How to instantiate javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet?

When trying to instantiate javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet, I get the foll error...
javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet is abstract; cannot be instantiated
Any solutions plz...

You need to instantiate the standard reference implementation. As follows
javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet crs = new com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl()
Take a look at JDBC Technology Homepage and grab a copy of the JDBC RowSet Co-Bundle. You'll find a very useful tutorial in that bundle that will assist you.

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    Hi there,
    I'm facing this exception.
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    final ReportTemplateAttachment rta = new ReportTemplateAttachment();
    FileBlob fb = new FileBlob();
    final SerialBlob blob = new SerialBlob(attachmentDto.getFileVal());//it's a  byte[]
    //SerialBlob is of type javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob
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                <column name="FILE_DATA" />
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    uncategorized SQLException for SQL
    [insert into WP_ADMIN.file_blob (name, content_type, length, file_data, status, creation_user, creation_date, last_update_user, last_update_date, id)
    values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)];
    SQL state [null];
    error code [0];
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    Thanks in advance,

    You don't seem to understand the difference between an object model and a database. Hibernate, being an ORM package, works on the object model and will, based on what you request it to do, generate proper SQL statements to get the database part going. But you shouldn't be thinking about databases when using Hibernate; your main focus is the object model. There is no blob, only binary data. Binary data in Java is generally handled through a byte array.
    If you want to think in databases where blobs do exist, you should be using JDBC directly, not Hibernate.
    (I'm far from being an expert in Hibernate)I would really suggest taking a few hours and reading through the manual. You don't need to be an expert but you should at least know what kind of tool you're working with.

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    I think you need to add one (or more) of the available libraries to your project, in your project's settings dialog, but I'm unsure which. If you can't find the correct one, you can always add a newly created one, which holds a reference to your jar file.

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    OracleWebRowSet has the writeXml method to output an XML String.
    Also refer

  • Disconnected rowset CachedRowSet from a select inside stored procedure?

    Hello everyone
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    Thank you for the initial bite.
    This is for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 using Microsoft JDBC driver, type 4.0.
    The T-SQL stored procedure has a single select statement in it - see inside code.
    Below is the Java 6 source code (including the Java import statements, many unused at the moment), apologies for poor indendation, its a cut and paste problem.
    // start of Java code
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.math.BigDecimal;
    import com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.sql.Timestamp;
    import java.util.Calendar;
    import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet;
    import javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncProviderException;
    import javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncResolver;
    public class JdbcRowSetTesting
    public static void main(String[] args)
      String connectionUrl =
      "jdbc:sqlserver://ABCDE-SERVER:1433;" +
      Connection conn = null;
      Statement sqlstmt = null;
      ResultSet rs = null;
      CachedRowSet crs = null;
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl);
      System.out.println("inside try block, connected");
      crs = new CachedRowSetImpl();
      System.out.println("inside try block, connected to CachedRowSet URL"); 
    // this works fine:
    -- this does not work - the SP has  the same SELECT as above inside it:
      crs.setCommand("{ call dbo.p_testCachedJDBCRowSet (?) }");
      crs.setInt(1, 10);
       while (
      System.out.println("" + crs.getInt("ADDRESSID") + " " +
       catch (Exception e)
      System.out.println("inside catch block, calling Exception printStackTrace(); method now:");
      System.out.println("inside finally block");
       if (rs != null) try { rs.close(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
       if (sqlstmt != null) try { sqlstmt.close(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
       if (conn != null) try { conn.close(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
    // end of Java source code

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    Edited by: ernest211 on Jul 16, 2009 1:24 AM

    Post some code so we can see how you are doing it. If you are using JPA entities take a look at the @Lob annotation.

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    I highly doubt it uses another package. I know the javax.sql package comes with j2se 1.4 but I'm not sure about previous releases. If WSAD is like VAJ you may just need to add the package into the workspace.

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    import javax.persistence.EntityManager;within class, place
    protected EntityManager  entityManager;of course make it public, private, whatever you need.
    Then, in your method
    entityManager.createNativeQuery(....);R. Grimes

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    I'm trying instantiate this object but without success, i'm trying this with the code below:
    Person person = new Person();
    int i=0;
    for (String values : StringList) { 
       person.value = values;
    When I run the code, the error below is returned:
    The task could not be successfully executed. Reason: 'javax.servlet.ServletException: The task could not be successfully executed. Reason: 'java.lang.RuntimeException: fuego.xobject.runtime.InvalidXOAttributeException: The task could not be successfully executed. Reason: 'fuego.xobject.runtime.InvalidXOAttributeException: BPM Object 'xobject.TSObjects.TSApproveExchange$GrpExchange' attribute 'itemList' was not initialized. BPM Object attributes that are not of native types need an explicit mandatory initialization. The initialization of this attribute can be done in the BPM Object constructor.'.'.'. If i'm trying instantiate this Object with the code +person[i] = new Person.ItemList();+ the ALBPM mark the line with error.
    How to instantiate a BPMObject of the "group" type?

