How to get the current cursor position in word report?

I am generating a word report. But I would like to keep the table in one page. However, I did not find the way to do it in labview. Somebody would give me some suggestions? I appreciate a lot.
One way I think I can do is to find the current cursor position. Since I know the table size so I can figure out if the left space in the current page is enough to hold the table. But I do not know how to locate the curent cursor position in word document in labview programmatically. I appreciate any suggestions on this question.

when you insert data in a word document you have to refer to bookmarks rather than cursor position.
If you are using the Report Generation Toolkit for Office it is explained in the manual chapter 3-1.
See also the example: Generate Report From Template (Word).vi included in the toolkit.
If you aren't using the toolkit, you still have to refer to bookmark as reference points to insert and/or fetch data.
The principle is:
- First create a document in which you insert bookmarks where you wish and save it as a template
- In LV open your template document and insert in it your data referring to bookmarks as insertion points
- At the end save your report with another name, so you still have the template
I hope I have been clear enough, if not just as
Good luck,

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    Sorry for the delay in responding. Currently, there is no API available to implement what you are describing. We should add a TextSelectionService similar to the existing ListSelectionService.

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    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.FlowLayout;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
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        private JTextField yPositionField = new JTextField(3);
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                yPositionField.setText("" + e.getPoint().y);
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            java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable()
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    If the button and the textfield are on in the same subform then this code should work in the click event of the button
    (This is JavaScript code so make sure the code is set to JavaScript and Client on the drop downs in the script window)
    (assuming the name of the textfield is TextField1)
    TextField1.rawValue = "some value";
    If they are in different subforms then you have 2 options
    Please note in both these options it is easier if the subforms have names ( I am assuming this to keep samples simple)
    option 1 -
    use the parent object to move up the tree till you are at the same level as that of the subform that contains the textfield
    (Click Event of the button)
    this.parent.subformname.TextField1.rawValue = "some value";
    option 2 -
    Use the resolve node to make your way down from the top level of the form
    xfa.resolveNode ("form1.subformname.TextField1").rawValue = "some value";
    Hope this helps
    p.s. I am making assumptions as the image/file you attached did not appear for me.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jsp:root version="1.2" xmlns:f="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:jsp="">
        < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"/>
            <html lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US">
                    <meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Cache-Control"/>
                    <meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Pragma"/>
                    <title>Page1 Title</title>
                    <link href="resources/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
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                    <h:form binding="#{Domains.form1}" id="form1">
                        <h:dataTable binding="#{Domains.dataTable1}" headerClass="list-header" id="dataTable1" rowClasses="list-row-even,list-row-odd"
                            value="#{Domains.dataTable1Model}" var="currentRow">
                            <h:column binding="#{Domains.column9}" id="column9">
                                <h:selectBooleanCheckbox binding="#{Domains.checkbox2}" id="checkbox2"/>
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText binding="#{Domains.outputText9}" id="outputText9" value="Select"/>
                            <h:column binding="#{Domains.column10}" id="column10">
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText binding="#{Domains.outputText4}" id="outputText4" value="Name"/>
                                <h:commandLink action="#{Domains.groupList}" binding="#{Domains.linkAction1}" id="linkAction1">
                                    <h:graphicImage binding="#{Domains.image1}" id="image1" url="resources/images/domain16.gif" value="resources/images/domain16.gif"/>
                                    <h:outputText binding="#{Domains.linkAction1Text}" id="linkAction1Text" value="#{currentRow['name']}"/>
                            <h:column binding="#{Domains.column3}" id="column3">
                                <h:outputText binding="#{Domains.outputText5}" id="outputText5" value="#{currentRow['description']}"/>
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText binding="#{Domains.outputText6}" id="outputText6" value="Description"/>
                            <h:column binding="#{Domains.column4}" id="column4">
                                <h:selectBooleanCheckbox binding="#{Domains.checkbox1}" id="checkbox1" value="#{Domains.domainviewRowSet.currentRow['enabled']}==1"/>
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText binding="#{Domains.outputText8}" id="outputText8" value="Enabled"/>
