How to input file at runtime in Fileadapter applicatiopn

How to specify File Name  and Dir name at run time in File Adapter.

Hi Nitin,
"..So i want to know if i can write multiple select statements in the stored procedure.."
Read the below line that is mentioned in the SAP help documentation fro Sender JDBC adapter:-
<i>Specify an SQL EXECUTE statement to execute a stored procedure, which contains exactly one SELECT statement.</i>
I dont think it can be achieved...but there must be some workaround for this. You can probably use a join statement.
Read this, again from the documentation:-
<i>The expression must correspond to the SQL variant supported by the relevant JDBC driver. It can also contain table JOINs.</i>

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      public CmdExec() {
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    [item5, 65, 555.5, item4, 29, 689.0]
    [item7, 84, 34.5, item6, 103, 0.5, item8, 85, 1.36]
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    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Inventory extends Object
         public int toAdd = 0;
         private boolean done = false;               //Are we done yet?
         public String strItemName;                    //The name of the item type.
         public int intNumInStock;                    //The number in stock of that type.      
         public double dblValueOfOneItem;          //The value of one item.
        public String strNumberInStock;               
        public double dblTotalValueA;               //The total value of warehouse A.
        public double dblTotalValueB;               //The total value of warehouse B.
        public double dblTotalValueC;               //The total value of warehouse C.
        public int intWarehouseAItemCount;          //Counter for items in warehouse A.
        public int intWarehouseBItemCount;          //Counter for items in warehouse B.
        public int intWarehouseCItemCount;          //Counter for items in warehouse C.
         ArrayList warehouseAList = new ArrayList();     //Create the Warehouse A ArrayList.                                   
         ArrayList warehouseBList = new ArrayList(); //Create the Warehouse B arrayList.
         ArrayList warehouseCList = new ArrayList(); //Create the Warehouse C arrayList.
         /** Construct a new Inventory object. */
         public Inventory()
         /**Add items to the Warehouse A ArrayList.*/
         private void createWareHouseA()
              System.out.println("!" + toAdd + " item types will be added to warehouse A.");
              String strNumInStock = Integer.toString(intNumInStock);
              String strValueOfOneItem = Double.toString(dblValueOfOneItem);
              this.strNumberInStock = strNumInStock;
              System.out.println("!Initial size of warehouseAList :  " +
              //Add items to the array List
              System.out.println("!size of arrayList after additions " + warehouseAList.size());
         /**Add items to the Warehouse B ArrayList.*/
         private void createWareHouseB()
              System.out.println("!" + toAdd + " item types will be added to warehouse B.");
              String strNumInStock = Integer.toString(intNumInStock);
              String strValueOfOneItem = Double.toString(dblValueOfOneItem);
              this.strNumberInStock = strNumInStock;
              System.out.println("!Initial size of warehouseBList :  " +
              //Add items to the array List
              System.out.println("!size of arrayList after additions " + warehouseBList.size());
         /**Add items to the Warehouse C ArrayList.*/
         private void createWareHouseC()
              System.out.println("!" + toAdd + " item types will be added to warehouse C.");
              String strNumInStock = Integer.toString(intNumInStock);
              String strValueOfOneItem = Double.toString(dblValueOfOneItem);
              this.strNumberInStock = strNumInStock;
              System.out.println("!Initial size of warehouseCList :  " +
              //Add items to the array List
              System.out.println("!size of arrayList after additions " + warehouseCList.size());
         /**Interpret the commands entered by the user.*/
         public void cmdInterpreter()
              Scanner cin = new Scanner(;
              while (!this.done)
                   //"line" equals the next line of input.
                   String line = cin.nextLine();
         /**Execute one line entered by the user.
          * @param cmdLN; The command entered by the user to execute. */
          private void executeCmd(String cmdLN)
               Scanner line = new Scanner(cmdLN);
               if (line.hasNext())
                    String cmd =;
                    //What to do when users enter the various commands below.
                    if (cmd.equals("help"))
                    else if (cmd.equals("Q!"))
                         this.done = true;
                    else if (cmd.equals("F") && line.hasNext())
                    else if (cmd.equals("K") && line.hasNext())
                         int numItemsToAdd = Integer.valueOf( ).intValue();
                         this.toAdd = numItemsToAdd;
          /**What to do if input comes from a file.
           *     @param inputFile; The name of the input file to process.*/
          private void inputFromFile(String inputFile)
               Scanner cin = new Scanner(;
               System.out.println("!Using input file " + inputFile + ".");
               System.out.print("!Enter the name of the output file: ");
               String outputFile =;
               System.out.println("!Using output file " + outputFile + ".");
