How to Make FUNCTION to return multiple column and multiple row output

Hi All,
Kindly Share ur Idea;Thanks in Advance;
i Have Table Demo.
table DEMO:
id name
1 a10
1 a11
1 a12
2 b10
2 b11
3 ccc
and the function is like:
create or replace function (p1 number) return varchar2 as
vid number;
vname varchar2(20);
select id,name into vid,vname from demo where id=p1;
return v1;
this function returns output for id=3;
i need output as (for input as 1)
vid vname
1 a10
1 a11
1 a12

A function returns a single datatype.
That datatype may be an atomic datatype (varchar2, number etc.) or it may be an object/record datatype, or even a collection datatype.
Where are you going to use this function? In PL/SQL or SQL?
If you are wanting to use it in SQL, then you would need a pipelined function e.g.
  2  ( empno    number,
  3    ename    varchar2(10),
  4    job      varchar2(10),
  5    mgr      number,
  6    hiredate date,
  7    sal      number,
  8    comm     number,
  9    deptno   number
10  )
11  /
Type created.
  2  /
Type created.
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pipedata(p_min_row number, p_max_row number) RETURN myrectable PIPELINED IS
  2    v_obj myemp := myemp(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
  3  BEGIN
  4    FOR e IN (select *
  5              from (
  6                    select e.*
  7                          ,rownum rn
  8                    from (select * from emp order by empno) e
  9                   )
10              where rn between p_min_row and p_max_row)
11    LOOP
12      v_obj.empno    := e.empno;
13      v_obj.ename    := e.ename;
14      v_obj.job      := e.job;
15      v_obj.mgr      := e.mgr;
16      v_obj.hiredate := e.hiredate;
17      v_obj.sal      := e.sal;
18      v_obj.comm     := e.comm;
19      v_obj.deptno   := e.deptno;
20      PIPE ROW (v_obj);
21    END LOOP;
22    RETURN;
23  END;
24  /
Function created.
SQL> select * from table(pipedata(1,5));
     EMPNO ENAME      JOB               MGR HIREDATE                    SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
      7369 SMITH      CLERK            7902 17-DEC-1980 00:00:00        800                    20
      7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN         7698 20-FEB-1981 00:00:00       1600        300         30
      7521 WARD       SALESMAN         7698 22-FEB-1981 00:00:00       1250        500         30
      7566 JONES      MANAGER          7839 02-APR-1981 00:00:00       2975                    20
      7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN         7698 28-SEP-1981 00:00:00       1250       1400         30
SQL> select * from table(pipedata(6,10));
     EMPNO ENAME      JOB               MGR HIREDATE                    SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
      7698 BLAKE      MANAGER          7839 01-MAY-1981 00:00:00       2850                    30
      7782 CLARK      MANAGER          7839 09-JUN-1981 00:00:00       2450                    10
      7788 SCOTT      ANALYST          7566 19-APR-1987 00:00:00       3000                    20
      7839 KING       PRESIDENT             17-NOV-1981 00:00:00       5000                    10
      7844 TURNER     SALESMAN         7698 08-SEP-1981 00:00:00       1500          0         30
SQL> select * from table(pipedata(11,15));
     EMPNO ENAME      JOB               MGR HIREDATE                    SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
      7876 ADAMS      CLERK            7788 23-MAY-1987 00:00:00       1100                    20
      7900 JAMES      CLERK            7698 03-DEC-1981 00:00:00        950                    30
      7902 FORD       ANALYST          7566 03-DEC-1981 00:00:00       3000                    20
      7934 MILLER     CLERK            7782 23-JAN-1982 00:00:00       1300                    10
SQL>If you are using it in PL/SQL then just populating a collection datatype and returning that will do. Though you should question why you want to pass large amounts of data around like that first.
Explain your purpose and what you are intending to do and we can recommend the best way.

