How to get nested table meta data

how to get nested table column name, column type and column size
by using java. i need code for this.
please help me.

The Follopwing program does display the the details of table. Hope you get the solution
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.Statement;
public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Connection conn = getOracleConnection();
    System.out.println("Got Connection.");
    Statement st = conn.createStatement();
    st = conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM SCHEDULE_SET");
    ResultSetMetaData rsMetaData = rs.getMetaData();
    int numberOfColumns = rsMetaData.getColumnCount();
    System.out.println("resultSet MetaData column Count=" + numberOfColumns);
    for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfColumns; i++) {
      System.out.println("column MetaData ");
      System.out.println("column number " + i);
      // indicates the designated column's normal maximum width in
      // characters
      // gets the designated column's suggested title
      // for use in printouts and displays.
      // get the designated column's name.
      // get the designated column's SQL type.
      // get the designated column's SQL type name.
      // get the designated column's class name.
      // get the designated column's table name.
      // get the designated column's number of decimal digits.
      // gets the designated column's number of
      // digits to right of the decimal point.
      // indicates whether the designated column is
      // automatically numbered, thus read-only.
      // indicates whether the designated column is a cash value.
      // indicates whether a write on the designated
      // column will succeed.
      // indicates whether a write on the designated
      // column will definitely succeed.
      // indicates the nullability of values
      // in the designated column.
      // Indicates whether the designated column
      // is definitely not writable.
      // Indicates whether a column's case matters
      // in the designated column.
      // Indicates whether a column's case matters
      // in the designated column.
      // indicates whether values in the designated
      // column are signed numbers.
      // Gets the designated column's table's catalog name.
      // Gets the designated column's table's schema name.
  public static Connection getOracleConnection() throws Exception {
    String driver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
    String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@son15644:1521:CXPqa1";
    String username = "ess4qa2";
    String password = "ess4qa2pw";
    Class.forName(driver); // load Oracle driver
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
    return conn;

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    Hi Sergey,
    I'm trying to do the same, have you found a solution to solved it?
    thanks for your help.

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    Order_DATE       DATE,
    order_CODE       NUMBER,
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    order_code 30-sep-12 29-sep-12
    1 232 368
    2 935 1380
    3 43 133
    4 5713 7109
    5 11345 14336

    Using the extra data I inserted in my previous reply:select ORDER_CODE,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),1,ORDER_COUNT,0)) JAN,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),2,ORDER_COUNT,0)) FEB,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),3,ORDER_COUNT,0)) MAR,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),4,ORDER_COUNT,0)) APR,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),5,ORDER_COUNT,0)) MAY,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),6,ORDER_COUNT,0)) JUN,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),7,ORDER_COUNT,0)) JUL,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),8,ORDER_COUNT,0)) AUG,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),9,ORDER_COUNT,0)) SEP,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),10,ORDER_COUNT,0)) OCT,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),11,ORDER_COUNT,0)) NOV,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),12,ORDER_COUNT,0)) DEC
    from SAMPLE1
    where trunc(order_date, 'YY') = trunc(sysdate, 'YY')
    group by order_code
    order by order_code;
             1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   600   600   0   0
             2   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  2315  2315   0   0
             3   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   176   176   0   0
             4   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 12822 12822   0   0
             5   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 25682 25682   0   0Now a bit of explanation.
    1) Whenever you pivot rows to columns, no matter what version of Oracle and no matter what method you use, you have to decide in advance how many columns you are going to have and what the names of the columns are. This is a requirement of the SQL standard.
    2) I use the WHERE clause to get just the data for this year
    3) With EXTRACT, I get just the month without the year.
    4) Using DECODE, I put every month's data into the correct column
    5) Once I do all that, I can just GROUP BY order_code while SUMming all the data for each month.

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    We have a note for R.4.x Please see below:
    OSS note 160892
    You can display the length of a data record using Transaction KEA0 ('Maintain Operating Concern'). After you have navigated to the 'Characteristics Screen' or to the 'Value field Screen' choose menu path 'Extras -> Technical Limits'.
    The maximum displayed here under 'Length in bytes on the DB' is the maximum length permitted by the Dictionary. The reserve required for the release upgrade must be subtracted from this value.
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    David Sun

