How to loop an swf a set number of times?

I need to loop a banner animation a set number of times, then
get it to gotoandstop on a final frame. I know in the past I could
counter++; if (counter<5) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
At least for the looping part (don't even know yet about the
stop pon a particular frame part).
but now in Flash 8 I can't get my test swf to do that using
this statement. Am I missing something? (Of course, obviously I am
or I wouldn't be here!)

This works for me as well, but i don't want it to jump to the
final still frame. i need mine to loop three times, then plan
through to the frame i want, stopping there. the frame i want is
not the final frame in the swf. it is somewhere in the middle.
does that make sense?

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      //I want to loop though only 50 objects max at a time

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    ok I see so it's like one those programs that you download for free on the internet and they give you a set amount times to use it before you have to pay for it. but in this case when the number of times you use it equals 5 (or when the user clicks ok) a different java app will open automatically.
    My first thought would be to Write a Serialized object to disk using objectOutputStream that stores the number of times the application has been opened. and each time the program runs it checks for the serialized object and then you can do something like what I posted before. of course if were worried about security the user could always look for the object and erase it, if so then I guess we would have to come up with another plan of attack
    Hope this helps

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    Yeah that is the work around. This post explains how:
    Its a little tedious to setup up but it should work.

  • Loop control for set number of times per loop

    Hello everyone,
    I am having a problem with an assignment, I have gotten it all to work except one thing. The assignment was to create a quiz asking for the planets in order by using JOptionPane input dialog,loop, and StringBuffer. If the user answers incorrect show a message dialog with a hint and ask the same question again. If the user gets it wrong again, then just move on to the next question. I got it to work except I cant figure out how to make it ask the question again only once if the answer is wrong. Here is what I have so far:
       import javax.swing.*;
        public class SolarSystemQuiz {
           public static void main(String[] args) {
             String answer;
             int i ;
             int count = 0;
             int correct = 0;
             int wrong = 0;
             boolean crt;
             for (i=1; i < 10; ++i) {
                StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer("What is the " + getPlace(i) + " planet in the solar system?");
                do {
                   answer = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, str);
                   crt = getAnswer(i, answer);
                   if (crt) {
                      count = 0;
                } while ( ! crt && count <= 1);
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You got " + correct +
                " answers correct\n, and " + wrong + " incorrect answers.");
             System.out.println(correct + wrong);
           public static String getPlace(int spot) {
             switch (spot) {
                case 1:
                   return "1st";
                case 2:
                   return "2nd";
                case 3:
                   return "3rd";
                case 4:
                   return "4th";
                case 5:
                   return "5th";
                case 6:
                   return "6th";
                case 7:
                   return "7th";
                case 8:
                   return "8th";
                case 9:
                   return "9th";
                   return "You have created an error, please try again.";
           public static boolean getAnswer(int planet, String guess ) {
             String mercury = "mercury" ;
             String venus = "venus";
             String earth = "earth";
             String mars = "mars" ;
             String jupiter = "jupiter";
             String saturn = "saturn";
             String uranus = "uranus";
             String neptune = "neptune";
             String pluto = "pluto" ;
             switch (planet) {
                case 1:
                   if (guess.equalsIgnoreCase("Mercury")) {
                      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Correct!");
                      return true;  
                   else {
                         "not it, the planet starts with M and has " + mercury.length() + " letters");
                      return false;
                case 2:
                   if (guess.equalsIgnoreCase("Venus")) {
                      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Correct!");
                      return true;
                   else {
                         "not it, the planet starts with " + venus.charAt(0) + " and has " + venus.length() + " letters");
                      return false;
                case 3:
                   if (guess.equalsIgnoreCase("Earth")) {
                      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Correct!");
                      return true;
                   else {
                         "not it, the planet starts with " + earth.charAt(0) + " and has " + earth.length() + " letters");
                      return false;
                case 4:
                   if (guess.equalsIgnoreCase("Mars")) {
                      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Correct!");
                      return true;
                   else {
                         "not it, the planet starts with " + mars.charAt(0) + " and has " + mars.length() + " letters");
                      return false;
                case 5:
                   if (guess.equalsIgnoreCase("Jupiter")) {
                      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Correct!");
                      return true;
                   else {
                         "not it, the planet starts with " + jupiter.charAt(0) + " and has " + jupiter.length() + " letters");
                      return false;
                case 6:
                   if (guess.equalsIgnoreCase("Saturn")) {
                      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Correct!");
                      return true;
                   else {
                         "not it, the planet starts with " + saturn.charAt(0) + " and has " + saturn.length() + " letters");
                      return false;
                case 7:
                   if (guess.equalsIgnoreCase("Uranus")) {
                      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Correct!");
                      return true;
                   else {
                         "not it, the planet starts with " + uranus.charAt(0) + " and has " + uranus.length() + " letters");
                      return false;
                case 8:
                   if (guess.equalsIgnoreCase("Neptune")) {
                      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Correct!");
                      return true;
                   else {
                         "not it, the planet starts with " + neptune.charAt(0) + " and has " + neptune.length() + " letters");
                      return false;
                case 9:
                   if (guess.equalsIgnoreCase("Pluto")) {
                      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Correct!");
                      return true;
                   else {
                         "not it, the planet starts with " + pluto.charAt(0) + " and has " + pluto.length() + " letters");
                      return false;
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Not in this universe, try again");
                   return false;
       } Thanks for your time,