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    pMessageDataColumn = pMessageDataColumns.Add()
    pMessageDataColumn.ColumnName = "SalesOrder"
    pMessageDataColumn.Link = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
    pMessageDataColumn = pMessageDataColumns.Add()
    pMessageDataColumn.ColumnName = "WebOrder"
    pMessageDataColumn.Link = BoYesNoEnum.tNO
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    oLine.Value = Str(pOrd.DocNum)
    oLine.Object = 17
    oLine.ObjectKey = Str(pOrd.DocEntry)
    oLine = oLines.Add()
    oLine.Value = pOrd.WebOrder
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    Thanks, Dave

        Class Item
            Public ItemCode As String
            Public Dscription As String
        End Class
    Dim ItemCodes as new list( of item)
    Dim one as new item
    one.ItemCode = "ItemCode"
    one. Dscription ="Name of Item"
    itemcodes.add (one)
                Dim oCmpSvc As SAPbobsCOM.CompanyService = _ocmp.GetCompanyService()
                Dim oMsgSvc As SAPbobsCOM.MessagesService = oCmpSvc.GetBusinessService(ServiceTypes.MessagesService)
                Dim oMsg As SAPbobsCOM.Message = oMsgSvc.GetDataInterface(MessagesServiceDataInterfaces.msdiMessage)
                oMsg.Subject = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                oMsg.Text = Msg
                Dim oMsgDataColumn As SAPbobsCOM.MessageDataColumn
                If ItemCodes.Count > 0 Then
                    oMsgDataColumn = oMsg.MessageDataColumns.Add()
                    oMsgDataColumn.ColumnName = "Product / Item Code"
                    oMsgDataColumn.Link = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    For Each oneitem As Item In ItemCodes
                        Dim oMsgDataLine As SAPbobsCOM.MessageDataLine = oMsgDataColumn.MessageDataLines.Add()
                        oMsgDataLine.Object = "4"
                        oMsgDataLine.ObjectKey = oneitem.ItemCode
                        oMsgDataLine.Value = oneitem.Dscription
                    oMsgDataColumn = oMsg.MessageDataColumns.Add()
                    oMsgDataColumn.ColumnName = "Description"
                    oMsgDataColumn.Link = BoYesNoEnum.tNO
                    For Each oneitem As Item In ItemCodes
                        Dim oMsgDataLine As SAPbobsCOM.MessageDataLine = oMsgDataColumn.MessageDataLines.Add()
                        oMsgDataLine.Value = oneitem.Dscription
                End If
                        Dim oMsgRecipient As SAPbobsCOM.Recipient = oMsg.RecipientCollection.Add()
                        oMsgRecipient.UserCode = "manager"
                        oMsgRecipient.SendInternal = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                        oMsgRecipient.SendEmail = BoYesNoEnum.tNO
                MsgBox("SAP B1 internal Message sent...")
            Catch ex As Exception
                MsgBox("Unable to send SAP B1 internal message. Error:" + ex.Message)
            End Try
        End Sub

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    now I have this and its working...
    navL_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, navL_Over);
    navL_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, navL_Out);
    function navL_Over(e:MouseEvent){
              if(scena_mc.x == 0){
                                  scena_mc.x == 0;
              else if(scena_mc.x <= -10){
                                  scena_mc.x += 10;
                                  navL_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, runL);
    function runL(e:Event):void{
              if(scena_mc.x == 0){
                                  scena_mc.x == 0;
              else if(scena_mc.x <= -10){
                                  scena_mc.x += 10;
    function navL_Out(e:MouseEvent){
              navL_mc.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, runL);
    navR_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, navR_Over);
    navR_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, navR_Out);
    function navR_Over(e:MouseEvent){
              if(scena_mc.x == -1164){
                                  scena_mc.x == -1164;
              else if(scena_mc.x >= -1154){
                                  scena_mc.x -= 10;
                                  navR_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, runR);
    function runR(e:Event):void{
              if(scena_mc.x == -1164){
                                  scena_mc.x == -1164;
              else if(scena_mc.x >= -1154){
                                  scena_mc.x -= 10;
    function navR_Out(e:MouseEvent){
              navR_mc.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, runR);

