How to get procedure paramater value dynamicly ?

How to get procedure paramater value if the parameter name is stored in a text variable?
create or replace circle_area(p_par1 varchar2, p_par2 varchar2) IS
for v_col in (select * from USER_ARGUMENTS where OBJECT_NAME = $$plsql_unit order by position) loop
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('column_name : ' || v_col.ARGUMENT_NAME);
--v_col.ARGUMENT_NAME contains the parameter name.
Q1: how to get value of the parameter dynamicly?
Q2: how to get value of procedure parameter which name is stored in a text variable?
end loop;
thanks for help

Let me explain it again what I need using different words.
I need to write an universal code which will be able to identify name and value of parameters of called procedure/function.
It means I do not want to hardcode the list of all procedure/function parameters into one command DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('p_par1 is '||p_par1||', p_par2 is '||p_par2.....) placed as first statement of a monitored procedure/function.
If a new verison of the same procedure/function having one additional parameter is compiled I would not need to modify the first command of the procedure/function to show name and value of the additional parameter because it would be done dynamicly.
SQL> create or replace procedure procedure1(p_par1 varchar2, p_par2 varchar2) IS
2 begin
3 for v_col in (select * from USER_ARGUMENTS where OBJECT_NAME = $$plsql_unit order by position)
4 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('column_name : ' || v_col.ARGUMENT_NAME);
5 end loop;
6 end;
7 /
Procedure created.
SQL> set serveroutput on size 10000
SQL> begin
2 procedure1('par1','par2');
3 end;
4 /
column_name : P_PAR1
column_name : P_PAR2
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
How can I get value of the procedure parameters if the parameter's names are stored in a text variable?
My DB version is:
SQL> select * from v$version;
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

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    If i select one date from the date picker item means, automatically the course name corresponding to the date has to populate in the course_name item lov.
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    that is *) APEX *)OAF means, then the course_name item lov should show APEX and OAF in the select list.
    How to acheive it.
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    True Action: set value
    Sql Expression:
    select course_name from xx_trg_course_detail where :P2_ON_DATE between effective_start_date and effective_end_datepage item to submit: P2_ON_DATE
    Affected element: P2_COURSE_NAME
    it is working if i kept the course_name item as a text field instead of LOV item.
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    Edited by: Mini on Jun 22, 2011 2:45 AM

    Hi friends,
    One of my batch mate corrected this problem, by setting
    cascading LOV parent item: P2_ON_DATE
    page items to submit       : P2_ON_DATE
    By specifying the date picker item name in the above fields for the item COURSE_NAME.
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    Message was edited by: testtest

    The findElement method allows various attributes to be used to search. Take the following two examples for the element below:
    <Select Name=ProdType ID=testProd>
    I can find the element based on its name or any other attribute, I just need to specify what I am looking for. To find it by name I would do the following:
    Set x ="ProdType","SELECT","Name")
    If I want to search by id I could do the following:
    Set x ="testProd","SELECT","ID")
    Usually you will use whatever is available. Since the select element has no name or ID on the Empirix home page, I used the onChange attribute. You can use any attribute as long as you specify which one you are using (last argument in these examples)
    You can use the FindElement to grab links, text boxes, etc.
    The next example grabs from a link on a page
    Set x ="Home","A","innerText")
    I hope this helps clear it up.

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    2)salary details
    3)Attendance details
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    Edited by: user12356342 on Dec 16, 2009 3:33 AM

    As a starting point, look at: [] as this explains how to use checkboxes on forms and reports

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    {color:#ff6600}//hardcoded the byte array size value
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    FdfReader fdfreader = new FdfReader(bytes);
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    Any help would be highly beneficial for me !!!!
    Thanks and Regards,
    Ganesh Kumar{color}

    When you create your stream message you could add an property to your message, something like streamSize that would contain the number of bytes in your stream message. Then you could get this property from the message before declaring your array.

  • How to get the selected values from a selectmanylistbox?

    Hi ADF Experts,
    <af:selectManyListbox label="Label 1" id="sml1" partialTriggers="cb2"
                      autoSubmit="true"      valuePassThru="true">
        <f:selectItems value="#{viewScope.TestBean.actualList}" id="si1"
      <af:commandButton text="get selected values" id="cb3"
      private List<String> lovValue;
      private List<SelectItem> actualList;
    //getters and setters
      public void getSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        for (String selectedItem : lovValue) {
            System.out.println("Selected item: " +selectedItem.); // this is giving 1 and 3 like this. how to get the checked values as I'm getting only the indexes. In this scenario I am populating the list programmatically.Just I wanted to know how can we get the selected values(not indexes). Please suggest.