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    I spent a lot of time on it because I needed help in implementing simple CRUD functionality on a table, using JSF-ADF-TopLink technologies.
    While the the article does provide correct steps, it is in one important place not specific enough, so the reader may easily get stuck. In section "Refresh the data table", point 1: when you double click on the removeEntity() button, in Structure window, then you do not get the required dialog. You get CommandButton Properties dialog.
    You must click on the removeEntity() button in Editor's Design view. But even there you may get the CommandButton Properties dialog, not managed beans dialog.
    You may resolve that by going to JSF configuration file, faces-config.xml, and switch to Overview view. This will show you the managed beans that you have.
    Then, you may already have a backing bean for the page. You can use that and avoid creating a new managed bean.
    I could understand what the operations mean only after very careful reading of "Creating More Complex Pages", section "Overriding Declarative Methods" in JDeveloper Help (or in ADF Developer's Guide PDF document).
    In general: I believe that "ADF bindings" need more conceptual explanation, maybe in form of an article. Grammatical form "bindings" may create a false understanding that "bindings" are just references. But they are not -- ADF bindings are active objects that handle traffic between UI components and Data Controls. It seems that "bindings" even communicate among themselves. Maybe it would be more understandable to differentiate strictly between "binding objects" (or "binders"?), binding object definitions and binding object references.
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    Thanks for your infos.
    Yes exactly I use almost the same code you have post here.
    Could You answer to my next questions?
    First - >what do you mean by saying that "it's not good idea using refreshing in IE?" Of course I use refreshing in backing_bean for my button "remove" that removes row, commit changes to database and refresh table, almost the same as You said in your post:
    Code in backing_bean is and comments on difference to Your code is below:
    public commandButton2_action1(){
    BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
    OperationBinding operationBinding =
    Object result = operationBinding.execute();
    if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
    return null;
    //above remove entity, but I dont now if it do commit to database? So i do it below
    OperationBinding commit1 = bindings.getOperationBinding("Commit");
    //and at the end I refresh my table, "findAllRezerwacja1 - it is an id of the methodAction, not the iterator -> is it ok? or should I change to Iterator id?
    OperationBinding requery = bindings.getOperationBinding("findAllRezerwacja1");
    return null;
    Page Definition code for this:
    <methodAction id="findAllRezerwacja1"
    DataControl="SessionEJBLocal" MethodName="findAllRezerwacja"
    RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="999"
    <table id="findAllRezerwacja2" IterBinding="findAllRezerwacja1Iter">
    <Item Value="dataDo"/>
    <Item Value="dataOd"/>
    <Item Value="idRezerwacja"/>
    <Item Value="liczbaUczestnikow"/>
    <Item Value="prowadzacy"/>
    <Item Value="uwagi"/>
    <methodAction id="removeEntity" InstanceName="SessionEJBLocal.dataProvider"
    DataControl="SessionEJBLocal" MethodName="removeEntity"
    RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="999">
    <NamedData NDName="entity"
    <action id="Commit" IterBinding="findAllRezerwacja1Iter"
    DataControl="SessionEJBLocal" RequiresUpdateModel="true"
    //and rest of code for Iterator etc
    My second question is, why when you use refresh button in IE (I know is not recommended as You said, but sometimes user do it, so I want prevent situations that I will describe here) so when I press refresh button in IE exactly after removing one row by clicking my button, refreshing by pressing IE button is doing the same --> is deleting next row. How to stop deleting row, when for example user would press IE refresh button after pressing remove button for table. If I change selection in table after deleting row, and press refresh button in IE, instead of deleting row, I got error message: JBO-29000: JBO-35007: and
    JBO-35007. So where Im doing wrong. Maybe I should do sth with postback ? Could You help me? Thanks in advance
    Last one question: what is the difference between using delete and removeEntity from operations node? Im now reading carefully ADF Dev Guide, so I hope I can find infos there? But if You know, please answer to this question.

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    Hi Experts,
    How to get length of a data field. For example data field /BIC/0COSTCENTER length is 9. and the entry in the table is /BIC/0COSTCENTER = 1000 only. How to get the lenth of value in the table.
    Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    Best Regards,

    Below is example  code
    Data: var1(10) type c value '2500',
          var2 type i.
    var2 = Strlen( var1 ).
    write var2.
    <b>Reward Points for helpful answers</b>

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    Dear Gurus,
    How to get the table with no. of records after filter in webdynpro?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello Sankar,
    Please explain your requirement clearly so that we can help you easily.
    To get the table records from your context node use method get_static_attributes_table()
    data lo_nd_mynode       type ref to if_wd_context_node. 
    data lt_atrributes_table  type wd_this->elements_mynode. 
    lo_nd_mynode = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_mynode ). 
    lo_nd_mynode->get_static_attributes_table( importing table = lt_atrributes_table ). 
    Note: You should have already defined your context node as a Dictionary Structure.

