How to GREP unique string only?

I have a huge import log file and it's too hard to review the full log file to verify all reported errors are ignorable. So I am looking for a way to list the distinct errors.
I had some manual analysis and workarounds to find out the errors however it consumes time and i am sure there are more easier way.
I will attach sample of the log file.
The log file ends with "Job "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01" completed with 3384 error(s) at 11:38:14" which shows that we have 3384 error in the log file
I went through the file and found some errors and did simple word count command
[AMD64] ortissm2@ausodissm01 > cat full_import.log | grep ORA-39151 | wc -l
[AMD64] ortissm2@ausodissm01 > cat full_import.log | grep ORA-39111 | wc -l
[AMD64] ortissm2@ausodissm01 > cat full_import.log | grep ORA-31684 | wc -l
but there are 42 Error still missing .. I did the following workaround to prune the ORA-39151 grep ORA-39111 grep ORA-31684 redirecting the output to another file then search with the same for ORA- pattern
cat full_import.log | grep -v -e ORA-39151 -e ORA-39111 -e ORA-31684 >import.log
[AMD64] ortissm2@ausodissm01 > cat import.log | grep ORA-39083 | wc -l
[AMD64] ortissm2@ausodissm01 > cat import.log | grep ORA-29357 | wc -l
[AMD64] ortissm2@ausodissm01 > cat import.log | grep ORA-39082 | wc -l
ORA-31684: Object type TABLESPACE:"UNDOTBS1" already exists
ORA-31684: Object type TABLESPACE:"SYSAUX" already exists
ORA-31684: Object type TABLESPACE:"TEMP" already exists
ORA-39111: Dependent object type TRIGGER:"SYSMAN"."SEV_ANNOTATION_INSERT_TR" skipped, base object type VIEW:"SYSMAN"."MGMT_SEVERITY_ANNOTATION" already exists
ORA-39111: Dependent object type TRIGGER:"SYSMAN"."SEV_ANNOTATION_DELETE_TR" skipped, base object type VIEW:"SYSMAN"."MGMT_SEVERITY_ANNOTATION" already exists
ORA-39111: Dependent object type TRIGGER:"SYSMAN"."SPACE_METRICS_PURGE_TRIGGER" skipped, base object type VIEW:"SYSMAN"."MGMT_SPACE_PURGE" already exists
ORA-39151: Table "WKSYS"."WK$_SYSINFO" exists. All dependent metadata and data will be skipped due to table_exists_action of skip
ORA-39151: Table "WKSYS"."WK$_SOURCE_GROUP" exists. All dependent metadata and data will be skipped due to table_exists_action of skip
Need to grep the unique ORA- error only, the output like hereunder
If we able to amend the code to get the number of occurrence this will be perfect and safe time too
thanks in advance,

Some Oracle errors will be follow up errors and as such not indicate what went wrong, but in terms of extracting these errors, how about a case statement and putting each error type in a separate file, which then allows easy further processing, e.g.:
while read line; do
   case $line in
     *ORA-39151* ) echo $line >> ORA-39151.log ;;
     *ORA-29357* ) echo $line >> ORA-29357.log ;;
done < /path/$ORACLE_SID_alert.log

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    any other ways without using arrays?Use a Map keyed by String (your tokens), and containing Integer objects representing the number of occurences.
    Map occurenceCount = new HashMap();
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    No you don't. You provide a prefix and suffix and it fills in the middle with something guaranteed to be unique, in the directory you specify. Here is the javadoc:
    public static File createTempFile(String prefix,
    String suffix,
    File directory)
    throws IOException
    Creates a new empty file in the specified directory, using the given prefix and suffix strings to generate its name. If this method returns successfully then it is guaranteed that:
    1. The file denoted by the returned abstract pathname did not exist before this method was invoked, and
    2. Neither this method nor any of its variants will return the same abstract pathname again in the current invocation of the virtual machine.
    This method provides only part of a temporary-file facility. To arrange for a file created by this method to be deleted automatically, use the deleteOnExit() method.
    The prefix argument must be at least three characters long. It is recommended that the prefix be a short, meaningful string such as "hjb" or "mail". The suffix argument may be null, in which case the suffix ".tmp" will be used.
    To create the new file, the prefix and the suffix may first be adjusted to fit the limitations of the underlying platform. If the prefix is too long then it will be truncated, but its first three characters will always be preserved. If the suffix is too long then it too will be truncated, but if it begins with a period character ('.') then the period and the first three characters following it will always be preserved. Once these adjustments have been made the name of the new file will be generated by concatenating the prefix, five or more internally-generated characters, and the suffix.
    If the directory argument is null then the system-dependent default temporary-file directory will be used. The default temporary-file directory is specified by the system property On UNIX systems the default value of this property is typically "/tmp" or "/var/tmp"; on Microsoft Windows systems it is typically "c:\\temp". A different value may be given to this system property when the Java virtual machine is invoked, but programmatic changes to this property are not guaranteed to have any effect upon the the temporary directory used by this method.
    prefix - The prefix string to be used in generating the file's name; must be at least three characters long
    suffix - The suffix string to be used in generating the file's name; may be null, in which case the suffix ".tmp" will be used
    directory - The directory in which the file is to be created, or null if the default temporary-file directory is to be used
    An abstract pathname denoting a newly-created empty file
    IllegalArgumentException - If the prefix argument contains fewer than three characters
    IOException - If a file could not be created
    SecurityException - If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager.checkWrite(java.lang.String) method does not allow a file to be created

