How to implement adf skins in JDeveloper 11g

How to integrate CSS in ADF using JDeveloper 11g without Trinidad.

Is there any particular reason for NOT wanting to use the trinidad-config.xml? Using Jdev11g, it is very easy, requires no extra jars and have no external dependencies. Also, its [better |] to do it using skins.

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    Please check the below steps and refer the below links.
    1. Problem your XMl Script
    2. If null value not present in your columns in your table in database.The ; problem has occured.
    please check below steps.
    1. Are you using OCI or ODBC in your connection pool? Try it with OCI Call Interface 11g.
    2.Remove the commit tag from the XML file.
    This xml file working for me.
    A couple of small adjustments got your XML to work here:
    <?xml version="1.0"; encoding="utf-8"?>
    <WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="";>
    <WebMessageTable lang="en-us" system="WriteBack" table="Messages">
    <WebMessage name="WriteBack">
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    values (@{c7},@{c8},@{c9},@{c10},@{c11},@{c5} ) </insert>
    <update> </update>
    The <writeBack> tag is written with a lower case "w".
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    I think that you have to specify also an SQL statement for the update tag, for example:
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    <WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="";>
    <WebMessageTable lang="en-us" system="WriteBack" table="Messages">
    <WebMessage name="pmet_update">
    <writeBack connectionPool="PMTCOG">
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    <update> UPDATE XREF_PMET_URL SET URL= '@{c1}' WHERE API='@{c0}'</update>
    The witeback wants for both the tags (<insert></insert> and <update></update>) an SQL Statement.
    Hope this help's

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    Library Name : TestCallout.jar
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    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
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    <xsl:value-of select="concat(/ns1:OredrStatusInquiryRequest/ns1:LineNumber,/ns1:OredrStatusInquiryRequest/ns1:Item)"/>
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    Are you trying to expose an existing system inside of WCS?
    If this is the case, you should investigate "External Applications":
    This is an out of the box way of embedding external systems, with seperate login pages etc. I think this will achieve what you are trying to do yourself. It even allows for parameterised URLs

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    The basic way to import code is to use the "New->Projects->Project from existing code" or "project from WAR" dialogs to create your project.
    You then need to do some tweaking in the project properties->Content (and sub nodes such as resources and Web content).
    And also set the correct JARs/Libraries in the project properties.
    You can use the help->check for update to download the extension to JDeveloper that will let you integrate with Clearcase to do version management.
    This how-to might help you with your migration:

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    Thanks very much,
    -Adam vonNieda

    Hi Adam,
    Is this what you are looking for;
    Daan Bakboord

  • ADF Skin customization

    how to override ADF SKin components? what are alll best practices ? Can you please suggest how to control look and feel completely ?

    This link may fit with your requirement(can override ADF SKin components)

  • How to implement createInstanceFromResultSet

    Hi All,
    I need some example to implement createInstanceFromResultSet
    my requirement is to Pull a another column in query reult from another table linked using xref.
    currently its doing using POST-QUERY of forms 6i.
    I tried created a VO based on two EO or SQL - Query but but are taking long time as sql query itself take a long time to show result.
    select video_seller_id into temp_video from cm_sub_seller_xref where subscriber_id = :cm_subscribers.subscriber_id and video_seller_id is not null;
    if temp_video is not null then
    select ext_sys_seller_reference, name into :cm_subscribers.video_seller, :cm_subscribers.video_seller_description from cm_sellers where seller_id = temp_video;
    VO Query that takes time
    select cm_sub_seller_xref.VIDEO_SELLER_ID, cm_sellers.EXT_SYS_SELLER_REFERENCE, cm_sellers.NAME,cm_subscribers.subscriber_id
    from cm_subscribers INNER JOIN cm_sub_seller_xref on cm_sub_seller_xref.SUBSCRIBER_ID=cm_subscribers.SUBSCRIBER_ID
    INNER JOIN cm_sellers on cm_sellers.SELLER_ID= cm_sub_seller_xref.VIDEO_SELLER_ID
    and rownum<100
    Now looking to implement same using createInstanceFromResultSet

    we use Forms Developer in Post-Query:
    select dept.dept_name
    into :EMP.nb_dept_name
    from department dept
    where dept.dept_id = :EMP.dept_id;
    so, How to implement ADF createInstanceFromResultSet method?