    This was a perfect example of how fast and easy a fix can be when the OP provides sufficient information and code.

  • How can I run a counter by number of times the script is run

    So I've created a script for disabling exchange mailboxes and moving them to a disabled OU in AD.  I currently have this set to run once a week via scheduled tasks but instead would like to kick it up to nightly and improve on the logging.
    Right now, the only items I record are the name of the person and the OU they were originally in.  I'd also like to include the groups they were a member of.  I could easily enough include all the groups they were a member of in the email but here
    is the twist.
    Since we are going to a nightly run of this script, we would want to keep at least a weeks worth of logs in a text file as a just in case.  After a week, the log would be cleared.  I know that would be a counter but I can't even wrap my mind around
    how that would work.  Is it even possible?
    #Finds all users who have the AD attributes
    # wWWHomePage = Updated_by_GroupID
    # msExchHideFromAddressLists = True
    # msExchHomeServerName not empty
    # emailaddress contains
    # useraccountcontrol = 514 (disabled)
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
    #Declare Variables
    $users = $null
    $ADgroups = $null
    $username = $null
    $user = $null
    $LogFile = "C:\Scripts\TerminateUsersLogFile.txt"
    $LogFile2 = "C:\Scripts\UserNamesMovedtoDisabledOU.txt"
    $EmailLogTo = "[email protected]"
    #Generates log file
    Start-Transcript -path $LogFile
    #Performs search for all users in AD filtering only AD user with wWWWHomePage = Updated_by_GroupID, msExchHideFromAddressLists = True, msExchHomeServerName not empty and emailaddress contains
    $users = Get-ADUser -properties name, emailaddress -Filter {(HomePage -eq "Updated_by_GroupID") -and (msExchHideFromAddressLists -eq $true) -and (emailaddress -like "*") -and (msExchHomeServerName -ne "$null") -and (useraccountcontrol -eq "514")}
    $ -Replace '^cn=([^,]+).+$','$1'
    #loops through all users
    foreach ($user in $users){
    $ -Replace '^cn=([^,]+).+$','$1'
    #Copies the current OU into the Notes field in the AD User Object.
    $newvar = ($user).distinguishedname
    set-aduser $user -replace @{info="$newvar"}
    # Removes user from all AD groups except Domain Users.
    $ADgroups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $user | where {$_.Name -ne "Domain Users"}
    Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity "$($user)" -MemberOf $ADgroups -Confirm:$false
    #Disables their Exchange Mailbox.
    Disable-Mailbox -Identity $user.EmailAddress -Confirm:$False
    #Moves their AD user object to disabled OU.
    Move-ADObject -Identity "$($user.DistinguishedName)" -TargetPath "Disabled Users OU" -Confirm:$false
    Write-Output $ >> C:\Scripts\UserNamesMovedtoDisabledOU.txt
    # Email the log file
    $emailFrom = "[email protected]"
    $emailTo = $EmailLogTo
    $subject = "Terminated Users Cleaned in AD"
    $content = Get-Content $LogFile2 | ForEach-Object {$_.Split("`r`n")}
    $body = [string]::Join("`r`n",$content)
    $smtpServer = ""
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
    $smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)
    clear-content C:\Scripts\UserNamesMovedtoDisabledOU.txt

