How to integrate c# library's function to use F# type expression for function of function?

i succeed to implement the initial prototype for function structure in c#
but i do not know how to integrate in F#
i make c# library's function to accept template T, for F# to pass type expression into it.
but how to write in c# to make template like type expression, 
in Addvaluetoeachitem
hope make function structure depend on left or right, i got twisted in my mind when integrating into F#
if translate c# into F# , how to write for this class?
func1(func1(param1, param2), param2) etc
if i define funcvalue as
type expr =
| And of expr * expr
| Or of expr * expr
expr[] funcvalues = new expr[] {And, Or, And, Or, And, Or, And}
int[] values = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
got some error when translate member value and constructor into F#
// Learn more about F# at
// See the 'F# Tutorial' project for more help.
open System.Collections.Generic
type expr =
| And of expr * expr
| Or of expr * expr
| Param1
type BinaryTree =
let mutable value = 0
let left : BinaryTree = null
let right : BinaryTree = null
let mutable dict : Dictionary<int, BinaryTree> = new Dictionary<int, BinaryTree>();
member this.Load(tree : BinaryTree, values : int[], index : int) =
this.value = values.[index];
if index * 2 + 1 < values.Length then
this.left = new BinaryTree(values, index * 2 + 1)
if index * 2 + 2 < values.Length then
this.right = new BinaryTree(values, index * 2 + 2)
new() = BinaryTree(values : int[]) : this(values, 0) { }
//public BinaryTree(int[] values) : this(values, 0) { }
new() = BinaryTree(values : int[], index : int)
let dict = new Dictionary<int, BinaryTree>()
Load(this, values, index)
member this.Visit(tree : BinaryTree) =
dict.Add(dict.Count, tree);
member this.ChangeToString(m : List<int>) : String =
let result = "";
for i in m do
result = result + i.ToString()
member this.CopyList(queue : Queue<List<int>>) : Queue<List<int>> =
let mutable newqueue : Queue<List<int>> = new Queue<List<int>>();
if queue != null then
while (queue.Count > 0) do
let source : List<int> = queue.Dequeue()
let destination : List<int> = new List<int>();
for a in source do
for m in newqueue do
member this.IsAscending(m : List<int>) : bool =
let mutable result = true
let mutable prev : int = 0
for i in m do
if prev > i then
result <- false
prev <- i
member this.Addvaluetoeachitem(queue : Queue<List<int>>, value : int, maxlimit : int, ref Dictionary<String , List<int>> allpath, Boolean IsBackUp, T func1, T param1, T param2, Dictionary<T, T> allfunctionstructure, Queue<List<T>> funcqueue, Boolean LeftOrRight) : Queue<List<int>>=
let newqueue : Queue<List<int>> = new Queue<List<int>>()
if queue != null then
while queue.Count > 0 do
List<int> path = queue.Dequeue();
//List<T> func = funcqueue.Dequeue();
let mutable afteradd = false
if path.Count < maxlimit then
afteradd <- true
if path.Count = maxlimit && afteradd = true && IsBackUp = false then
if IsAscending(path) = true then
if allpath.ContainsKey(ChangeToString(path)) = false then
allpath.Add(ChangeToString(path), path)
if queue = null then
let mutable path : List<int> = new List<int>();
let mutable afteradd = false
if path.Count < maxlimit then
afteradd <- true
if path.Count == maxlimit && afteradd == true && IsBackUp = false then
if IsAscending(path) = true then
if allpath.ContainsKey(ChangeToString(path)) = false then
allpath.Add(ChangeToString(path), path)
if queue.Count = 0 then
let mutable path : List<int> = new List<int>();
let mutable afteradd = false
if path.Count < maxlimit then
afteradd <- true
if path.Count = maxlimit && afteradd = true && IsBackUp = false then
if IsAscending(path) == true then
if allpath.ContainsKey(ChangeToString(path)) = false then
allpath.Add(ChangeToString(path), path)
member this.Deepfirst(tree : BinaryTree, ref queuepath : Queue<List<int>>, backpath : Queue<List<int>>, maxlimit : int, ref allpath : Dictionary<String, List<int>>, func1 : expr, param1 : expr, param2 : expr, allfunctionstructure : Dictionary<expr, expr>, ref queuefunc : Queue<List<expr>>, LeftOrRight : bool) : Queue<List<int>>=
queuepath = Addvaluetoeachitem(queuepath, tree.value, maxlimit, ref allpath, false, func1, param1, param2, allfunctionstructure, queuefunc, LeftOrRight);
Queue<List<int>> newpath = new Queue<List<int>>();
newpath = CopyList(queuepath);
Queue<List<int>> newpath2 = new Queue<List<int>>();
newpath2 = CopyList(queuepath);
backpath = Addvaluetoeachitem(backpath, tree.value, maxlimit, ref allpath, false, func1, param1, param2, allfunctionstructure, queuefunc, LeftOrRight);
//Queue<List<int>> backpathx = new Queue<List<int>>();
Queue<List<int>> backpathx = backpath;//Addvaluetoeachitem(backpathx, tree.value, maxlimit, ref allpath, false);
Queue<List<int>> newpathx = new Queue<List<int>>();
newpathx = CopyList(queuepath);
Queue<List<int>> backpath1 = backpathx;
if tree.left != null then
newpathx = Deepfirst(tree.left, ref newpath, newpathx, maxlimit, ref allpath, func1, param1, param2, allfunctionstructure, ref queuefunc, false) // Left
if tree.value = 1 then
for m in queuepath do
let mutable backpath2 : Queue<List<int>> = newpathx
if tree.right != null then
newpathx = Deepfirst(tree.right, ref newpath2, newpathx, maxlimit, ref allpath, func1, param1, param2, allfunctionstructure, ref queuefunc, true) // Right
if tree.value = 1 then
if newpathx != null then
return newpathx