    Hi Timo,
    As I am sharing the page fragment and the Java class. So its my usecase I have mentioned below
    I am sharing the jsff page fragment and java class. So that it wud be of help to others.
    jsff page fragment
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
            <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1">
              <af:commandButton text="Search"  id="cb1"
        <af:popup id="p1" binding="#{viewScope.TestBean.searchSupplierPopup}">
              <af:dialog id="d2"
               <af:table value="#{bindings.Contacts.collectionModel}" var="row"
                      emptyText="#{bindings.Contacts.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                      filterVisible="true" varStatus="vs"
                      rowSelection="multiple" id="t1">
              <af:column sortProperty="name" filterable="true" sortable="true"
                         headerText="#{}" id="c2">
                <af:outputText value="#{}" id="ot1"/>
              <af:column sortProperty="email" filterable="true" sortable="true"
                <af:outputText value="#{}" id="ot2"/>
          <af:commandButton text="OK" id="cb5" partialSubmit="true"       actionListener="#{viewScope.TestBean.testMethod}"/>
          <af:commandButton text="Cancel" id="cb6"
      <af:selectManyListbox label="Label 1" id="sml1" partialTriggers="cb5"
                      autoSubmit="true"      valuePassThru="true"
        <f:selectItems value="#{viewScope.TestBean.actualList}" id="si1"
      <af:commandButton text="get selected values" id="cb3"
      <af:commandButton text="remove selected" id="cb4"
             partialSubmit="true"           actionListener="#{viewScope.TestBean.removeSelectedValues}"/>
    package com.demo.view;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.faces.component.UISelectItems;
    import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
    import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
    import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;
    import oracle.jbo.Key;
    import oracle.jbo.Row;
    import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;
    public class TestBean {
      private RichTable tsupportIssues;
      private List<SelectItem> lovValue;
      private List<SelectItem> actualList;
      private RichSelectManyListbox prp1;
      private List valuesChoosed = new ArrayList();
      private UISelectItems selectedItems;
      private RichPopup searchSupplierPopup;
        public TestBean() {
      public void setTsupportIssues(RichTable tsupportIssues) {
        this.tsupportIssues = tsupportIssues;
      public RichTable getTsupportIssues() {
        return tsupportIssues;
      public void testMethod(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        // For learning purposes - show Select Many Button clicked 
         System.out.println("Select Many Button has been Clicked");
        // // RowKeySet Object can hold the selected rows from a user as follows    
        RowKeySet rksSelectedRows =         this.getTsupportIssues().getSelectedRowKeys();
        // Iterator object provides the ability to use hasNext(), next() and remove() against the selected rows 
        Iterator itrSelectedRows = rksSelectedRows.iterator();  
        // Get the data control that is bound to the table - e.g.
        // OpenSupportItemsIterator    
        DCBindingContainer bindings =         (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry(); 
        DCIteratorBinding dcIteratorBindings =         bindings.findIteratorBinding("findAllContactsIterator"); 
        // Information from binding that is specific to the rows  
        RowSetIterator rsiSelectedRows =         dcIteratorBindings.getRowSetIterator();   
        // Loop through selected rows  
        int i=1;
        while (itrSelectedRows.hasNext()) {        
          // Get key for selected row    
          Key key = (Key)((List);  
          // Use the key to get the data from the above binding that is related to the row      
          Row myRow = rsiSelectedRows.getRow(key);         
          // Display attribute of row in console output - would generally be bound to a UI component like a Label and or used to call another proces       
    //        actualList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    //        String j = Integer.toString(i);
    //        actualList.add(new SelectItem(j, (String)myRow.getAttribute("name")));
    //      i++;
      public void setLovValue(List<SelectItem> lovValue) {
        this.lovValue = lovValue;
      public List<SelectItem> getLovValue() {
        return lovValue;
      public void setActualList(List<SelectItem> actualList) {
        this.actualList = actualList;
      public List<SelectItem> getActualList() {
        actualList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
        for(int i=0;i<valuesChoosed.size();i++){
          actualList.add(new SelectItem(valuesChoosed.get(i), (String)valuesChoosed.get(i)));
          actualList.add(new SelectItem("1","Select One"));
        return actualList;
      public void setPrp1(RichSelectManyListbox prp1) {
        this.prp1 = prp1;
      public RichSelectManyListbox getPrp1() {
        return prp1;
      public void setValuesChoosed(List valuesChoosed) {
        this.valuesChoosed = valuesChoosed;
      public List getValuesChoosed() {
        return valuesChoosed;
      public void getValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        for(int i=0;i<valuesChoosed.size();i++){
      public void getSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
         for(int i=0;i<this.getLovValue().size();i++){