    I apologize for the long delay in replying.  I thank everyone for their help but I'm still running into issues with the script.  Below is the script as it is right now.  I'm having issues with logging as the groups the associate is a member
    of are not logging correctly.
    #Finds all users who have the AD attributes
    # wWWHomePage = Updated_by_GroupID
    # msExchHideFromAddressLists = True
    # msExchHomeServerName not empty
    # emailaddress contains
    # useraccountcontrol = 514 (disabled)
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
    #Declare Variables
    $users = $null
    $ADgroups = $null
    $username = $null
    $user = $null
    $LogFile = "C:\Scripts\CleanUpTermedUsers\TerminateUsersLogFile.log"
    $LogFile2 = "C:\Scripts\CleanUpTermedUsers\UserNamesMovedtoDisabledOU.txt"
    $EmailLogTo = "[email protected]"
    #Generates log file
    Start-Transcript -path $LogFile
    #Performs search for all users in AD filtering only AD user with wWWWHomePage = Updated_by_GroupID, msExchHideFromAddressLists = True, msExchHomeServerName not empty and emailaddress contains
    $users = Get-ADUser -properties name, emailaddress -Filter {(HomePage -eq "Updated_by_GroupID") -and (msExchHideFromAddressLists -eq $true) -and (emailaddress -like "*") -and (msExchHomeServerName -ne "$null") -and (useraccountcontrol -eq "514")}
    $ -Replace '^cn=([^,]+).+$','$1'
    #loops through all users
    foreach ($user in $users){
    $ -Replace '^cn=([^,]+).+$','$1'
    #Copies the current OU into the Notes field in the AD User Object.
    $UserOU = ($user).distinguishedname
    set-aduser $user -replace @{info="$UserOU"}
    # Removes user from all AD groups except Domain Users.
    $ADgroups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $user | where {$_.Name -ne "Domain Users"}
    Write-Output $ >> C:\Scripts\CleanUpTermedUsers\UserNamesMovedtoDisabledOU.txt
    write-output $ >> C:\Scripts\CleanUpTermedUsers\UserNamesMovedtoDisabledOU.txt
    echo $
    Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity "$($user)" -MemberOf $ADgroups -Confirm:$false
    #Disables their Exchange Mailbox.
    Disable-Mailbox -Identity $user.EmailAddress -Confirm:$False
    #Moves their AD user object to disabled OU.
    Move-ADObject -Identity "$($user.DistinguishedName)" -TargetPath "Disabled OU" -Confirm:$false
    # Email the log file
    $emailFrom = "[email protected]"
    $emailTo = $EmailLogTo
    $subject = "Terminated Users Cleaned in AD"
    $content = Get-Content $LogFile2 | ForEach-Object {$_.Split("`r`n")}
    $body = [string]::Join("`r`n",$content)
    $smtpServer = ""
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
    $smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)
    Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Scripts\CleanUpTermedUsers\* -Include *.log | where-object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $((Get-date).Adddays(-7))} | clear-content C:\Scripts\CleanUpTermedUsers\TerminateUsersLogFile.log
    Clear-Content c:\Scripts\CleanUpTermedUsers\UserNamesMovedtoDisabledOU.txt

  • Loop in motion assistant specified number of times?

    I was wondering if in motion assistant I can do a loop in my script so that each movement can be repeated many, many times without having to create a new 'step' for each movement? Any help is appreciated.

    Motion Assistant does not currently support loops in its environment. What I recommend is that you create your steps with just one pass and then add the loop in the code Motion Assistant generates.
    Rodger S.