if backpath2 != null then
return backpath2
if backpath1 != null then
return backpath1
if backpath != null then
return backpath
return backpath
let main argv =
printfn "%A" argv
0 // return an integer exit code
BinaryTree<int> b = new BinaryTree<int>(values);
Queue<List<int>> queuepath = new Queue<List<int>>();
Queue<List<int>> backpath = null;
Queue<List<int>> queuefunc = new Queue<List<int>>();
Dictionary<String, List<int>> allpath = new Dictionary<String, List<int>>();
Dictionary<int, int> allfunctionstructure = new Dictionary<int, int>();
int a3 = 0;
int b3 = 0;
int c3 = 0;
queuepath = b.Deepfirst(b, ref queuepath, backpath, 3, ref allpath, a3, b3, c3, allfunctionstructure, ref queuefunc, false);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace testTable
public class BinaryTree<T>
public int value;
BinaryTree<T> left;
BinaryTree<T> right;
public Dictionary<int, BinaryTree<T>> dict;
public BinaryTree(int[] values) : this(values, 0) { }
BinaryTree(int[] values, int index)
dict = new Dictionary<int, BinaryTree<T>>();
Load(this, values, index);
public void Visit(BinaryTree<T> tree)
dict.Add(dict.Count, tree);
public String ChangeToString(List<int> m)
String result = "";
foreach (int i in m)
result = result + i.ToString();
return result;
public Queue<List<int>> CopyList(Queue<List<int>> queue)
Queue<List<int>> newqueue = new Queue<List<int>>();
if (queue != null)
while (queue.Count > 0)
List<int> source = queue.Dequeue();
List<int> destination = new List<int>();
foreach (int a in source)
foreach (List<int> m in newqueue)
return newqueue;
public Boolean IsAscending(List<int> m)
Boolean result = true;
int prev = 0;
foreach (int i in m)
if (prev > i)
result = false;
prev = i;
return result;
public Queue<List<int>> Addvaluetoeachitem<T>(Queue<List<int>> queue, int value, int maxlimit, ref Dictionary<String , List<int>> allpath, Boolean IsBackUp, T func1, T param1, T param2, Dictionary<T, T> allfunctionstructure, Queue<List<T>> funcqueue, Boolean LeftOrRight)
Queue<List<int>> newqueue = new Queue<List<int>>();
if (queue != null)
while (queue.Count > 0)
List<int> path = queue.Dequeue();
//List<T> func = funcqueue.Dequeue();
Boolean afteradd = false;
if (path.Count < maxlimit)
afteradd = true;
if (path.Count == maxlimit && afteradd == true && IsBackUp == false)
if( IsAscending(path) == true)
if(allpath.ContainsKey(ChangeToString(path)) == false)
allpath.Add(ChangeToString(path), path);
if (queue == null)
List<int> path = new List<int>();
Boolean afteradd = false;
if (path.Count < maxlimit)
afteradd = true;
if (path.Count == maxlimit && afteradd == true && IsBackUp == false)
if (IsAscending(path) == true)
if (allpath.ContainsKey(ChangeToString(path)) == false)
allpath.Add(ChangeToString(path), path);
if (queue.Count == 0)
List<int> path = new List<int>();
Boolean afteradd = false;
if (path.Count < maxlimit)
afteradd = true;
if (path.Count == maxlimit && afteradd == true && IsBackUp == false)
if (IsAscending(path) == true)
if (allpath.ContainsKey(ChangeToString(path)) == false)
allpath.Add(ChangeToString(path), path);
return newqueue;
public Queue<List<int>> Deepfirst(BinaryTree<T> tree, ref Queue<List<int>> queuepath, Queue<List<int>> backpath, int maxlimit, ref Dictionary<String, List<int>> allpath, T func1, T param1, T param2, Dictionary<T, T> allfunctionstructure, ref Queue<List<T>> queuefunc, Boolean LeftOrRight)
//if (path.Count < maxlimit)
queuepath = Addvaluetoeachitem(queuepath, tree.value, maxlimit, ref allpath, false, func1, param1, param2, allfunctionstructure, queuefunc, LeftOrRight);
Queue<List<int>> newpath = new Queue<List<int>>();
newpath = CopyList(queuepath);
Queue<List<int>> newpath2 = new Queue<List<int>>();
newpath2 = CopyList(queuepath);
backpath = Addvaluetoeachitem(backpath, tree.value, maxlimit, ref allpath, false, func1, param1, param2, allfunctionstructure, queuefunc, LeftOrRight);
//Queue<List<int>> backpathx = new Queue<List<int>>();
Queue<List<int>> backpathx = backpath;//Addvaluetoeachitem(backpathx, tree.value, maxlimit, ref allpath, false);
Queue<List<int>> newpathx = new Queue<List<int>>();
newpathx = CopyList(queuepath);
Queue<List<int>> backpath1 = backpathx;
if (tree.left != null)
newpathx = Deepfirst(tree.left, ref newpath, newpathx, maxlimit, ref allpath, func1, param1, param2, allfunctionstructure, ref queuefunc, false); // Left
if (tree.value == 1)
if (backpath1 != null)
Boolean afteradd = false;
if (backpath1.Count < maxlimit)
afteradd = true;
if (backpath1.Count == maxlimit && afteradd == true)
foreach (List<int> m in queuepath)
Queue<List<int>> backpath2 = newpathx;
if (tree.right != null)
newpathx = Deepfirst(tree.right, ref newpath2, newpathx, maxlimit, ref allpath, func1, param1, param2, allfunctionstructure, ref queuefunc, true); // Right
if (tree.value == 1)
//Queue<List<int>> newpath3 = new Queue<List<int>>();
//newpath3 = CopyList(queuepath); // 2 -> 1 -> 3 1(2,3) difficult case
//return newpath3;
if (newpathx != null)
return newpathx;
if(backpath2 != null)
return backpath2;
if (backpath1 != null)
return backpath1;
if (backpath != null)
return backpath;
return backpath;
public void Load(BinaryTree<T> tree, int[] values, int index)
this.value = values[index];
if (index * 2 + 1 < values.Length)
this.left = new BinaryTree<T>(values, index * 2 + 1);
if (index * 2 + 2 < values.Length)
this.right = new BinaryTree<T>(values, index * 2 + 2);
computing nightmare