  • Getting Blank page when i am running ADF page from jdeveloper

    Hi All,
    I have created new ADF page in Jdeveloper 11g. I have done the steps which are mentioned in the OTN ADF tutorial. when i am running the page, i am getting blank page in the console its throwing the below exception. pls help me.
    <Dec 23, 2008 11:12:43 AM GMT+05:30> <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101017> <[weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext@beaed3 - appName: 'BrowseEditApp', name: 'BrowseEditApp-ViewController-context-root', context-path: '/BrowseEditApp-ViewController-context-root', spec-version: '2.5', request: weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl@1db6c8c[
    GET /BrowseEditApp-ViewController-context-root/faces/adf.task-flow?adf.tfId=orders-flow&adf.tfDoc=/WEB-INF/orders-flow.xml HTTP/1.1
    Accept: /
    Accept-Language: en-us
    UA-CPU: x86
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    ]] Root cause of ServletException.
    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.context.RichPhaseListener.afterPhase(
    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._executePhase(
    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.render(
    at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    can any body help me

    hard to tell what the problem is because all that the stack trace tells us is that you are invoking a bounded taskflow from a browser. If the bounded taskflow is built with pages (not page fragments) then this should bring up the default activity.

  • How to get multiple out parameters from a pl/sql stored procedure in ADF Jdeveloper 11g release2

    I´m trying to call from AppModuleImpl a stored procedure from my oracle DB which receives one input parameter and returns 5 out parameters. 
    I´m using jdeveloper 11g release2  ADF and I have created a java bean "ProRecallPlatesBean " with the atributes and accesors and I serialize it. just like in this article
    This is my code so far:
    public ProRecallPlatesBean getCallProRecallPlates(String numPlates) {
    CallableStatement st = null;
    try {
              // 1. Define the PL/SQL block for the statement to invoke
              String stmt = "begin CTS.Pk_PreIn.proRecallPlates(?,?,?,?,?,?); end;";
              // 2. Create the CallableStatement for the PL/SQL block
              st = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement(stmt,0);
              // 3. Register the positions and types of the OUT parameters
    // 4. Set the bind values of the IN parameters
    // 5. Execute the statement
    // 6. Create a bean to hold the multiple return values
    ProRecallPlatesBean result = new ProRecallPlatesBean();
    // 7. Set values of properties using OUT params
    // 8. Return the result
    return result;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    throw new JboException(e);
    } finally {
    if (st != null) {
    try {
    // 9. Close the JDBC CallableStatement
    catch (SQLException e) {}
    In Jdeveloper I went into AppModule.xml JAVA>Client Interface section and expose "getCallProRecallPlates" Then I can see "getCallProRecallPlates" in Data Controls, I drag and drop it to a JSF page, an input text component and a button are generated in order to put in there the procedure input parameter (numPlates).
    I don't know if I'm on the right track.
    When I click the button, the "result" variable is supposed to be filled with data from the stored procedure. I want each of those values to be displayed in Output text or input text adf components but I dont know how. Thank you very much in advance I´m a newbie and i'll appreciate your help!

    What version are you on?
    Works fine for me on my 11g:
    SQL> create or replace procedure testxml (clob_out out clob)
      2  is
      3     l_clob   clob;
      4     l_ctx    dbms_xmlquery.ctxhandle;
      5  begin
      6     l_ctx := dbms_xmlquery.newcontext ('select * from dual');
      7     l_clob := dbms_xmlquery.getxml (l_ctx);
      8     clob_out := l_clob;
      9     dbms_xmlquery.closecontext (l_ctx);
    10  end testxml;
    11  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> variable vout clob;
    SQL> exec testxml (:vout)
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print vout
    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
       <ROW num="1">
    </ROWSET>But definitely you can optimize your proc a bit: Try
    create or replace procedure testxml (clob_out in out nocopy clob)
       l_ctx    dbms_xmlquery.ctxhandle;
       l_ctx := dbms_xmlquery.newcontext ('select * from dual');
       clob_out := dbms_xmlquery.getxml (l_ctx);
       dbms_xmlquery.closecontext (l_ctx);
    end testxml;

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