  • Running a class a particular number of times

    can some pls tell me how to run this class a specific number of times. maybe by using a for loop?.
    i am making a game called memory game where u match the cards which are thw same. i want to make this a multiplayer game rather than a single player game. Thus in order to do this i need to be able to run the class (shown below) a specific number of times.
    i have an array called "players" which is a length of 5. and if the user enter the names into all five elements or there are 5 players then i need the program to run 5 times. else if the user only entered a name in two elements then i need the class "MemoryMatch" to run twice .
    i know how to determine whether the user entered 5 names or a single by using if statements. but i dont kno how to make the class "MemoryGame" run a specific number of times.
    .. .and for the game i calculate the score of the user by finding the amount of time it takes the user to finish the game and then subtract the time they took from a base value of 500points. i then put the time difference into an array called "timez" i also want the class to add the time to array "timez" at the end after the one of the players has finished the game or the class is run.
    here is the code for the "MemoryMatch" class which i need to run a specific number of times.
    class MyButton extends JButton
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis ();
            int index;
            ImageIcon icon;
            public MyButton (ImageIcon img, int i)
                icon = img;
                index = i;
                setPreferredSize (new Dimension (100, 100));
                addActionListener (new ActionListener ()
                    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent actionEvent)
                        // 1
                        /* Create and add a prompt and then a text field */
                        if (getIcon () == null)
                            setIcon (icon);
                            if (buttonShowingIndex > -1)
                                if (icon != button [buttonShowingIndex].getIcon ())
                                    final int bsi = buttonShowingIndex;
                                    ActionListener al = new ActionListener ()
                                        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent actionEvent)
                                            MyButton.this.setIcon (null);
                                            button [bsi].setIcon (null);
                                    javax.swing.Timer timer = new javax.swing.Timer (450, al);
                                    timer.setRepeats (false);
                                    timer.start ();
                                buttonShowingIndex = -1;
                                buttonShowingIndex = index;
                            //time calculation
                            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis ();
                            long difference = ((endTime - startTime) / 1000) + 2;
                            timez [0] = difference;
        }so ...basically the two things i would like to get are
    1. make the class "MemoryMatch" run a specific number of times
    2. Put the time difference(time it takes user to finish game) into the array "timez" (but i think i got that handled but still if u knew a more efficient way... that would be nice =) )
    thanks alot

