How to get the children for a selected tree node?

I want to get the number of child nodes for any selected node in JTree.
How can i do this?
Any help, greatly appreciated!!

if you have a node already where aNode is a DefaultMutableTreeNode for example, then you can use that object's API method to get the child count.
int childCount = aNode.getChildCount();
If you want to loop through all of a node's children and do something at each node, the following may help:
java.util.Enumeration e = aNode.children();
while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode n = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)e.nextElement();
//Do something with n
Hope this helps,

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    Use IW format - it will make solution NLS independent. And all you need is truncate 7<sup>th</sup> day of each month using IW:
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                from  dual
                connect by level <= 12
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    import java.lang.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
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    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
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    * @author Frederic FOURGEOT
    * @version 1.0
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    * Sous-classe FSNode
    * @author Frederic FOURGEOT
    * @version 1.0
    private class FSNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
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    * Constructeur non visible
    private FSNode() {
    * Constructeur par initialisation
    * @param userObject Object
    FSNode(Object userObject) {
    * Constructeur par initialisation
    * @param userObject Object
    * @param newFile File
    FSNode(Object userObject, File newFile) {
    file = newFile;
    * Definit le fichier lie au noeud
    * @param newFile File
    public void setFile(File newFile) {
    file = newFile;
    * Renvoi le fichier lie au noeud
    * @return File
    public File getFile() {
    return file;
    public JTree getJTree(){
         return tree ;
    * Constructeur
    * @throws HeadlessException
    public JTreeFolder() throws HeadlessException {
    File[] drive;
    tree = new JTree();
    // cr�ation du noeud sup�rieur
    racine = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Poste de travail");
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    drive = File.listRoots();
    for (int i = 0 ; i < drive.length ; i++) {
    FSNode node = new FSNode(drive, drive[i]);
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    // Gestion d'evenement sur JTree (on �coute les evenements TreeExpansion)
    tree.addTreeExpansionListener(new TreeExpansionListener() {
    public void treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent e) {
    // lorsqu'un noeud est ouvert
    // on descend dans l'arborescence du noeud jusqu'� MAX_LEVEL
    TreePath path = e.getPath();
    FSNode node = (FSNode)path.getLastPathComponent();
    ((DefaultTreeModel)tree.getModel()).reload(node); // on recharche uniquement le noeud
    public void treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent e) {
    // lorsqu'un noeud est referm�
    // alimentation du JTree
    DefaultTreeModel model = new DefaultTreeModel(racine);
    // ajout du JTree au formulaire
    tree.setBounds(0, 0, 240, 290);
    scrollpane = new JScrollPane(tree);
         scrollpane.setBounds(0, 0, 240, 290);
    * Recuperation des sous-elements d'un repertoire
    * @param driveOrDir
    * @param node
    public void addFolder(File driveOrDir, DefaultMutableTreeNode node) {
    setCursor(new Cursor(3)); // WAIT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
    addFolder(driveOrDir, node, 0);
    setCursor(new Cursor(0)); // DEFAULT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
    * Recuperation des sous-elements d'un repertoire
    * (avec niveau pour r�cursivit� et arr�t sur MAX_LEVEL)
    * @param driveOrDir File
    * @param node DefaultMutableTreeNode
    * @param level int
    private void addFolder(File driveOrDir, DefaultMutableTreeNode node, int level) {
    File[] fileList;
    fileList = driveOrDir.listFiles();
    if (fileList != null) {
    sortFiles(fileList); // on tri les elements
    // on ne cherche pas plus loin que le niveau maximal d�finit
    if (level > MAX_LEVEL - 1) {return;}
    // pour chaque �l�ment
    try {
    for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
    // en fonction du type d'�l�ment
    if (fileList[i].isDirectory()) {
    // si c'est un r�pertoire on cr�� un nouveau noeud
    FSNode dir = new FSNode(fileList[i].getName(), fileList[i]);
    // on recherche les �l�ments (r�cursivit�)
    addFolder(fileList[i], dir, ++level);
    if (fileList[i].isFile()) {
    // si c'est un fichier on ajoute l'�l�ment au noeud
    node.add(new FSNode(fileList[i].getName(), fileList[i]));
    catch (NullPointerException e) {
    // rien
    * Recuperation des sous-elements d'un noeud
    * @param node
    public void addFolder(FSNode node) {
    setCursor(new Cursor(3)); // WAIT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
    for (int i = 0 ; i < node.getChildCount() ; i++) {
    addFolder(((FSNode)node.getChildAt(i)).getFile(), (FSNode)node.getChildAt(i));
    setCursor(new Cursor(0)); // DEFAULT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
    * Tri une liste de fichier
    * @param listFile
    public void sortFiles(File[] listFile) {
    triRapide(listFile, 0, listFile.length - 1);
    * QuickSort : Partition
    * @param listFile
    * @param deb
    * @param fin
    * @return
    private int partition(File[] listFile, int deb, int fin) {
    int compt = deb;
    File pivot = listFile[deb];
    int i = deb - 1;
    int j = fin + 1;
    while (true) {
    do {
    } while (listFile[j].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(pivot.getName()) > 0);
    do {
    } while (listFile[i].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(pivot.getName()) < 0);
    if (i < j) {
    echanger(listFile, i, j);
    } else {
    return j;
    * Tri rapide : quick sort
    * @param listFile
    * @param deb
    * @param fin
    private void triRapide(File[] listFile, int deb, int fin) {
    if (deb < fin) {
    int positionPivot = partition(listFile, deb, fin);
    triRapide(listFile, deb, positionPivot);
    triRapide(listFile, positionPivot + 1, fin);
    * QuickSort : echanger
    * @param listFile
    * @param posa
    * @param posb
    private void echanger(File[] listFile, int posa, int posb) {
    File tmpFile = listFile[posa];
    listFile[posa] = listFile[posb];
    listFile[posb] = tmpFile;