                   BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile));
                   //Scanner in = new Scanner(new File(inputFile));
                   //Initialize the String variables.
                   String line1 = null;
                   String line2 = null;
                   String line3 = null;
                   String line4 = null;
                   String line5 = null;
                   String line6 = null;
                   String line7 = null;
                   String line8 = null;
                   String line9 = null;
                   System.out.println(in.equals(",") + " see?");
                   //System.out.println((char)(char) + " experiment");
                   /**This loop assigns values to the string variables based on the
                    * values on each line in the input file. */
                   while(in.readLine() != null)
                        line1 = in.readLine();
                        line2 = in.readLine();
                        line3 = in.readLine();
                        line4 = in.readLine();
                        line5 = in.readLine();
                        line6 = in.readLine();
                        line7 = in.readLine();
                        line8 = in.readLine();
                        line9 = in.readLine();
                   //Print the contents of each line in the input file.
                   System.out.println("!value of line 1: " + line1);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 2: " + line2);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 3: " + line3);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 4: " + line4);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 5: " + line5);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 6: " + line6);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 7: " + line7);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 8: " + line8);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 9: " + line9);
                /**Add items to the warehouses.*/
                /**Add the item count and total value for warehouse A.*/
                   int intLine2 = Integer.valueOf(line2).intValue();
                   this.intWarehouseAItemCount = intLine2;
                   double dblLine3 = Double.valueOf(line3).doubleValue();
                   this.dblTotalValueA = dblLine3;
                /**Add the item count and total value for warehouse B.*/
                   int intLine5 = Integer.valueOf(line5).intValue();
                   this.intWarehouseBItemCount = intLine5;
                   double dblLine6 = Double.valueOf(line6).doubleValue();
                   this.dblTotalValueB = dblLine6;
                /**Add the item count and total value for warehouse C.*/
                  int intLine8 = Integer.valueOf(line8).intValue();
                  this.intWarehouseCItemCount = intLine8;
                  double dblLine9 = Double.valueOf(line9).doubleValue();
                  this.dblTotalValueC = dblLine9;
                /**Ask the user how many items to add or delete from inventory.*/
                  System.out.print("Enter the number to add to inventory for " +
                                                               warehouseAList.get(0) + ":");
                  String toAddOrDel =;
                /**Print the contents of all the warehouses. */
                   System.out.println(" ");
                   //Print the contents of warehouse A.
                   System.out.println("!----------Warehouse A:----------");
                   //Print the item list for warehouse A.
                   //Print the total amount of items in warehouse A.
                   System.out.println("Total items: " + this.intWarehouseAItemCount);
                   //Print the total value of the items in warehouse A.
                   System.out.println("Total value: " + this.dblTotalValueA);
                   System.out.println("!----------Warehouse B:----------");
                   //Print the item list for warehouse B.
                   System.out.println("!warehouseB: " + warehouseBList);
                   //Print the total amount of items in warehouse B.
                   System.out.println("Total items: " + this.intWarehouseBItemCount);
                   //Print the total value of the items in warehouse B.
                   System.out.println("Total value: " + this.dblTotalValueB);
                   System.out.println("!----------Warehouse C:----------");
                   //Print the item list for warehouse C.
                   System.out.println("!warehouseC: " + warehouseCList);
                   //Print the total amount of items in warehouse C.
                   System.out.println("Total items: " + this.intWarehouseCItemCount);
                   //Print the total value of the items in warehouse C.
                   System.out.println("Total value: " + this.dblTotalValueC);
              catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                   System.out.println("!Error: Unable to open file for reading.");
              catch (EOFException e)
                   System.out.println("!Error: EOF encountered, file may be corrupted.");
              catch (IOException e)
                   System.out.println("!Error: Cannot read from file.");
          /**What to do if input comes from the keyboard.
           *     @param numItems; The total number of items that will be added to the
           *                      Warehouse(s). */
          public void inputFromKeyboard(int numItems)
               System.out.println("!You will be adding " + numItems + " items to " +
                                             "inventory from the keyboard. ");
               this.toAdd = numItems;