    hey man,
    thanks for taking the trouble for helping me.
    i have put the whole part of my program below. what u mentioned earlier was part right. the "MyButton" class flips over the two cards which were clicked by the user and then if they are right it leaves the cards on the table with the pics. and if they are wrong then the pics dissppear and the user has to choose two more cards again.
    the "players" array is an array which contains the names of the people who are playing the game. i get those values from another class called "Score" and then i transfer the array to the "MemoryMatch" class.
    ..and for the points i was thinking that i would find the time required by the user to finish the game and subtract the time in seconds from a base value of 500.
    hope this helps.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    class MemoryMatch extends JFrame
        MyButton[] button = new MyButton [36];
        ImageIcon[] icons = new ImageIcon [button.length];
        int buttonShowingIndex = -1;
        int time = 0;
        long startTime, endTime;
        static int gamesRun;
        static boolean runs;
        JPanel contentPanel;
        JPanel mainPanel;
        JLabel text;
        JTextField grade1;
        long[] timez = new long [5];
        static String[] players = {"", "", "", "", ""};
        //delay method
        public static void delay (int num)
                Thread.sleep (num);
            catch (InterruptedException e)
        public MemoryMatch ()
            icons [0] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image1.gif"));
            icons [1] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image2.gif"));
            icons [2] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image3.gif"));
            icons [3] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image4.gif"));
            icons [4] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image5.gif"));
            icons [5] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image6.gif"));
            icons [6] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image7.gif"));
            icons [7] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image8.gif"));
            icons [8] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image9.gif"));
            icons [9] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image10.gif"));
            icons [10] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image11.gif"));
            icons [11] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image12.gif"));
            icons [12] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image13.gif"));
            icons [13] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image14.gif"));
            icons [14] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image15.gif"));
            icons [15] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image16.gif"));
            icons [16] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image17.gif"));
            icons [17] = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("image18.gif"));
            icons [18] = icons [0];
            icons [19] = icons [1];
            icons [20] = icons [2];
            icons [21] = icons [3];
            icons [22] = icons [4];
            icons [23] = icons [5];
            icons [24] = icons [6];
            icons [25] = icons [7];
            icons [26] = icons [8];
            icons [27] = icons [9];
            icons [28] = icons [10];
            icons [29] = icons [11];
            icons [30] = icons [12];
            icons [31] = icons [13];
            icons [32] = icons [14];
            icons [33] = icons [15];
            icons [34] = icons [16];
            icons [35] = icons [17];
                    Collections.shuffle (Arrays.asList (icons));
            setDefaultCloseOperation (EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
            contentPanel = new JPanel ();
            contentPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder (500, 500, 10, 10));
            mainPanel = new JPanel ();
            mainPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder (500, 500, 10, 10));
            mainPanel.setBackground (Color.white);
            mainPanel.setLayout (new GridLayout (6, 6));
            for (int x = 0 ; x < button.length ; x++)
                button [x] = new MyButton (icons [x], x);
                mainPanel.add (button [x]);
            getContentPane ().add (mainPanel);
            pack ();
        public static int pushPlayers (String[] p)
            players = p;
            int game = 5;
            if (players [0].equals (""))
                game = game - 1;
            if (players [1].equals (""))
                game = game - 1;
            if (players [2].equals (""))
                game = game - 1;
            if (players [3].equals (""))
                game = game - 1;
            if (players [4].equals (""))
                game = game - 1;
            System.out.println (game);
            gamesRun = game;
            return game;
        class MyButton extends JButton
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis ();
            int index;
            ImageIcon icon;
            // for (int i = 0 ; i < gamesRun ; i++)
            public MyButton (ImageIcon img, int i)
                icon = img;
                index = i;
                setPreferredSize (new Dimension (100, 100));
                addActionListener (new ActionListener ()
                    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent actionEvent)
                        // 1
                        /* Create and add a prompt and then a text field */
                        if (getIcon () == null)
                            setIcon (icon);
                            if (buttonShowingIndex > -1)
                                if (icon != button [buttonShowingIndex].getIcon ())
                                    final int bsi = buttonShowingIndex;
                                    ActionListener al = new ActionListener ()
                                        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent actionEvent)
                                            MyButton.this.setIcon (null);
                                            button [bsi].setIcon (null);
                                    javax.swing.Timer timer = new javax.swing.Timer (450, al);
                                    timer.setRepeats (false);
                                    timer.start ();
                                buttonShowingIndex = -1;
                                buttonShowingIndex = index;
                            //time calculation
                            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis ();
                            long difference = ((endTime - startTime) / 1000);
                            timez [0] = difference;
        public static void main (String[] args)
            // JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated (true);
            // Score myGrades = new Score (myMemoryMatch);
            // //Score
            delay (5000);
            MemoryMatch myMemoryMatch = new MemoryMatch ();
            //running of main game
            myMemoryMatch.setVisible (true);
            //transferring to the array
            for (int i = 0 ; i < myMemoryMatch.players.length ; i++)
                // show that the variable has been updated here
                players = myMemoryMatch.players [i];
    for (int i = 0 ; i < myMemoryMatch.players.length ; i++)
    // show that the variable has been updated here
    System.out.println (players [i]);

  • Problems with buttons on embedded swf files or workaround how to loop mp3s? ...

    Hello there,
    I'm new to the topic of flash and rich media in pdf files so please forgvie me if I ask a Newbie question.
    Here's the situation. I have an image slide show of ~18s and an audio file of ~3mins that I want to play as loops embedded in a pdf file.
    I tried the following:
    1) Created an swf file of the slide show with audio included, embedded in pdf -> works, but the swf file is off, since audio starts over with slide show, i.e-. after 18s. 
    2) Created an swf file of the slide show and an mp3, embedded two objects in pdf  -> Audio can be muted by button (multimedia_pause), but won't loop
    3) Created two swf files: one for the slide show, one audio only, embedded two objects in pdf -> Audio loops, but cannot be muted by button (multimedia_pause)
    So can please somebody give me a hint on how to loop the mp3 file (preferred, smaller total file size) or why the mute button action won't work on the swf-file?
    Any enlightening link is also most welcome! Thanks in advance!

