How to get System.out msg displayed in logs

Running SJSWSEE6.1 SP5 on Solaris
How do I get the System.out.println messages to display in the Web Server 6.1 error/access log??

In your server.xml, check that the properties 'logstderr' and 'logstdout' are set to 'true'. The messages will then appear in the errors log file.
<LOG file="<path to errors file>" loglevel="info" logtoconsole="true"
usesyslog="false" createconsole="false" logstderr="true" logstdout="true" logvsid="false"/>
Also, see docs at
Hope this helps.

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    double d = 12.48564734342343;       
    System.out.format("d as format: %f\n", d);
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    <font face="courier">
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    d as sout: 12.48564734342343
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    d as sout: 12.48564734342343
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    YoungWinston wrote:
    Schmoe wrote:
    Interesting, but this is not what I am looking for...Your original question was "how do I print out the value of a double such that it looks exactly like it does if it were print from a System.out.println", and you've been told how to do that (although the pattern given by sabre may be a bit excessive - you should only need 15 '#'s).The initial phrase from my question was "Using the System.out.format, how do I..".
    It's worth remembering that, unlike the Format hierarchy, 'format()' is NOT native to Java. It's a convenience implementation of the 'printf()' and 'sprintf()' methods provided in C, and first appeared in Java 1.5. Those methods were designed to produced fixed-format output; 'println()' was not.Perhaps it is the case that this can't be done.
    Furthermore, Double.toString(), which is what is used by println() does not produce the same format in all cases; format("%.14f\n", d) does. TrySystem.out.println(1.8236473845783d);
    System.out.println(1823647384.5783d);and you'll see what I mean.I am fine with that. It still displays all the precision.
    I am simply looking for a way to quickly print out multiple variables on a sysout while debugging. I want it as syntactically sweet as possible. System.out.println can be a pain when outputting multiple variables like the following:
    "System.out.println("a: " + a + "; b:" + b + "; c: " + c);"
    For some reason, my fingers always typo the plus key.
    I was hoping that System.out.format would be easier,along the lines of:
    "System.out.format("a: %f, b: %f, c: %f\n", a, b, c);"
    From a syntactical sweetness point of view, it is easier. However, the %f on doubles truncates the precision. I figured there must be a way to get the full precision.
    DecimalFormat is syntactically sour for this purpose, as you need to instantiate the DecimalFormat.
    fwiw I have enjoyed reading the suggestions in this thread...

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    Any reply is help to me!! :-)