                            <h:column binding="#{Domains.column7}" id="column7">
                                <h:outputText binding="#{Domains.outputText13}" id="outputText13" value="#{currentRow['userCount']}"/>
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText binding="#{Domains.outputText14}" id="outputText14" value="Users"/>
                            <h:column binding="#{Domains.column8}" id="column8">
                                <h:outputText binding="#{Domains.outputText15}" id="outputText15" value="#{currentRow['groupCount']}"/>
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText binding="#{Domains.outputText16}" id="outputText16" value="Groups"/>
                            <h:column binding="#{Domains.column5}" id="column5">
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText binding="#{Domains.outputText17}" id="outputText17" value="Actions"/>
                                <h:commandLink action="#{Domains.editDomain}" binding="#{Domains.linkAction2}" id="linkAction2">
                                    <h:graphicImage binding="#{Domains.image2}" id="image2" title="Edit" value="resources/images/edit.gif"/>
                                <h:commandLink binding="#{Domains.linkAction3}" id="linkAction3">
                                    <h:graphicImage binding="#{Domains.image3}" id="image3" title="View" url="resources/images/view.gif" value="resources/images/view.gif"/>
                                <h:commandLink binding="#{Domains.linkAction4}" id="linkAction4">
                                    <h:graphicImage binding="#{Domains.image4}" id="image4" title="Delete" value="resources/images/delete.gif"/>
    * Created on October 28, 2004, 12:45 PM
    * Copyright Gordon.Bell
    package usergroupmgt;
    import javax.faces.*;
    import javax.faces.component.html.*;
    import javax.faces.component.*;
    import com.sun.sql.rowset.*;
    import javax.faces.convert.*;
    public class Domains extends AbstractPageBean {
        // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Creator-managed Component Definition">
        private int __placeholder;
        private HtmlForm form1 = new HtmlForm();
        public HtmlForm getForm1() {
            return form1;
        public void setForm1(HtmlForm hf) {
            this.form1 = hf;
        private HtmlDataTable dataTable1 = new HtmlDataTable();
        public HtmlDataTable getDataTable1() {
            return dataTable1;
        public void setDataTable1(HtmlDataTable hdt) {
            this.dataTable1 = hdt;
        private JdbcRowSetXImpl domainviewRowSet = new JdbcRowSetXImpl();
        public JdbcRowSetXImpl getDomainviewRowSet() {
            return domainviewRowSet;
        public void setDomainviewRowSet(JdbcRowSetXImpl jrsxi) {
            this.domainviewRowSet = jrsxi;
        private HtmlOutputText outputText4 = new HtmlOutputText();
        public HtmlOutputText getOutputText4() {
            return outputText4;
        public void setOutputText4(HtmlOutputText hot) {
            this.outputText4 = hot;
        private UIColumn column3 = new UIColumn();
        public UIColumn getColumn3() {
            return column3;
        public void setColumn3(UIColumn uic) {
            this.column3 = uic;
        private HtmlOutputText outputText5 = new HtmlOutputText();
        public HtmlOutputText getOutputText5() {
            return outputText5;
        public void setOutputText5(HtmlOutputText hot) {
            this.outputText5 = hot;
        private HtmlOutputText outputText6 = new HtmlOutputText();
        public HtmlOutputText getOutputText6() {
            return outputText6;
        public void setOutputText6(HtmlOutputText hot) {
            this.outputText6 = hot;
        private UIColumn column4 = new UIColumn();
        public UIColumn getColumn4() {
            return column4;
        public void setColumn4(UIColumn uic) {
            this.column4 = uic;
        private HtmlOutputText outputText8 = new HtmlOutputText();
        public HtmlOutputText getOutputText8() {
            return outputText8;
        public void setOutputText8(HtmlOutputText hot) {
            this.outputText8 = hot;
        private UIColumn column7 = new UIColumn();
        public UIColumn getColumn7() {
            return column7;
        public void setColumn7(UIColumn uic) {
            this.column7 = uic;
        private HtmlOutputText outputText13 = new HtmlOutputText();
        public HtmlOutputText getOutputText13() {
            return outputText13;
        public void setOutputText13(HtmlOutputText hot) {
            this.outputText13 = hot;
        private HtmlOutputText outputText14 = new HtmlOutputText();
        public HtmlOutputText getOutputText14() {
            return outputText14;
        public void setOutputText14(HtmlOutputText hot) {
            this.outputText14 = hot;
        private UIColumn column8 = new UIColumn();
        public UIColumn getColumn8() {
            return column8;
        public void setColumn8(UIColumn uic) {
            this.column8 = uic;
        private HtmlOutputText outputText15 = new HtmlOutputText();
        public HtmlOutputText getOutputText15() {
            return outputText15;
        public void setOutputText15(HtmlOutputText hot) {
            this.outputText15 = hot;
        private HtmlOutputText outputText16 = new HtmlOutputText();
        public HtmlOutputText getOutputText16() {
            return outputText16;
        public void setOutputText16(HtmlOutputText hot) {
            this.outputText16 = hot;
        private HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox checkbox1 = new HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox();
        public HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox getCheckbox1() {
            return checkbox1;
