How to locate a dependent variable?

Hi all,
I've been asked to document the list of variables that have been used in a dimension and then prepare another list that gives the list of dependent variables.
Say for ex: There is this variable ZVAR_LW_LY and this variable is dependent on another variable ZVAR_250. Now how do I find out for every variable as to what its dependent variable is?
I went to SE 37 and used the function module EXIT_SAPLRRS0_001 to find out what variable is dependent on what variable. But could not get any help from there. Please advise if there is any other way to find out.
Thank you.

i can suggest workaround which seems weird ,, but it can help u ...
say for e.g. ur infocube is xxy
now open query designer and create a test query yyy on infocube xxy.
now u will see all the dimensions definied in this query
let say u have 10 dimensions
for e.g. dimension 1
here u can see list of variables defined on ur dimension 1
if u wish to see where they are used further
u can select ur variable for e.g. VARIABLE 1
then in menu hit QUERY
then it will show u any connecting variable which is built on that variable and where it is used
u can then document this one by one...
this is tiresome way but it can be useful if u try...

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            SInce you are searching for a variable for Unit, look into below screenshot and navigate to the variables.
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    Hope it helps! don't forget to update the final solution and mark the correct/helpful answers.
    Remember it will help others to find the solution and motivate the members to answer your question.

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    In your specific requirement select the which ever the keyfigure you want  to analyse, go to edit mode of keyfigure propeties there select the newvariable type and create the Text variable by maintaining the proper offset start and length and also maintain the in whcih format u want see the month name in column headers. Maintain the Text format or key format. it totally depends on u r requirement.
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    OracleADay wrote:
    I would like to ask you, below there is a emp_id variable? Is this BIND variable?
    bonus NUMBER(8,2);
    emp_id NUMBER(6) := 100;
    SELECT salary * 0.10 INTO bonus FROM employees
    WHERE employee_id = emp_id;
    /In the query "SELECT salary * 0.10 INTO bonus FROM employees WHERE employee_id = emp_id" emp_id is turned into a bind variable because
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    This can also be proved with SQL trace. The following code:
    alter session set sql_trace=true;
    v number;
    c number;
    select count(*) into c
    from t
    where x=v;
    show errors
    alter session set sql_trace=false;generates following raw trace file section with 10G XE:
    PARSING IN CURSOR #2 len=79 dep=0 uid=69 oct=47 lid=69 tim=33338762257 hv=2860574766 ad='3c10120c'
    v number;
    c number;
    select count(*) into c
    from t
    where x=v;
    PARSE #2:c=46800,e=329811,p=0,cr=9,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=0,og=1,tim=33338762253
    PARSING IN CURSOR #1 len=35 dep=1 uid=69 oct=3 lid=69 tim=33338788761 hv=3539261652 ad='3c10053c'
    PARSE #1:c=0,e=216,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=1,og=1,tim=33338788755
    =====================Edited by: P. Forstmann on 17 mai 2011 17:47
    Edited by: P. Forstmann on 17 mai 2011 17:55

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    private String getURL()
    throws IOException
    File locC = null;
    File remC = new File(mPath);
    String lurl = null;
    CpUtil lUtil = new CpUtil();
    String exten;
    Connection lConn = mCtx.getJDBCConnection();
    ErrorStack lES = mCtx.getErrorStack();
    LogFile lLF = mCtx.getLogFile();
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    String tmpDir = mCtx.getEnvStore().getEnv("APPLTMP");
    String twoTask = mCtx.getEnvStore().getEnv("TWO_TASK");
    // create temp file
    mLPath = lUtil.createTempFile("OF", exten, tmpDir);
    lUtil.logTempFile(mLPath, mLNode, mCtx);

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    Oh, it all seems so easy now!  Hindsight 20-20...
    Solution was to create a new input ready variable for Unit.
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    2. For conversions, in BI backend us T-code RSUOM and create new conversion type associated with new variable. Then for each key figure needing conversion, set the conversion parameter to use the new conversion type.
    Between both 1 & 2 above, the same variable is used & thus prompted only once.
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    Please, ask this kind of questions in the e-business forum.

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