = pair.getPublic();
                   // create PKCS10 with public key
                   PKCS10 pk = new PKCS10(publicKey);
                   // sign and encode the PKCS10
                   // save in file PKCS10_2
    PrintStream out =
    new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("c:/temp/pkcs10_2"));
    catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
    The PKCS10 look like this :
    I use Microsoft Certificate Server (a service of Microsoft NT2000 server) to generate certificate, I have this message :
    �The request subject name is invalid or too long. 0x80094001 (-2146877439)C�
    Any idea ?

    Nicolas, i'm not sure but can you try it anyway?
    replace Nicolas LEFEUVRE
    with Nicolas_LEFEUVRE
    There is something about blanks in the Common Name
    I'm not sure how or what, but just give it a try!

  • How to generate a certificate request with more than one OU?

    We're using Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP4. The Corp. has it's own CA and organize their certificates in a hierarchical rule with more then one organization unit (OU) in a chain.
    So what we need is generate a certificate requeste with more than one OU, but the Web Server wizard has only one text field for it. We've already tried to fill in this field the complete chain of OUs like "ou=orgX, ou=deptY, ou=secZ" and didn't work either.
    Thank's in advance,

    Do you have tried with the command line "certutil" ?

  • Problem Generating a certificate request

    I have a couple of Windows 2003 R2 SP2 servers hosting several instances of ADAM.  I am using certreq to generate the certificate requests for these servers so I can use SSL in connecting to ADAM but I am getting an error.  This is the request.inf I am using (pretty much straight from an MS article...) to generate the request...
    ;----------------- request.inf -----------------
    Signature="$Windows NT$
    Subject = "" ; replace with the FQDN of the DC
    KeySpec = 1
    KeyLength = 1024
    ; Can be 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, or 16384.
    ; Larger key sizes are more secure, but have
    ; a greater impact on performance.
    Exportable = TRUE
    MachineKeySet = TRUE
    SMIME = False
    PrivateKeyArchive = FALSE
    UserProtected = FALSE
    UseExistingKeySet = FALSE
    ProviderName = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider"
    ProviderType = 12
    RequestType = PKCS10
    KeyUsage = 0xa0
    OID= ; this is for Server Authentication
    I am using this command....  certreq -new request.inf request.req
    After hitting enter, it sits there for about 10 seconds and gives me this error back...
    Certificate Request Processor: Access is denied.  0x80070005 (WIN32: 5)
    I have searched on this error and have not found much of anything on it.  This process seems to work fine on other servers that I have, but these two servers both generate this error.  Both servers are clean builds and only have ADAM installed on them.  I am a local admin on both servers so it doesn't appear that there should be any permission issues as implied by the error message. 
    Anyone have any ideas?

    Hello Bryan,
    First of all, please make sure that the CA certificate is added into the Trusted Root certificate store on the servers. If the certificate web enrollment is enabled, please check how a certificate request works on that two server generate the error.
    Meanwhile, please verify the security permission on the MachineKeys directory:
    1.    Open Windows Explorer, and find the MachineKeys directory in the following location:
    Drive:\Documents and Settings\all users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys
    2.    Right-click the directory, and click Properties.
    3.    Click the Security tab, and ensure that the full control permission for the Administrators
    How to: Change the Security Permissions for the MachineKeys Directory
    Hope it helps.

  • WLS70 SSL encrypted keys and Certificate Request Generator

    we are trying to certificate our WLS 7.0. We use the Certificate Request Generator
    webapp for generating the request. The generator forces the user to give in a
    private key password. But in the server's SSL config tab the field "Use encrypted
    Keys" is fixed to "false" (in WLS 6.1 this field is a checkbox). Is this a bug
    in WLS7.0?

    Hi Alain,
    thanks for your workaround. We will check it out ... although I've been instructed
    on the BEA admin trainee to never change config.xml manually :)
    "Alain Hsiung" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Joern
    consider it a bug or not, you can go to the file config.xml and edit
    XML attribute "KeyEncrypted" of the XML element "SSL" to "true".
    Hope this helps.
    Alain Hsiung, Ideartis Inc.
    "Joern Wohlrab" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    we are trying to certificate our WLS 7.0. We use the Certificate RequestGenerator
    webapp for generating the request. The generator forces the user togive
    in a
    private key password. But in the server's SSL config tab the field"Use
    Keys" is fixed to "false" (in WLS 6.1 this field is a checkbox). Isthis a
    in WLS7.0?

