How to get the XML TAG name itself instead of TAG value

Hi All,
I have a question here
I want to retrieve the XML tag from a XML file instead of its value.
Now I want to retrieve "item" as output from XPath expression, I dont want its value as "colgate"
How to do that...?

You can do this with an axes XPatch expression:
For more info see:

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    ok folks, I found the answer at Tom's as usual.
    I rewrote it into a function for kicks. just pass the results of DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK to this function and you will get back the owner of the code making the call as well some extra goodies like the name of the code and the type of code depending on the parameter. This ignores the AUTHID CURRENT_USER issues which muddles the schemaid. Quick question, does the average user always have access to DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK or does this get locked down on some systems?
    create or replace
       p_call_stack VARCHAR2,
       str_stack   VARCHAR2(4000);
       int_n       PLS_INTEGER;
       str_line    VARCHAR2(255);
       found_stack BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE;
       int_cnt     PLS_INTEGER := 0;
       str_caller  VARCHAR2(30);
       str_name    VARCHAR2(30);
       str_owner   VARCHAR2(30);
       str_type    VARCHAR2(30);
       str_stack := p_call_stack;
       -- Loop through each line of the call stack
         int_n := INSTR( str_stack, chr(10) );
         EXIT WHEN int_cnt = 3 OR int_n IS NULL OR int_n = 0;
         -- get the line
         str_line := SUBSTR( str_stack, 1, int_n - 1 );
         -- remove the line from the stack str
         str_stack := substr( str_stack, int_n + 1 );
         IF NOT found_stack
            IF str_line like '%handle%number%name%'
               found_stack := TRUE;
            END IF;
            int_cnt := int_cnt + 1;
             -- cnt = 1 is ME
             -- cnt = 2 is MY Caller
             -- cnt = 3 is Their Caller
             IF int_cnt = 1
                str_line := SUBSTR( str_line, 22 );
                dbms_output.put_line('->' || str_line);
                IF str_line LIKE 'pr%'
                   int_n := LENGTH('procedure ');
                ELSIF str_line LIKE 'fun%'
                   int_n := LENGTH('function ');
                ELSIF str_line LIKE 'package body%'
                   int_n := LENGTH('package body ');
                ELSIF str_line LIKE 'pack%'
                   int_n := LENGTH('package ');
                ELSIF str_line LIKE 'anonymous%'
                   int_n := LENGTH('anonymous block ');
                   int_n := null;
                END IF;
                IF int_n IS NOT NULL
                   str_type := LTRIM(RTRIM(UPPER(SUBSTR( str_line, 1, int_n - 1 ))));
                   str_type := 'TRIGGER';
                 END IF;
                 str_line  := SUBSTR( str_line, NVL(int_n,1) );
                 int_n     := INSTR( str_line, '.' );
                 str_owner := LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTR( str_line, 1, int_n - 1 )));
                 str_name  := LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTR( str_line, int_n + 1 )));
              END IF;
           END IF;
       END LOOP;
       IF UPPER(p_type) = 'NAME'
          RETURN str_name;
       ELSIF UPPER(p_type) = 'SCHEMA.NAME'
       OR    UPPER(p_type) = 'OWNER.NAME'
          RETURN str_owner || '.' || str_name;
       ELSIF UPPER(p_type) = 'TYPE'
          RETURN str_type;
          RETURN str_owner;
       END IF;

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              Christian Plenagl
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    Thanx in advance.

    j0o wrote:
    System.out.println("Class Name: " + new Exception().getStackTrace()[0].getClassName() +
    "/n Method Name : " + new Exception().getStackTrace()[0].getMethodName() +
    "/n Line number : " + new Exception().getStackTrace()[0].getLineNumber());
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    I would ask you these questions:
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    Are you really asking about the InDesign SDK?
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    (1) It's not clear what you're trying to accomplish.  A bit more information about your ultimate goal would be helpful.
    (2) This question is not at all specific to the InDesign SDK.  Are you really trying to do something in the context of an InDesign plug-in?  If so, you probably want to look at IID_IFONTFAMILY and the IFontFamily::GetFamilyName function.
    (3) If you are asking more generally, Windows and Mac both have system API calls to get this information, although those tend to deal with installed system fonts, not with arbitrary font files per se.
    Also, you can parse the name table from a True Type or Open Type font without using any system APIs; as True Type and Open Type are well-documented standards.  I would start by reading these:
    The Naming Table
    Font Names Table
    (4) Although there are other standards, such as Type 1 (PostScript) fonts, and True Type Collection files and other formats, especially on Mac.
    (5) Also, when you start down this road, you will quickly realize that your seemingly simple question is actually ambiguous, and that the answer is kind of complicated, because a font can have many names (a family name, a full font name, a style name, a PostScript name, etc.).
    (6) And not only does a font have multiple names, it can have each of those names in multiple languages and encodings.
    Any clarification would make this a better question.

