How to keep the current http session after returning from external web site

When I use the response.sendRedirect api to redirect the web page to the external payment site, after payment and return back to the current application, I found that the current http session is lost.
How to keep the current http session after returning from external web site?

You should make your sidebar1 and sidebar2 fixed positioned. Make your content DIV fluid.
This should help you:

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    both are a waste of time. Fornication with a leaky condom.
    Pointless and not
    worth the effort. Or worse!
    the obfuscation JavaScript will get the site to not be
    listed in any search
    engines because they can't "see" the page or any links on it.
    You would be
    "protecting" the images but no one would find them.
    And all of those obfuscation JS things can be reverse
    engineered. In most
    cases- it's not worth it to prove it can be broken other than
    to prove it
    can be done. The images are nothing special in almost any
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    those $29.95 applications.
    Have you done the basics? Turned off directory browsing or
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    index page in every folder? A few years ago i ran across a
    site with one of
    those block right click scripts on it. Dumb curiosity- opened
    a picture, and
    looked around the directory. All open directories. A block
    right click
    script and every folder on the site was open.
    Nuff said. The blocking script made me curious enough to poke
    around the
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    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Your Career Direction Career and College Counseling</title>
    <meta name="Keywords" content="career counseling, college counseling, job search, career choice, college options, career options, work, jobs, new opportunities, career change, new career, new job" />
    <meta name="Description" content="Your Career Direction :: Career and College Counseling" "Considering your college choices & career options" "Preparing for the world of work after college" "Seeking a new position to further your career"
    "In-transition and considering new opportunities"
    "Seeking to make a significant and meaningful career change"  />
    <meta name="Publisher" content="Your Career Direction, LLC" />
    <meta name="Copyright" content="Copyright 2012, Your Career Direction, LLC. All rights reserved." />
    <meta name="Author" content="Lisa Mark" />
    <meta name="Language" content="en-US" />
    <meta name="distribution" content="global" />
    <meta name="revisit-after" content="10 days" />
    <meta name="Robots" content="All" />
    <link rel="Index" href="index.html" />
    <link rel="Site Map" href="sitemap.html" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">try{Typekit.load();}catch(e){}</script>
    <style type="text/css">
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    .footer {
        position: relative;/* this gives IE6 hasLayout to properly clear */
        clear: both; /* this clear property forces the .container to understand where the columns end and contain them */
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    .fltrt { 
        float: right;
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    <body><script type="text/javascript">
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    <div class="container">
      <div class="header"><!-- end .header -->
        <p class="clearfloat"><a href="#index.html" id="Insert_logo2"><img src="images/YCD-logo-tag-RGB-web-SM.gif" alt="Your Career Direction Logo" name="Insert_logo" width="50%" id="Insert_logo2" style="background: #FFF
        ; display:block;" /></a></p>
        <div id="Quote"><img src="images/quote.gif" alt="Choose a job you love" width="355" height="81"></div>
        <p class="clearfloat"> </p>
      <div class="sidebar1">
        <ul class="nav">
          <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">High School Students</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">College Students</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Parents/Educators</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Professionals</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Bio</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Q &amp; A Blog</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Testimonials</a></li>
      <div class="content">
    <p>Given today's competitive job market, global economy, and changed corporate culture,
    we can no longer depend upon others to ensure our professional futures. Choosing or
    changing your career direction requires self-reflection, career education and an action plan.</p>
    <img src="images/Whether-you-are-.gif" alt="Whether you are considering your college choices and career options" width="197" height="31" align="left">
          <br><br><li><strong>Considering your college choices &amp; career options</strong></li>
          <li><strong>Preparing for the world of work after college</strong></li>
          <li><strong>Seeking a new position to further your career</strong></li>
          <li><strong>In-transition and considering new opportunities</strong></li>
          <li><strong>Seeking to make a significant and meaningful career</strong> <strong>change</strong></li>
    <img src="images/Onethingisforsureraster.gif" width="352" height="49" alt="One thing is for sure, we all want to direct our own careers, our own lives!">
    <br><p> Building a successful and rewarding career requires linking your interests, education and experience with employment trends, growth industries, and career choices. It takes making smart decisions about your college major, vocational training and continuing education options. With enthusiasm, persistence and top notch job search skills, you can succeed in finding a path to career that is right for you.</p>
    <p> We are your advocate. We listen, assess, strategize, inspire, counsel, and network on your behalf. With a personalized, holistic approach, we'll work with you to help you create an action plan; a path designed to get you to where you want to go and become what you want to be.</p>
    <img src="images/yourcareerourpassionraster.gif" width="441" height="20" alt="At Your Career Direction, YOUR career is our passion!"> </div>
      <div class="sidebar2">
        <p><img src="images/Counselingastudent.gif" width="100%" alt="Lisa Mark counseling a student"></p>
        <p>Our mission is to help you explore, choose and create your direction for an exciting and rewarding career path.</p>
         <p>We incorporate our experience with today's job market and career counseling expertise with your passions and interests. We'll introduce you to new career ideas, target companies and generate job and internship opportunities for you.</p>
         <p>We provide step by step guidance to ensure your success during the college application, job interview
    and decision making process.
      <div class="footer">
        <div id="footer">
          <h6 align="left"> Your Career Direction, LLC •  96 Harvard Avenue, Maplewood, N.J. 07040 • (973) 996-0207 • [email protected]</h6>
        <p> </p>
      <!-- end .footer --></div>
    <!-- end .container --></div>