    Thx for your reply...
    I get it!!!
    Read environment variables from an application
    Start the JVM with the "-D" switch to pass properties to the application and read them with the System.getProperty() method. SET myvar=Hello world
    SET myothervar=nothing
    java -Dmyvar="%myvar%" -Dmyothervar="%myothervar%" myClass
    then in myClass String myvar = System.getProperty("myvar");
    String myothervar = System.getProperty("myothervar");
    This is useful when using a JAVA program as a CGI.
    (DOS bat file acting as a CGI) java -DREQUEST_METHOD="%REQUEST_METHOD%"
    If you don't know in advance, the name of the variable to be passed to the JVM, then there is no 100% Java way to retrieve them.
    NOTE: JDK1.5 provides a way to achieve this, see this HowTo.
    One approach (not the easiest one), is to use a JNI call to fetch the variables, see this HowTo.
    A more low-tech way, is to launch the appropriate call to the operating system and capture the output. The following snippet puts all environment variables in a Properties class and display the value the TEMP variable. import*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class ReadEnv {
    public static Properties getEnvVars() throws Throwable {
    Process p = null;
    Properties envVars = new Properties();
    Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
    String OS = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
    // System.out.println(OS);
    if (OS.indexOf("windows 9") > -1) {
    p = r.exec( " /c set" );
    else if ( (OS.indexOf("nt") > -1)
    || (OS.indexOf("windows 2000") > -1 )
    || (OS.indexOf("windows xp") > -1) ) {
    // thanks to JuanFran for the xp fix!
    p = r.exec( "cmd.exe /c set" );
    else {
    // our last hope, we assume Unix (thanks to H. Ware for the fix)
    p = r.exec( "env" );
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader
    ( new InputStreamReader( p.getInputStream() ) );
    String line;
    while( (line = br.readLine()) != null ) {
    int idx = line.indexOf( '=' );
    String key = line.substring( 0, idx );
    String value = line.substring( idx+1 );
    envVars.setProperty( key, value );
    // System.out.println( key + " = " + value );
    return envVars;
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    try {
    Properties p = ReadEnv.getEnvVars();
    System.out.println("the current value of TEMP is : " +
    catch (Throwable e) {
    Thanks to W.Rijnders for the W2K fix.
    An update from Van Ly :
    I found that, on Windows 2003 server, the property value for "" is actually "windows 2003." So either that has to be added to the bunch of tests or just relax the comparison strings a bit: else if ( (OS.indexOf("nt") > -1)
    || (OS.indexOf("windows 2000") > -1 )
    || (OS.indexOf("windows 2003") > -1 ) // works but is quite specific to 2003
    || (OS.indexOf("windows xp") > -1) ) {
    else if ( (OS.indexOf("nt") > -1)
    || (OS.indexOf("windows 20") > -1 ) // probably is better since no other OS would return "windows" anyway
    || (OS.indexOf("windows xp") > -1) ) {
    I started with "windows 200" but thought "what the hell" and made it "windows 20" to lengthen its longivity. You could push it further and use "windows 2," I suppose. The only thing to watch out for is to not overlap with "windows 9."
    On Windows, pre-JDK 1.2 JVM has trouble reading the Output stream directly from the SET command, it never returns. Here 2 ways to bypass this behaviour.
    First, instead of calling directly the SET command, we use a BAT file, after the SET command we print a known string. Then, in Java, when we read this known string, we exit from loop. [env.bat]
    @echo **end
    if (OS.indexOf("windows") > -1) {
    p = r.exec( "env.bat" );
    while( (line = br.readLine()) != null ) {
    if (line.indexOf("**end")>-1) break;
    int idx = line.indexOf( '=' );
    String key = line.substring( 0, idx );
    String value = line.substring( idx+1 );
    hash.put( key, value );
    System.out.println( key + " = " + value );
    The other solution is to send the result of the SET command to file and then read the file from Java. ...
    if (OS.indexOf("windows 9") > -1) {
    p = r.exec( " /c set > envvar.txt" );
    else if ( (OS.indexOf("nt") > -1)
    || (OS.indexOf("windows 2000") > -1
    || (OS.indexOf("windows xp") > -1) ) {
    // thanks to JuanFran for the xp fix!
    p = r.exec( "cmd.exe /c set > envvar.txt" );
    // then read back the file
    Properties p = new Properties();
    p.load(new FileInputStream("envvar.txt"));
    Thanks to JP Daviau
    // UNIX
    public Properties getEnvironment() throws {
    Properties env = new Properties();
    return env;
    Properties env = getEnvironment();
    String myEnvVar = env.get("MYENV_VAR");
    To read only one variable : // NT version , adaptation for other OS is left as an exercise...
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /c echo %MYVAR%");
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader
    ( new InputStreamReader( p.getInputStream() ) );
    String myvar = br.readLine();
    Java's System properties contains some useful informations about the environment, for example, the TEMP and PATH environment variables (on Windows). public class ShowSome {
    public static void main(String args[]){
    System.out.println("TEMP : " + System.getProperty(""));
    System.out.println("PATH : " + System.getProperty("java.library.path"));
    System.out.println("CLASSPATH : " + System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
    System.out.println("SYSTEM DIR : " +
    System.getProperty("user.home")); // ex. c:\windows on Win9x system
    System.out.println("CURRENT DIR: " + System.getProperty("user.dir"));
    Here some tips from H. Ware about the PATH on different OS.
    PATH is not quite the same as library path. In unixes, they are completely different---the libraries typically have their own directories. System.out.println("the current value of PATH is: {" +
    System.out.println("LIBPATH: {" +
    gives the current value of PATH is:
    on my linux workstation. (java added all those execpt /lib and /usr/lib). But these two lines aren't the same on window either:
    This system is windows nt the current value of PATH is:
    C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\Resolution Assistant\Common\bin;
    d:\Program Files\Symantec\pcAnywhere;
    C:\Program Files\Executive Software\DiskeeperServer\;C:\Program Files\Perforce}
    d:\OrbixWeb3.2\bin;D:\Program Files\IBM\GSK\lib;
    C:\WINNT;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\ResolutionAssistant\Common\bin;
    d:\Program Files\Symantec\pcAnywhere;
    C:\Program Files\Executive Software\DiskeeperServer\;C:\Program Files\Perforce}

  • How to get system date and time?