    Dave -
    I know your reply was created nearly a year ago, but hoping you see it. I have the similar problem. My captivate contains audio whereby the audio is embedded on each slide, indepent of each slide within the captivate file. So, for a captivate course that has 10 slides, I'll have 10 audio files, one audio file (.mp3) on each slide.
    OK, now each slide has each audio file timed perfectly with captions that appear on each slide. So that when the audio (a narrator) says for example:
    "The user places the date and top of the page when the test failed ...and then the individual then signs at the bottom where indicated."
    There would be 2 captions - One caption for the first part of the .mp3, and one caption for the second part of the audio. (all on one .mp3 on the main timeline)
    When I press the Pause/Play button the .mp3 it just repeats itselve over and I hear the same voice running on top of each other in unison. Not sure how I can fix this where the Pause button on the control bar (the only control bar on the entire course), pauses everything on the slide.
    Do you see what I am saying?
    Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

  • How to generate an incrementing batch-number per set number of rows

    How could you generate an incrementing batch-number per set number of rows for a table in SQL?
    The returned result set of the SQL query should show a preceding batch number per row set and incremented by 1 for the next row set.
    Eg, you want to start the batch_number by 1 for the first three returned rows of the table and than increment by 1 for the next three rows.
    The result set would look like:
    1, ...
    1, ...
    1, ...
    2, ...
    2, ...
    2, ...
    3, ...
    3, ...
    3, ...

    Many thanks guys, I would have never thought about these options.. Yes the reason for adding the preceding batch number has to do with migrating data from a source table where we only can grab small sets of rows at the time to bring across to a target table.

  • My iPad 2 only keeps a set number of emails for me to view eventually deleting from the screen. How do stop this as it syncs with my phone and mac book pro neither of which do this?

    My iPad 2 only keeps a set number of emails for me to view eventually deleting from the screen. How do stop this as it syncs with my phone and mac book pro neither of which do this?

    Thanks for that. Much more constructive than the last comment. It's only the restriction code I can't recall, not the access passcode. So I can currently access the device, just not age restricted content. Does that's make a difference? I also wondered if anyone knew how many attempts you get to try to get it right. Now tried 21 times and so far nothing bad has happened but I am concerned I'll eventually be completely locked out of the device. That doesn't seem in the spirit of things though. Surely it's foreseeable that a child could repeatedly try to guess the code so I can't see that it would be right to lock the device down completely in that circumstance, particularly if the access code is being typed in correctly every time.

  • How do i find out my mailbox number to set up voicemail

    how do i find out my mailbox number to set up voicemail

    Let's set your voicemail up. There is a voicemail icon under the phone icon. By pressing this button it will ask you if you want a personalized greeting or a general greeting. It will walk you through each step.
    Follow us on twitter @VZWSupport

  • No loop in swf array?

    Hey everyone.  So, I have this flash movie I've been working on for awhile.  Everything's going great thanks to a lot of help I've received in these forums.   I have my file set to load an array of swfs.  Now, though, I'm wondering how to keep it from looping.  At the end of the last swf, I want the movie to go to the last swf and then just stop.  Here is my code:
        var listener:Object = new Object();
        var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
           // When the swf loads, set it up to constantly check its current frame
        // against the total frames, and if those match, the swf is done playing.
        // If that's the case, then load the next one.
        listener.onLoadInit = function(targ:MovieClip):Void {
           theTargetClip_mc.onEnterFrame = function():Void {
              if (this._currentframe == this._totalframes) {
                 delete this.onEnterFrame;
    //Previous and Next Swf Buttons
    function loadNext():Void {
        if (currentSwf >= swfs.length) currentSwf = 0;
    function loadSWF(nextSWFToLoad){
    function loadPrevious():Void{
       if(currentSwf==-1) currentSwf = swfs.length-1;
    previous_btn.onRelease = loadPrevious;
    next_btn.onRelease = loadNext;
    //End Previous and Next Swf Buttons
    //Play Button
    play_btn.onRelease = function() {;
    //Pause Button
    pause_btn.onRelease = function() {