               Scanner cin = new Scanner(;
               //Prompt user for name of output file.
               System.out.print("!Enter the name of the output file: ");
               String outputFile =;
               /**This loop asks the user for information about the item(s) and inputs
                 *them into the appropriate array.*/
               int count = 0;
               while (numItems > count)
                    //Item name.
                    System.out.print("!Item name: ");
                    String addItemName =;
                    //Number in stock.
                    System.out.print("!Number in stock: ");
                    String addNumInStock =;
                    //Initial warehouse.
                    System.out.print("!Initial warehouse(A,B,C): ");
                    String addInitWarehouse =;
                    //Value of one item.
                    System.out.print("!Value of one item: ");
                    String addValueOfOneItem =;
                    //Add or delete from inventory
                    System.out.print("!Enter amount to add or delete from inventory: ");
                    String strAddOrDelete =;
                    System.out.println("!Amount to add or delete: " + strAddOrDelete);
                    int intAddNumInStock = Integer.valueOf(addNumInStock).intValue();
                    double doubleAddValueOfOneItem = Double.valueOf(addValueOfOneItem).doubleValue();
                    int intAddOrDelete = Integer.valueOf(strAddOrDelete).intValue();
                    /**Add intAddNumInStock with intAddOrDelete to determine the amount
                     * to add or delete from inventory (If a user wishes to remove items
                     * from inventory simply add negative values). */
                    intAddNumInStock = intAddNumInStock + intAddOrDelete;
                    System.out.println("!Inventory after modifications: " + strAddOrDelete);
                    this.strItemName = addItemName;
                    this.intNumInStock = intAddNumInStock;
                    this.dblValueOfOneItem = doubleAddValueOfOneItem;
                    //Put items into warehouse A if appropriate.
                    if (intAddNumInStock < 25)
                        //Increment the warehouse A item count.
                        this.intWarehouseAItemCount = this.intWarehouseAItemCount + 1;
                        //Calculate the total value of warehouse A.
                        this.dblTotalValueA = this.dblTotalValueA + intAddNumInStock * doubleAddValueOfOneItem;
                        //Create the warehouse A array list.
                    //Put items into warehouse B if appropriate.
                    if (intAddNumInStock >= 25)
                        if (intAddNumInStock < 75)
                             //Increment the warehouse B item count.
                             this.intWarehouseBItemCount = this.intWarehouseBItemCount + 1;
                             //Calculate the total value of warehouse B.
                             this.dblTotalValueB = this.dblTotalValueB + intAddNumInStock * doubleAddValueOfOneItem;
                             //Create the warehouse B array list.
                    //Put items into warehouse C if appropriate.
                    if (intAddNumInStock >= 75)
                        //Increment the warehouse C item count.
                        this.intWarehouseCItemCount = this.intWarehouseCItemCount + 1;
                        //Calculate the total value of warehouse C.
                        this.dblTotalValueC = this.dblTotalValueC + intAddNumInStock * doubleAddValueOfOneItem;
                        //Create the warehouse C array list.
                     //display helpful information.      
                    System.out.println("!" + addItemName + " is the item name.");
                    System.out.println("!" + addNumInStock + " is the number in stock.");
                    System.out.println("!" + addInitWarehouse + " is the initial warehouse.");
                    System.out.println("!" + addValueOfOneItem + " is the value of one item.");
                   //Increment the counters.
               /**Create and write to the output file. */
                     //Use the output file specified by the user.
                    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outputFile);
                 /**Write warehouse A details.*/
                      //Blank the first line.
                      out.println(" ");
                    //Write the array list for warehouse A.
                    //Write the amount of items in warehouse A.
                    //Write the total value for warehouse A.
                 /**Write warehosue B details.*/
                   //Write the array list for warehouse B.
                    //Write the amount of items in warehouse B.
                    //Write the total value for warehouse B.
                 /**Write warehouse C details.*/
                      //Write the array list for warehouse C.
                    //Write the amount of items in warehouse C.
                    //Write the total value for warehouse C.
                    //Close the output file.
                catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                   System.out.println("Error: Unable to open file for reading.");
               catch (IOException e)
                   System.out.println("Error: Cannot read from file.");
               /**View the contents and the value of each warehouse.*/
               System.out.println("!---------------Inventory Summary------------------");
               System.out.println("!<item type>, <amount in stock>,<value of one item>");
