How to localize button labels of a genuine NI VI?

Some days ago I asked how to manage the translation of button labels of the
genuine "file dialog VI" from NI (i.e. German label "Wahlen"-> English label
"Select", German label "Abbruch"->English label "Cancel" etc.) for the
finished application (I need to have a german and an English version).
Someone suggested to select English from the Windows country selection and
someone else suggested to use the string export/import function.
However, nothing succeeded so far.
I even bought WIN 2000 in English, since I thought LV perhaps refers to some
standard/library Windows labelling names during compilation.
Regarding the string export/import function: This should work if one is able
to get into the VI, but with the genuine "
file dialog VI" from NI I cannot
enter the VI.
Do I really have to program my own VI for such a simple localizing thing?
So far, heavily disappointed....

Sorry to hear about your problems. Have you tried contacting NI about this? They are usually very good about supporting issues such as this.
I am going to try a few things for you to see if I can help. If I don't post a followup, assume I had no luck. If you go to you can start a formal support question. The NI tech support guys will help you fairly quickly (usually within a day or less!)
Good luck.

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    public class test extends Application
        public void start(Stage primaryStage)
            final VBox vbox = new VBox();
            String pillButtonCss = DX57DC.class.getResource("PillButton.css").toExternalForm();
            // create 3 toggle buttons and a toogle group for them
            ToggleButton tb1 = new ToggleButton("Left Button");
            ToggleButton tb2 = new ToggleButton("Center Button");
            ToggleButton tb3 = new ToggleButton("Right Button");
            final ToggleGroup group = new ToggleGroup();
            // select the first button to start with
            final Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(300, 300);
            final Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(300, 300);
            final Rectangle rect3 = new Rectangle(300, 300);
            group.selectedToggleProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Toggle>()
                public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Toggle> ov, Toggle toggle, Toggle new_toggle)
                    if (new_toggle == null)
                        vbox.getChildren().set(1, (Node) group.getSelectedToggle().getUserData());
            HBox hBox = new HBox();
            hBox.getChildren().addAll(tb1, tb2, tb3);
            hBox.setPadding(new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10));
            vbox.getChildren().addAll(hBox, (Node) group.getSelectedToggle().getUserData());
            StackPane root = new StackPane();
            Scene scene = new Scene(root, 800, 850);
        public static void main(String[] args)
    I noticed that if I put heavy business logic into the buttons while I switch the buttons it appears that the application hangs.
    Is it possible to display "Loading.." instead of the button label while I switch the buttons?

    Welcome to the world of multithreaded programming in JavaFX...
    It's generally a mistake to perform any long-running task in the FX Application thread, as it will cause the UI to hang while it's running. You should use the javafx.concurrent package to perform background tasks; the Task class in particular will be useful to you. The javadocs have plenty of examples.
    Note that it's also a mistake to modify the UI from a background thread, and that your Task implementation's call(...) method will be executed on a background thread. The Task class provides setOnSucceeded, setOnFailed, setOnCancelled methods to register a handler whose handle(...) method will be executed back on the FX Application thread.
    For example, the basic strategy to respond to a button press by updating the UI, launching a long-running process, and then updating the UI with the results of that process is as follows. Replace 'T' with any data type.
    myButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
         public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
              final Task<T> longRunningTask = new Task<T>() {
                   public T call() {
                        // perform long running operation:
                        T result = computeResult();    
                        return result ;    
              longRunningTask.setOnSucceeded(new EventHandler<WorkerStateEvent>() {
                   public void handle(WorkerStateEvent event) {
                        // get result of long running operation:    
                        T result = longRunningTask.getValue();
                        // now update UI on basis of result to indicate task is complete
              // update UI here to indicate task is about to run...
              // now start task:
              Thread t = new Thread(longRunningTask);
    There's a bunch of other functionality in Task, such as a progress property and a message property. These can be bound, and updated on the FX Application thread via the appropriate updateXXX(...) methods.

  • How to localize operator labels on af:query

    I have localized af:query component by using skin resource bundle. I still need to change labels for operators. On af:query there are select one choice components that can be used for operator selection. Labels for operators are: "Not equal to","Starts with", "Ends with",... These can not be customised through skin boundle. I think that these labels are defined in class and they are localized in more then twenty languages but not in the one I need. I tried to create custom MessageBundle for my model project with keys I found in CSMessageBundle. It did not work.
    Does anyone knows how to solve this.