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                   FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
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         public static void main(String args[]){
                   FileReader fr = new FileReader("Dups.txt");
                   BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
                   String s1[]=br.readLine();
                   String s2;
                   while ((s2=br.readLine())!=null){
                    HashSet ref = new HashSet( s1 ); // create a HashSet
                    Iterator i = ref.iterator(); // get iterator
                    System.out.println( "\nNonduplicates are: " );
                    while ( i.hasNext() )
                         System.out.print( + " " );
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    thanks in advance,

    In a relational database, each column of each row should store one value, not a repleating group of values, such as a delimited list. This is so basic to database design that it is called "First Normal Form". You don't have to follow rules like this, but, if you don't, your code will be complicated, inefficient, and error-prone. It sould be best to re-design your application so that each value was on a separate row.
    If you can't do that, then you can start by splitting your delimitd lists into separate rows. Then you can easily fond the distinct values, and use any String Aggregation technique to combine the results into one output row.
    Here's one way to do all that:
    WITH     got_params     AS
         SELECT     'A,B,C,D,F' AS str, 1 AS str_id     FROM dual     UNION ALL
         SELECT     'C,F,H,B,A,K',          2            FROM dual
    ,     got_part_cnt     AS
         SELECT     str
         ,     1 + LENGTH (str)
                - LENGTH (REPLACE (str, ','))     AS part_cnt
         FROM    got_params
    ,     cntr          AS
         SELECT     LEVEL     AS n
         FROM     (
                  SELECT  MAX (part_cnt)     AS max_part_cnt
                  FROM    got_part_cnt
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= max_part_cnt
    ,     got_substr     AS
                REGEXP_SUBSTR ( p.str
                               , '[^,]+'
                        , 1
                        , c.n
                        )          AS sub_str
         FROM    got_part_cnt p
         JOIN     cntr          c  ON     c.n     <= p.part_cnt
    ,     got_r_num     AS
         SELECT     sub_str
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY  sub_str)     AS r_num
         ,     ROWNUM                                        AS r
         FROM     got_substr
    SELECT     MIN ( SUBSTR ( SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (sub_str, ',')
                          , 2
             )          AS unique_sub_strs
    FROM    got_r_num
    -- START WITH     r_num     = 1
    CONNECT BY     r_num     = 1 + PRIOR r_num
    ;This works in Oracle Express Edition, which is the only database I can use right now. For the main query, you should be able to say:
    SELECT     SUBSTR ( SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (sub_str, ',')
                , 2
                )     AS unique_sub_strs
    FROM    got_r_num
    START WITH     r_num     = 1
    CONNECT BY     r_num     = 1 + PRIOR r_num
    ;but, when I try that on my database, I only get 'A,B' as the output. CONNECT BY is very buggy in Oracle 10.2; if you have Oracle 10.1, the simpler form might work.
    The query above can be shortened some, but I wrote it this way to make it easier to understand.
    You can, for example, combine the sub-queries got_sub_str and got_r_num. If you do, use DENSE_RANK instead of ROW_NUMBER.
    This does not assume that the sub-qtrings are all 1-character long. If they are, then the query can be simplified.
    For more about string aggregation, see

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    Hello All,
    How to print IView contents only instead of the whole portal. If I use javascript function, it prints whole screen. I want to print only the IVIEW contents. IView has tableview.
    Thanks in advance,

    we are using a 7.0 SP 16 Portal.
    If you have an light portal with an low EPCF level maybe the option will not be shown.
    Try it with the default SAP Portal Style as admin in that case you have an high EPCF level and you also should see the print option.
    If your iview is embeded inside a page this can have different effects. Please test it with an stand alone iView before.
    So with the high EPCF level the default portal style a single portal iView and the print option set to true you should see and use the print option.
    The option "Show print option" is not for every iView type avaible for example web dynpro iViews has that option this i know for sure, because i use this option with web dynpro iViews.
    Maybe you can build this function by your own i did this also with the following code. Maybe you can adapt that code:
    String p1 = WDProtocolAdapter.getProtocolAdapter().getRequestObject().getParameter("PagePath");
    String p2 = WDWebContextAdapter.getWebContextAdapter().getRequestParameter("sap-ext-sid");
    String p3 = WDWebContextAdapter.getWebContextAdapter().getRequestParameter("sap-wd-cltwndid");
    String[] url = wdThis.wdGetAPI().getComponent().getApplication().getURLService().getGeneralService().getAbsoluteWebResourceURL(wdThis.wdGetAPI().getComponent().getDeployableObjectPart().getName()).split("/");
    parameter = p1 + "&iview_mode=default&sap-wd-renderMode=print&sap-wd-cltwndid=" + p4 + "&sap-wd-cltwndid-print=" + p4 + "&sap-wd-pb-ext-sid=" + p2 + "--" + p3 + "--&IviewPrint=true";
    String newUrl = "http://" + url[2]+ "/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/" + parameter;
    kind regards
    Edited by: Fabian Eidner on Mar 23, 2009 3:40 PM

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    Any one with idea will be a great help.

