How to launch Premier Elements 12 on a Mac

I recently purchased Elements/Premier combo for Mac. My Elements is running fine now, but I can't seem to launch the Premier Elements. How can I do this?

Hi giftpuppy, 
Thanks for posting on Adobe forums.
Please provide following information :
What is the OS and version ?
What is the Graphics Card installed on the system ?
How much Ram do you have ?
Do you use any external Hard Drive ?
Are you using security software e.g. Norton, etc ?
If windows, Please check if you have windows defender turned on ?

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    Download the trial and enter your serial number into that.

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    Go to system prefs>displays and set your resolution way down. Let OS X open with the new resolution. Then set it back up to the highest available resolution and the window should position itself correctly.

  • How to make Premier Elements 8 work...

    As many may have figured out by now, Premier Elements 8 is not exactly pristene...  Hopefully Adobe will get us all a working version in the next few months.  In the meantime here are a couple of tips:
    First if you're using a 64bit Operating System, Premier Elements 8 does not support it and may not work properly no matter what you do    However, if you are using Windows 7 Professional 64bit or Ultimate 64bit you're in luck... you can set up Premier Elements 8 to run in Windows XP mode which runs under a 32bit virtual machine.  If you're using Vista or XP 64bit you're pretty much stuck with what you've got...
    Now for everyone using a 32bit Operating System (including those using Windows XP mode inside Windows 7), here's the best way to get a working Premier Elements 8 working... bypass the welcome screen / organizer.   Now the file names may be different depending on when you got your version of PrE8, and the locations may be different depending on which OS you're using.  These instructions are for Windows XP 32bit versions:
    1> delete your desktop shortcut for Premier Elements 8
    2> use "my computer" and navigate to the folder  C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premier Elements 8.0
    3> find the two application files that begin "Adobe Premiere Elements".   The one that ends in 8.0 opens the welcome screen / organizer which you do not want to use, right click the one that does not end in 8.0 and select "Send to Desktop"
    4> now sitback & enjoy using your crash free version of Premier Elements 8.0 *
    * Okay, that won't fix EVERYTHING, but it has fixed 95% of my crashes and has helped several others.
    Also, if you find PrE8 taking excessively long amounts of time to complete certain tasks including saving your work, adding or deleting effects/annotations/transitions, etc... dissable "background rendering" by going to Edit Menu > Preferences > General & uncheck the box marked "enable background rendering", you may also want to go to the "Auto Save" portion of the preferences & change your auto save settings, I have mine set to save every 5 minutes, though for the average user 10 minutes is probably plenty unless you continue to have problems despite the steps above.
    Oh & for those also using Photoshop Elements 8.0 the same bypass can lead to happier photoshopping   but with PhotoshopElementsEditor as the file you want to create a desktop shortcut for...

    I'd like to blame your failure on Vista... as I recall, you're running Vista 32bit... but since my only experiences with Vista are from fixing other peoples computers that have Vista installed... I'll refrain for now
    The delays in actions (deleting transitions, etc...) could be from background rendering hogging resources... It does the same thing on my pathetic old PC, which is why I mentioned it as well in my OP.
    But beyond that, I'm not going to be much help for a Vista user cause I have no real-world experience with that plague...