    Know how you feel. This one bites all us every once in a while.
    Expand your BPM Object's Group by clicking the "+" sign beside it. Double click the constructor method for the Group (not the BPM Object's constructor). If the name of the Group's attribute is called "itemList" and if this is an object of the type "ItemList", then add this one line of logic:
      ItemList itemList = new ItemList(); Know you know this, but here's one way to populate your "itemList" items in the group from a method in the BPM Object:
    for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
        Integration.ItemList newItem = ItemList(); = "Dallas";
        newItem.number = ((String) i); : newItem);
    }Hope this helps,

  • Differ java.sql.* and javax.sql.*

    Dear Friends,
    What is differenece between java.sql.* and javax.sql.*?.
    Advance in thanks

    java.sql is the package you can use for all basic kinds of database access. If you are not developing a full scale enterprise application, java.sql package is all that you need.
    javax.sql is extension to the basic java.sql package. It includes classes that allow connection pooling and rowsets, among others.
    If you are just getting started with JDBC, you just need to get familiar with java.sql and leave the wonders of javax.sql until later.

  • How do I use SQL statements to perform calculations with form fields????

    Please help!!! I don't know how to use a SQL statement within my APEX form......
    My form is below. The user will enter the values in the form. Click on Submit. Then we need to run a SQL select statement with those values.
    Our form looks like this:
    Start_Date ____________
    Per_Period ____________
    Period ____________
    [Submit Button]
    The user will enter these 3 values in the form.
    This is an example of an user providing the values:
    Start_Date 03/14/08_______
    Per_Period $200.00________
    Period 4____________
    [Submit Button]
    Then they will click the Submit Button.
    The SQL statement (BELOW) returns output based on the users selections:
    14-MAR-2008 00:00 200 Week 1 of 4
    21-MAR-2008 00:00 200 Week 2 of 4
    28-MAR-2008 00:00 200 Week 3 of 4
    04-APR-2008 00:00 200 Week 4 of 4
    Total 800
    This is the full text of the SQL that makes the output above:
    with criteria as (select to_date('03/14/08', 'mm/dd/rr') as start_date,
    4 as periods,
    'Week' as period,
    200 per_period from dual),
    periods as (select 'Week' period, 7 days, 0 months from dual
    union all select 'BiWeek', 14, 0 from dual
    union all select 'Month', 0, 1 from dual
    union all select 'ByMonth', 0, 2 from dual
    union all select 'Quarter', 0, 3 from dual
    union all select 'Year', 0 , 12 from dual
    t1 as (
    select add_months(start_date,months*(level-1))+days*(level-1) start_date,
    c.period||' '||level||' of '||c.periods period
    from criteria c join periods p on c.period = p.period
    connect by level <= periods)
    select case grouping(start_date)
    when 1 then 'Total'
    else to_char(start_date)
    end start_date,
    sum(per_period) per_period,
    from t1
    group by rollup ((start_date, period))
    THANKS VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You're just doing a parameterized report, where the input fields are your parameters.
    Check out the Advanced Tutorial titled Parameterized Report here:
    Good luck,

  • How to print Integrity sql in the preparedstatement?

    How to print Integrity sql in the preparedstatement?
    Connection conn = null;
    String sql = "select * from person where name=?";
    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    ps.setObject(1, "robin");
    i'm wants print Integrity sql.
    For example:select * from person where name='robin'
    How should I do?
    thanks a lot!

    PreparedStatement doesn't offer methods for that. You can write your own implementation of PreparedStatement which wraps the originating PreparedStatement and saves the set* values and writes it to the toString().
    If needed, myself I just print the sql as well as the values-being-set to the debug statement.Logger.debug(query + " " + values);

  • What is the diffrence between package javax.sql and java.sql

    Is javax designed for J2EE?
    And when to use package javax?

    What is the diffrence between package javax.sql and java.sql?The JDBC 2.0 & above API is comprised of two packages:
    1.The java.sql package and
    2.The javax.sql package.
    java.sql provides features mostly related to client
    side database functionalities where as the javax.sql
    package, which adds server-side capabilities.
    You automatically get both packages when you download the JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition, Version 1.4 (J2SETM) or the JavaTM 2, Platform Enterprise Edition, Version 1.3 (J2EETM).
    For further information on this please visit our website at
    Hope this helps.
    Good Luck.
    Gayam.Srinivasa Reddy
    Developer Technical Support
    Sun Micro Systems

  • How to Use Dynamic SQL

    Can anybody please send me a small program on How to Use Dynamic SQL.
    How to execute and run give details.

    You can certainly use the INTO (and USING) clauses of EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to pass in and return data, i.e.
      USING variable1, variable2
       INTO output1, output2The more complex the statement, however, the more appropriate DBMS_SQL is. DBMS_SQL also has the potential to allow you to use bind variables rather than reparsing the statement many times.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • How to get physical SQL query

    Hi All,
    How to get the physical SQL query for the OBIEE reports.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Anitha,
    Thanks for your reply,
    I am getting XML script in log file. (Settings > Administration > Manage Sessions > View Log).
    How to get physical SQL query ?

Maybe you are looking for