  • How to generate a SSL certificate for Adobe Connect?

    My organization uses adobe connect across the internet and we
    would like to enable SSL on the server. I have instructions for
    enabling SSL once a CSR is generated, but I do not know how to
    actually generate the CSR using Adobe Connect.
    Any info on how to generate a SSL CSR would be great,

    There is no 'built-in' method in Connect to do this. We used
    a open-source product called OpenSSL to generate our CSR file for
    Connect. Just Google OpenSSL and download/install it (it's free).
    Then use something like this command for creating a cert:
    req -new -key <exisiting private key file> -out <csr
    file you want to make>
    OpenSSL> req -new -key privatekey.pem -out connectcert.csr
    After you get the new certificate from the CA, put in
    d:\breeze directory. Then update the adaptor.xml file with the new
    cert name (make sure backup the existing file).
    Make sure you REBOOT the server to enable changes! Simply
    restarting services will not work.
    Hope this helps!

  • How to generate Billing Request Items in SAP CRM

    Hi Folks,
    We have requirements to create BRIs for Service contracts. Each BRI will create a Debit Memo Request in SAP ECC.
    All Billing activities happens in ECC.
    I did the following configuration:
    1. Synchronization of master data (SAP CRM and SAP ECC)
    2. Synchronization of pricing conditions (SAP CRM and SAP ECC)
    Conditions are identical in both systems.
    3. Customizing of service transactions in SAP CRM
    You have set the External Billing indicator for the relevant item categories. You do this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Billing Define Billing Relevance of Item Categories.
    4. Customizing of controlling objects in SAP ECC
    You have defined CRM controlling objects to which costs and revenue generated by external billing can be automatically assigned. You do this in Customizing, by choosingIntegration with Other SAP Components Customer Relationship Management Settings for Service Processing Controlling Integration
    5. Controlling integration: Customizing: Integration with Other ComponentsCustomer Relationship Management Settings for Service Processing Billing Integration Map Transaction Types and Item Categories.
    When i release the Contract items, I dont see any BRI created. I am not sure where should i check, if BRIs are created.
    I have following questions:
    1- Where to check if BRI is created for contract
    2- How to generate BRI.
    3- Can i debug the process of BRI creation? Is there any FM which gets called or BADI?
    4. what am i missing in above config.
    Any help, material will be helpful.

    Hi Naresh,
    You need to use Billing Plans for Service Contracts Scenario to create BRI items.
    In the Billing Plan - you can assign whether it is a Periodic Billing or Milestone Billing. Then you need to assign this billing plan to item categories. So based on the period (monthly,quarterly,yearly) - the BRI items will be generated.
    So Please try using Billing Plans for your scenario. As you mentioned earlier, you are using ECC for all Billing purposes. So the system will create one Debit Memo Request document per Contract and it will each line item for each of the BRI's in Service Contract. System will not generate one DMR per BRI item.
    You can check the BRI items generated at the item level --> Billing Plan Tab page (Assignment Block in Web UI).
    Hope this helps.

  • Can't run wallet manager to generate certificate request

    I'm having some trouble running the wallet manager to generate a security certificate on a live application server box.
    No matter what I do from the GUI I can't set the display variable correctly. I have tried EVERYTHING. It won't be set. And I can't restart or turn off the box as its a production machine and it's currently heavily in use.
    If I try to use mkwallet logged in as oracle I just get 2 "Failed to create a certificate request" messages after:
    1. running:
    mkwallet -e pwd wrl
    to generate an empty wallet
    and 2. running:
    mkwallet -r pwd wrl, O=Business Name, L=Suburb, ST=State, C=AU 1024 certReqLoc
    and if I try to run mkwallet as root I just get:
    error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Advice greatly appreciated!!

    You must repeatedly tap the F11 key at boot to get to the recovery manager.
    Did you make recovery disks when you got the computer?
    If not you may order them.  If you live in the USA/Canada, call this number...  1-800-334-5144.
    If you do not live in the USA/Canada, call the HP business PC support number for the country you live in.​usiness_desktops/6005us_332630_007.pdf
    Please mark my post as SOLVED if it has resolved your problem. It helps others with similar situations.

Maybe you are looking for