This builds, and fixes the most egregious style issues
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
type expr =
| And of expr * expr
| Or of expr * expr
| Param1
type BinaryTree(values : int[], index : int) =
let value = values.[index]
let left = if index * 2 + 1 < values.Length then
BinaryTree(values, index * 2 + 1)
else null
let right = if index * 2 + 2 < values.Length then
BinaryTree(values, index * 2 + 2)
else null
let dict : Dictionary<int, BinaryTree> = new Dictionary<int, BinaryTree>();
new(values : int[]) = BinaryTree(values, 0)
member this.Value with get() = value
member this.Left with get() = left
member this.Right with get() = right
member this.Visit(tree : BinaryTree) =
dict.Add(dict.Count, tree);
static member ChangeToString(m : List<int>) : String =
String.Join(String.Empty, m)
static member CopyList(queue : Queue<List<int>>) : Queue<List<int>> =
let newqueue = Queue<List<int>>();
if queue <> null then
while (queue.Count > 0) do
let source : List<int> = queue.Dequeue()
let destination : List<int> = new List<int>();
for a in source do
for m in newqueue do
static member IsAscending(m : List<int>) : bool =
|> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.forall (fun (x,y) -> y > x)
static member Addvaluetoeachitem(
queue : Queue<List<int>>,
value : int,
maxlimit : int,
allpath : Dictionary<String , List<int>> byref,
isBackUp : Boolean,
func1 : 'T,
param1 : 'T,
param2 : 'T,
allfunctionstructure : Dictionary<'T, 'T>,
funcqueue : Queue<List<'T>>,
leftOrRight : Boolean) : Queue<List<int>>=
let newqueue : Queue<List<int>> = new Queue<List<int>>()
if queue <> null then
while queue.Count > 0 do
let path = queue.Dequeue();
let afteradd = path.Count < maxlimit
if afteradd then
if path.Count = maxlimit && afteradd && (not isBackUp) then
if BinaryTree.IsAscending(path) then
if allpath.ContainsKey(BinaryTree.ChangeToString(path)) = false then
allpath.Add(BinaryTree.ChangeToString(path), path)
if (queue = null) || (queue.Count = 0) then
let path = List<int>();
let afteradd = path.Count < maxlimit
if afteradd then
if path.Count = maxlimit && afteradd && (not isBackUp) then
if BinaryTree.IsAscending(path) then
if not <| allpath.ContainsKey(BinaryTree.ChangeToString(path)) then
allpath.Add(BinaryTree.ChangeToString(path), path)
member this.Deepfirst(tree : BinaryTree,
queuepath : Queue<List<int>> byref,
backpath : Queue<List<int>> byref,
maxlimit : int,
allpath : Dictionary<String, List<int>> byref,
func1 : expr, param1 : expr, param2 : expr,
allfunctionstructure : Dictionary<expr, expr>,
queuefunc : Queue<List<expr>> byref,
leftOrRight : bool) : Queue<List<int>>=
queuepath <- BinaryTree.Addvaluetoeachitem(queuepath, tree.Value, maxlimit, ref allpath, false, func1, param1, param2, allfunctionstructure, queuefunc, leftOrRight);
let newpath = BinaryTree.CopyList(queuepath);
let newpath2 = BinaryTree.CopyList(queuepath);
backpath <- BinaryTree.Addvaluetoeachitem(backpath, tree.Value, maxlimit, ref allpath, false, func1, param1, param2, allfunctionstructure, queuefunc, leftOrRight);
let backpathx = backpath;
let mutable newpathx = BinaryTree.CopyList(queuepath);
let backpath1 = backpathx;
if tree.Left <> null then
newpathx <- this.Deepfirst(tree.Left, ref newpath, ref newpathx, maxlimit, ref allpath, func1, param1, param2, allfunctionstructure, ref queuefunc, false) // Left
if tree.Value = 1 then
for m in queuepath do
let backpath2 = newpathx
if tree.Right <> null then
newpathx <- this.Deepfirst(tree.Right, ref newpath2, ref newpathx, maxlimit, ref allpath, func1, param1, param2, allfunctionstructure, ref queuefunc, true) // Right
if tree.Value = 1 then
if newpathx <> null then
else if backpath2 <> null then
else if backpath1 <> null then
else backpath