             System.out.println("Selected Value:"+this.getLovValue().get(i));
      public void removeSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
      public void setSelectedItems(UISelectItems selectedItems) {
        this.selectedItems = selectedItems;
      public UISelectItems getSelectedItems() {
        return selectedItems;
        public void setSearchSupplierPopup(RichPopup searchSupplierPopup) {
            this.searchSupplierPopup = searchSupplierPopup;
        public RichPopup getSearchSupplierPopup() {
            return searchSupplierPopup;
        public void cancelPopupSearch(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
        public void searchSupplier(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
            RichPopup.PopupHints hints = new RichPopup.PopupHints();
    package com.demo.view;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.faces.component.UISelectItems;
    import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
    import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
    import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;
    import oracle.jbo.Key;
    import oracle.jbo.Row;
    import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;
    public class TestBean {
      private RichTable tsupportIssues;
      private List<SelectItem> lovValue;
      private List<SelectItem> actualList;
      private RichSelectManyListbox prp1;
      private List valuesChoosed = new ArrayList();
      private UISelectItems selectedItems;
      private RichPopup searchSupplierPopup;
        public TestBean() {
      public void setTsupportIssues(RichTable tsupportIssues) {
        this.tsupportIssues = tsupportIssues;
      public RichTable getTsupportIssues() {
        return tsupportIssues;
      public void testMethod(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        // For learning purposes - show Select Many Button clicked 
         System.out.println("Select Many Button has been Clicked");
        // // RowKeySet Object can hold the selected rows from a user as follows    
        RowKeySet rksSelectedRows =         this.getTsupportIssues().getSelectedRowKeys();
        // Iterator object provides the ability to use hasNext(), next() and remove() against the selected rows 
        Iterator itrSelectedRows = rksSelectedRows.iterator();  
        // Get the data control that is bound to the table - e.g.
        // OpenSupportItemsIterator    
        DCBindingContainer bindings =         (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry(); 
        DCIteratorBinding dcIteratorBindings =         bindings.findIteratorBinding("findAllContactsIterator"); 
        // Information from binding that is specific to the rows  
        RowSetIterator rsiSelectedRows =         dcIteratorBindings.getRowSetIterator();   
        // Loop through selected rows  
        int i=1;
        while (itrSelectedRows.hasNext()) {        
          // Get key for selected row    
          Key key = (Key)((List);  
          // Use the key to get the data from the above binding that is related to the row      
          Row myRow = rsiSelectedRows.getRow(key);         
          // Display attribute of row in console output - would generally be bound to a UI component like a Label and or used to call another proces       
    //        actualList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    //        String j = Integer.toString(i);
    //        actualList.add(new SelectItem(j, (String)myRow.getAttribute("name")));
    //      i++;
      public void setLovValue(List<SelectItem> lovValue) {
        this.lovValue = lovValue;
      public List<SelectItem> getLovValue() {
        return lovValue;
      public void setActualList(List<SelectItem> actualList) {
        this.actualList = actualList;
      public List<SelectItem> getActualList() {
        actualList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
        for(int i=0;i<valuesChoosed.size();i++){
          actualList.add(new SelectItem(valuesChoosed.get(i), (String)valuesChoosed.get(i)));
          actualList.add(new SelectItem("1","Select One"));
        return actualList;
      public void setPrp1(RichSelectManyListbox prp1) {
        this.prp1 = prp1;
      public RichSelectManyListbox getPrp1() {
        return prp1;
      public void setValuesChoosed(List valuesChoosed) {
        this.valuesChoosed = valuesChoosed;
      public List getValuesChoosed() {
        return valuesChoosed;
      public void getValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        for(int i=0;i<valuesChoosed.size();i++){
      public void getSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
         for(int i=0;i<this.getLovValue().size();i++){
             System.out.println("Selected Value:"+this.getLovValue().get(i));
      public void removeSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        for(int i=0;i<this.getLovValue().size();i++){
            System.out.println("Selected Value:"+this.getLovValue().get(i));
      public void setSelectedItems(UISelectItems selectedItems) {
        this.selectedItems = selectedItems;
      public UISelectItems getSelectedItems() {
        return selectedItems;
        public void setSearchSupplierPopup(RichPopup searchSupplierPopup) {
            this.searchSupplierPopup = searchSupplierPopup;
        public RichPopup getSearchSupplierPopup() {
            return searchSupplierPopup;
        public void cancelPopupSearch(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
        public void searchSupplier(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
            RichPopup.PopupHints hints = new RichPopup.PopupHints();
    A. Abhijit