    Hi Gorane,
    you have to create and apply new custom skin for your application. Register new resource bundle for that new skin and in that resource bundle you redefine labels for ui components.
    For creating custom skin look at: "Web User Interface Developer’s Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework" chapter: "20 Customizing the Appearance Using Styles and Skins".
    To find out what keys you need to override check out these link:
    Re: Keys in ResourceBundle
    Here is my resource bundle class with keys for query:
    package com.mycomp.myapp.resources;
    import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
    public class MyAppSkinBundle extends ListResourceBundle {
        public MyAppSkinBundle() {
        public Object[][] getContents()
            return contents;       
        static final Object[][] contents = {
                {"af_dialog.OK","U redu"},//ok
                {"af_dialog.LABEL_OK", "U redu"},
                {"af_dialog.LABEL_CANCEL", "Odustani"},
                {"af_dialog.LABEL_YES", "Da"},
                {"af_dialog.LABEL_NO", "Ne"},
                {"af_panelWindow.CLOSE", "Zatvori"},
                {"af_selectManyShuttle.MOVE", "Prebaci"},//ok
                {"af_selectManyShuttle.MOVE_ALL", "Prebaci sve"},//ok
                {"af_selectManyShuttle.REMOVE", "Vrati"},//ok
                {"af_selectManyShuttle.REMOVE_ALL", "Vrati sve"},//ok
                {"af_panelCollection.Detach", "Ra\u0161iri tabelu" },
                {"af_table.Detach", "Ra\u0161iri tabelu" },
                {"af_panelWindow.Detach", "Ra\u0161iri tabelu" },
                {"af_panelSplitter.COLLAPSE_PANE","Skupi prozor"},
                {"af_panelCollection.MENU_VIEW", "Prikaz"},
                {"af_panelCollection.MENUITEM_DETACH", "Ra\u0160iri"},
                {"af_panelCollection.MENUITEM_COLUMNS_SHOWALL", "Prika\u017Ei sve"},
                {"af_panelCollection.MENUITEM_COLUMNS_SHOWMORECOLUMNS", "Prika\u017Ei jo\u0161 kolona..."},
                {"af_panelCollection.MENUITEM_REORDER", "Preuredi kolone..." },
                {"af_panelCollection.MENU_COLUMNS", "Kolone"},
                {"af_panelCollection.SHOW_COLUMNS", "Prika\u017Ei kolone"},
                {"af_panelCollection.REORDER_COLUMNS", "Preuredi kolone"},
                {"af_panelCollection.HIDDEN_COLUMNS", "Skrivene kolone"},
                {"af_panelCollection.VISIBLE_COLUMNS", "Vidljive kolone"},
                {"af_panelCollection.DETACH_DIALOG_TITLE", "Ra\u0161irena tabela"},
                {"af_table.FETCHING", "Dobavljanje podataka..."},
                //Lokalizovanje labela na Search popupu
                {"af_query.LABEL_MODE_BASIC", "Osnovni"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_MODE_ADVANCED", "Napredni"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_HEADER_TEXT", "Pretraga"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_REQUIRED_INFO_TEXT", "Obavezno"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_INDEXED_INFO_TEXT", "Bar jedan je neophodan"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_FOOTER_ADD_FIELDS", "Dodaj polja"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_CONJUNCTION", "Poklapanje sa"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_CONJUNCTION_AND", "svim"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_CONJUNCTION_OR", "bilo kojim"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_MODE_BASIC", "Osnovna"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_MODE_ADVANCED", "Napredna"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_SCREEN_READER_MODE_BASIC", "Osnovna pretraga"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_SCREEN_READER_MODE_ADVANCED", "Napredna pretraga"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_SAVE", "Sa\u010Duvaj..."},
