How to loop through a collection of records which is return value of func.

Hi all.
Have this situation:
- Stored function (member of pkg procedure) that returns a collection of records.
Package Spec:
type tipo_pvt is table of s08_plan_venta_totalizado_r % rowtype;
rc_pvt tipo_pvt;
(s08_plan_venta_totalizado_r is a view).
Package Body:
select col1
bulk collect into rc_pvt
from s08_lista_precio_producto_r lpp
,s03_producto_r prd
where condition;
return rc_pvt;
Once collection is loaded and returned (i know it loads records). I just want to loop through every record on a pl/sql procedure on the client (forms6i procedure), but it gives me the error: ORA-06531 Reference to uninitialized collection:
On the forms6i client procedure i have something like:
procedure p_carga_plan_venta_inv (p_id_plan_venta in number) is
v_contador integer;
v_mensaje varchar2(10);
rc_pvt sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt; (sk08_gestiona_plan_venta is package name)
     rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt();
     rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (:pvv.lip_id_lista_precio
,:pvp.fe_fin_periodo) ;
-- previous statement dos not fail BUT THIS:
message('rc_pvt.count= '||rc_pvt.count);pause;
So my question is : since i have already returned the collection, how come is not initialized....?
Do i have to extend it first? In this case i have to return the number of records in the collection.....
Look what happen when done from sqlplus:
rc_pvt sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt;
rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt();
rc_pvt :=
sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (8713171
SQL> /
Registros en la coleccion =6
Procedimiento PL/SQL finalizado con éxito.
I put a dbms_output.put_line on stored function .....
Please help ....!
Apparently it fails when calling the stored function:
rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (:pvv.lip_id_lista_precio
,:pvp.fe_fin_periodo) ;
I don't undestand since this function return the appropiate type. It seems the collection is empty, although having test that on sqlplus works ...
rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (:pvv.lip_id_lista_precio
,:pvp.fe_fin_periodo) ;
function f_genera_plan_venta_inv (p_id_lista_precio in number
,p_id_sucursal in number
,p_tipo_nivel_inv in varchar2
,p_co_unidad_monetaria in varchar2
,p_fe_fin_periodo in date) return tipo_pvt;
for some reason it works on plus:
SQL> declare
2 rc_pvt sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt;
3 begin
4 rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt();
5 rc_pvt :=
6 sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (8713171
7 ,null
8 ,'m'
9 ,'BS.F'
10 ,to_date('28/02/2001','dd/mm/yyyy'));
11 --
12 dbms_output.put_line('Registros en la coleccion = '||rc_pvt.count);
13 for i in 1 .. rc_pvt.count loop
14 --
15 dbms_output.put_line('En '||i||rc_pvt(i).prd_co_producto);
16 end loop;
17 end;
18 /
Registros en la coleccion =6
Registros en la coleccion = 6
En 3PT.ALM.VDR.001
Procedimiento PL/SQL finalizado con éxito.
Don't understand why it works on plus8 (same version that comes with 6i).
Can't loop through records on forms...? WHY ...?
Edited by: myluism on 02-abr-2012 14:40

Forms 6i is an antique ... write your code to run on the server.
Multiple examples of how to loop through an array loaded with bulk collect can be found here.
The main library page is:

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    Hi ,
    Please refer the below link for Looping multiple worksheet in a single SQL Table.
    Note:-If you using excel 2010 then you have to use EXCEL 12.0 .
    Above link explaining  step by step of Looping multiple worksheet in a single SQL Table.
    Vipin jha
    Thankx & regards, Vipin jha MCP

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    Hi Smita
    Here is the code:
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    map.put(3, "Three")
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    Use get_block_property('block',QUERY_HITS).
    For the second question :
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    set a local handler of errors
    end loop;
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    1. Please tell us your first name and put it in your handle and/or profile to help us.
    2. Explain your question in more detail, perhaps with an example and by showing code you already are using.

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    2) INSERT INTO mytable2 VALUES (XMLType(bfilename('IMAGE_FILE_LOC', 'IFTDISB20100330172157C002.xml'), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')));
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <docDescription>Check images and data for Test Company, account number 1234567890</docDescription>
    <docModifier>Test Company</docModifier>
    <sourceName>The Bank IFT</sourceName>
    <destinationName>Test Company</destinationName>
    <description>Paid Checks</description>
    <classification>Paid Checks</classification>
    <imageIndicator>Actual Item Image Present</imageIndicator>
    <imageIndicator>Actual Item Image Present</imageIndicator>
    Any ideas and or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: user12021655 on Aug 3, 2010 1:25 PM