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    Yes, you can put the commentary track on the second sound track in 06. You can also attach a mic and make the commentary as a recording. I will caution that you will need to depress any original sounds associated with the film so that it does not sound like a garbled mess with both tracks competing. I imagine you know how to grab the volume level line in the audio track and nudge it lower or higher?
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    Can any one guide me how to write functional specifications for Duplicate Check and postal Check for ELM kindly share information on this.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hello Jaya,
    I would say that there are many ways to write a FS. Maybe every big company has its own template. As it is the functional spec and not the technical one, I would say that you only need to describe what you want to see on the screen (like with mock-screenshots) or which functionality you want to have from a super-user''s point of view. All the technical details like which database table or function modules need to be investigated by the developer or technical consultant. I am currently in a SAP CRM Service in the technical role and that is the way we work here and I am fine with that. Unfortunately I am not allowed to send you an example.
    Best regards,
    Thomas Wagner

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    I had some initial difficulty understanding your question. In Numbers, a "chart" is a graph.
    You want to create a 5 x 5 array of tables, each with two columns and 10 rows, placed on a single page.
    At the default size, each cell on a new Table is 1 inch wide and 0.2 inches high. So without displaying a title, each of your 25 charts would occupy a two inch square space.
    Butted closely together, that's a space that is 10 inches wide by 10 inches high.
    On a machine set to US localization,the default page size is US Letter, placed in Landscape orientation. Left, right and top margins are set to 0.75", bottom margin is 0.5", and there is a 0.25" height reserved for page header and page footer.
    That leaves a working space that's 9.5" wide and 6.75" high.
    Obviously, some adjustments will be needed.
    0.2" is pretty much the minimum for row height. You can go smaller by typing in a smaller height in the Table Inspector, but even with 9 point type, you begin to lose the descenders on ps and qs. Go with 0.2, then use the slider in Print view to further shrink the content.
    If you can narrow the columns significantly (to 0.75" or less), then go to Page setup and change to Portrait orientation.
    In the Sheet Inspector, decrease all margins to 0.5", and the header and footer spaces to 0. Set page orientation to Portrait.
    Now consider the Table(s). If you've opened a new, blank document, you'll have a multi column, multi row table with one header row and one header column. If you don't need the header row and header column, delete them (column A, Row 1) right away.
    Reduce the number of rows to 10 and the number of columns to 2. Select the whole table and, in the Table inspector, set the row height to 0.16" and the row width to 0.73".
    With the table still selected. press command-D four times to create four duplicate tables.
    Go View > Show Rulers, then View > Show Print View. go back to the Table Inspector and use the slider to set Content Scale to about 94%.
    Drag the still selected Table to the right margin of the page. Press command-A to Select All.
    Go Arrange > Align > Top
    Go Arrange > Distribute Space > Horizontal.
    With all five tables still selected, press command-D to duplicate the set.
    Hold down the Shift key and press the left arrow once, then the down arrow 14 times. This should bring the new row of tables into line with the previous ones, and move them down the page to just below the first row of tables. If fine adjustment is needed, use the arrow keys with the shift key released.
    Repeat three more times to add another three rows of tables.
    Adjust the spacing between tables as necessary.

  • Indexing multiple columns of multiple tables

    I'm trying to index multiple columns of multiple tables.
    As I have seen, the way to do this is using User_Datastore.
    have the tables to share a (foreign)key? My tables have only 2 or 3 similar columns(description, tagnr...)
    I want to get the different tagnr belonging to the same description etc.
    Can I do this?
    Has anyone a Samplecode indexing multiple tables?
    Any suggestion would be helpful.