               System.out.println("!------------------Warehouse A:--------------------");
               //Display Items in warehouse A.
               //Total items in warehouse A.
               System.out.println("Total items: " + intWarehouseAItemCount);
               //Display total value of warehouse A.
               System.out.println("Total value: " + "$" + dblTotalValueA);
               System.out.println("!------------------Warehouse B:--------------------");
               //Display Items in warehouse B.
               //Total items in warehouse B.
               System.out.println("Total items: " + intWarehouseBItemCount);
               //Display total value of warehouse B.
               System.out.println("Total value: " + "$" + dblTotalValueB);
               System.out.println("!------------------Warehouse C:--------------------");
               //Display Items in warehouse C.
               //Total items in warehouse C.
               System.out.println("Total items: " + intWarehouseCItemCount);
               //Display total value of warehouse C.
               System.out.println("Total value: " + "$" + dblTotalValueC);
         /**Display a help message.*/
         private void displayHelp()
              System.out.println("! General Help:");
              System.out.println("! ");
              System.out.println("!'help' display this help message.");
              System.out.println("!'Q!' quit this program.");
              System.out.println("! Input File Specific Commands:");
              System.out.println("! ");
              System.out.println("!'F' <name> type F followed by the name of the " +
                                       "file to be used for input.");
              System.out.println("! Input From Keyboard Specific Commands:");
              System.out.println("! ");
              System.out.println("!'K' <number> type K followed by the number of " +
                                        "items that will be added. ");
              System.out.println("! ");
    }Program file:
    public class InventoryProg
         public static void main(String[] args)
              //Create a new Inventory object.
              Inventory test = new Inventory();
              //Execute the command interpreter.
    }Right now I am stuck on this and I cannot progress any further until I figure out how to input the data in the text file back into a arraylist.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks but I figured it out. Heres a sample of the code i used to solve my problem:
                           //Warehouse A BufferedReader.
                   BufferedReader inA = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileWarehouseA));
                   //Warehouse B BufferedReader.
                   BufferedReader inB = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileWarehouseB));
                   //Warehouse C BufferedReader.
                   BufferedReader inC = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileWarehouseC));
                   //Warehouse details BufferedReader.
                   BufferedReader inDetails = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileDetails));
                   //Will hold values in warehouse arraylists.
                   String lineA = null;
                   String lineB = null;
                   String lineC = null;
                   //Will hold the details of each warehouse.
                   String line1 = null;
                   String line2 = null;
                   String line3 = null;
                   String line4 = null;
                   String line5 = null;
                   String line6 = null;
                   //Get the item count and total value for each warehouse.
                   while(inDetails.readLine() != null)
                        line1 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line2 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line3 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line4 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line5 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line6 = inDetails.readLine();
               /**Assign the item count and total value to warehouse A.*/
                   int intLine1 = Integer.valueOf(line1).intValue();
                   double dblLine2 = Double.valueOf(line2).doubleValue();
                   //Assign the values.
                   this.intWarehouseAItemCount = intLine1;
                   this.dblTotalValueA = dblLine2;
                /**Assign the item count and total value to warehouse B.*/
                   int intLine3 = Integer.valueOf(line3).intValue();
                   double dblLine4 = Double.valueOf(line4).doubleValue();
                     //Assign the values.
                   this.intWarehouseBItemCount = intLine3;
                   this.dblTotalValueB = dblLine4;
                /**Assign the item count and total value to warehouse C.*/
                     int intLine5 = Integer.valueOf(line5).intValue();
                   double dblLine6 = Double.valueOf(line6).doubleValue();
                   //Assign the values.
                   this.intWarehouseCItemCount = intLine5;
                   this.dblTotalValueC = dblLine6;
                /**Put the items back into the warehouses arraylists. */
                   //Add items to warehouse A.
                   while((lineA = inA.readLine()) != null)
                   //Add items to warehouse B.
                   while((lineB = inB.readLine()) != null)
                   //Add items to warehouse C.
                   while((lineC = inC.readLine()) != null)
                   }(this isn't the whole try statement its pretty long)

