How to make a Drag and Drop

Hi, I'm new to this Adobe Edge and tried to do a Drag & Drop, the examples I've seen have not worked.
I wonder if someone could share a file with  Drag & Drop with validation.
What I need to do and would like to learn is:
I have 4 buttons that I can drag and a box that I drag the right choice. If the option is correct stays, it is if it was incorrect is returned to its place of origin.
I hope I can help, I will be very grateful.
Thank you very much friends

Hi I´m having an strange issue I can´t understand with my drop accept.  I explain it :
- I have various scenes and in one of them a symbol i need to drag but this symbol must be draggable only if I click on a determinated position. I do this with a trigger and use this function at my stage.
Ok it works perfect I can drag my symbol only if I touch this trigger.
Then I need my droppable object responds to the same trigger so I use this:
                    drop: function () {alert('Dropeo');}});
But my dropable object does not responds. The curious thing is that if I use other object to the accept or just the "_filtroEscena5" where my Trigger is it´s works perfect. But it can responds to my Trigger. Any idea?
Thanks so much

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    On 05/08/2015 8:44 PM, voiry laurent wrote:
    > Hello,
    > Can someone help me to desgin a drag and drop between two containment
    > references shared by the same container ?
    > I want two design this DND between two views : each is displaying one
    > of the two references.
    How did you achieve that result? By modifying the item provider's
    > I've tried to use for the target view an EditingDomainDropAdapter with
    > generated item providers. But it is considering the two references as
    > children features for the dragged element and the drop can then be
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    org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.ItemProviderAdapter.getChildFeature(Object, Object)
    does that. That's why I ask how you specialized it to show only one of
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    > I've also tried to override generated item providers two only consider
    > the reference viewed in the target view. But in this case the drag and
    > drop command cannot execute because no parent is found for the dragged
    > element.
    I'm not sure specifically what you did, but getChildFeature should
    return your desired target feature...
    > I've considered too put the item providers adapter factory of the
    > source view in the dragged data, and design an
    > EditingDomainDropAdatper using this factory for building the drag part
    > of the drag an drop command. But it seems to be a big a job...
    Seems not necessary. I imagine each view has its own specialized item
    provider, each returning the desired feature for getChildrenFeatures,
    and that all else should just work as a result.
    > So I prefer to ask your help to find the wright design for my need.
    > Best regards,
    > Laurent

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    on (release, releaseOutside)
    stopDrag ();   
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        } // end if
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