                {"af_query.LABEL_RESET", "Obri\u0161i"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_SEARCH", "Pretra\u017Ei"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_DELETE", "Obri\u0161i"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_DUPLICATE", "Dupliciraj"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_APPLY", "Primeni"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_DUPLICATE_NAME_PREFIX", "kopijaOd_"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_SAVED_SEARCH", "Sa\u010Duvana pretraga"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_SAVED_SEARCH_PERSONALIZE_ENTRY", "Prilagodi..."},
                {"af_query.LABEL_PERSONALIZE_SAVED_SEARCHES_DLG", "Prilagodi sa\u010Duvane pretrage"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_CREATE_SAVED_SEARCH_DLG", "Kreiraj sa\u010Duvanu pretragu"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_SAVED_SEARCH_NAME", "Naziv"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_UIHINT_SAVE_RESULTS_LAYOUT", "Sa\u010Duvaj izgled rezultata"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_UIHINT_AUTO_EXECUTE", "Pokreni automatski"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_UIHINT_SHOW_IN_LIST", "Prikaži u listi pretraga"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_UIHINT_DEFAULT", "Postavi za podrazumevano"},
                {"af_query.MSG_SAVED_SEARCH_NAME_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT", "Pretraga sa ovim imenom ve\u0107 postoji."},
                {"af_query.MSG_SAVED_SEARCH_NAME_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_DETAIL", "Morate obezbediti jedinstveno ime."},
                {"af_query.MSG_SAVED_SEARCH_NAME_NOTNULL_CONSTRAINT", "Ime je potrebno"},
                {"af_query.MSG_SAVED_SEARCH_NAME_NOTNULL_CONSTRAINT_DETAIL", "Molimo Vas unesite validno ime za sa\u010Duvanu pretragu."},
                {"af_query.MSG_SAVED_SEARCH_DELDUP_CONSTRAINT", "Potrebno je odabrati sa\u010Duvanu pretragu"},
                {"af_query.MSG_SAVED_SEARCH_DELETE_CONSTRAINT_DETAIL", "Molimo Vas odaberite validnu sa\u010Duvanu pretragu za brisanje."},
                {"af_query.MSG_SAVED_SEARCH_DELETE_WARNING", "Obri\u0161i sa\u010Duvanu pretragu: {0}?"},
                {"af_query.MSG_SAVED_SEARCH_DUPLICATE_CONSTRAINT_DETAIL", "Molimo Vas odaberite validnu sa\u010Duvanu pretragu za dupliranje."},
                {"af_query.TIP_DELETE_SEARCH_FIELD", "Ukloni: {0}"},
                {"af_query.TIP_DELETE_WARNING", "Upozorenje"},
                {"af_query.TIP_OPERATOR", "Operatori za"},
                {"af_query.LABEL_VALUE_LOV_POPUP", "Pretra\u017Ei i odaberi:"},
                {"af_quickQuery.LABEL_DEFAULT", "Pretraga"},
                {"af_quickQuery.LABEL_VALUE_LOV_POPUP", "Pretra\u017Ei i odaberi:"}
    }You can see that I had to use UTF codes for serbian letters.
    //š \u0161
    //Š \u0160
    //č \u010D
    //Č \u010C
    //ć \u0107
    //Ć \u0106
    //ž \u017E
    //Ž \u017D
    //đ \u0111
    //Đ \u0110
    I will be glad to answer on any other question!!!