        public void setCheckbox1(HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox hsbc) {
            this.checkbox1 = hsbc;
        private UIColumn column5 = new UIColumn();
        public UIColumn getColumn5() {
            return column5;
        public void setColumn5(UIColumn uic) {
            this.column5 = uic;
        private UIColumn column9 = new UIColumn();
        public UIColumn getColumn9() {
            return column9;
        public void setColumn9(UIColumn uic) {
            this.column9 = uic;
        private HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox checkbox2 = new HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox();
        public HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox getCheckbox2() {
            return checkbox2;
        public void setCheckbox2(HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox hsbc) {
            this.checkbox2 = hsbc;
        private HtmlOutputText outputText9 = new HtmlOutputText();
        public HtmlOutputText getOutputText9() {
            return outputText9;
        public void setOutputText9(HtmlOutputText hot) {
            this.outputText9 = hot;
        private UIColumn column10 = new UIColumn();
        public UIColumn getColumn10() {
            return column10;
        public void setColumn10(UIColumn uic) {
            this.column10 = uic;
        private RowSetDataModel dataTable1Model = new RowSetDataModel();
        public RowSetDataModel getDataTable1Model() {
            return dataTable1Model;
        public void setDataTable1Model(RowSetDataModel rsdm) {
            this.dataTable1Model = rsdm;
        private BooleanConverter booleanConverter1 = new BooleanConverter();
        public BooleanConverter getBooleanConverter1() {
            return booleanConverter1;
        public void setBooleanConverter1(BooleanConverter bc) {
            this.booleanConverter1 = bc;
        private HtmlCommandLink linkAction1 = new HtmlCommandLink();
        public HtmlCommandLink getLinkAction1() {
            return linkAction1;
        public void setLinkAction1(HtmlCommandLink hcl) {
            this.linkAction1 = hcl;
        private HtmlOutputText linkAction1Text = new HtmlOutputText();
        public HtmlOutputText getLinkAction1Text() {
            return linkAction1Text;
        public void setLinkAction1Text(HtmlOutputText hot) {
            this.linkAction1Text = hot;
        private HtmlGraphicImage image1 = new HtmlGraphicImage();
        public HtmlGraphicImage getImage1() {
            return image1;
        public void setImage1(HtmlGraphicImage hgi) {
            this.image1 = hgi;
        private HtmlCommandLink linkAction2 = new HtmlCommandLink();
        public HtmlCommandLink getLinkAction2() {
            return linkAction2;
        public void setLinkAction2(HtmlCommandLink hcl) {
            this.linkAction2 = hcl;
        private HtmlGraphicImage image2 = new HtmlGraphicImage();
        public HtmlGraphicImage getImage2() {
            return image2;
        public void setImage2(HtmlGraphicImage hgi) {
            this.image2 = hgi;
        private HtmlCommandLink linkAction3 = new HtmlCommandLink();
        public HtmlCommandLink getLinkAction3() {
            return linkAction3;
        public void setLinkAction3(HtmlCommandLink hcl) {
            this.linkAction3 = hcl;
        private HtmlGraphicImage image3 = new HtmlGraphicImage();
        public HtmlGraphicImage getImage3() {
            return image3;
        public void setImage3(HtmlGraphicImage hgi) {
            this.image3 = hgi;
        private HtmlCommandLink linkAction4 = new HtmlCommandLink();
        public HtmlCommandLink getLinkAction4() {
            return linkAction4;
        public void setLinkAction4(HtmlCommandLink hcl) {
            this.linkAction4 = hcl;
        private HtmlGraphicImage image4 = new HtmlGraphicImage();
        private HtmlOutputText outputText17 = new HtmlOutputText();
        public HtmlOutputText getOutputText17() {
            return outputText17;
        public void setOutputText17(HtmlOutputText hot) {
            this.outputText17 = hot;
        public HtmlGraphicImage getImage4() {
            return image4;
        public void setImage4(HtmlGraphicImage hgi) {
            this.image4 = hgi;
        // </editor-fold>
        public Domains() {
            // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Creator-managed Component Initialization">
            try {
                domainviewRowSet.setCommand("SELECT ALL,, dbo.DomainView.description, dbo.DomainView.enabled, dbo.DomainView.created, dbo.DomainView.modified, dbo.DomainView.userCount, dbo.DomainView.groupCount  FROM dbo.DomainView");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log("Page1 Initialization Failure", e);
                throw e instanceof javax.faces.FacesException ? (FacesException) e : new FacesException(e);
            // </editor-fold>
            // Additional user provided initialization code
    //        try {
    //            domainviewRowSet.execute();
    //  ;
    //        } catch (Exception ex) {
    //            throw new FacesException(ex);
        protected usergroupmgt.ApplicationBean1 getApplicationBean1() {
            return (usergroupmgt.ApplicationBean1)getBean("ApplicationBean1");
        protected usergroupmgt.SessionBean1 getSessionBean1() {
            return (usergroupmgt.SessionBean1)getBean("SessionBean1");
         * Bean cleanup.
        protected void afterRenderResponse() {
        public String groupList() {
            // User event code here...
            return "groupList";
        public String editDomain() {
            // User event code here...
            return "editDomain";
    }and the exception stack:
    Stack trace:$RowData.getData(Unknown Source) Source)
    org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ help is appreciated.

