How to make Launchd/LaunchAgents wait for volume mount?

I've been trying off and on for months to resolve a problem I have starting up named on my OS X 10.5 Mac Mini, which acts as a home server. Actually, I've been trying since 10.4 came out.
All my configuration files are located on a volume located on an external pair of RAIDed drives. At system startup the volume mounts automatically, and I have soft links pointed to the remote directories, in this case /usr/local/etc/. The problem is that system startup doesn't wait for this volume to come online before starting to run items in LaunchAgents. Therefore, using the StartAtLoad option, I'll see messages in the system log from bind saying that it tried to start, but the config file /usr/local/etc/named/named.conf wasn't available, so it died.
I've experimented with WatchPaths - that doesn't seem to work reliably because by the time it gets going, the path is available; since it doesn't actually check availability, but only status change, it doesn't work. (If I log in and touch the file afterwards, named starts right up.)
I can figure out some hack to run a script and check the status regularly and launch/re-launch, but I'd rather figure out how to do this the "right" way with launchd. Current (still broken) script is below. Thanks for suggestions!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Umm, ok. Are you suggesting that there's more likelihood of getting an answer there, or that it's in the wrong place here? I hate to bother developers with a user question. I'm not asking for new features.

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    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
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        import flash.utils.ByteArray;
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    Great, thanks. Now I can narrow my problem scope down.
    This is now the isolated culprit of my program:
    "Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"
    I already ran garbage collector just before 2nd method but the same error still occures.
    But if I were to comment out method 2, run the program (to generate the file from method 1), then do the opposite and run again, it will work. ie. I have to run the main program twice.
    I don't understand this. The free memory after running GC after method 1 has reset the free mem to approx 1654kb so why can't method 2 run properly?
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    //all memory values in kb
    Max memory = 65088
    Allocated memory = 1984
    total free memory: 64743
    free memory before method 1: 1639
    // Run method 1
    free memory after method 1: 875
    free memory after running garbage collector: 1654
    //Run method 2
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    // load the variables from the text file
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    _root.xmsg1_ch.text = this.msg;
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    $to = $line[4];
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    fclose ($fp);

    Well, given the things that you've written, I don't think it
    could. There technically isn't any code in flash that lets it
    "wait." In order to "wait," you must run the script over again
    until some condition is met.
    However, your code does look accurate. Why do you need to
    wait? The onLoad function will be invoked WHEN something is loaded.
    So, I don't see the reason for the "waiting."
    In addition to that, I would like to say that using text
    files isn't that great with flash. I have done this before and
    noticed several problems with using text files. The biggest problem
    is that the text files are cached after being loaded. Every time
    you re-load it again, you will get what you got the first time
    until you reset your cache (ie. close your browser). I suggest
    using MySQL. (Just my thought.)