    Can someone show me a code on how to get system date and time.

    there is one really easy way to get system time, the api gives a great example of code on this. use gregorian calendar, which you'll find in the api under GregorianCalendar. You only need to create one instance of GC, ie Calendar time = new GregorianCalendar();
    you save seconds, minute and hours into int values, so you don't have to access the system time every second, you can create a thread which adds one to the int second value, if oyu see what i mean, for example, i have saved the hours, minutes and seconds as int values;
    int hour, minute, second;
    i can then create a thread (Thread thread = new Thread(this) and run it like:
    Calendar time;
    int hour, minute, second;
    Thread thread = null;
    public MyTime() {
    hour= time.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
    minute = time.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
    second = time.get(Calendar.SECOND);
    if(thread == null) {
    thread = new Thread(this);
    public void run() {
    Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
    while(thread == t) {
    if(second > 59)
    public void formatTime() {
    second = (second > 59? 0 : second);
    minute = (minute > 59? 0 : minute);
    hour = (hour > 23? 0 : hour);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    new MyTime();
    I know this looks like gibberish but it should work. If not, try to fix the problem, i have written from memory really but i guarantee you, this gets the time then every second, simply adds one to the second and then formats time. You can also access the day, month and year then format them using the above code. I don't like giving code since you should really do these things yourself but it is 2:04am, i have nothing better to do and i am not tired so i did you a favour - i have become what i always did not want to, someone ho stays upall night writing code.

  • How to Get In & Out of Match, Get your Downloads and Run

    How to Get In & Out of Match, Get your Downloads and Run 
    So you have read the marketing hype, and are thinking what you really want is to pay for the service to upgrade your low quality bitrate files to a bit better 256KBPS rate easily, as don’t fancy rebuying/ reimporting or other method
    This guide should show you the fastest route to achieve you upgrades
    It assumes you’re working from your main music library, and know something about IT, and have <25k of music files
    Backup your music files
    If you know how to do this, its simple right – so once done then move to step 2, if not read below so you don’t blame me for a loss
    Transfer Hardware
    your choice the transfer hardware, suggest offline harddrive via USB3.0 (blue USB connector/eSata/ 1494b/1GB NIC/etcetera but your call
    If you use USB2.0/ 100MB NIC/1394a or other lower transfer method, accept the time hit
    Don’t use Time Backup/local disk backup software unless you have RAID 5 setup or better (and if wondering what that is, you almost certainly don’t then)
    Don’t use  internet backup service unless you live next door to the hosting company, with stunning internet connection to envy 99.9% of the human race, remember this is the fast method folks)
    Transfer Software
    I am assuming you know how to do a copy n paste/ robocoby/xcopy/drag n drop or whatever method turns you on via finder/explorer/cmd window ect
    Caveat #01: If not sure how to do above, then stop now as you are not IT literate ready for this
    Find your music files and back them up
    Now keep the computer running, preferably with nothing else running from this point for ease of use bar an active internet connection, and power saving switched off
    If you know where the files are great, backup the files, but some don’t so for them as below
    Caveat #02: if you don’t know how to find them your most likely on default settings, or sitting with a legacy from a past upgraded machine - below should help but you might want to stop now if you have never been curious about the location before
    Within iTunes , go to [Edit/Preferences/Advanced] and note down the location shown for Itunes Media Location
    In the same location of preferences, hit [Keep iTunes Media Folder organised] and let the application do its stuff.  You will end up with the location in 1ciii a ready to copy location which for simplicity of topic, copy the whole folder and its subfolders.  You may end up with some extra copies of music files (an iTunes safety mechanism, but it won’t show in the folder location, and we can ignore later on)
    Enable Match (after paying for the service)
    Run Match
    Accept that the Apple iTunes process is not perfect, may crash/stop/pause and reboots will be needed, and we can move on so to speak. Key here is you cannot do an unattended script or assume no end user interaction needed L
    Turn on iTunes Match, notice the new ITunes Match on the left hand sidebar, click it, then hit the Start button – if it works and you eventually get to STEP 3 perfect.
    If it fails before getting to STEP 3, reboot and restart
    If this still fails to get to STEP 3, then create a new iTunes database (browse forums on how to do), read your media files from the location in 1civ
    Stop MATCH  (the upload process only, not the service)
    Once STEP 3 starts, CLICK STOP - ASAP, as all this does it upload data, and you don’t want to do this, just get your upgraded files (remember the title of this entry your reading!)
    This also avoids future issues with Album art lost
    Delete Matched low bitrate files
    Create a NEW SMART playlist, with two criteria
    Show all files with bitrate is less then 256
    Show all files where iCloud status is MATCHED
    In the new playlist, click it and it shows the files we want to blow away. 
    Click Edit / Select All then
    Click ctrl in windows/apple  (cmd) logo in mac, and press delete button, ensuring you do NOT tick the delete from iCloud Option.  Now want a few mins for it do do its stuff.
    Download Upgraded BitRate Files
    In the same location as 5, reselect all, and right click, and select the option to download all, and off it goes
    On the lefthand sidebar in iTunes, click Downloads, and you will then see in the middle bottom screen an option for simultaneous downloads (select it)
    Your done Just let the app now do its stuff. I would ignore the message saying you can get on with other things, and use anther machine, preferably not using the same internet connection.
    Optional Steps:
    Click randomly from the Itunes/Matched/256KBPS listed files, and play them.  Not all the files, one every 30 or so, and just the start, then last few seconds to check not dead or corrupt files.
    Update your Step 1 backup with the new files, which is going to take up more space, guess at 40%.
    Kill your iTunes Match account (both the recurring automatic subscription, and  the account if not continuing to use the store part of iTunes)


