How to make a picture a radio button?

I am trying to create a drag and drop game using Adobe Flash, AS3. I have a 'select gender' page where I have both a male a female model. I want users to be able to select either the male or female image but then a next button in order to take to the following page; however the following page varies depending on what gender is selected.
Am I able to do this or would I need to change the images to radio buttons or just remove the next button so the images are buttons?
Please help with my dilema?!

in this case:
function maleHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{
     //do male stuff
    var mPage:MaleDragAndDropTopsPage = new MaleDragAndDropTopsPage();
if you absolutely must have a nextButton, you can either go for two different instances of the Button which you call
maleButton or femaleButton and attach the handlers to these
when clicking on the male/femaleFigure
you will somehow have to store their state in a dynamic property or variable (which ever ypu prefer).
so at the beginning
maleModel.clicked = false;
femaleModel.clicked = false;
both will need an extra clickHandler that sets their clicked properties.
The much easier and imo more userfriendly way would be to use the figures as buttons themselves.

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    Rob Burbank wrote:
    > And how will you turn it off once it is turned on??
    > Rob
    Thats correct ;)...See ravi if users will ask so many things its our Job to convay the correct solution ....
    Just post your org requirement..SOo some body guide you better//

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    Hello belluchis,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    After inserting your image into your Pages document, follow the instructions in the Pages help section below to learn how to manipulate the object:
    Resize, rotate, and flip an object - Pages Help for Mac
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    adf009, the answer was given in my blog I posted to your other thraed JDeveloper: Showing a Popup when Selecting an af:selectOneRadio | JDev &amp;amp; ADF Goodies
    You only have to read it and the link provided inside the blog pointing to the other blog entry.
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    I am guessing you put that on a frame?
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    btn_emailinfo.onRelease = function(){
    getURL("mailto:[email protected]");
    Though, if you are placing it directly on the button itself,
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    // var tf = document.getElementById("filterTF");
    // var tfval = tf.value;
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    There are multiple aspects of your requirements. So let's take them one at a time.
    You can achieve it in the report program or you can use a combination of the both along.
    You can create a standalone report program using the ABAP Editor (SE38). In the report program you can call the SAP Module pool program by CALL Screen <screen number>. And then in the module pool program you an create a subscreen and can handle the window popup with 2 radio button and an input field for getting the text.
    For help - Module Pool programs you can search in ABAP Editor with DEMODYNPRO* and you will ge the entire demo code for all dialog related code.
    For Report and other Module pool help you can have a look at the following:
    Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any more details.

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    Edited by: Lavanya YH1504 on Jul 30, 2010 1:20 PM

    I got it thank you.
        if  screen-GROUP1 = 'LA1'.
           If RADIO1 = 'X'.
            SCREEN-INPUT = '0'.
            MODIFY SCREEN.
         ELSEIF RADIO2 = 'X'.
           screen-input = '1'.
          MODIFY SCREEN.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    Edited by: Lavanya YH1504 on Jul 30, 2010 1:51 PM

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    "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:gd04sb$5mc$[email protected]..
    >I have Dreamweaver MX 2004. I know how to make a simple
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    You could do that, but it will be a lot easier doing it from the data model. This way you don't have to modify the behavior of the chart, it just blindly renders the data given to it. Behind the scenes you're dealing with boolean values, so it's pretty easy to write setters accomplish this.
    public function set myAttribute(value:Boolean):void
         _attrib = value;

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