    Looks like some inconsistency in the jsp source:
    in the 2nd link the url property is set. I don't think
    you need to set this.
    I couldn't tell what action you want to occur when you
    click. If you want some action to occur such as
    navigating to another page then you can use Page Navigation. Then you would need an action handler
    for the LinkAction component.
    <h:commandLink action="#{Domains.editDomain}" binding="#{Domains.linkAction2}" id="linkAction2">
    <h:graphicImage binding="#{Domains.image2}" id="image2" title="Edit" value="resources/images/edit.gif"/>
    <h:commandLink binding="#{Domains.linkAction3}" id="linkAction3">
    <h:graphicImage binding="#{Domains.image3}" id="image3" title="View" url="resources/images/view.gif" value="resources/images/view.gif"/>
    <h:commandLink binding="#{Domains.linkAction4}" id="linkAction4">
    <h:graphicImage binding="#{Domains.image4}" id="image4" title="Delete" value="resources/images/delete.gif"/>
    JSC QA

  • How to get the current path of my application in java ?

    how to get the current path of my application in java ?

    To get the path where your application has been installed you have to do the following:
    have a class called "what_ever" in the folder.
    then you do a litte:
    String path=
    That get you a string like:
    file:/C:/Program Files/Cool_program/what_ever.class
    Then you process the result a little to remove anything you don't want:
    //Might be a little error here but you should find out //quickly if it's the case
    And here you go, you have a nice
    C:/Program Files/Cool_program
    which is the path to your application.