    Well, a long is 64 bits. A char is 16 bits. Once you determine how you want to map the long's bits to your char bits, go google for "java bitwise operators".

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    look at read buffer indicator, how to pick them one by one (Volt, Ampere, Watt, kVar, Cosphi) ? i wanna convert it to decimal. please help me
    Modbus NI ‏13 KB
    Modbus NI ‏13 KB

    Just use String Subset to pull out parts you need.  For voltage, you will want index to be 2 with a length of 4.  You can then do the conversion however you need to.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions

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    string. Any idea?What does the product id look like?Product id is usually a string of digits andletters:
    2323, 234lasfd1kj3,....
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    h(siteUrl) -> 8 byte string
    h(productId) -> 8 byte string
    I now can combine h(siteUrl) and h(productId) toget
    16 byte unique string.
    Sorry but you can't! Since the hashes will not be
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    HI experts,
    I have an issue with the check . the check encashment date is not getting updated . we are using electronic bank statement and the bank statement files are MT940 format . the EBS is working fine but in case of check payment we receive a 12 digit check number i.e ( 000000001618)  in the MT940 files where as  in the SAP system we have maintained check lot with a 10 digit number i.e ( 0000001618) i have already defined the interpretation algorithm and the search string but the search string only works when i change the sap system check lot to 12 digits as per the MT940 files. How can i define a search string to clear the 12 digits check number in MT940 with the 10 digit in system so that it get cleared and the check encashment date get updated in check information .
    could anyone help me .

    Try keeping the 1st two digits of search string as b;ank. i.e. ############ (12 digits) mapped to __##########. I used underscore to denote balnk space. Using this when you recevie say 000000001618 (12 digits), it will be mapped to 0000001618 (10 digits). Then your interpretation algo will use this 10 digit number.

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    I attempted to compare two strings whether they are equal or not. They should return true if both are equal.
    One string is based on Taxonomy's Term (i.e. Term.Name) whereas other string is based on String object.
    The problem is that both strings which seem equal return false instead of true. Both string values have different special characters though their special characters are & and &
    Snapshot of different design & same symbols:
    Is it due to different culture or language?
    How to compare two strings whether both are equal while ignoring the difference in special characters (& vs &)?

    Hi Jerioon,
    If you have a list of possible ambiguous characters the job is going to be easy and if (& vs &) are the only charracters in concern awesome.
    You can use the below solution.
    Before comparing pass the variables through a replace function to standarize the char set.
    $Var = Replace($Var,"&","&")
    This is going to make sure you don't end up with ambiguous characters failing the comparison and all the char are "&" in this case.
    Similar technique is used to ignore Character Cases 'a' vs. 'A'
    Please “Vote As Helpful”
    if you find my contribution useful or “Mark As Answer” if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you.

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    Example of what i want to do:
    I have file1.dsl in my project which contains some statements but the declaration of these statements are not in another file, i need to put them only in my code

    Hi Stefan,
    I have eclipse project contains 2 files, file1.dsl and file2.dsl, you can see the contents of the files below.
    file1.dsl contains some statements as shown below and file2.dsl contains the declarations of the variables. (like in C++ or Java we have declarations and usage)
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    And link file1.dsl with the model generated after parsing my string
    int a;
    int b;

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    try with this statement.
    delete dataset <datasetname>.
    this will definitely work.

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    Trademann wrote:
    Fox, that does not work, because then you are blocked from sending any form of message to another Apple user. iMessage MUST be activated to text any other iOS device. And then Apple defaults by ALWAYS using iMessage between iOS devices.There is simply no way, within iOS 8, to send SMS only to another Apple user. Apple has made that impossible.
    The SMS-only choice used to be on the same menu level as iMessage, but  now it is locked WITHIN iMessage, and is not available as a choice unless iMessage is activated. Then it is limited solely to being used if iMessage is not available.
    I'm sure their argument is that they are saving their customers money because iMessage is free, but they are imposing an opportunity cost on 100 percent of their user base in the guise of saving that money. What they are really doing is entrapping faithful users such as myself further within the Apple ecosystem. If I hadn't already spent thousands of dollars on my iTunes library I might consider a Galaxy ... Samsung does not deserve to regain any momentum if they can't figure out how to exploit this.
    Turning off iMessage does not prevent you from sending messages to other Apple users.  You can send an SMS to any iPhone without your own iMessage turned on, even if it is turned on on their iPhone.
    The SMS-only option is: Turn off iMessage.  Literally.  That's it.

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