  • How to get System status Check Boxes into Query selection screen

    Dear experts,
    Pleas help in knowing how to get System status Check Boxes into quick view query (SQVI), selectionscreen.
    Jogeswara Rao
    Edited by: K Jogeswara Rao on Jul 6, 2010 7:26 PM

    Problem solved through other Forum
    (Checkboxes not possible, some alternative solution to my requirement found)

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    I am Udhaya. I don't know how to capture system idle time using java. Please any one help me how to get system idle time. Any class is available in java to get idle time?
    Thank in advance

    jwenting wrote:
    DrLaszloJamf wrote:
    jwenting wrote:
    the moment you ask the system for its idle time that idle time becomes 0, so just returning a constant value of 0 would always yield the correct answer.But when you don't call this constant method the value it would return is wrong. This is the sort of thing that keeps me up at night.Except of course that when you don't call it it doesn't return it and therefore still behaves properly.
    Or were you thinking of philosphical problems like "what does a method do when it's not called?"?Actually I was trying to see if I could get the OP to say boo to a goose.

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    please suggest solution

    The default temporary-file directory can be retrieved
    Thanks a lot for u r reply this one works !!!!

  • How to get system status and user status ?

    how to get system status and user status for the given production order?
    In which PP table we can
    find these?

    Hi Ram,
    Use the FM "STATUS_READ" to read both the system and user statuses for an Order.
    Alternatively, the following tables store the user and system status info:
    JSTO- Status object information
    JEST- Individual Object Status
    Hope this helps.
    Let me know if u need further information.

  • How to get system date??

    hi,can anybody tell me how to get system date in essbase?? i want to use it in calc script..Ayan

    The other thing you could do would be to write a custom macro or function to pull in the date or pass members to to do the comparisonGlenn S.

  • [ASK] How to get system date and substring / concate in data manager dynami

    Hello guys.
    I want to run package DM with the input have default value.
    The selection is look like this :
    Dimension : CATEGORY
    Source : PLAN_2011
    Destination : FORECAST_2011
    Dimension : TIME
    Source : 2011.JAN,2011.FEB,2011.MAR,2011.APR,2011.MAY,2011.JUN,2011.JUL,2011.AUG,2011.SEP,2011.OCT,2011.NOV,2011.DEC
    Destination : <same>
    How to get system date year and do the substring / concate ?
    So dimension category source will be PLAN_<YYYY>, destination = FORECAST_<YYYY>
    Depend on year system date.
    Thank you.