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    Sure others will have some other ideas, but here's what I typically do to get the XML from a JMS queue. Inside the Global Automatic that pops the messages off the queue you'd have logic similar to this:
    artifactInfoNodes as Any[]
    xmlObject as Fuego.Xml.XMLObject = XMLObject()
    load xmlObject using xmlText = message.textValue
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    v_pageid varchar2(30);
    v_pageid := wwpro_api_parameters.get_value('_pageid', '/pls/portal30');
    htp.print('Page is '|| v_pageid);
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    Thanks in advance!

    Few clarifications -
    1. wwpro_api_parameters cannot be used to get default portal
    page parameters such as '_pageid', '_dad', '_schema' etc.,
    2. Page information can be obtained through any components which
    are available in that particular page. For example, in case of
    dynamic page, we need to publish it as a portlet and add it to the
    page. This process creates necessary packages in the DB, but we
    will not have access to the portlet methods.
    So, I would prefer creating a simple DB provider & portlet and access
    page title from its show method as follows -
    //Declare local variable l_page_id, l_page_title as varchar2
    select page_id into l_page_id from wwpob_portlet_instance$ where
    portlet_id = p_portlet_record.portlet_id and
    provider_id = p_portlet_record.provider_id;
    select name into l_page_title from wwpob_page$ where id=l_page_id;
    More information on DB provider can be found at
    Secondly, usage of wwpro_api_parameters.get_value method is
    incorrect. This method expects two arguments -
    <li><b>p_name : </b> The name of the parameter to be returned.</li>
    <li><b>p_reference_path : </b> An unique identifier for a portlet instance on the current page.</li>
    p_reference_path would be something like 99_SNOOP_PORTLET_76535103 and not some type of path as its name suggests.
    The following code fragment fetches all parameters available
    for a portlet.
    Note : Copy this code into 'show' method of your portlet.
    //Declare l_names, l_values as owa.vc_arr
    * Retreive all of the names of parameters for this portlet
    l_names := wwpro_api_parameters.get_names(
    * Retreive all of the values of parameters for this portlet
    l_values := wwpro_api_parameters.get_values(p_names=>l_names,
    //Loop through these arrays to get parameter information
    htp.p('<center><table BORDER COLS=2 WIDTH="90%" >');
    htp.p('<tr ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP>');
    if l_names.count = 0 then
    htp.p('<tr ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP>');
    htp.p('<td COLSPAN="2">'
    'No portlet parameters were passed on the URL.',1)
    for i in 1..l_names.count loop
    htp.p('<tr ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP>');
    end loop;
    end if;
    Hope it helps...

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    The simple answer is: you don't.
    Not only is it simply not possible, but the entire concept of "the active browser" doesn't exist.
    You were on the right track with your code to retrieve the page directly from the server, but as you noticed that code will only work for regular http connections.
    For https and other protocols you will need to use appropriate libraries for each protocol. Something like Apache Commons can help you with that. There are networking libraries in there for a lot of commonly used protocols.

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    Why cant you get the procedure name as hard code as the proc name is going to change.
    Are you looking for getting the parent proc name from child proc name which is getting executed within parent proc?
    Try the below:
    --Parent Proc
    Alter Proc sp_test
    Declare @s varbinary(MAX) = Cast('sp_test' as Varbinary(MAX));
    exec sp_test2
    --Child proc
    Alter proc sp_test2
    SELECT Cast(CONTEXT_INFO() as varchar(100));
    --Test execution
    Exec sp_test
    Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped.

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    Hi Siva
    Just to clarify, rather than the short name of the conc program there is a shipped data definition that just uses the product short name? What is the data def so I can check it.
    Regards, Tim

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    Andrew Caldwell wrote:
    Is there a way to invoke these without the script opening each one?
    You must use the bundle identifier instead of the name
    Here a example :
    set theApps to {"", "com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro", "com.barebones.textwrangler", "com.roxio.Toast", "com.fetchsoftworks.Fetch"}
    repeat with anApp in theApps
           tell application "Finder" to tell (application file id anApp)
                  set vers to version
                  set parentFolder to name of its container
           end tell
           if parentFolder is in {"Applications", "Utilities"} then set parentFolder to ""
           display alert anApp & ": Version: " & vers & " " & parentFolder
    end repeat

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