How to install after a trial

Hi- I've had the trial of InDesign and Photoshop but now it's expired, I have started using the Creative Suite. I've tried uninstalling the Photoshop and InDesign but and have downloaded them through creative suite- when I try to open them, it tells me my trial has expired. Can anyone help?

you need to run cleanscript, try this
and then reinstall again

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    Well going by your standards then the blackberry playbook is just as useless since there is no native contacts app or email app.  If you want that you will also have to have a blackberry phone that is capable of tethering using the blackberry bridge app (if allowed by AT&T and Verizon since that would be another fee technically you might be charged for since you will be tethering your phone to you tablet).
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    Do you have a 64-bit version of Vista?
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    We can't know. You have not provided any actual system info or other technical details. Just saying that your system meets the requirements is pretty useless.

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    Because your computer meets the system requirements for those other programs, but it does NOT meet the system requirements for After Effects. 
    If you look closely at the available CC Applications on your machine, I wouldn't be surprised if you don't find Premiere Pro, either.  Both make heavy demands on the hardware, more than the other applications.
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    all the versions are compatible and can exist together.
    your upgrade does not need the predecessor upgradeable to be installed.  if it's not, you'll be prompted for the predecessor serial number (and the cs5 serial).

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    Do you NEED to install something?  The trial software is one and the same as the licensed software.  The only difference is that the CC subscription allows it to continue running.

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    How to use Encore CS6 with CC: DAV's TechTable

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    Hi juliao63829754,
    Trial version of any product can only be used once on a machine. You can surely look up the plans that we have available for the products in question .
    Creative Cloud pricing and membership plans | Adobe Creative Cloud
    Kartikay Sharma

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    PS : Sorry for my bad english i'm french ;-) .

    Hi Anaxagore,
    You can simply navigate to the below mentioned link and download After effects .
    Other downloads
    Kartikay Sharma

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