  • How to get the return values from a web page

    Hi all :
       how to get the return values from a web page ?  I mean how pass values betwen webflow and web page ?
    thank you very much
    Edited by: jingying Sony on Apr 15, 2010 6:15 AM
    Edited by: jingying Sony on Apr 15, 2010 6:18 AM

    What kind of web page do you have? Do you have possibility to for example make RFCs? Then you could trigger events (with parameters that could "return" the values) and the workflow could react to those events. For example your task can have terminating events.

  • How to get all the values in one column of a JTable

    How to get all the values in one column of a JTable as a Collection of String.
    I don;t want to write a for loop to say getValueAt(row, 1) eg for 2nd column.

    I don;t want to write a for loop to say getValueAt(row, 1) eg for 2nd column. You could always write a custom TableModel that stores the data in the format you want it. It would probably be about 50 lines of code. Or you could write a loop in 3 lines of code. I'll let you decide which approach you want to take.

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    Dear Experts,
    After Executing a query by giving let 3 values(Out of 10 Values) to a variable.
    To give 2 more input values to the same variable(i.e.,total I wanted to give 5 inputs this time ),after refreshing the query,for that variable if I click F4, I am seeing the historical values(i.e.,3) and remaining 7 values also But with out any Check Boxes besides them to select the 2 inputs.
    In the same F4 Screen, If I click all values(an Icon at The bottom),then also Im seeing but no check Box.
    I hve tried by deleting the Delete Personalization also,but no use.
    Please tell me How to get all the values with F4 with check boxes to select ,whatever I want??
    Thanks in advance

    Take a look at the InfoObject and go to the Business Explorer tab. If the 'Query Def. Filter Value Selection' is set to 'Only Values in InfoProvider', you're only going to get the values in F4 that exist in the InfoProvider, not everything in the Master Data. This would need to be changed to the value of 'Values in Master Data Table' if you want it to show everything possible when F4 is chosen.
    Likewise, you're going to need to look at the query and go to the Advanced tab for the InfoObject. Make sure that the radio button for 'Values in Master Data Table' is selected. If not, then you should change that selection.

  • In Drop Down by Index how can i pass default value Dynamically

    Hi Friends,
    In Drop Down by Index how can i pass default value Dynamically.Please help me.
    Thanks in advance.

    if you want the value to be defaulted only the first time you execute the program then write the code which suman has mentioned in the views method

  • How to get a kerning value in JavaScript

    How to get a kerning value(distance between two characters) using javascript?

    It would be best to move that question to scripting forum for InDesign.
    But one solution could be:
    1. Read out the property kerningValue from the insertion point between the two characters:
    //if two characters are selected:
    var _kerningValue = app.selection[0].insertionPoints[1].kerningValue;
    2. Measure the exact distance between the characters, so you can decide if you want to increase or decrease the distance
    //Two characters are selected:
    var _twoCharacters = app.selection[0];
    var _charLeft = _twoCharacters.characters[0];
    var _charRight = _twoCharacters.characters[1];
    var _temp1 = _charLeft.createOutlines(false) //false = does NOT delete original
    var _bounds1 = _temp1[0].visibleBounds;
    var _temp2 = _charRight.createOutlines(false) //false = does NOT delete original
    var _bounds2 = _temp2[0].visibleBounds;
    var _distance = _bounds2[1]-_bounds1[3];
    alert("Distance between: "+_distance);
    Be aware that there are a lot of other factors that will apply to character distance if you change the kerning value (like tracking, kerning method, composer, desiredGlyphScaling, desiredLetterSpacing, horizontalScale … just to mention a few), especially if the paragraph justification is set to JUSTIFIED or FULLY_JUSTIFIED.