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    Here is a sample code
    *Select the data you need into an internal table
      loop at it_mara into wa_mara.
    data that needs to be displayed in the output list
        write:/ box as checkbox,
                wa_mara-matnr under text-001,
                wa_mara-maktx under text-002,
                wa_mara-lgort under text-003.
    Hide the data that needs to moved to internal table
        hide:wa_mara-matnr, wa_mara-maktx, wa_mara-lgort.
      clear wa_mara.
      lines = sy-linno.
    at line-selection.
      do lines times.
        check sy-index > 1.
        box = space.
        read line sy-index field value box.
        if box = 'X'.
    *data selected using check box is moved to internal table
          append wa_mara to it_matnr.

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    Hi All,
    Could you please let me know how to get an email when data got inserted into table by using sql/plsql
    Thanks in adavance

    Could you please let me know how to get an email when data got inserted into table by using sql/plsql
    Well that seems pretty straightforward - write some pl/sql to send you an email when that pl/sql inserts data into a table.
    See this Oracle-base article for an example of sending mail.
    Post what you have tried so far. What part of what you have tried doesn't seem to be working?

  • How to get the user entered data?

    Hi all,
    I have created an HTMLB DynPage component.
    In That i have created my input screen with textboxes using response.write method.
    i have added one onConfirm event on which the data whould validate.
    so onConfirm method im trying to get the data with request.getParameter method which returns null...
    how to to get the user entered data to do my validations...can anyone plz advice.

    inputfield or textbox component entered directly using response.write(...) are not htmlb , but html.
    to create portal input field (ie HTMLB), you should do something like
    this in the doProcessBeforeOutput member function
    InputField field1 = new InputField("Id1");
    field1.setSize(8); // 8 characters
    and in doProcessAfterInput member function
    InputField field1 =
    (InputField) this.getComponentByName("Id1");
    you can then manipulate the content of the field.
    Hope this help,

  • How to get ArrayCollection's total data after filter

    after i use filterFunction to filter data of some
    ArrayCollection. so how to get the total original data of this
    NOT use filterFunction = null, because i use the filter data
    to show at the same time!
    thank you!

    You can get the underlying array by accessing the
    ArrayCollection's "source".

  • How to fetch the Table Control data to Customer Table(Z-Table) ?

    How to fetch the Table Control data to Customer Table(Z-Table) ?

    Hi Krishna,
    Check this sample programs
    Have a look at below links. It will help you.
    Reward If helpful.

  • How can get difference between 2 dates in the form of days

    how can get difference between 2 dates in the form of days

    Check the following program:
    call function 'FIMA_DAYS_AND_MONTHS_AND_YEARS'
        i_date_from          = FROMDATE
        i_date_to            = TODATE
      I_FLG_SEPARATE       = ' '
        E_DAYS               = EDAYS
        E_MONTHS             = EMONTHS
        E_YEARS              = EYEARS.
    WRITE:/ 'Difference in Days   ', EDAYS.
    WRITE:/ 'Difference in Months ', EMONTHS.
    WRITE:/ 'Difference in Years  ', EYEARS.

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    How to get current time and date from my PC time and date to the java application??
    i use java.util.* package but got error, that is:
    - java.util.* and java.sql.* class are match
    - abstract class cannot be instantiated
    so what can i do, pls guide...thanks...

    There is a method in the System class that will return the current system time. You could also instantiate a Date, Time, Timestamp, or Calendar object, all of which get created with the system time by default.
    Don't import *. Import the specific classes you need.
    Next time, post the actual text of the exceptions/compile errors. If you make people guess, most just won't bother.

  • How to get group when the data source from system instead of UME database

    Hig guys,
    How to get group when the data source comes from backend system instead of UME database?
    I tried to use
    IUMPrincipal RefGroup = WPUMFactory.getGroupFactory().getGroup(groupName);
    But I was not able to get the group. But in "UserAdministrator", I can find this groupName.
    Which kind of API can I use?
    Thanks in advance!
    Message was edited by:
            Liying Wang

    try this: ep5GroupFactory = userManagementService.getGroupFactory();
    IGroupFactory groupFactory = UMFactory.getGroupFactory(); group = groupFactory.getGroupByUniqueName(groupName);
    IUMPrincipal ep5Principal = ep5GroupFactory.getEP5Group(group);
    This should do the trick,
    PS: and thanks for the stars!

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