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    In both the HD/Library/Application Support and the User/Home/Library/Application Support folders there's an Adobe folder that will have some Bridge support files in it.
    Using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements as Your Editor of Choice in iPhoto.
    1 - select Photoshop or Photoshop Elememts as your editor of choice in iPhoto's General Preference Section's under the "Edit photo:" menu.
    2 - double click on the thumbnail in iPhoto to open it in Photoshop.  When you're finished editing click on the Save button. If you immediately get the JPEG Options window make your selection (Baseline standard seems to be the most compatible jpeg format) and click on the OK button. Your done. 
    3 - however, if you get the navigation window
    that indicates that  PS wants to save it as a PS formatted file.  You'll need to either select JPEG from the menu and save (top image) or click on the desktop in the Navigation window (bottom image) and save it to the desktop for importing as a new photo.
    This method will let iPhoto know that the photo has been editied and will update the thumbnail file to reflect the edit..
    With Photoshop Elements  the Saving File preferences should be configured as shown:
    I also suggest the Maximize PSD File Compatabilty be set to Always.  In PSE’s General preference pane set the Color Picker to Apple as shown:
    Screenshots are from PSE 10
    Note 1:  to switch between iPhoto and PS or PSE as the editor of choice Control (right)-click on the thumbnail and select either Edit in iPhoto or Edit in External Editor from the contextual menu. If you use iPhoto to edit more than PSE re-select iPhoto in the iPhoto General preference pane. Then iPhoto will be the default editor and you can use the contextual menu to select PSE for your editor when desired.
    Note 2:  editing a RAW file with either PSE or PS creates a new file which must be saved outside of iPhoto, i.e. the Desktop, and imported as a new photo into the iPhoto Library.

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    Here's how to open apps that apple should not be blocking:

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    Premiere Elements is for video editing.

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    Message title was edited by: Brett N

      Try making a direct shortcut for the Organizer and Editor. Make sure you have the correct file path as there is more than one exe file. You can then launch the programs directly from the desktop bypassing the welcome screen. This is generally better as the welcome screen leaves background processes running.
    On Windows, Right click anywhere on the desktop and select New >> Shortcut
    Then click the browse button and navigate to:
    "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Elements 10 Organizer\PhotoshopElementsOrganizer.exe"
    Then click Next; then click Finish
          Then make a direct shortcut for the Editor in a similar manner.
    On Windows, Right click anywhere on the desktop and select New >> Shortcut
    Then click the browse button and navigate to:
    "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 10\PhotoshopElementsEditor.exe"
    Then click Next; then click Finish
      N.B. on 64 bit systems navigate to Program Files (x86)

  • I cannot install Premier Elements 10 on a Mac.

    Once Elements Organizer is installed & opened, the window is 75% off screen and I cannot "pull" it down to navigate. Adobe Support (on chat) had me uninstall, change date on the Mac to 11/01/2011, reinstall software - but still was unable to view complete window. Any thoughts on how to get the window into full view?

    It is simple to fix as long as you follow this exactly. I had the same issue with Organizer (version 10) on my MacBook Pro as you (Mountain Lion). I seems to be a OSx issue when a second monitor is attached at anytime and then disconnected.
    1) If you have more than one display connected to your mac, disconnect all external displays.
    2) Launch Organizer (So it is like your screen shot above). This is so you can see it fix as you go through the steps.
    3) Go to Apple menu at the upper-left corner of the screen. Then click System Preferences
    4) Click on Displays
    5) Select a different screen resolution then what it is currently set to (try 800 x 600). Mine was originally set to something like 'Stretched'. At this point you should see the Organizer window fit to screen with the top Organizer buttons visible.
    6) Set the resolution back to what it was before and confirm that you can still see the entire Organizer window.
    7) This next few steps are very important. Close Organizer.
    8) Relaunch Organizer to confirm that it is still correctly displayed.
    9) Close Organizer.
    10) Restart your Mac.
    11) Launch Organizer and you should be fine now.

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    I recently purchased Elements 10 and installed it on my Mac Mini only because my old iMac was dying.  I now have a new iMac and I would like to have Elements 10 on the iMac and remove it from my Mac Mini.  I want to do this because the Mac Mini is used as a music server.  The iMac desktop is my main computer and is a much better place to have Elements 10.
    Can I do this?  What do I need to do?
    Thanks in advance!

    On the mini, go to Editor>Help Deactivate. Then install PSE on the imac. You can actually have it on two computers, but if you don't want it on the mini anymore you might as well free up that activation for future use.
    Don't try to copy PSE to the new computer. It installs stuff in many places, not just the applications folder, unless you have the app store version, in which case you would just go to app store>purchases on the imac to add it there. The app store version can be installed on all the macs that use the same app store/itunes ID, no matter how many that may be,

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    Thanks for your help.