  • How to get the selected value in SelectOneMenu in backing bean

    Hello all,
    I need your help. I want to have 2 select menus with the second menu's items list are populated based on the selection in the first menu. I don't know how to get the selected value in the backing bean so that I can based on that select menu to populate the second menu's item list. Basically I need to access to the UI Component of the first select Menu and retrieve its selected value.
    Could you help me out?
    Thank you very much in advance,

    Hi Lingo,
    There r two ways of getting the values into the list. First one is hardcoding the values and the second one is use the list and get the values into the list by firing a query in the database.
    Inorder to display the values in the second menu based on the first onces selection we need to add an attribute to the first selectonemenu known as valueChangeListener and we need to sumit the page.
    Here is the sample code
    <h:selectOneMenu id="catalogue"
                                  binding="#{urbean.catalogue}" onchange="submit()"
                                  <f:selectItem itemLabel="Select Catalogue" itemValue="" />
                                  <f:selectItems value="#{urbean.catalogueList}" />
    <h:selectOneMenu id="category"
                                  binding="#{urbean.category}">     <f:selectItem itemLabel="Select Category" itemValue="" />
                                  <f:selectItems value="#{urbean.categoryList}" />
                                  <                         </h:selectOneMenu>
    now in method called by valuechangelistener we need to write the similar code
    public void categoryValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
    String rfnum = (String) event.getNewValue();
    List categoryList = new ArrayList();
    List tempList = new TablenameDAO().getActiveCatByCatalogueID(rfnum);
              for (int i = 0; i < tempList.size(); i++) {
                   Tablename tablename = (Tablename ) tempList.get(i);
                   String value = "" + tablename .getrfnum();
    String label = tablename .getname();
         if (label == null) {
                   label = "";
                   SelectItem item = new SelectItem(value, label);
    ///getActiveCatByCatalogueID (rfnum) should bring the records which r based on the rfnum
    if u follow this process i am damsure that u will get the values in to the secondlist based upon the first list
    Thanks & Regards

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    For example, how to get name and age attributes?
    <student name="Joe" age="20" />

    What are you using to read the XML file??
    On the assumption of JDOM - Something along the lines of:SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(true);
    Document doc =;
    Element root = doc.getRootElement();
    List children = root.getChildren();
    Element thisElement = (Element)children.get(n);
    String name = thisElement.getAttributeValue("name")
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    catch (Exception ex)
         throw new InvalidElementException("Expected an int.....");

  • How to get DocSet property values in a SharePoint library into a CSV file using Powershell

    How to get DocSet property values in a SharePoint library into a CSV file using Powershell?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you.

    Hi AOK,
    Would you please post your current script and the issue for more effcient support.
    In addition, to manage document set in sharepoint please refer to this script to start:
    ### Load SharePoint SnapIn
    2.if ((Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null)
    4. Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
    6.### Load SharePoint Object Model
    9.### Get web and list
    10.$web = Get-SPWeb http://myweb
    11.$list = $web.Lists["List with Document Sets"]
    13.### Get Document Set Content Type from list
    14.$cType = $list.ContentTypes["Document Set Content Type Name"]
    16.### Create Document Set Properties Hashtable
    17.[Hashtable]$docsetProperties = @{"DocumentSetDescription"="A Document Set"}
    18.$docsetProperties = @{"CustomColumn1"="Value 1"}
    19.$docsetProperties = @{"CustomColum2"="Value2"}
    20. ### Add all your Columns for your Document Set
    22.### Create new Document Set
    23.$newDocumentSet = [Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement.DocumentSets.DocumentSet]::Create($list.RootFolder,"Document Set Title",$cType.Id,$docsetProperties)
    If there is anything else regarding this issue, please feel free to post back.
    Best Regards,
    Anna Wang
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • How to get the selectOneRadio value in javascript

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    I assume you are talking about JDeveloper 10.1.3 in where there is no JavaScript API ADF Faces.Here you will have to use document.getElementById() to access the radio button component (which is a list component). You can look at the generated HTML for how the component and its ID look like.
    However, what is the usecase that you cannot handle in native JSF ?

Maybe you are looking for

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