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    Hi Experts,
    I want to identify number of Input files available in Directory of Target system. Input file format is Input*.txt
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    Jagesh Lakdawala wrote:
    > My requirement is to read the Input Text file available on a given Location.Filename format is Input*.txt because Number of Input file is not fixed. All the Input file data needs to be available at the same time in R/3 coding (Internal table). i.e in a single XML message payload.
    > My question is in this BPM how do i know the LOOP Counter?? because LOOP should run depending on the Number of Input files available with the format Input*.txt.
    > Please suggest.
    > Regards,
    > Jagesh
    so say at one instance there are 7 files and XI picks them up, your BPM collects it and when you send it to R3 you need to know how many files have been processed?
    Well if this is the case, modify your BPM to accommodate collect pattern based on time. So fix a time period basically a time out say an hour. So the BPM will run for an hour after it receives the first file in and if within an hour say 7 files have come in, once the time out kicks in the BPM will exit. In you mapping of N:1 inside the bpm you can write a UDF which will count the occurrance of the root node of the source (a mandatory node of the source) and populate it to any field in the target tht you want to use.
    Is this what you are looking for?

  • How to execute an SSIS package on a scheduled basis from remote server and pass in input files

    I have an application server and a db server.  My db server has all things SQL Server stored on it (DBMS, SSRS, SSIS, etc.)  I have several nightly batch process SSIS packages (dtsx files currently) that will pickup an input file and import them
    into the database.  I would like to execute all batch processes from my application server as I have quite a few other ones as well that do other stuff outside of SQL Server via powershell.  My question is how to do this?  Is there away to execute
    them remotely via DTexec.exe, should I set them up as Agent jobs and somehow pass in the file names\location (how?), create and SSIS catalog, etc.?  
    I need to easily be able to see if the packages execute successfully or not and if not capture the detailed information of why they failed from the remote server so I can use that to drive my process flow logic in the batch processes.