    Stuart,How are you storing OnSaleDate. If you are using OnSaleDate as an attribute dimension then you can write a Custom Defined Function to either:1- query your system for the current date and return the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1/1/1970. This is by definition the begining of the Epoch and how Essbase treats Attribute Dimensions of the Date type.public static long getDateInSeconds() {           Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();           return cal.getTime().getTime()/1000;}2- Write a Custom Defined Function that will accept the OnSaleDate and return the number of days sincepublic static double daysSince(double myDate) {     return (getDateInSeconds()-myDate )/86400;}

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    Is the iPod jailbroken? Googling shows that error 11 appears if it has been jailbroken.

  • My 4gb SDHC flash mem card is stuck in DVD slot on my iMac 27". How to get it out?

    I misplaced my 4GB flash memory card (Canon camera) in the DVD slot (above the card slot) and it disappeared while I was trying to get it out. Naturally I inadvertently (spelled "stupidly") knocked it inside and could not figure out how to get it out. The dust rubber "shields" hide it and I've tried to find it with a toothpick and wedge it out, to no avail. Are there any ideas or suggestions others may have used to get it out (I know turning it on it side and shaking won't work). Why in the world did they design it like it is -- I've had it happen to me and others have also told me of their misadventures, but they also were able to gradually get it out. This time, it's in too deep. Can I ignore it and still use the CD/DVD slot without it blowing up?

    You might need to take to an Apple technician or apple dealer to let them take apart the iMac and remove the flash memory card. if you're very careful you might try a pair of needle nose pliers and a flashlight but it's easy to do damage to the DVD internal mechanical if you're not real careful.
    A good story to tell your grand kids maybe ;-)
    Good luck

  • How to get data out of XML?

    I am running SAX (JAXP1.01) in Applet to process XML file. My question is how to get data out of xml format according to the field name (@age,@rank etc)
    and write into string buffer seperated by comma.
    Should I use SAX or DOM? (file size is big)
    My xml as follow :
    <FormattedReportObject xsi:type="CTFormattedField" Type="xsd:string" FieldName="{@team/relay}">
    <FormattedReportObject xsi:type="CTFormattedField" Type="xsd:string" FieldName="{@age}">
         <FormattedValue> 19</FormattedValue>
         <Value> 19</Value>
    <FormattedReportObject xsi:type="CTFormattedField" Type="xsd:string" FieldName="{@Rank}">
    <FormattedReportObject xsi:type="CTFormattedField" Type="xsd:string" FieldName="{results.athrel_name}">
         <FormattedValue>1-1 NORRIE</FormattedValue>
         <Value>1-1 NORRIE</Value>
    <FormattedReportObject xsi:type="CTFormattedField" Type="xsd:string" FieldName="{@timefield2}">
    <FormattedReportObject xsi:type="CTFormattedField" Type="xsd:string" FieldName="{@timefield1course}">
    <FormattedReportObject xsi:type="CTFormattedField" Type="xsd:string" FieldName="{@timefield1std}">
    <FormattedReportObject xsi:type="CTFormattedField" Type="xsd:string" FieldName="{@timefield2course}">
    <FormattedReportObject xsi:type="CTFormattedField" Type="xsd:string" FieldName="{@timefield2std}">
    <FormattedReportObject xsi:type="CTFormattedField" Type="xsd:string" FieldName="{@points(left)}">
    <FormattedReportObject xsi:type="CTFormattedField" Type="xsd:string" FieldName="{@pointsdecimal}">
    <FormattedReportObject xsi:type="CTFormattedField" Type="xsd:decimal" FieldName="{@points(right)}">
    <FormattedReportObject xsi:type="CTFormattedField" Type="xsd:string" FieldName="{@timefield1}">
    <FormattedReportObject xsi:type="CTFormattedField" Type="xsd:string" FieldName="{@Rank}">

    For big files use SAX: quicker and less memory usage.
    The xerces parser from Apache has some examples. Basically what you do is scan the XML, remembering what tag you are and once you find the right tag, read the contents.

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