    I think the OP is talking about local user accounts on the computer having access to the installed Adobe software, not multiple Adobe accounts.
    e.g. once Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements are installed, will User 1, User 2, User 3 and User 4 on the local computer all have access to the Adobe software?
    My understanding is yes but only the registered user should use the software to comply with the EULA.

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    Unfortunately, photoshop elements 4 will not work on os x  10.7.5, because pse 4 was a PowerPC application (powerpc is the type of processor)
    and os x 10.7.5 is an intel (processor) mac, that can't use rosseta to run older powerpc applications, like one could on 10.4 thru 10.6 intel macs
    Photoshop elements 6,8,9,10,11 and 12 should work fine on os x 10.7.5 lion

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    I dont know about OSX but i can give you a generalized
    solution. In all OS's there will be a way to get to
    command prompt. It is not really true: MacOS is one noticeable exception! Version 9, like every previous one, was completely extraneous to the notion of "command prompt", because the Macintosh, since its origin to nowadays, has been a "fanatically" User-Centric system: everything is iconic. A side effect of this approach is that MacOS was a pretty hard platform for low-level developers...
    In MacOSX things have dramatically changed: this OS is a powerful Unix-like one, with the beautiful dress that only a Mac can wear: and finally, all you Mac users, here it is: the shell!
    Of course, in MacOSX (and in MacOS "classic" too) there are paths and executable files.
    MacOS1-9 file-system was a very peculiar one: resource fork and data fork for every file, ":" as path components separator (but what "common" user has ever seen a Macintosh path?) and so on.
    MacOSX will use an Unix-like filesystem, I guess (I'm not a Mac user, I like every OS for its beauties - and therefore dislike Microsoft products even if often they give me bread).
    But the key question is: how do I tell the runtime which file it has to execute?
    Fortunately, every modern SO I know adopts a hyerarchical organization of its files. So, indipendently of what is considered the "root" ("C:\", "/" or whatever else), you can "trace" a relative path from your current path (if you use an Unix or URL idiom, "./") and the file you want to reach.
    So, if your java app ("JavaApp.class") is placed in a folder called "MyJavaApp", nested in another folder called "Programs" that you see when you click on the "MacHD" icon, and you can manually launch the Mac app you're interested in clicking on an icon called "MyMacApp Program", placed in a folder called "MyMacApp", nested in another folder called "Programs" that you see when you click on the "MacHD" icon (it's the same folder we said before :-) ), using Unix or URL sintax we have that:
    your java application is at: [...]/MacHD/Programs/MyJavaApp/JavaApp.class
    the Mac application is at:
    [...]/MacHD/Programs/MyMacApp/MyMacApp Program
    The relative path from the former to the latter is, therefore:
    where two dots ("..") are the symbol for "parent folder".
    If the situation is similar to above, the code to launch MyMacApp should be something like this:
    File currentDir=new File("");
    //supposing that double dot (..) is the symbol for "parent folder"
         new File(currentDir,".."
         +"MyMacApp Program"
    in a more portable fashion - if you're not sure ".." works
    (? who cares? we're launching a native app :-)) )
         new File(currentDir.getParent(),
         +"MyMacApp Program"
    );Hope it works... good work!

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    I downloaded it on May 9th, '13 and have yet to use it.  There's no icon in my tray and I'm not finding it in Finder nor Downloads.  How can I find it so I can use it?

    Zionwoman225 if you have installed the software then please look in your Applications folder.  If you can not find it in your Applications folder then please run through the installation process to install the software.
    Downloading the software is only the first part of the process.  Once downloaded you will then need to run the installer to install the software to your computer.

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    You can download it here:
    Download Photoshop Elements products | 9, 8, 7
    If you have trouble activating here, go here:
    Activation & Deactivation Help
    and scroll down to "Still need help? Contact us." Keep working your way through the links and eventually you will be able to start a chat session and get that resolved.

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