    Hi Jason,
    According to your description, you want to execute a package on a schedule and receive notification when package ends with error in the job.
    After testing the issue in my environment, we can directly add the package in a step of a job, then add a schedule and set the Alert and Notification property in the job to achieve your requirement. For more details, please see:
    Create a Database Mail in the SSMS.
    Right-click the SQL Server Agent services to Enable mail profile, then select the appropriate Mail profile.
    Under the Operators folder, create an operator with the correct E-mail name.
    Right-click the Jobs folder to add a new job.
    In the Steps pane, New a step with SQL Server Integration Services Package Type to run the package.
    In the Schedules pane, New a schedule for the job.
    In the Alerts pane, New an alert with SQL Server event alert, then enable Notify operators option with an operator in the Response pane.
    In the Notifications pane, enable Email option with same operator and When the job fails selection.
    Then when the package fails, the job would be failed and we can receive the error message in the mailbox.
    Besides, please make sure the account that execute the job has correct permissions for the file, for the folder that contains the file, and for the database.
    Configure Database Mail – Send Email From SQL Database
    How to setup SQL Server alerts and email operator notifications
    Katherine Xiong
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to do the header and trailer validation in the input file?

    what are the ways we can validate whether header and trailer record exists in the input file?
    how to do that?

    File to Proxy Validation

  • In ABAP How to locate an Input file  from a Directory during run time

    I'm loading data from a flat file(text file) into SAP thru BDC programs. All my input files are present in Application server.How to locate an Input file in a directory during run time to process BDC programs programmatically. Are there any in-built functions?Provided me some sample code or any method of doing the same.

    Hello Murali,
    you should ask this question in the ABAP forum.

  • How to find number of lines in an input file.

    Can someone tell me, if there is a way to find out the number of lines in an input file. I do not want to read line by line and then count the number of lines read.

    Then how do you think a program could determine the amount of lines in an input file? How does a human know how many lines are on a page? You're going to have to count the items that separate two lines to know how many lines are in your file.
    Either read line by line and count the amount or read char by char and count the number of '\n' occurences instead.
    If you have control over writing the input files, however, you can make this better. Write a header in the file that specifies the amount of lines in it. The first line of your file will then hold a number that represents the amount of lines in the file, so you need only read the first line to know how many lines are in your file.

  • How to do the validation in sap xi (input file)

    how to do the validation in sap xi (input file)?

    Hi Ruban
    There are no fixed set of validations.
    It all depends on the exact functional requirements. Most of validations revolve in XI around,
    1. Validation of madatory fields.
    2. Cross Referncing of data.
    3. Validation for data in some fields , etc
    refr the below links for few details regarding validation
    <b>File Validations in SAP XI – A Case Study</b>
    refer this Blog
    <b>Validating messages in XI using XML Schema</b>
    <b> Where to create logical validations  </b>
    Where to create logical validations
    <b> HTTP to File with source XML validation </b>
    HTTP to File with source XML validation
    Abhishek Agrahari

  • File adapter - How to pass File name and path at runtime

    Hi gurus,
    We want to use PI 7.0 as an ftp server and expose the config as a webservice where the service consumer can pass one or more file names and the path to pick them and drop them on a fixed ftp server.
    So precisely, I need to be able to set the file name, target directory parameters in both sender and receiver file/ftp adapters at runtime. is this possible at all ?
    I am aware of passing Adapter specific parameters from sender file adapter to receiver file adapter to create the same folder structure and file names. But my requirement is different. I hope I am clear.
    Could I please get some advise on this .
    Thanks & Kind Regards,

    Hi Jhansi,
    Either you can go ahead with dynamic configuration as said by other SDN'ers. Else can go with Java Mapping:
    Here is the code for Java Mapping:
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class GetDynamicConfiguration implements StreamTransformation {
    private Map param;
    public void setParameter(Map map1) {
    this.param = map1;
    public void execute(InputStream inputstream, OutputStream outputstream) throws StreamTransformationException {
    try {
    AbstractTrace trace = null;
    // a) Set ouput File name
    String directory=null;
    trace = (AbstractTrace)param.get(StreamTransformationConstants.MAPPING_TRACE );
    param.put(DynamicConfigurationKey.create("", StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION), "");
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) param.get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("", "FileName");
    DynamicConfigurationKey key1 = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("", "Directory");
    String filename =conf.get(key);
    conf.put(key, filename);
    trace.addInfo("File name is "+filename);
    directory = "/home/ftpxi/in";
    directory = "/home/ftpxi/in/test";
    directory = "/home/ftpxi/in/test";
    trace.addInfo("Directory name is "+directory);
    conf.put(key1, directory);
    // b) Just copy input file to output file
    byte[] b = new bytehttp://inputstream.available();;
    } catch (Exception exception) {

  • CAPS - how to provide two input files for a web service

    We have a web service that takes two parameters. Each of those parameters come from a different file. When we provided two files corresponding to two parameters it reads the first input file but not the second. Can you please tell us how to achieve this.