  • How to add image as radio button label instead of text

    In a pure AS3 project, is there a way to add use an image placed in the library/ Flex/AIR SDK compiler path instead of text as a radio button label?
    I've tried substituting character may unicode like:
    rb1.label = String.fromCharCode("0x2592");
    But how this displays is dependent on the device, font character availability. Displays unpredictably.
    Would prefer anyway to use an image that I can create in AI.
    Any help appreciated.

    OK. I tried this, and it works.
    (Hopefully, the image will display in the same location, next to the radio button, on different devices.)
    Thank you.

  • How to localize labels in WhiteBoard component

    I would need to localize some labels in the whiteboard components.
    Looking at the source code, it looks like you are using a private class "com.adobe.coreUI.localization.Localization".
    How can I work around it to set my own resource bundle?

    Hi Xavier,
    The basics here are pretty easy - essentially, we have a static accessor,
    Localization.impl, which is an instance of ILocalizationManager. Here's the
    interface :
        public interface ILocalizationManager
            function getString(p_inStr:String):String;
            function formatString(p_inStr: String, ...args):String;
    The default implementation just returns the input string - essentially does
    nothing. For the whiteboard, all the strings you'll need are processed by
    "getString", so your formatString doesn't need to do anything.
    To insert your own localization, simply make your own implementation of
    ILocalizationManager, then assign it :
    Localization.impl = new MyCustomLocalizationManager();
    I know that this doesn't conform to the resourceBundle approach Flex uses,
    but we have to live across non-Flex and Flex frameworks. Still, it should be
    trivial to take a resourceBundle and build an ILocalizationManager which
    draws its strings from it, if that's what you'd like to do.
      hope that helps!

  • How do I make Radio Button label clickable?

    In just plain HTML, the following code will allow me to click on the radio button label text to select that radio button:
      <label for="radio1">Radio Button label</label>
      <input type="radio" value="Selected" id="radio1" />
    How can I do the same thing using HTMLB?
       <htmlb:radioButton id      = "buttonAll"
                          text    = "All"
                          key     = "ALL"
                          tooltip = "View All" />
    Wrapping the htmlb:radioButton with a <label></label> does not work - any ideas?

    Hi Lisa,
    You have to also add the <b>disable</b> attribute to the following code. This is because, <i>if the radioButton is disabled it is not selectable.</i>
    Replace the code with:
    <htmlb:radioButton id = "buttonAll"
    text = "All"
    key = "ALL"
    tooltip = "View All"
    I would also suggest you to wrap the htmlb:radioButton code in <htmlb:radioButtonGroup></htmlb:radioButtonGroup>
    Hope this Solves your problem.

  • How to take button's label over its bitmap?

    i've converted template from psd to catalyst and then open it in flex 4. i've written button labels but they dont appear and i couldnt find how to get it over bitmap skin :s how?

    hi, i solved it.
    this is skin code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:fx="" xmlns:d="">
    <s:State name="up" />
    <s:State name="over" stateGroups="overStates" />
    <s:State name="down" stateGroups="downStates" />
    <s:State name="disabled" stateGroups="disabledStates" />
    <s:State name="selectedUp" stateGroups="selectedStates, selectedUpStates" />
    <s:State name="selectedOver" stateGroups="overStates, selectedStates" />
    <s:State name="selectedDown" stateGroups="downStates, selectedStates" />
    <s:State name="selectedDisabled" stateGroups="selectedUpStates, disabledStates, selectedStates" />
    <s:Rect left="1" right="1" top="1" bottom="1"radiusX="
    2" radiusY="2" 
    <s:BitmapFill source="@Embed('/assets/images/templatetıp/ubuton_5.png')" />
    and this is main.mxml code:
    <mx:Button includeIn="Page1" x="270" y="284" label="Button" skin="components.ubutonButton"/>
    and this is solution adress: l-in-flex-4/

  • Trying to assign an XML attribute value to a button label

    I have a Flex app (developed in FLEX 2) that reads from
    multiple XML files and populates datagrids with element values.
    What I'm trying to do now, is to create a second column with a
    button, enabling users to view archived versions for each current
    My problem is: I can't get the <mx:Button> label to
    accept the attribute "name". I've tried atleast 10 - 20 different
    My XML file looks like this:
    <report name="test">
    <link>test Report 10/28/2008</link>
    The mxml looks like this:
    <mx:Button buttonMode="true" useHandCursor="true"
    click="handleClick()" label="{data.@name}" width="80">
    public function handleClick():void{
    var url:URLRequest = new
    When I try to label a button with an element it works fine.
    Some of the other sytax I've used are:
    - label="{}"
    - label="{'test')}"
    - label="{'test')}"
    - label="{data.@name}"
    - label="{}"
    - label="{'test')}"
    - label="{'test')}"