    A USER_DATASTORE works like this:
    create table A
    ( id number primary key,
    textA varchar2(100));
    create table B
    ( id number primary key,
    textB varchar2(100));
    procedure foo (rid in rowid, v_document in out varchar2)
    v_textA varchar2(2000);
    v_idA number;
    v_textB varchar2(2000);
    select id, textA
    into v_idA, v_textA
    from A
    where rowid = rid;
    select textB
    into v_textB
    from B
    where id = v_idA;
    v_document := textA &#0124; &#0124; ' ' &#0124; &#0124; textB;
    create preferences for USER_DATASTORE
    create index ...
    on table A ( text) ...
    you also can build on table B
    This depends where you want the
    trigger to be build to sync the

  • How to make comnapy code defalut got 100 and 1001 in the PNP screen

    Hi Expart ,
    can u tell me my que how to make comnapy code defalut got 100 and 1001 in the PNP screen in HR reporting?

    Use the below code in the   INITIALIZATION   
                     INITIALIZATION                                      *
    initialization .
    " Make Default values for Company Code 2100 & 2200
      PNPBUKRS-LOW  = '2100'.
      PNPBUKRS-HIGH = '2200'.
      append PNPBUKRS.

  • How to make Nokia Suite remember the position and ...

    how to make Nokia Suite remember the position and the size i set it?
    because everytime i start it, it defaults in the middle of the screen and in the smallest possible size.
    Nokia Suite 3.3.86
    Windows Vista
    Greece Nokia X6 RM-559 v40.0.002

    Again, are you talking about genuine Nokia firmware, not any of some 3rd-party customised versions?
    For officially released firmware, you may force Nokia Suite to reinstall even if your firmware is already up to date. This feature might be missed in its GUI as its link is "hidden" in the prompt message, not on a button or highlighted with underscore. Try Nokia Suite, once the phone is connected, click the icon of Software Update on the top, then click the word "reinstall" in the prompted message.
    * If this post helped you, please click the white Kudo star.
    * If this post has solved your issue, please click Accept as Solution.

  • Multiple sizes and multiple quantities of an item

    How do I create a shirt order form where someone can order multiple sizes and multiple quantities of an item?

    There’re some order templates, Shirt(Clothing) Order Form,  that might be meet your request. Or you can design a custom form according your requirement if you’re a form author or coauthor. For your case, when you design the form, you can choose the multiple choices, single choice, or other fields, etc.  And you have to enable the payment under options tab, and assign fields as a purchase fields. At the same time, you can share the web form to the form filler to make an order.

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    Hi friends,
    The problem. Currently we have maintained single BOM and single recipe (The BOM and Recipe used for MRP) for long term planning run. The FMCG sector of Client requested to have multiple BOMs and multiple recipes in the long term planning run. I.e. The planning is done quarterly and they wanted to use different BOMs and Different recipes for each quarter. But since the existing system has configured to use a single BOM and a single recipe we have a problem to use the long term planning run with the current setups.The problem we have is in this ‘001’ planning scenario.
    appreciate if you can help me how to accommodate multiple BOMs and recepis in the long term planning run.
    thanks and regards

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    Thanks and Regards,

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    I'm calling on your generosity in the spirit of the holidays to help out a noob.  I would like to create matching, multiple-response and multiple-hot spot questions where the user receives credit based on the number of correct answers within the question. For example, in a matching question where there are four items; if the user gets 2 out of the four items matched correctly, I would like for him to receive 2 out of 4 points.
    I understand that Captivate doesn't support partial-credit scoring of this type, but a few posts have implied that it can be done with variables. Is there anyone who can walk me through this process, or send me to a link that will walk me through it? (I've scoured these forums and tried the Cp tutorials, to no avail.) And if it's not asking too much, please make it understandable to someone who has very little experience with variables.
    Thanks, and Merry Christmas.
    (Running CP 5 on Windows Vista)

    I did publish an article more specific on partial scoring, perhaps this could help you:
    Partial scores and customized feedback
    And since you are asking for more basic information, on my blog I point to some other articles to explain the meaning of variables with/without advanced actions. Feel free to have a look (there are more postings about advanced actions and links to articles over there):
    Curious about variables ?
    Unleash the power of variables with advanced actions

Maybe you are looking for

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