    Cuwen_26 wrote:
    Does anybody know how to add that kind of code to the code I already have?  Help would be very much appreciated!!  I'm really curious to see how this would be done.
    NOTE:  take note of the SWF titles I have in the added Array declaration line . . . . (var swfs:Array=new Array("etc,etc,etc") below in the code)
    var listener:Object = new Object();
    //change the titles in the array to whatever your content swfs are called
    //in your directory.  Store the swfs in the same directory
    //as your FLA
    var swfs:Array= new Array("swf_01.swf","swf_02.swf");
    var container:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("container",getNextHighestDepth());
        var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
           // When the swf loads, set it up to constantly check its current frame
        // against the total frames, and if those match, the swf is done playing.
        // If that's the case, then load the next one.
        listener.onLoadInit = function(targ:MovieClip):Void {
                trace("loaded listener");
    theTargetClip_mc.onEnterFrame = function():Void {
              if (this._currentframe == this._totalframes) {
                 delete this.onEnterFrame;
    //Previous and Next Swf Buttons
    var currentSwf:Number=0;
    function loadNext():Void {
        if (currentSwf >= swfs.length){
              //currentSwf = 0;
    function loadSWF(nextSWFToLoad){
    function loadPrevious():Void{
       trace(currentSwf+" currentSwf");
       if(currentSwf==1) {
            currentSwf = swfs.length-1-1;
       trace(currentSwf+" currentSwf");
    previous_btn.onRelease = loadPrevious;
    next_btn.onRelease = loadNext;
    //End Previous and Next Swf Buttons
    //Play Button
    play_btn.onRelease = function() {
    //Pause Button
    pause_btn.onRelease = function() {

  • Looping a movie clip a specific number of times in Flash

    Does anyone know how to get a movie clip to loop a specific number of times in Flash? I know how to stop a movie clip from looping by using the this.stop (); command by placing the command in a separate Action Script layer, in a keyframe, inside of the movie clip's timeline. This allows the movie clip to play through once and then stop. But I need for the movie clip to loop more than once, maybe 2 or 3 times, and then go back to the main timeline. Does anyone know the code for this?
    Also, is it possible to place a pause (I'm guessing, maybe by using a timer of some type?) between the loops, so that the movie will pause a couple of seconds before it loops again and then stop? Please note I do not need the movie clip to stop when there's an event like a rollover or anything. I just need it to play a couple of times, pause between plays and then stop and go back to the main timeline. Please let me know if anyone can help.
    P.S. Is there a good, easy to use, reference book anyone can recommend for creating specific things in Flash using Action Script? Do you guys have a favorite for beginners like me?

    You can use a variable to keep count of how many times you loop, and until it exceeds a particulr value (2 or 3) you execute a setTimeout() call that waits for however long you want to delay and then tells the movieclip to gotoAndPlay(1).
    So in the first frame you would establish the counting variable...
    var count;
    if(count == undefined){ // only set it to 0 once
    count = 0;
    and in the last frame you would do your incrementing and control....
    count += 1;
    if(count < 3){
    setTimeout(waitABit, 2000); // call function in 2 secs
    function waitABit(){

  • Set number of copies to print

    We're using Adobe Lifecycle Designer 8.0 and we've the requirement to print copies of our generated pdf delivery form.
    Does anyone know how to set the number of copies dynamically at runtime ? Maybe by using java script  ?
    Thanks in advance !

    Yes, I know OPK8 is used to set number of copies for CO04. We set it to 1 as I mentioned. That is what is needed when the user executes CO04 directly. My question was is there a way to dynamically change the number of copies when running CO04 via creating a BDC (or call transaction) from a custom process, because then we will need more than one copy.
    I am resigned to calling CO04 in a loop for the number of copies I need.

Maybe you are looking for

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