    Originally posted by:
    Can you post some code so we can see how you are using the
    button? I think you may be using the button within a datagrid
    itemRenderer, which might make a difference.
    You're right, the button is in a datagrid itemRenderer. I've
    pasted more dataGrid code below - thanks again.
    <mx:DataGrid id="dgCatalog" dataProvider="{_xlcCatalog}"
    rowCount="4" editable="false" sortableColumns="false"
    left="148" top="65" bottom="42" borderStyle="solid"
    alternatingItemColors="[#ecf8ff, #ffffff]"
    themeColor="#ffff80" alpha="1.0" cornerRadius="0"
    dropShadowEnabled="true" dropShadowColor="#000000" width="549"
    <mx:DataGridColumn editable="false" headerText="Daily -
    Report Names" dataField="link" textAlign="left" width="200">
    <mx:LinkButton click="handleClick()" label="{}"
    public function handleClick():void{
    var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(""+data.url);
    <mx:DataGridColumn editable="false" headerText="Daily -
    Report Archives" dataField="link" textAlign="left" width="80">
    <mx:Button buttonMode="true" useHandCursor="true"
    click="handleClick()" label="{}" width="80">
    public function handleClick():void{
    var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(""".html");
    <!--mx:DataGridColumn headerText="URL" dataField="url"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Status" dataField="status"

  • How to target a label on the stage from a loaded composition

    from EdgeCommons I'm using EC.loadComposition to load another website into a container within EA.
    Now, from a button inside this loaded composition I would like to call a stop function to target a label on the main stage of the EA file.
    sym.getComposition().getStage().stop("scene4"); does not work.
    It think it has to go outside of sym because the composition container is actually an iframe.
    Thank you

    I think you may have replied to my post accidentally. I had asked a question regarding javascripts that could target the stage from a symbol, not about coloring book apps.  However I have made one in Flash, here is the page I made (don't laugh, I never finished it).
    Here is a link to the forum I used to get the Info to build it, I would think the process would be very close in edge.
    Good luck!
    >>> scottsalter0 <[email protected]> 3/1/2013 10:29 AM >>>
    Adobe Community ( )
    Re: How to target a label on the stage from a div embedded in a symbol?
    created by scottsalter0 ( ) in Edge Animate - View the full discussion ( ) 
    Hi there,
    I noticed your Edge Colouring Page post on the Adobe Forums.
    For my University work, I need to create a colouring page using Adobe Edge Animate. Is it possible if you could post a tutorial or step-by-step guide on how to do this please?
    Many Thanks
    Reply to this message by replying to this email -or- go to the message on Adobe Community ( )
    Start a new discussion in Edge Animate by email ( mailto:[email protected] ) or at Adobe Community (!input.jspa?contentType=1&containerType=14&contain er=4823 )

  • Localization of labels in report

    I am trying to localize labels used in reports - for this i've created report in Crystal Reports 2008 designer. I am using JRC to edit the labels used in this report. Japanese character inserted appears as question marks in viewer. when i used the same edited report in other machine i saw the correct characters, which means report is editted properly but somehow could not be rendered properly.
    What is this problem? how is localization of report content handled using JRC?

    Is it in the web viewer, applet (desktop) viewer or PDF?
    Question marks indicate a character encoding issue.
    Which version of the JRC are you using?
    Ted Ueda

  • Button label positioning

    I am new to Flex 2 world but even my question seems a bit
    funny to me. I'm trying to create a square button (width=200 by
    height=200) and I want the label inside the button to be in one of
    the top corners. At this point I don't care if it's in the left or
    right top corner.
    I've tried everything and I was only able to get the label to
    be left aligned using the TextAlign property but I can't seem to
    figure out how to Vertically align it to the top.
    any help you be greatly appreciated.
    Incase someone needs to see the mxml code to understand what
    I'm doing, here it is: (LOL)
    <mx:Button label="topleft" width="200" height="200"
    Also, I've tried to put a <mx:Label> right after this
    button and using the x/y co-ordinates, place it on TOP of the
    button and that works but then when I mouseover the label it looses
    the mouseover the button (which is obvious).
    HELP! :)

    The paddingTop worked. I just had to set it top a negative
    value :) I feel like I had to "cheat" to get this working :)
    Thanks a lot!