    I really need to update my blog to get the example you are looking for posted. I did a quick search on the forums for XMLTable and found a good example at {message:id=4325701}. You will want to use OBJECT_VALUE in the PASSING clause where you need to reference the column in your table.
    Note: See the FAQ in the upper right for how to use the tag to wrap objects to retain formatting.  Also your XML is missing closing nodes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    PROCEDURE testit (dummy in varchar2 default null) IS
    -- dummy will be xml doc passed in when this goes live
    xml varchar2(32000) := '<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>End User</GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>
    <GlobalSupplyChainCode>Information Technology</GlobalSupplyChainCode>
    <GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>End User</GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>
    <GlobalSupplyChainCode>Information Technology</GlobalSupplyChainCode>
    v_counter number := 1;
    partno varchar2(25) := 'IM NOT NULL';
    quantity varchar2(10);
    custid varchar2(25);
    conpart varchar2(50);
    p xmlparser.parser;
    xd xmldom.DOMDocument;
    -- Variables for the pricing call
    in_caller_name varchar2(50) := 'xsourcer';
    in_commit_allow_flag varchar2(50) := NULL;
    in_customer_no number;
    in_part_no_arg varchar2(50);
    in_mfg_arg varchar2(50) := NULL;
    in_cat_arg varchar2(50) := NULL;
    in_sub_arg varchar2(50) := NULL;
    in_opt_arg varchar2(50) := NULL;
    out_price n umber;
    out_prior_var number;
    out_ret_val varchar2(50);
    out_success_code number;
    out_error_code number;
    out_error_message varchar2(500);
    v_partlist partlist;
    -- This function converts the GlobalProductIdentifier (Manufacturer Part Number)
    -- to an elcom part number by performing a query against the dfp_parts table
    -- I created a local table with a few manufacturer part no's and elcom part no's
    function valueOf(xd xmldom.DOMDocument, xpath VARCHAR2) return varchar2 is
    n xmldom.DOMNode;
    nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    e xmldom.DOMElement;
    -- Cast the document to a node
    n := xmldom.makenode(xd);
    -- Select Nodes Matching XPath Pattern
    nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(n,xpath);
    IF xmldom.getLength(nl) > 0
    e := xmldom.makeElement(xmldom.item(nl,0));
    RETURN ltrim(rtrim(xmldom.getNodeValue(xmldom.getFirstChild(xmldom.item(nl,1)))));
    END IF;
    -- New Parser
    p := xmlparser.newparser;
    -- Parse the XML document
    -- Get the XML document that's been parsed
    xd := xmlparser.getdocument(p);
    custid := valueof(xd,'//GlobalBusinessIdentifier');
    insert into xrequest values (44, custid,null,sysdate);
    in_customer_no := to_number(custid);
    -- Calls to the xpath function to get the tags we want the value of
    /* FOR v_count IN 1..
    xd.length LOOP
    getNextSibling() RETURN DOMNode;
    partno := valueof(xd,'//GlobalProductIdentifier');
    in_part_no_arg := partno;
    v_counter := v_counter + 1;
    -- call pricing here pass in custid, partno
    -- assign outprice_var to price of nested table
    corp_get_price_sp(in_caller_name, in_commit_allow_flag, in_customer_no,
    in_part_no_arg, in_mfg_arg, in_cat_arg, in_sub_arg,
    in_opt_arg, out_price, out_prior_var, out_ret_val,
    out_success_code, out_error_code, out_error_message);
    HTP.P('EXIT OUT');
    END IF;
    -- insert into xrequest values (44, custid,(Partlist(PartObj(partno, out_price, null, null, null, null)))sysdate);
    quantity := valueof(xd,'//ProductQuantity');

    You can first create a databank with the Input values and associated navigation. For eg. Navigation,csv will have
    Input, Navigation
    Hardware, window(index=0).link(text="Hardware" | href="http://..." | index=28)
    Record the script by selecting from the dropdown box and then going to the resulting page. Attach the databank to the script and use the databank to select the Input value for the dropdown on the page. On the Resulting Page add code to the PageBeforePlay method -
    dim strNav as string
    'get the navigation value from the databank
    RSWApp.GetDataBankValue "Navigation", strNav
    rswapp.ChangeNavigation "", strNav, , , False
    The resulting page will then be the page that the navigation is changed to.
    You can loop through all the records in the databank to check the navigation for all of them.
    You will also have to look at how the value is set in the dropdown, as an Index or the actual value. If it is by Index, then in the databank file, change the Input to be the number of the selection like 1 or 2.
    Hope the above is what you are looking for.
    Question - The resulting page for each navigation will be different. How are you going to verfiy the different pages or continue on in the script?
    Message was edited by: mpalivela

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    There are several AppleScript resources, but the main ones I use are:
    AppleScript Language Guide
    AppleScript Tutorials at

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