How to get the words in an opened but unsaved Voice board file?

I'm using the software named ViaVoice from IBM, which can change the voice from the computer's microphone to text, and display the words on the Voice board file that the software provides.(See attachment)
Each time the user speaks two words to microphone, the Voice board displays these words on it(but doesn't save the words in the file automatically). I want to get the words into LabVIEW after the user finished speaking everytime.
For example, in my application, I want to control a car by user's voice, once the user speaks "to Left", the voice board displays " to Left" on it, LabVIEW reads the voice board file every 2 seconds, once LabVIEW finds the number of words changed, it reads the last two words and does the corresponding task.
The problem is that how can I get the words into LabVIEW from the Voice board? I can pre-run the ViaVoice, pre-open the Voice board, and pre-save the Voice board as a .doc file or a .txt file, But the ViaVoice can’t save the doc/txt file antomatically as the speaker adds new words on. What should I do?

the attachment

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    You're welcome. How about awarding them duke stars?
    edit: cheers!

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    * @version 1.0
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    * Constructeur non visible
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    FSNode(Object userObject) {
    * Constructeur par initialisation
    * @param userObject Object
    * @param newFile File
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         return tree ;
    * Constructeur
    * @throws HeadlessException
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    // lorsqu'un noeud est ouvert
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    FSNode node = (FSNode)path.getLastPathComponent();
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    scrollpane = new JScrollPane(tree);
         scrollpane.setBounds(0, 0, 240, 290);
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    * @param driveOrDir
    * @param node
    public void addFolder(File driveOrDir, DefaultMutableTreeNode node) {
    setCursor(new Cursor(3)); // WAIT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
    addFolder(driveOrDir, node, 0);
    setCursor(new Cursor(0)); // DEFAULT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
    * Recuperation des sous-elements d'un repertoire
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    * @param driveOrDir File
    * @param node DefaultMutableTreeNode
    * @param level int
    private void addFolder(File driveOrDir, DefaultMutableTreeNode node, int level) {
    File[] fileList;
    fileList = driveOrDir.listFiles();
    if (fileList != null) {
    sortFiles(fileList); // on tri les elements
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    if (level > MAX_LEVEL - 1) {return;}
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    try {
    for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
    // en fonction du type d'�l�ment
    if (fileList[i].isDirectory()) {
    // si c'est un r�pertoire on cr�� un nouveau noeud
    FSNode dir = new FSNode(fileList[i].getName(), fileList[i]);
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    addFolder(fileList[i], dir, ++level);
    if (fileList[i].isFile()) {
    // si c'est un fichier on ajoute l'�l�ment au noeud
    node.add(new FSNode(fileList[i].getName(), fileList[i]));
    catch (NullPointerException e) {
    // rien
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    * @param node
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    addFolder(((FSNode)node.getChildAt(i)).getFile(), (FSNode)node.getChildAt(i));
    setCursor(new Cursor(0)); // DEFAULT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
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    * @param listFile
    public void sortFiles(File[] listFile) {
    triRapide(listFile, 0, listFile.length - 1);
    * QuickSort : Partition
    * @param listFile
    * @param deb
    * @param fin
    * @return
    private int partition(File[] listFile, int deb, int fin) {
    int compt = deb;
    File pivot = listFile[deb];
    int i = deb - 1;
    int j = fin + 1;
    while (true) {
    do {
    } while (listFile[j].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(pivot.getName()) > 0);
    do {
    } while (listFile[i].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(pivot.getName()) < 0);
    if (i < j) {
    echanger(listFile, i, j);
    } else {
    return j;
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    * @param listFile
    * @param deb
    * @param fin
    private void triRapide(File[] listFile, int deb, int fin) {
    if (deb < fin) {
    int positionPivot = partition(listFile, deb, fin);
    triRapide(listFile, deb, positionPivot);
    triRapide(listFile, positionPivot + 1, fin);
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    * @param posa
    * @param posb
    private void echanger(File[] listFile, int posa, int posb) {
    File tmpFile = listFile[posa];
    listFile[posa] = listFile[posb];
    listFile[posb] = tmpFile;