  • The button labels in my folders are reading as numbers

    The button labels in my folders are reading as numbers

    First, please stop posting your email address. That will only get you on spam lists.
    I suggest you erase your boot volume and restore from the backup. Check that the issue is resolved, then (and only then) change every password you have and check all your online financial accounts for unauthorized activity. Consider canceling all credit cards and requesting new ones.
    When that's done, you need to learn the basics of safe computing.
    Mac OS X versions 10.6.7 and later have built-in detection of known Mac malware in downloaded files. The recognition database is automatically updated once a day; however, you shouldn't rely on it, because the attackers are always at least a day ahead of the defenders. In most cases, there’s no benefit from any other automated protection against malware.
    The most effective defense against malware is your own intelligence. All known Mac malware takes the form of trojans that can only operate if the victim is duped into running them. If you're smarter than the malware attacker thinks you are, you won't be duped. That means, primarily, that you never install software from an untrustworthy source. How do you know a source is untrustworthy?
    Any website that prompts you to install software, such as a “codec” or “plug-in,” that comes from that same site, or an unknown site, is untrustworthy.
    A web operator who tells you that you have a “virus,” or that anything else is wrong with your computer, or that you have won a prize in a contest you never entered, is trying to commit a crime with you as the victim.
    “Cracked” versions of commercial software downloaded from a bittorrent are likely to be infected.
    Software with a corporate brand, such as Adobe Flash, must be downloaded directly from the developer’s website. No intermediary is acceptable.
    Follow these guidelines, and you’ll be as safe from malware as you can reasonably be.
    Never install any commercial "anti-virus" products for the Mac, as they all do more harm than good. If you need to be able to detect Windows malware in your files, use ClamXav -- nothing else.

  • How to dinamically add label to flex application...?

    I'm new to flex and I have to make component similar to this:
    I have 3 questions:
    1. As you can see, component is divided on regions (here is 4 regions with different colors, but there can be more regions - this should be programatically). Now, above this box should be scale with number of region
    (you can see this scale to). Scale should also be programatically, based on number of regions - 4 in this example.
    Which is the best control for doing this? Is there any
    flash builder control that support customization with scales and something like this component, or I have to use drawing for this, as I have already have?
    2. How can I make opacity css effect? For example, in component on previous link I want to make some areas of box black but with opacity, so area under black is seen. Something like on this picture:
    3. How can I add label dinamically in action script code? I tried:
    var myLabel:spark.components.Label=new spark.components.Label();
    but nothing happened.
    I'm using spark layout. I also tried to add label on button click but it also doesn't work. I tried to set wigth and height of label but it also doesn't work.
    Any kind of help would be appreciate.
    Thanks in advance

    you may have to use Hbox then insert label inside
    this may be helpful!!

  • How to remove Button from Flex Mobile app actionbar with AS3?

    How exactly would i remove a Button from the actionBar "actionContent" in a flex mobile app?
    I tried these:
    I'm not having any luck with those. Im guessing where it is located in the actioncontent isn't considered the stage. Any ideas?
                            <s:CalloutButton id="menu_btn" icon="@Embed('assets/images/menu/menu_btn.png')" visible="false">
                                      <s:Button id="btn_one" label="Button" />
    The actionContent is setup like that, I know like with most mxml stuff I could give it an ID to reference it but im not sure how how to give the action content an id number `<s:actionContent id="testID">` does not work. So how can i access this to remove it? making it invisible isn't cutting it i need to actually remove it.

    Does this do what you are looking for?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:View xmlns:fx=""
            xmlns:s="library://" title="HomeView">
            <s:Button id="excess" label="excess" />
            <s:Button label="remove" click="this.navigator.actionBar.actionGroup.removeElement(excess);" />

  • Fade button label

    Hi, plase help me!
    I've applied a fade effect to a component that contains a
    button and some other children. All the component fades correctly
    and the button fades too, but not its label. I think that it's an
    embedded fonts problem. So I've embedded a font:
    @font-face {
    font-family: ArialEmbedded;
    advanced-anti-aliasing: true;
    embedFonts: true;
    font-family: ArialEmbedded;
    font-size: 13;
    After this operation the font-size of the button label
    matches, but not the font-family! The system default font-family
    How can I embed fonts in button components? If I cannot fix
    this issue, I think that I cannot fade the button together with its

    Fixed, I had to embed the bold version of the font, because
    button labels are bold!
    So, the finally code is:
    @font-face {
    font-family: ArialEmbedded;
    advanced-anti-aliasing: true;
    @font-face {
    font-family: ArialEmbedded;
    advanced-anti-aliasing: true;
    embedFonts: true;
    font-family: ArialEmbedded;
    font-size: 13;
    All buttons will use the bold ArialEmbedded to render their

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