How to make a webpage fill in the entire browser?

Hello everyone im tring to make my website fill in the entire page and havent had much luck. If you click here you can see what I mean. Is the only way to make it fill in the page to make the page width wider??? If thats the case do you guys have a recommened width number I should be around?

iWeb pages are centered and have a fixed width, which you can change in the inspector.
You have to take a lot of variables into account to decide what is the best width.
Who will visit your pages and with what. From a 30" Desktop monitor to the iPhone/iPod touch and other brands of mobile phones, etc.
Apple recommends a width of 980 pixels. Obviously with their products in mind.
[Safari Reference Library | ceTypes&topic=CodingHow-Tos]
I design my pages to fit a monitor of 1024 pixels wide. Then it also fits nicely when printed on A4 paper. An iWeb page of 980 pixles wide will fit all browsers on all PCs.
Lately I've been designing webpages with only the iPad in mind :
Keeps you busy to calculate the exact number of pixels.

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    Okay, in your link the blue bars would be in muse as a blue box then drag the right side so that it stamps just outside your page area. This will make muse program it so you will always see it extend to fill the browser window. Do the same on left side and you should be good. It will work even better if you also centre the rest of your content under page, page properties, padding - check the box for centre horizontally. Any content you want to extend with the browser, while the rest stays centred, you have to drag extending the content so it snaps just outside the main page in muse.
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    You can do this with PHP or ColdFusion
    These are "server side" scripting languages so you will have to test your website after you upload to you web hosting account.
    Or if you set up a local server. Without the local server you will get errors when you open them in firefox.
    To use the following what you do is "Cut" the part you want to be on all pages out, "Paste" it into a seperate document and in its place on your page you put one of the following suitable tags.
    You will also have to rename your main file to .php or .cfm as opposed to .html
    Again, whatever page you put one of these tags on, their extention must change match the type of tag used.
    First Method (PHP):
    PHP is the more common method -
    <?php @ require_once ("yourMenu.html"); ?>
    Require_once is basically a safeguard so that you don't add the menu twice onto a page.
    This will only work for PHP 4+
    This method would work for older versions of php too -
    <?php @ include("yourMenu.html"); ?>
    Second Method (ColdFusion):
    This will only work if your host has ColdFusion installled -
    <cfinclude template="bla.html">
    eg index.html
    <?php @ require_once("SpryMenu.html"); ?>
    <ul id="menubar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
        <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">Item 1</a>
                <li><a href="#">Item 1.1</a></li>

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    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
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    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((so.first_name is not null and upper(so.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((so.last_name is not null and upper(so.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.address1||sl.address2 is not null and upper(sl.address1|| sl.address2) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%')or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and (( is not null and upper( like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%')or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.county is not null and sl.county =:P5_SL_COUNTY)or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and (( is not null and =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE)
    or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((so.first_name is not null and upper(so.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((so.last_name is not null and upper(so.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.physical_address1 is not null and upper(sl.physical_address1) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%') or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and ((sl.physical_city is not null and upper(sl.physical_city) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%') or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.physical_county is not null and sl.physical_county =:P5_SL_COUNTY) or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.physical_state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and ((sl.physical_zip is not null and sl.physical_zip =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE) or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv, sor_alias sa
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sa.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((sa.first_name is not null and upper(sa.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((sa.last_name is not null and upper(sa.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.address1||sl.address2 is not null and upper(sl.address1|| sl.address2) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%')or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and (( is not null and upper( like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%')or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.county is not null and sl.county =:P5_SL_COUNTY)or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and (( is not null and =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE)or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv, sor_alias sa
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sa.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((sa.first_name is not null and upper(sa.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((sa.last_name is not null and upper(sa.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.physical_address1 is not null and upper(sl.physical_address1) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%') or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and ((sl.physical_city is not null and upper(sl.physical_city) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%') or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.physical_county is not null and sl.physical_county =:P5_SL_COUNTY) or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.physical_state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and ((sl.physical_zip is not null and sl.physical_zip =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE) or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))I set up "Jurisdiction" to be displayed as the first column in report attributes and set up the first column to be break column, under the "When displaying a break column use this format, use #COLUMN_VALUE# subs", I fill in "Jurisdiction".

    lxiscas wrote:
    Hi, fac586:
    I am sorry for not being able to provide project online oracle to ask the question as some of the data needs to be approved to release.You don't need to use the actual data. Create simple test cases using data from Oracle's sample schemas: SCOTT, OE, HR etc.
    I actually want something like this:
    Jurisdiction: Bartlesville Police Department, 918-338-4001,
    Smith , Carl Sherman      ......
    Smith , Tommy Nesby .....
    Jurisdiction: Canadian County Sheriff's Office, 405-262-4787, Fax - 405-422-2430
    Smith , Gabriel Ray      ...
    Smith , Michael Bert   ...I omit the sensitive data with ...
    but right now it shows as this way:
    Jurisdiction: Bartlesville Police Department, 918-338-4001,  Smith , Carl Sherman      ......
    Smith , Tommy Nesby .....
    Jurisdiction: Canadian County Sheriff's Office, 405-262-4787, Fax - 405-422-2430   Smith , Gabriel Ray      ...
    Smith , Michael Bert   ...Is that possible to show the data as the upper way?The best way to do this is using a report with a custom named column template as in this example. See the following threads for solutions to similar problems:

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    The Oracle documentation has a good overview of the options available
    Generating XML Data from the Database
    Without knowing your version, I just picked 11.2, so you made need to look for that chapter in the documentation for your version to find applicable information.
    You can also find some information in XML DB FAQ

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    If Private Browsing doesn't do it, try Settings-Safari-Advanced-Website Data-Remove All Websitre Data.
    Or changing Settings-Safari-Autofill to OFF.
    You might also try Settings-Safari and Clear History and Clear Cookies and Data.
    As you can see, there are several controls for Safari.  Which one works depends on what your problem is.

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    Sure ... right mouse click on  your page and choose 'Exclude Page from Menus' :-)

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    how to make a good flow in the case?

    Browser variation is something we must all deal with.  For best results, begin projects with a clear idea of what type of layout you need (1-column, 2-column, 3-column or Multi-column grid).  Then get a CSS Layout that meets your requirements.
    PVII CSS Templates are rock solid & thoroughly tested to perform well in all browsers (commercial product)
    CSS Layout Magic (commercial extension for Dreamweaver)
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    How do I create a fill-in-the-blank forms in Pages 5

    Pages does not do it like Word, best you can do is tab over a space and leave that space for the user to type into.
    Perhaps putting a small label under to indicate what is required.
    A fill in the blanks form made in Pages however really defeats the point.
    Who out there has Pages, particularly whatever incompatible version you are using?
    Pages has trouble opening Pages files thanks to Apple.
    Use standard file formats either pdf (created in Pages, turned into a form in Acrobat Pro or their website) or Word .docx.

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    Follow the directions in this link to make a Mt. Lion USB thumb drive: tall_drive.html

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    Does anyone know if there is a way to do this?
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    Currently using XIr2 +SAP integration Kit migrating to XI 3.1 in July 2009
    Any ideas/suggestion would be appreciated...
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    No, the way HTML is structured doesn't allow for text or images to flow outside the 'boundaries', so to speak. So you just get a background color (if one is programmed) or tiled image as the background. All of the 'content' stays within a predefined area that makes it look the same on multiple browsers (I'm just now getting into HTML and CSS coding now - pretty interesting stuff).

Maybe you are looking for

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