  • How to get the current page URL

    HI All
    I am working in oracle apps 4.0
    I have one page called history in that i have one page item called Application url. My application id is 122 but its a copy of application 106
    How to get the current page url for the page item.
    Any steps should be help ful
    Thanks & Regards

    I'm not 100% clear on what the requirement is from the description, however it does sound like you are making things unnecessarily complicated.
    If you want permanent/ID-independent links then use application and page aliases.
    so here we used to display the url like this: <tt>{noformat}{noformat}</tt>
    Do you mean that the URL is displayed like that? If so that doesn't seem particularly helpful. How is anyone supposed to know what it is?
    There are many ways to provide links in APEX&mdash;including lists and nav bars.
    Where the link is to another resource located on the same server (such as another page in the same app, or a different app in the workspace), relative addressing can be used, making it unecessary to include scheme, domain and port information in the URL. For example, if the page to be linked to has a page alias <tt>ABOUT</tt> in an application with alias <tt>UNITY</tt>, and the apps share an authentication scheme/cookie to permit shared sessions, then the link URL is simply

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    I need to get the "current date" in my Bex report in order to make a comparison. I know there is a "How to" which shows how to get the current date via a User Exit, but I didn't find it. Could you please help me?

    1. Create a  New Formula in Key Figures structure
    2. Give tech name and description and Select "New variable" option
    3. Next screen will launch Variable Wizard -> create a new variable with replacement path as processing type
    4. in next screene  select the date characteristic that represents the first date to use in the calculation (From Date)
    5. In the next  screen select Key in the Replace Variable with field. Leave all the other options as they are
    6. In the next Currencies and Units screen select Date as the Dimension ID.
    6. Save variable
    repeate the Above steps to create another variable (To Date)
    and now you can use these two new replacement path variables in your new formula.

  • How to get the current logical system?

    Dear Abapers:
    I can't find the logical system value from the table SYST, pls tell me how to get the current logical system name, Thanks!

    Check with the table T000, the Logical system field name is LOGSYS.

  • How to get the current transaction variant ?

    dear guru,
    could you please tell me how to get the current transaction variant?
    i tried the following method:
      DATA l_tcvariant TYPE tcvariant.
         ID 'VARIANT' FIELD l_tcvariant.
    but it failed.
    best regards.

    Try something like this
         TCVARIANT                     = VARIANT
    *     RC                            =
    *   TABLES
    *     T_SCREEN_VARIANTS             =
    *     T_INACTIVE_FUNCTIONS          =

  • How to get the Current User on the UI page?

    Could you please let me know how to get the Current user on the UI input page , i need to display the current user ID when some one clicks the submit button, i want o get the current user to display in the javascript alert box.
    Edited by: 951930 on Oct 24, 2012 12:21 PM

    my schema has already defined for
    <user mapField="USER_ID" default="%CurrentUser"/>
    and in my UI page
    <td oraLabel="user"></td><td oraField="user" id="userId" ></td>
    and my javascript
    function showUserId () {                        
    var curUser = document.getElementById('userId').value;
    and i have called this function on my submit button, but i am not able to get Current Logged User ID value to show in the alert nor able to show the current logged user on the UI page.
    my requirement is on custom UI page i need to show Current Logged User in one corner of the page and also need to show the same user in alert when he submits the button.
    Appreciate for the help.
    Edited by: 951930 on Oct 25, 2012 8:42 AM
    Edited by: 951930 on Oct 25, 2012 9:06 AM

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    Hi Nicolas
    It seems you like to check my post and also make commend ;) thanks for your attention
    Have you ever read the posts above and given solutions ?Yes, I did
    Have you read the docs ? Yes, I checked
    What's the added value here ?Did youYou shared doc with solution(long one), I shared short one which point same solution(Check what Joel posted)..So what is benefit, As you can guess oracle docs are sometimes become so complicated as specialy for beginner...(At least it was like that for me and Belive me somedocs are still sooo complicated even for oracle coworkers ) But for you I dont know ;)
    => Why writting the PS in bold ?Why.. Let me think... Ohh Maybe I am looking some questions(many) and even user get answer they should not changed status so I am reading some posts and try to get problem and loosing time..
    So I am putting that PS wiht BOLD because I dont wanna lose time my friend ;) Because While I am trying to help ppl here In same time I am trying to giving support to my customer prod systems. Which mean time is very important for me...
    Hope my answer could satisfy you..
    One important PS for you.. You may not like my posts (or someone) but my friend I become tired to read&answer and make commend to on your comment which is about my posts.
    I am not newbie in forum(At least I fell like that) and I belive I know how I should make post..
    Thank you