    You should make your sidebar1 and sidebar2 fixed positioned. Make your content DIV fluid.
    This should help you:

  • How to read the data in a txt file on a web site?

    I want to extract the numbers located in txt files on a web site. It's a normal url. Not a ftp.
    Does anyone know how to do it?

    Hi Tom,
    What do you want to extract from the text file??
    I wanted to extract an IP address from a pearl script from my FTP server and this was the vi that I used .I dont know if you are trying to do the same?
    Here is the vi.It is in LV 7.1
    Hope its helps .
    Good luck.
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Certified TestStand Developer
    Attachments: ‏31 KB

  • How to keep the same image quality after OCR ?

    Hello, I have scanned a page of a book, it has mostly black text over white background. In order to keep a good visual quality and a low size for the file I chose the GIF format. The gif is 153.4KB, when I save it as PDF the file is 119KB  and after OCR it is 224.2KB (however the resulting rich text is only 3.6KB).
    How come the PDF is smaller than the GIF ? Is the GIF converted into a JPEG ?
    How come after OCR the PDF is twice bigger while the added text is only a few KB ? Is the image converted again ?
    I only want to keep my GIF as it is and OCR it.
    Is it possible ?  Even though in the "Convert to PDF" settings it says "There are no settings that can be edited in Conpuserve GIF"
    If not, what other software could I use ? I have DEVONthink Pro but it also converts my GIF against my will.

    niuza wrote:
    Why are you talking about DPI ? the problem is not with acquisition but with convertion.
    I don't want more detail I want to keep the same quality in the PDF that I had in the source file.
    PjonesCET wrote: you can always use pdf Optimizer (in advanced menu) to reduce the size of the PDF without demishing the quality of  text.
    Well I'd like to see that, because before optimizing a PDF you must save it and when you save it the image is converted.
    Here is what I get with a 600DPI TIF converted to PDF. Notice the difference.
    Because DPI (Dots per inch) density affects the quality of the OCR.   The higher the dpi, the better looking and more reliable the OCR. The less DPI is , the poorer the quality, and less relaible the scan is. There are different settings under the Create PDF Using Scanner Those setting affect the Quality of the OCR.
    Once the Document has been OCR'ed have you tried to save as a Word Document or as an RTF Document? Then sleceted all the text and choosen a Font (Arial for example) save as a word document. Then created a new PDF. It might clean up the look at the text.
    I will leave the answer at this and let someone else try. I don't wish to get anyone upset.