    In eInsight Business Process under Branching Activities you can select the "Flow Activity", using this acitivity you can achieve the solution for your problem.

  • How to retain input file name in b2b

    I have requirement in the project where I need to flollow below steps
    1) pick up file -> transform into binary format -> push into JMS queue
    2) b2b channel listen to JMS queue -> transforms into text format -> creates .text file format.
    Every thing is working as expected however the issue is b2b is able to generate the file name is didn't match with the input file name though I have mentioned preserve file name option in b2b target channel.
    How can b2b generate/retain the file name which is same as picked up input file name by FTP adapter.

    Thanks. this issue has been resolved. If we set below proprties in bpel, b2b can retain same input file name.
    <from>concat("contentType:application/octet-stream;filename:",$varFileName )</from>
    <bpelx:toProperty name="jca.jms.JMSProperty.ACTION_NAME"

  • How to transfer input file into XI through sender file adapter

    I am quite new to XI. Want to know how I can transfer a file into XI through sender file adapter. I dont have any input file, so I have to create a sample input file and I want to transfer that into XI. Can you please advise me of the steps involved in that. I have finished work in design and directory, now I want to push file the sample file into XI. The receiver adapter is an IDoc adapter. And also a very trivial question. How I can place my sample file into my source directory. Thanks

    Hi Rajiv,
    If your transport protocol is NFS then you need to put the file in the XI server. Because it becomes the Network File System. For that you can just type the ip address of the XI server in the "run" command or in the browser with "
    " then in any of the Folders you can paste your file. But ensure that this is the path you give in your Sender File Adapter.
    If your transport protocol is FTP then you need to see that ftp is running in your system. for that go to Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs>Add/Remove Components. In that check the IIS server and go to details and see that ftp is also checked. Now ftp is running in your system.
    Now open your C:> drive >InetPub>ftproot . and create a folder here and paste your file. In the configuration of your File sender adapter just mention the name of the folder.
    For your information, you can create a file with xml tags and namespace and message type manually (or) you can directly get it from the test tab of message mapping and generate source code.

  • How to update cgicmd.dat file during runtime?

    I'd like to know how do update cgicmd.dat file during runtime. For example, I run a report one.jsp as
    within this report there is a hyperlink to open another report named two.jsp.
    before creating this hyperlink, I'd like to update cgicmd.dat file with passed in userID, pwd, and connection, so two.jsp can use this key for userinfo
    so I can create hyperlink as follows

    To my knowledge the cgicmd.dat is only read when the OC4J starts, so you would have to come up with another solution. Using Single-Sign-On (SSO) is quite a good idea, and it's there for cases like this.
    Martin Malmstrom

  • How to apply input file name to output file in file adapter

    Hi Friends
    In my file to file scenario,i want to use input file name to output file by using adapter specific attributes,for this i have java code.Please suggest me how can i use this java code in mesg mapping and to which field i need to mapping this.

    Hi Pullarao,
    I have two questions ...
    1. Are u want the static file name in the target file?
    if yes...then follow the Bhavesh instruction.
    2.If u want a dynamic file name in the target file using UDF....then your UDF should mapped to the <b>root element</b> of target structure.
    Parameter: String filename
    String filename;
    filename = fileName + ".DAT";
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create( "", "FileName");
    conf.put(key, filename);
    return filename;
    /*******END UDF*******/

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