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    I came across a YouTube video describing a demonstrating how to set up the guest account on Time Capsule and the AirPort Exteme. There it's quite obvious because in the General section there is a tab for setting up the guest account.  There is no such tab in either version 5.6 of the AirPort Utility I'm running under Lion or version 5.6.1 running under Snow Leopard.
    What am I missing?

    Apple assumes that you are connecting the AirPort Express to a simple modem....not a modem/router or gateway type of device......that provides both modem and router functions in one enclosure.
    If you have the AirPort Express connected to a gateway device, the Express is detecting that another router is present on the network, so the Express operates in Bridge Mode to prevent the conflicts that would normally occur when two routers are on the same network.
    Open AirPort Utility 5.6, select the AirPort Express and click Manual Setup
    Click the Internet icon, then click the Internet Connection tab
    If the Connection Sharing setting is currently configured to "Off (Bridge Mode)", the Guest Network cannot be enabled with the type of "modem" that you have without breaking some basic networking rules.

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    IPhoto menu ==> preferences ==> advanced
    Set the print products country to US

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    Thank you so much for the prompt and succinct reply. I tried what you suggested and it worked very well. I am new to Acrobat and it is nice to know there are knowledgeable professionals that can grasp the essence of the problem and lead the way to the solution. Thanks!
    Best Regards,

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    /Library/Application Support/Macromedia/mms.cfg
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