  • How to keep the date in session

    Hi all,
    I am involved in a struts project where i had the following requirement. I had a search page where there are some fileds including a date field. For the date field i had 5 options like =,<=,>= and between. The problem i am facing is when i select the between option. When i go for the between option, i had to fill the from date and to date.Once i submit this search page i go for the results page.And when i come back to the search page by clicking the browser back button, i am not able to see the date in the to field. The field is completely dissapearing and again i had to fill the field. Is there anyway i can keep both the to and from fields with their data in session so that when i come back from the results page i can still see the data in these date fields.
    Thnks in advance...,,

    And when i come back to the search page by clicking the browser back button, i am not able to see the date in the to fieldWhen you click the back button it goes to the browser cached version of the page.
    Why do you think that would include the current session value?
    Provide a back link and regenerate the page, and you might get what you want.

  • Premiere 6.5-how to keep the last image stay after movie's over?

    I am using Adobe Premiere 6.5.
    I like to keep the last image to stay after movie/ animation finished to play, but they disappear and shows the "x" mark.
    How can I leave the last image stays after they are done playing? Please help with this?

    Welcome to the forum. What you are referring to is a Freeze Frame.
    Though I like John T's method (one that I use), you might want to look into Frame Hold, if it is in Pr 6.5. It works in a similar fashion, but I like the still for my Freeze Frames. Also, remember that you can adjust the Duration of the still, by click-dragging on the Tail, until it is as long as you need.
    Good luck,

  • How to keep the latest log message after jboss restarted

    I am using time/date based rolling appender for the jboss log. but I found the server.log file will be updated with new log message after I restart the jboss server. therefore all of the message before jboss restarting are gone. is that a way I can keep the lasted log message that is just before jboss restart.

    Don't know about any jboss options, you could always create a bat or sh file that renames the existing log before starting jboss.

  • How to get the Current Document Library View Name from Code - C#

    I have a requirement where i have a doc lib - doclib and two view view1 and view2.The columns vary for the two views.
    Now a user can select and of the two views and do a particular operation.
    I need to programatically find out which view the user is currently at.Now i know that just by picking the URL i can understand if its doclib/view1.aspx or doclib/view2.aspx. But this is not possible as my scenario
    because of an architecture limitation of my project.
    Is there any way to find out the view like libraray.currentview or using spview.
    I need to make so column updates based on the view selected. 
    Please help.

    Try below code as you in the SharePoint context.
    Guid siteId = SPContext.Current.Site.ID;
    Guid webId = SPContext.Current.Web.ID;
        using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteId))
            using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(webId))
                // Your code here
    Hope this will helps you
    Senthilrajan Kaliyaperumal

  • How to refresh the current page when retrieving data from database

    hi all
    in my application i want to navigate from different tables to different forms.  The data in the table and in the forms is comming fromthe database. when i select a navigation link to database of a form it is connecting to database.  so im manually refreshing the refresh button of I.E. which is big headache.  so is there any way to refresh my current table or form dynamically at run time to retrieve from database
    Thanks and regards

      Refreshing a connection to Database means re establishing your connection each time.It will be load for the DB to load the data every time generally not advisable to do.
      Inorder to get the value from the DB you have load the driver and connect it using fireplug with the view for navigations.
      for the same refer this link.
    Hope it helps.

  • How to Get the Current data into Planning Layout from the Planning cube

    I have a problem in BPS.   I am selecting the data from cube based on Month org details but I want to see the latest data.   How can i get this data into planning cube.
    Tran           cal month            org               amt
    1                 jan                        a                  100
    1                 feb                        a                   200
    if i want to read based on Tran org as input values I shoud get the below data but I am getting the previous data.   
    Tran           cal month            org               amt
    1                 feb                        a                   200
    Kindly help me in this regard

        Are yo having issue when you save something in the layout, the data doesn't appear in the listcube ? Or do you have issue that the latest data you see in the cube doesn't appear in the layout ?
    For the former issue, please look at your selections of listcube and for the second issue, please check your planning level definition, make sure all the restrictions you have applied are valid for this latest data to be presented in the layout.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to read the value of OLAPDataGrid cell/s from external object

    I have an OLAPDataGrid control in an Adobe flex application,
    and I am using the cutom renderer to render the cells of the
    OLAPDataGrid ,
    any Idea how I can read the value of each cell at the
    renderer , so I will be able to decide about the actions for each
    cell at the renderer?

