How to get the caret position of component embedded in JTextPane?

Hi great java developers ;-)
I want to get the caret position of component which is embedded in StyledDocument / JTextPane.
How has it to be done?
Thank you very much!!!

The Document doesn't know which textPane it belongs to. (It could even be shared by mulitple textPanes).
You get the caret position of a any text component by using:

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    camickr wrote:
    All KeyEvents are passed to the editor for the cell and the editor is psuedo invoked. That is, the caret is not placed on the text field used as the editor, but the character typed is added to the editor.This set me thinking about a known issue in my app which I had shelved for a "rainy day": how to get the caret into the cell editor component. I thought I'd get it out and look at it. I tried the following, in my custom cell editor:
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                                                 int row, int column)
        JTextField ec = (JTextField) editorComponent;
        ec.setText((String) value);
        if ("".equals(ec.getText()))
        return editorComponent;
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        public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value,
                                                     boolean isSelected, int row,
                                                     int column)
          final JTextField ec = (JTextField) editorComponent;
          ec.setText((String) value);
          // selectAll, so that whatever the user types replaces what we just put there
          SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
            public void run()
              // make the component take the keyboard focus, so the backspace key works
              SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
                public void run()
                  // at this point the user has typed something into the cell and we
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                  // comes in on the RHS
          return editorComponent;

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    Hi Paul,
    Have a look at these tables.
    Using table BUT000 the central business partner data are stored, f.e. partner type, partner names, partner number, partner guid, person number, etc. In table BUTBKK the bank data to a business partner are stored.
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    Table BUT050 contains the relationships between a business partner organization and a business partner person using relation types. The relation types are defined in table TBZ9, f.e. the relation type u2018has employeeu2019 corresponds to identifier u2018BUR010u2019, the relation type u2018has contact personu2019 corresponds to identifier u2018BUR001u2019. Table BUT051 stores communication data of a contact person relationship (compare to table ADCP). Table BUT052 stores several address numbers to one business partner relationship (including a standard flag).
    Hope this helps,
    Kind Regards,

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        title: "Online book library";
        width: 1024
        height: 768
        scene:Scene {
        fill: Color.WHITE
        content: [
           banner ,
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            translateX:25 translateY: 170
            text: "Log On"
            font: Font {size:11 name: "Verdana Bold"}
            action: function() {
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    def IMAGES_HEIGHT = 100;
    var COLUMN_NB = 3;
    var ROW_NB = 3;
    var scene: Scene;
    var previews: Container;
      title: "Test of Tile layout"
      scene: scene = Scene
        width: 500
        height: 500
        fill: Color.LAVENDER
          previews = Tile
            hgap: 10
            vgap: 10
            layoutX: bind (scene.width - previews.width) / 2
            layoutY: bind (scene.height - previews.height) / 2
            columns: COLUMN_NB
            content: for (i in [ 1 .. COLUMN_NB * ROW_NB ])
                id: "IV{i}"
                image: Image
                  url: "{__DIR__}clock.gif"
                  width: IMAGES_WIDTH
                  preserveRatio: true
                onMousePressed: Hide
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      println("{evt.node} ({}) - {evt.node.parent}");
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      nm.visible = false;
      var ntl: Node = evt.node.parent.lookup("IV1"); //Top left node
      (ntl as ImageView).viewport = Rectangle2D { height: IMAGES_WIDTH/2, width: IMAGES_WIDTH/2 };
      (evt.node.parent as Tile).hgap = 20; // Strange effect, but works

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    Hi Miya,
    Write your own textSelectionSuite for this.
    and use ITextTarget->GetRange() function.
    Thanks and Regards,

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    I am thinking about this, and use something like
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    Check this code,
    Write it in the PBO
    FCODE 'Create Position':
    ==> Cursor to the first free line set to make the new position
    Can be created directly
        IF DA_TFILL EQ 0.
          SET CURSOR FIELD US_FELDNAME LINE 1.   -> set cursor position
    Product proposal actively
    Set ==> cursor in the first row
    in the 'target volume' if available
    Else in the field 'Order quantity'
    Hope it helps you,
    Abhijit G. Borkar

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    I am thinking about this, and use something like
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    Thanks in advance.

    Sorry for the delay in responding. Currently, there is no API available to implement what you are describing. We should add a TextSelectionService similar to the existing ListSelectionService.

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    kit = new HTMLEditorKit();
    doc = (HTMLDocument) (kit.createDefaultDocument());
    editor.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8");
    [editor is the class JEditorPane,  doc is HTMLDocument,  kit is HTMLEditorKit]
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    <p><font class="book">I am a boy.</font> Hello! </p>
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    Many Thanks!

    Hi Stephen,
    is it possible to get the EditorKit from the EditorPane and then get the ViewFactory for the editor kit.
    Since u have the some tags of the elements hardcoded in the HTMLEditorKit.HTMLFactory it will be handy i guess.
    Let me know whether it helped or not so that either same method be approached or some other has to be tried.

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    How can I get style of text such as color that is being changed?
    Thank you very much.

    Thank you very much, camickr, for your reply.
    I think that I might not know the right way to handle JTextPane and Document object.
    What I have done are:
    - Add style to JTextPane using, for example,
    Style targetCurrentMatchStyle = this.targetWindowTextPane.addStyle("Red", null);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(targetCurrentMatchStyle,;//For highlight - Then, I use regular expression (Pattern and Matcher) to find a match in text. For each match, I get start and end position from matcher.start() and matcher.end().
    int start=matcher.start();
    int end = matcher.end();
    //find definition for the matched term.
    String definition=mydictionaryHash.get(term);
    //Store caret positions in lists
    //Add changed to text in textpane
    StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
    matcher.appendReplacement(sb, definition);
    //Get translated text from StringBuffer after replacement
    String translatedText=sb.toString();
    //Update start position for next search
    //Add style to matched regions below.
    }- From the lists of start positions and matched lengths, I use the following code to add "Red" color to the matched text regions including all previously matched.
    for(int i=0;i<startPositionList.size();i++){
    }My issue is that I'd like to be able edit previously matched regions and update all positions of the matched regions stored in the lists.

Maybe you are looking for

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