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    Can anybody please tell me how to get the current schema name, there is some inbuilt function for this,but i am not getting that. Please help me.

    ok folks, I found the answer at Tom's as usual.
    I rewrote it into a function for kicks. just pass the results of DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK to this function and you will get back the owner of the code making the call as well some extra goodies like the name of the code and the type of code depending on the parameter. This ignores the AUTHID CURRENT_USER issues which muddles the schemaid. Quick question, does the average user always have access to DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK or does this get locked down on some systems?
    create or replace
       p_call_stack VARCHAR2,
       str_stack   VARCHAR2(4000);
       int_n       PLS_INTEGER;
       str_line    VARCHAR2(255);
       found_stack BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE;
       int_cnt     PLS_INTEGER := 0;
       str_caller  VARCHAR2(30);
       str_name    VARCHAR2(30);
       str_owner   VARCHAR2(30);
       str_type    VARCHAR2(30);
       str_stack := p_call_stack;
       -- Loop through each line of the call stack
         int_n := INSTR( str_stack, chr(10) );
         EXIT WHEN int_cnt = 3 OR int_n IS NULL OR int_n = 0;
         -- get the line
         str_line := SUBSTR( str_stack, 1, int_n - 1 );
         -- remove the line from the stack str
         str_stack := substr( str_stack, int_n + 1 );
         IF NOT found_stack
            IF str_line like '%handle%number%name%'
               found_stack := TRUE;
            END IF;
            int_cnt := int_cnt + 1;
             -- cnt = 1 is ME
             -- cnt = 2 is MY Caller
             -- cnt = 3 is Their Caller
             IF int_cnt = 1
                str_line := SUBSTR( str_line, 22 );
                dbms_output.put_line('->' || str_line);
                IF str_line LIKE 'pr%'
                   int_n := LENGTH('procedure ');
                ELSIF str_line LIKE 'fun%'
                   int_n := LENGTH('function ');
                ELSIF str_line LIKE 'package body%'
                   int_n := LENGTH('package body ');
                ELSIF str_line LIKE 'pack%'
                   int_n := LENGTH('package ');
                ELSIF str_line LIKE 'anonymous%'
                   int_n := LENGTH('anonymous block ');
                   int_n := null;
                END IF;
                IF int_n IS NOT NULL
                   str_type := LTRIM(RTRIM(UPPER(SUBSTR( str_line, 1, int_n - 1 ))));
                   str_type := 'TRIGGER';
                 END IF;
                 str_line  := SUBSTR( str_line, NVL(int_n,1) );
                 int_n     := INSTR( str_line, '.' );
                 str_owner := LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTR( str_line, 1, int_n - 1 )));
                 str_name  := LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTR( str_line, int_n + 1 )));
              END IF;
           END IF;
       END LOOP;
       IF UPPER(p_type) = 'NAME'
          RETURN str_name;
       ELSIF UPPER(p_type) = 'SCHEMA.NAME'
       OR    UPPER(p_type) = 'OWNER.NAME'
          RETURN str_owner || '.' || str_name;
       ELSIF UPPER(p_type) = 'TYPE'
          RETURN str_type;
          RETURN str_owner;
       END IF;

  • How to get the current date in a workflow

    Can anyone tell me how to get the current date while in a workflow?
    Thanks in advance.

    Here is how we did it, hope it helps
    <defvar name='locCalendar'>
    <new class='java.util.GregorianCalendar'/>
    <defvar name='dateFormat'>
    <new class='java.text.SimpleDateFormat'>
    <defvar name='formatedDate'>
         <invoke name='getTime'>
    <invoke name='format'>

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    Hi everyone,
    Does anybody know how to get the current month number in Oracle Discoverer Worksheet calculation?
    I try to use EUL_DATE_TRUNC(CURRENT_DATE, 'MM'), but instead I got 01-AUG-00.
    If I change the data display format to MM, it will give me "08" but if I use TO_NUMBER function to convert it to number I get error "invalid number"
    Is there anyway to get the current month value in number? Thanks

    Thank you so much! It works perfectly! :)
    Hope you have a great day ahead!

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