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    Could you help me out in sorting the below problem.
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    Thanks in Advance

    Have you tried to query WF_ITEMS? --
    bde_wf_item.sql - Runtime Data of a Single Workflow Item [ID 187071.1]

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    Thanks & Regards
    Poomani Sankaran

    To Be Honest there is not one straight Cmdlet that atleast I have come across 
    The best way would if you have Lync monitoring server 
    Using the Lync Server 2013 Monitoring Server
    If you have the Monitoring Server role configured in your environment, and for Lync Server 2013 everyone should!, you can use information contained in the LcsCDR database to pull back the last time a user signed in.  You can run the following query* to
    pull back the user's SIP URI and their last login time:
    USE LcsCDR
    SELECT dbo.Users.UserUri, dbo.UserStatistics.LastLogInTime
    FROM dbo.UserStatistics
    JOIN dbo.Users ON dbo.Users.UserId = dbo.UserStatistics.UserId
    ORDER BY UserUri
    Which produces the following output:
    The advantage to using the Monitoring Server to obtain this data is that unlike the information contained in the rtcdyn database, the information from the LcsCDR data will persist even when the user isn't signed into Lync.
    To get approx count of users enable for Lync Server in your organisation 
    Get-CsUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $true} | MeasurE
    Please not the above command let will give you an approx number not exact 
    From the Monitoring report yet the SIP account that signed in and then from count find out how many user havent signed in this is manual task 
    Hope this is helpful 
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click ;Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question please click "Mark As Answer" Regards Edwin Anthony Joseph

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    Killerfinch wrote:
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    Get the correct settings for your account from Yahoo and set it up manually.
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    <html:select styleClass="text" name="querydefs" property="shortcut"
                 onchange="retrieveOptions()" styleId="firstBox" indexed="true">
    <html:options collection="advanced.choices" property="shortcut" labelProperty="label" />
                        <td align="left" class="rowcolor1">
                        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                              function retrieveOptions(){
                             var sel = document.querydefs.options;
                             var selectedOption = sel[sel.selectedIndex].value;