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    Hi Ravi,
    You may wanna explore the two API's (wwsbr_all_folders and wwsbr_all_items) and make a bridge to get the name of the portlets that appear on the page.
    something of the following nature should be enough to take you where you want to go. here is the GUID of the item you are looking for.
    SELECT DISTINCT c.display_name,,c.updatedate
    FROM portal.wwsbr_all_folders a, portal.wwsbr_all_items c
    WHERE a.LANGUAGE = 'us'
    AND = c.folder_id
    AND a.caid = c.caid
    AND c.itemtype = 'baseportletinstance'
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    Extract: NPSWF32_FlashUtil.exe
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        Also it doesn't make sense to download others and take up disk space when already have the adobe - also adobe seems to be the only one that plays hulu flv's correctly - on other flv players the video and audio are way out of sync and not just by few seconds but often by a minute or more. I know there is another 'pain' way to do it which is create a *.avi or other extension with loss of clarity etc. which have done but would like to be able to just do it in real time while playing the flv file itself as for example
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       Anyway if there is no way to get adobe to do this does anyone know of any other free flv player downloads which will do what
    i want - basically playlists, magnify , pan,crop and still full screen, change aspect ratios -  other than bs player ?

    The plugin is what it is: a browser plugin - it cannot act as a standalone player.
    To play local flv files you either need to
    download/install the standalone player (Projector) from
    download/install Adobe Media Player

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    Hi Praveen,
    TVST Shipping point
    KNVS Customer Master Shipping Data
    VTTK Shipment header
    VTTP Shipment item
    VTFA Flow shipping documents
    TVSTZ Organizational Unit: Shipping Points per Plant
    B024 Shipping point
    TVSRO Shipping points: Countries in Which Routes are Defined
    TVSWZ Shipping Points per Plant
    You can get the details from ADRC table. Please note that the TVST table has got a field ADRNR, pls use the same field in identifying the number and goto ADRC table enter the number under the ADDRNUMBER. It will fetch the address details for you.
    For ex from the standard SAP: I have taken std 0001 shipping pt. When I run TVST table for shipping points I get to see that ADRNR field has 297 as the number. I take the same number 297 and goto ADRC table and enter it under ADDRNUMBER and it will give me the address details entered for shipping pt 0001.
    All Standard Reports which are available are as under:
    SAP Easy Access: Information Systems -> Logistics -> Sales and distribution ->
    Shipping point -> Deliveries / Returns
    Shipping point Analysis - MC(U
    Shipping point Analysis-Returns - MC-O
    Reward if helpful,

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    While downloading select Downloads in the left-hand column and make sure Allow Simultaneous Downloads is unticked.
    If the problem persists, or that facility is not yet available in your region, contact the iTunes Store support staff through the report a problem links in your account history, or via Contact Support.
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              We are using Weblogic 5.1 SP8. We set weblogic.httpd.session.timeoutSecs=900 in the file. How can I get this value in a JSP file if I don't use java.util.Properties to parse the properties file?
              Can I use session.getValue(sessionName) to get it? If so, what is the session name for this property?

    I think something like this should work:
              T3ServicesDef services = T3Services.getT3Services();
              Frank Yu <[email protected]> wrote:
              > Hi,
              > We are using Weblogic 5.1 SP8. We set weblogic.httpd.session.timeoutSecs=900 in the file. How can I get this value in a JSP file if I don't use java.util.Properties to parse the properties file?
              > Can I use session.getValue(sessionName) to get it? If so, what is the session name for this property?
              > Thanks.
              > Frank

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    Firefox has two bookmark buttons with a star in the Customize window.<br />
    One star button has a drop-marker that open the Bookmark menu and may appear on the Navigation Toolbar or on the Bookmarks Toolbar if the menu bar is hidden.<br />
    The other star button without the drop-marker opens the bookmarks in the sidebar (View > Sidebar > Bookmarks).
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    If you do not see the drop-marker then try them both to see which works.
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