How to make every account in the system login automatically?

How to make every account in the system login automatically when Mac OS X startup?

I can see one way to do it. You'll need to install a script in each user account, and have it set as a login item for each user. Let's imagine you have three user accounts. Each user in Mac OS X has a UID number. Normally your first user has the UID of 501, the second one will be 502 and so on...
You can determine the UID by running the following AppleScript while logged in on each user:
do shell script ("ID")
This'll return a long block of text, but right at the start you'll see the UID number. Let's assume your three users have the UIDs 501, 502 and 503. We begin with 501.
Create the following script and save it as an application while logged in as 501. Note that the password you're entering is the password for UID 502. Also note that the forum system is creating line breaks where there shouldn't be any. The long "do shell script" line should be one line.
delay 5 --This delay allows time for login to complete, but it may not be necessary.
do shell script "/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\\ Extras/ -switchToUserID 502"
delay 5 --This delay could be shorter or longer, depending on how fast your machine is.
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "password for 502" --the password for UID 502
keystroke return
delay 1
end tell
on error
display dialog "Unable to switch user."
end try
Open System Preferences, go to Accounts, click "login items" and drag your script (saved as an application) to the login items window.
You basically repeat this process for each user account, modifying the script so it switches to the next user.
This isn't ideal, because your passwords will be stored in the scripts, and each user could open the scripts and learn the passwords of the other users on that machine.
I picked some of this up from a discussion over at the Macworld forums:
Message was edited by: The Preacher
Message was edited by: The Preacher
Message was edited by: The Preacher

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    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and (( is not null and =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE)
    or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((so.first_name is not null and upper(so.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
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    and ((sl.physical_city is not null and upper(sl.physical_city) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%') or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.physical_county is not null and sl.physical_county =:P5_SL_COUNTY) or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.physical_state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and ((sl.physical_zip is not null and sl.physical_zip =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE) or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv, sor_alias sa
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sa.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
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    and ((sa.last_name is not null and upper(sa.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.address1||sl.address2 is not null and upper(sl.address1|| sl.address2) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%')or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and (( is not null and upper( like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%')or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.county is not null and sl.county =:P5_SL_COUNTY)or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and (( is not null and =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE)or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv, sor_alias sa
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sa.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((sa.first_name is not null and upper(sa.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((sa.last_name is not null and upper(sa.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.physical_address1 is not null and upper(sl.physical_address1) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%') or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and ((sl.physical_city is not null and upper(sl.physical_city) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%') or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.physical_county is not null and sl.physical_county =:P5_SL_COUNTY) or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.physical_state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and ((sl.physical_zip is not null and sl.physical_zip =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE) or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))I set up "Jurisdiction" to be displayed as the first column in report attributes and set up the first column to be break column, under the "When displaying a break column use this format, use #COLUMN_VALUE# subs", I fill in "Jurisdiction".

    lxiscas wrote:
    Hi, fac586:
    I am sorry for not being able to provide project online oracle to ask the question as some of the data needs to be approved to release.You don't need to use the actual data. Create simple test cases using data from Oracle's sample schemas: SCOTT, OE, HR etc.
    I actually want something like this:
    Jurisdiction: Bartlesville Police Department, 918-338-4001,
    Smith , Carl Sherman      ......
    Smith , Tommy Nesby .....
    Jurisdiction: Canadian County Sheriff's Office, 405-262-4787, Fax - 405-422-2430
    Smith , Gabriel Ray      ...
    Smith , Michael Bert   ...I omit the sensitive data with ...
    but right now it shows as this way:
    Jurisdiction: Bartlesville Police Department, 918-338-4001,  Smith , Carl Sherman      ......
    Smith , Tommy Nesby .....
    Jurisdiction: Canadian County Sheriff's Office, 405-262-4787, Fax - 405-422-2430   Smith , Gabriel Ray      ...
    Smith , Michael Bert   ...Is that possible to show the data as the upper way?The best way to do this is using a report with a custom named column template as in this example. See the following threads for solutions to similar problems:

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    As of EHP3, you could still install some EHP components. On an ERP 6.00, you could just push SAP_APP to 6.03 and move on. Now if you want another component in your system with an EHP4 version, you can't have some components at EHP3 and some at EHP4. You would install EHP4 for the new component you desire updated and part of the work will be to also update SAP_APP to 6.04.
    EHP4 is an UPGRADE process, with shadow instance & all the joy of an upgrade process. You can either run ressource minimized or downtime minimized. In resource minimized, the shadow instance runs on the same server as the main instance. Downtime minimized allow to run the shadow instance on a separate / new server. Anyway you go, you will always have a "Downtime Phase" when you bring back the updated components from the shadow instance toward the real production one.
    As with any UPGRADE project, the benefits of installing EHP4 for your business has to weighted against the downtime cost.
    Our tests so far on small systems (few data, few users, 120GB database) show ~3 days process from EHP3 to EHP4 (all components) with a downtime phase of about 22 hours using the "resource minimized" path, i.e. shadow & main instance on the same server (4 CPUs, 16GB RAM). Until you give a try at your Sandbox or DEV systems, you won't have realistic figures for your environment.
    Good luck!

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    Hi Siva,
    Normall on account payment is a payment which is not against any invoice/bill.
    In SAP, we take such scenarios throught the down payment cycle. Downpayment is nothing but advance issued to a  vendor which is not against any invoice/bill.
    So we can say that on account payment in SAP is handled through Down payment (advance).
    Tcodes wrt vendors:
    F-47 - Request
    F-48 - Down Payment
    Tcodes wrt customers:
    F-37 - Request
    F-29 - Down Payment

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    I would like to precise more things regarding the network.
    I did a case study for one customer and really to have good performances with SAP BPC client the network required the follow:
    Bandwitdth 1024kb/s
    Latency smaller than 200 ms between BPC client and BPC server
    Otherwise the users will experience problems:
    1. IBandwitdh < 1024Kb/s then to download 80 MB or more (templates + dimensions) will require a lot of time and that's means the login time will be very slow every time when a dimension is changed or security is process
    2. When an report is executed (a medium report not very complex report) around 100 mesage are send between bpc client and server. So if latency > 200 ms than a simple calculation is saying just into network it will be lost 200 * 100 ms = 20 s.
    So for a report which normally is taking 5 - 10 second it will take 30s or even more into client with latency bigger than 200 ms.
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    To set the Text alignment properties use "Paragraph" pallet you can make it visible by selecting Window>>Paragraph or Shift+F5
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    Hi Rajesh,
                  It's very simple.
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