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    At present this feature is not included, although I believe it may be in 4.0. Many people have provided workarounds for this. None of which I have tried. I cannot find the original thread but here is a solution from a chap called Ruud
    One way to share your saved reports with others is to 'Publish' your report settings to a few intermediate tables in your application and have other users 'Import' your settings from there. The reason for using intermediate tables is so that not all your saved reports need to be 'visible' to other users (only those that you've chosen to publish).
    Basically you have available the following views and package calls that any APEX user can access:-
    - flows_030100.apex_application_pages (all application pages)
    - flows_030100.apex_application_page_ir_rpt (all saved reports - inclusing defaults and all user saved reports)
    - flows_030100.apex_application_page_ir_cond (the associated conditions/filters for above saved reports)
    - wwv_flow_api.create_worksheet_rpt (package procedure that creates a new saved report)
    - wwv_flow_api.create_worksheet_condition (package procedure that creates a condition/filter for above saved report)
    The way I've done it is that I've created 2 tables in my application schema that are straightforward clones of the 2 above views.
    CREATE TABLE user_report_settings AS SELECT * FROM flows_030100.apex_application_page_ir_rpt;
    CREATE TABLE user_report_conditions AS SELECT * FROM flows_030100.apex_application_page_ir_cond;
    ( NB. I deleted any contents that may have come across to make sure we start with a clean slate. )
    These two tables will act as my 'repository'.
    To simplify matters I've also created 2 views that look at the same APEX views.
    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v_report_settings AS
    SELECT r.*
    FROM flows_030100.apex_application_page_ir_rpt r,
    flows_030100.apex_application_pages p
    WHERE UPPER ( r.application_name ) = <Your App Name>
    AND r.application_user 'APXWS_DEFAULT'
    AND r.session_id IS NULL
    AND p.application_id = r.application_id
    AND p.page_id = r.page_id;
    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v_report_conditions AS
    SELECT r.*
    FROM flows_030100.apex_application_page_ir_cond r,
    flows_030100.apex_application_pages p
    WHERE UPPER ( r.application_name ) = <Your App Name>
    AND r.application_user 'APXWS_DEFAULT'
    AND p.application_id = r.application_id
    AND p.page_id = r.page_id;
    I then built 2 screens:-
    1) Publish Report Settings
    This shows 2 report regions:-
    - Region 1 - Shows a list of all your saved reports from V_REPORT_SETTINGS (filtered to only show yours)
    SELECT apex_item.checkbox ( 1, report_id ) " ",
    FROM v_report_settings
    WHERE application_user = :APP_USER
    AND ( page_id = :P27_REPORT OR :P27_REPORT = 0 )
    ORDER BY page_name,
    Each row has a checkbox to select the required settings to publish.
    The region has a button called PUBLISH (with associated process) that when pressed will copy the settings from
    - Region 2 - Shows a list of already published reports in table USER_REPORT_SETTINGS (again filtered for your user)
    SELECT apex_item.checkbox ( 10, s.report_id ) " ",
    FROM user_report_settings s,
    menu m
    WHERE m.page_no = s.page_id
    AND s.application_user = :APP_USER
    AND ( s.page_id = :P27_REPORT OR :P27_REPORT = 0 )
    ORDER BY m.label,
    Each row has a checkbox to select a setting that you would like to delete from the repository.
    The region has a button called DELETE (with associated process) that when pressed will remove the selected
    NB: P27_REPORT is a "Select List With Submit" to filter the required report page first.
    Table MENU is my application menu table where I store my menu/pages info.
    2) Import Report Settings
    This again shows 2 report regions:-
    - Region 1 - Shows a list of all published reports in table USER_REPORT_SETTINGS (filtered to show only other users saved reports)
    SELECT apex_item.checkbox ( 1, s.report_id ) " ",
    FROM user_report_settings s,
    menu m
    WHERE m.page_no = s.page_id
    AND s.application_user :APP_USER
    AND ( s.page_id = :P28_REPORT OR :P28_REPORT = 0 )
    ORDER BY m.label,
    Each row has a checkbox to select the setting(s) that you would like to import from the repository.
    The region has one button called IMPORT that when pressed will import the selected settings.
    It does this by using the 2 above mentioned package procedure to create a new saved report for you
    with the information form the repository. Be careful to match the right column with the right procedure
    parameter and to 'reverse' any DECODEs that the view has.
    - Region 2 - Shows a list of all your saved reports from V_REPORT_SETTINGS (filtered to only show yours)
    SELECT page_name,
    FROM v_report_settings
    WHERE application_user = :APP_USER
    AND ( page_id = :P28_REPORT OR :P28_REPORT = 0 )
    ORDER BY page_name,
    This is only needed to give you some feedback as to whether the import succeeded.
    A few proviso's:-
    a) I'm sure there's a better way to do all this but this works for me :-)
    b) This does not work for Computations! I have not found an API call to create computations.
    They will simply not come across into the repository.
    c) If you import the same settings twice I've made it so that the name is suffixed with (2), (3) etc.
    I did not find a way to update existing report settings. You can only create new ones.
    d) Make sure you refer to your saved reports by name, not ID, when matching APEX stored reports and the
    reports in your repository as the ID numbers may change if you re-import an application or if you
    auto-generate your screens/reports (as I do).
    To me this is a bit too much of a hack and I personally wouldn't implement it - it's just an example to show it can be done.
    Also if you look here in the help in APEX Home > Adding Application Components > Creating Reports > Editing Interactive Reports
    ...and go to the last paragraph, you can embed predicates in the URL.
    Don't forget to mark replies helpful or correct ;)
    Edited by: Munky on Jul 30, 2009 8:03 AM

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    HI Ranjitha
    For the data element of Z fields go to further caracteristics of tab and make change document checkbox ticked.

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    I (Site-Owner) have create a little Portal-Site with any portlets.
    I want to make one or two portlets(Admin-Area) unvisible for other users. But when I create a portlet as Site-Owner, then all another users can they see.
    How to make a portlet unvisible for another users?
    Leonid Pavlov

    You can hide and show portlets of Web providers (OmniPortlet, Web Clipping, and Java portlets) on portal pages dynamically. This functionality is controlled by security managers. The PDK provides a number of security managers. For example:
    o Group security manager: The group security manager makes the portlet appear to users who are members of a specified group, while hides the portlet for those who are not members.
    o Authentication level security manager: You can use the authentication level security manager to control access to the portlets based on the user’s authentication level. For example you may hide the portlet from public users, but display it to authenticated users.
    In addition to the security managers provided by the PDK, you can build your own security managers.
    Although OmniPortlet and Web Clipping do not expose security managers through the user interface, you can apply them by editing their XML provider definition file.
    For PL/SQL portlets you can use the is_runnable method to control whether the portlet is hidden or shown.

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi Hookso,
    You can do it using the different loops like While loop and For Loop. Roderic has already stated how to do it using a for loop. I have illustrated in the attached vi how to do it using a while loop and Elapsed Time function. Take a look.
    (Give kudos to good Answers and Mark it as a Solution if your problem is Solved) 
    Untitled ‏36 KB

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