    <td align="left" class="rowcolor1">
                        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                              function retrieveOptions(){
                             var sel = document.querydefs.options;
                             var selectedOption = sel[sel.selectedIndex].value;
                           </script>This java script is not working at all..its not printing anything in document.write();
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    <td class="rowcolor1" width="20%">
    <html:select styleClass="text" name="querydefs" property="shortcut"
                             onchange="retrieveSecondOptions()" styleId="firstBox"
                             <html:options collection="advanced.choices" property="shortcut"
                                  labelProperty="label"  />
                        </html:select>i tried with this also. but no use..i'm not the getting the seleced option...
    function retrieveOptions(){
    firstBox = document.getElementById('firstBox');
        selectedOption = firstBox.options[firstBox.selectedIndex].value;
    }actually , how to get the values from <html:select> ...?
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    How to get the value for a ?
    dose Java have API to get the value for a ?
    Thanks for help~~~

    a^b = n
    a = n^(1/b)
    a = Math.pow(n,1.0/b)

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    I have added a custom sub process to the seeded "OM Order Header" workflow. The process sends a notification. There are a few attributes in the body of the message tied to this notification, to which I am trying to assign values to using the syntax:
    SetItemAttrText (itemtype, itemkey, attrname, attrvalue).
    I have the internal names for the item type and attribute name, but don't know how to get the value for the item key. I understand the item key is supposed to be unique for each item type and is automatically generated by the workflow engine when the work flow fires. Is there a built-in function or some means to get this value?

    Have you tried to query WF_ITEMS? --
    bde_wf_item.sql - Runtime Data of a Single Workflow Item [ID 187071.1]

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    I want to programatically resize all the controls, indicators and decorations on the front panel.
    I am getting the references of all the controls and indicators and able to resize them, as each n every control and indicator has a tabbing order set to it.
    I am also getting the references of all the decoration used on the front panel but not able to get the order.
    how to get the order for these decorations?

    The order of the decorations is the same as the back to front order. So you
    can change it by bringing decorations to front, or sending them to the back.
    It has been suggested many times that decorations should have labels as well
    as controls, but at the moment there is no way to tell which reference
    belongs to which decoration (besides position and order).

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    look at this thread

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    We tried downloading but they are in exe?
    How to get inf files for those?

    As Jason pointed out, they can be extracted, I believe this can be done with 7zip also... Or you can just install one M620 from scratch, install the Dell drivers and then use this tool: to grab the drivers in .inf format.

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    DATA : st_variant  TYPE disvariant,       "Work area for variant
           st_variant1 TYPE disvariant.       "Work area for variant
    PARAMETERS :     p_varnt TYPE  disvariant-variant MODIF ID md8.  "Variant
    *--Local Variables
      DATA: l_exit(1) TYPE c.                "ALV exit
    *--Call the function module to display the list of Variants
          is_variant    = st_variant
          i_save        = c_save
          e_exit        = l_exit
          es_variant    = st_variant1
          not_found     = 1
          program_error = 2.
    *--Check Subrc
      IF sy-subrc <> 2 AND l_exit IS INITIAL.
        p_varnt = st_variant1-variant.
      IF NOT p_varnt IS INITIAL.
        CLEAR st_variant1.
        MOVE st_variant TO st_variant1.
        MOVE p_varnt TO st_variant1-variant.
    *--Call the function module to check the variant exist
            i_save     = c_save
            cs_variant = st_variant1.
        st_variant = st_variant1.
    DATA : lv_repid TYPE sy-repid.
    *--Pass the Report name
      lv_repid = sy-repid.
          i_callback_program      = lv_repid
          it_fieldcat             = it_fcat
          is_variant              = st_variant
          it_events               = it_events
          i_save                  = 'A'
          i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'
          t_outtab                = it_zsd_ra
          program_error           = 1
          OTHERS                  = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE e368(00) WITH 'Alv Display failed'(044)  .

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