    "j_shawqi" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gkqgdl$539$[email protected]..
    > Hi,
    > I have an OLAPDataGrid control in an Adobe flex
    > and I am using the cutom renderer to render the cells of
    the OLAPDataGrid
    > ,
    > any Idea how I can read the value of each cell at the
    renderer , so I will
    > be
    > able to decide about the actions for each cell at the
    I'm thinking that you'll need to look at the listData
    property. I'm not
    sure what you get in an OLAP Grid that orients you to your
    cell position,
    but I'd set a break point in the listData override of your
    renderer and see
    what you actually have, or look at the docs for the data type
    of the
    listData object that the default renderer expects to get.

  • ADF FACES: how to make a page re-render after returning from a dialog

    Using EA15.
    I am using a process to display a confirmation dialog to the user. However, when the dialog exits, the previous page is not re-rendered. The result of the operation that was confirmed by the dialog makes numerous changes to the underlying model that affect the layout of the original page. All these changes are made in the return listener.
    How can I force the original page (the one that launched the process) to fully re-render upon return?

    Thanks Adam, but no luck.
    My situation is slightly different then the original poster's. I have a table with a 'add row' button in the header, and a 'modify row' button in each row. They both point at the same dialog to enter multiple data attributes about that row of data from a collection in the model. The 'modify row' pops a dialog and modifies item fine, but doesn't re-render the table automatically on return. If user performs any action on the page, the resulting table will then show the correct data. The 'add row' button on the header, but otherwise identical, modifes and re-renders correctly.
    I would think this is a fairly common use case. Anyone have example code of this that can be shared? The ADF dialog demo only modifies a single uicomponent, not the entire row or table. And we have other code which demonstrates that works fine.
    Is there a problem with a row button return listener adding a partial target of the table in which is resides? Whereas the header button (being outside of the table?) is capable of adding the table as a partial target?
    <af:table value="#{formBean.dataBean.collection}" var="row" binding="#{formBean.table}">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.attr1}"/>
    <af:outputText value="#{row.attr2}"/>
    <af:commandButton text="Modify..." action="#{formBean.modifyAction}" partialSubmit="true" useDialog="true" returnListener="#{formBean.dialogReturned"/>
    <f:facet name="actions">
    <af:commandButton text="Add Row..." action="#{formBean.addAction}" partialSubmit="true" useDialog="true" returnListener="#{formBean.dialogReturned"/>
    public void dialogReturned(ReturnEvent event) {
    Item item = (Item) event.getReturnValue();
    if (! dataBean.collection.contains(item) {
    public String submitAction() {
    // perform some work against the row item AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().returnFromProcess(item);

  • Urgent-How to retain data in main page after returning from personalize pag

    i have a query,
    Like if I have a region 'CertificationRN' when I run the page a link stating “Personalize Table: (CertificationRN)” appears above the Region
    Now when I enter some data in this region, and then click on 'Personalize Table: (CertificationRN)’ link, personalize page appears.
    On personalize page when clicked on “Return to Application’ it returns to the previous page, but the data which I had entered in the region is lost.
    i.e. I get empty Textboxes as they where just after running the page.
    What should I do to retain the data in the region?
    Thanks & Regards

    Shilpa in that case personlization links should not be shown to business users, using profile option
    1)Personalize Self-service Defn (FND_CUSTOM_OA_DEFINTION)
    2)FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled
    , then where does the question comes of them clicking personalize link.

  • How to read the text in a link present in a web site ?

    An excellent example I can think of this forum. Using a Java program I need to access/read
    the text present in all the topics posted here (in one page) and put them into a file. In this way if suppose the network goes down, I can still read the entire topic stored in the text file. This program can be scheduled to run daily.
    Can anyone give any sample code/hints to do this ?
    Thanks in advance.

    You need to make a URLConnection to the page you want, and get the input stream from that page.
    The contents of the input stream (use a reader to get them) will give you the raw HTML code. Use a parser to get the actual content. I dont know of a parser offhand, but you can search for one.

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