How To: Keeping component in bounds

I am working on creating a Container which allows components to be dragged around inside of it. This is similar to JDesktopPane which has JInternalFrames which can be moved around inside it...
Anyhow, I want to prevent a component from being dragged out of bounds. What I would like is the same affect as the JDesktopPane...where if a frame is dragged to the edge, it will just move around the edge, it wont go what I mean? What I have implemented prevents the component from being dragged out of bounds, but when the component gets to the edge it just stops moving instead of sliding around the edge.
Any suggestions on what to do to improve this or make it like JDesktopPane (i have tried looking for the code in JDesktopPane and DefaultDesktopManager..but couldnt find it)..
here is what i currently do:
in the mouseDragged method i set the new location of the component according to the MouseEvent that occurred...
then i check to see if the 4 points (the top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right) of the component are contained within the container (i.e. myContainer.contains(top_leftPoint), etc)...
if all 4 points are in, then i do,
component.setLocation(oldX, oldY)
...any ideas?
Thanks...duke dollars are offered as well

Sorry again. Its not my best day today (influenza is coming up).
I don't know why I took JFrame as the container instead of the parent container.
Here is the improved version :
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.border.LineBorder;
import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
public class Plate extends JPanel {
    private String name;
    private Container c;
    private Point top_leftPoint, top_rightPoint, bottom_leftPoint, bottom_rightPoint ;
    private Point top_leftPointC, top_rightPointC, bottom_leftPointC, bottom_rightPointC ;
    private int w,h,wC,hC;
    public Plate(String name) { = name;
    private void init() {
        setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 100));
        setBorder(new TitledBorder(new LineBorder(Color.BLACK), name));
    private boolean isInContainer(){
        c = getParent();
        Rectangle r = new Rectangle( c.getWidth(), c.getHeight() );
        wC = (int)r.getWidth();
        hC = (int)r.getHeight();
        top_leftPointC = r.getLocation();
        top_rightPointC = new Point( (int)top_leftPointC.getX()+wC, (int)top_leftPointC.getY() );
        bottom_leftPointC = new Point( (int)top_leftPointC.getX(), (int)top_leftPointC.getY()+hC );
        bottom_rightPointC = new Point( (int)top_leftPointC.getX()+wC, (int)top_leftPointC.getY()+hC );
        w = getWidth();
        h = getHeight();
        top_leftPoint = getLocation();
        top_rightPoint = new Point( (int)top_leftPoint.getX()+w, (int)top_leftPoint.getY() );
        bottom_leftPoint = new Point( (int)top_leftPoint.getX(), (int)top_leftPoint.getY()+h );
        bottom_rightPoint = new Point( (int)top_leftPoint.getX()+w, (int)top_leftPoint.getY()+h );
        if( !r.contains(top_leftPoint) ) return false;
        if( !r.contains(top_rightPoint) ) return false;
        if( !r.contains(bottom_leftPoint) ) return false;
        if( !r.contains(bottom_rightPoint) ) return false;
        return true;
    public void stayInContainer(){
        /* if the plate goes is too far in right-direction, shift it back*/
        if( !isInContainer() ){   
            double x = top_rightPoint.getX();
            double xC = top_rightPointC.getX();
            if( x > xC ){
                setLocation( (int)(top_leftPoint.getX()+xC-x), (int)top_leftPoint.getY());
        /* if the plate goes is too far in left-direction, shift it back */
        if( !isInContainer() ){
            double x = top_leftPoint.getX();
            double xC = top_leftPointC.getX();
            if( x < xC ){
                setLocation( (int)(top_leftPoint.getX()+xC-x), (int)top_leftPoint.getY());
        /* if the plate goes is too far in top-direction, shift it back */
        if( !isInContainer() ){
            double y = top_leftPoint.getY();
            double yC = top_leftPointC.getY();
            if( y < yC ){
                setLocation( (int)top_leftPoint.getX(), (int)(top_leftPoint.getY()+yC-y));
        /* if the plate goes is too far in bottom-direction, shift it back */
        if( !isInContainer() ){
            double y = bottom_leftPoint.getY();
            double yC = bottom_leftPointC.getY();
            if( y > yC ){
                setLocation( (int)top_leftPoint.getX(), (int)( top_leftPoint.getY()+yC-y) );
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class PlateCanvas extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener {
    private Plate hitPlate;
    private double deltaX;
    private double deltaY;
    Point previousLocation;
    boolean first = true;
    public PlateCanvas() {
    private void init() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
        Component c = getComponentAt(e.getPoint());
        if (c instanceof Plate) {
            hitPlate = (Plate) c;
            deltaX = e.getX() - hitPlate.getX();
            deltaY = e.getY() - hitPlate.getY();
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
        hitPlate = null;
    int max,newX,newY;
    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
        if (hitPlate != null) {
            int x = (int) (e.getX() - deltaX);
            int y =     (int) (e.getY() - deltaY);
            hitPlate.setLocation(x, y);
    public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class TestPlates {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame f = new JFrame();
        PlateCanvas mainPanel = new PlateCanvas();
        Plate p1 = new Plate("Plate 1");
        Plate p2 = new Plate("Plate 2");
        Plate p3 = new Plate("Plate 3");
        f.setSize(800, 600);

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    Ok I haven't got time to write the code for you, but here's the idea:
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                   rasPROpts.PrinterName = cboCurrentPrinters.Text;               
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    I should point out that the batteries that seem to survive the longest are those that get used--i.e. relatively high cycle counts. They are like muscles--use them or lose them. I tried keeping cycles down on my first battery and the results were that it made it only 11 months. Most of the "my battery failed..." posts we see here show a low cycle count.
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    Not to worry. It's not your fault you found the wrong forum. "Original MacBook Pro" is a pretty non-intuitive label! About a dozen people a day with new MBPs end up here and sometimes get inappropriate advise if responders either don't notice of can't tell that the OP is asking about a newer Mac.

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    If you want cross-paltform comaptibility limit the fonts to OpenType or Windows TrueType formats, both of which work on both Mac and PC. To avoid missing font warnings the fonts must either be installed on each computer, or they must be in a folder named Document Fonts in the same location as the .indd file they are to work with. Packaging the file will build taht folder for you.
    the rest of the stuff in your list won't help you. .idml would allow you to open on an older version, but does nothing for your situation. Embedding the links will keep you from having missing links, but so will packaging, and embedded links will make the file much larger and harder to work with.
    For goodness sake, don't even think about outlining the text. It stops being text when you do that and you can no longer edit it.
    And finally. do yourself a big favor and don't attempt to actually work on your file directly from the flash drive. Copy the whole package folder to the hard drive, work on it, then copy back. You don't want to know how many files are fatally damaged by write errors on flash drives.

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    Get the Informations for that song and have a look in the "Sorting" area if there is something different. The data inserted there is just for how iTunes will order the songs.
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    If you just want to be able to sync your devices to the same PC without having them get overwritten all the times, here is a free method
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    Proably something like this can work,
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    2> have a static variable in that servlet/bean wich gets incremented before the control is passed to another desired page..
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    The best thing is to store the count in the database.

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    You could just pay for backup space (if iCloud offers it). I am only familiar with MobileMe, so I am not sure. This may help.

Maybe you are looking for