How to make state model added to the annots non changeable?

how to make state model non changeable?
if once i add state model Review to any annot then i should able to lock this state for that comment and no one can change this other than me.
Is there anyway to this using java script.

The formula node is similar to C in syntax so I would try to copy it into that. If the code you have is in Matlab you might have to make some adjustments for functions that exist only in Matlab. Of course, if you are running Matlab on the same computer you can use the Matlab interface. Complicated math in G sometime makes more sense when it is put in a formula node.

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    hi, guys:
    I was wondering if anyone could help me on this problem: I need to set up a break column on a classic report (I ma required to use classic report only), and it works, but I do not know how to make every break column on the top of the rows in the same subgroup. The break column only stays on the left to the rest columns as it is the first column. Anyone could help me on this problem? Here is the query:
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((so.first_name is not null and upper(so.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((so.last_name is not null and upper(so.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.address1||sl.address2 is not null and upper(sl.address1|| sl.address2) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%')or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and (( is not null and upper( like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%')or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.county is not null and sl.county =:P5_SL_COUNTY)or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and (( is not null and =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE)
    or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((so.first_name is not null and upper(so.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((so.last_name is not null and upper(so.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.physical_address1 is not null and upper(sl.physical_address1) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%') or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and ((sl.physical_city is not null and upper(sl.physical_city) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%') or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.physical_county is not null and sl.physical_county =:P5_SL_COUNTY) or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.physical_state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and ((sl.physical_zip is not null and sl.physical_zip =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE) or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv, sor_alias sa
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sa.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((sa.first_name is not null and upper(sa.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((sa.last_name is not null and upper(sa.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.address1||sl.address2 is not null and upper(sl.address1|| sl.address2) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%')or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and (( is not null and upper( like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%')or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.county is not null and sl.county =:P5_SL_COUNTY)or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and (( is not null and =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE)or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv, sor_alias sa
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sa.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((sa.first_name is not null and upper(sa.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((sa.last_name is not null and upper(sa.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.physical_address1 is not null and upper(sl.physical_address1) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%') or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and ((sl.physical_city is not null and upper(sl.physical_city) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%') or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.physical_county is not null and sl.physical_county =:P5_SL_COUNTY) or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.physical_state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and ((sl.physical_zip is not null and sl.physical_zip =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE) or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))I set up "Jurisdiction" to be displayed as the first column in report attributes and set up the first column to be break column, under the "When displaying a break column use this format, use #COLUMN_VALUE# subs", I fill in "Jurisdiction".

    lxiscas wrote:
    Hi, fac586:
    I am sorry for not being able to provide project online oracle to ask the question as some of the data needs to be approved to release.You don't need to use the actual data. Create simple test cases using data from Oracle's sample schemas: SCOTT, OE, HR etc.
    I actually want something like this:
    Jurisdiction: Bartlesville Police Department, 918-338-4001,
    Smith , Carl Sherman      ......
    Smith , Tommy Nesby .....
    Jurisdiction: Canadian County Sheriff's Office, 405-262-4787, Fax - 405-422-2430
    Smith , Gabriel Ray      ...
    Smith , Michael Bert   ...I omit the sensitive data with ...
    but right now it shows as this way:
    Jurisdiction: Bartlesville Police Department, 918-338-4001,  Smith , Carl Sherman      ......
    Smith , Tommy Nesby .....
    Jurisdiction: Canadian County Sheriff's Office, 405-262-4787, Fax - 405-422-2430   Smith , Gabriel Ray      ...
    Smith , Michael Bert   ...Is that possible to show the data as the upper way?The best way to do this is using a report with a custom named column template as in this example. See the following threads for solutions to similar problems:

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    Hello Anybody, I have a question. Can any of you please suggest me how to make an xml file from the database table with all the records?
    Note:- I am having the XSD Schema file and the resulted XML file should be in that XSD format only.

    The Oracle documentation has a good overview of the options available
    Generating XML Data from the Database
    Without knowing your version, I just picked 11.2, so you made need to look for that chapter in the documentation for your version to find applicable information.
    You can also find some information in XML DB FAQ

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    When I delete a photo from a page, it does not stay in the assets panel. My client uses in browser editing daily. Once a week he changes a photo just for a day, then needs the previous photo to replace it. The original photo is not in the asset panel (or folder) for him to choose.
    When you upload a photo, it has an arrow in the asset panel. How do you use this as an asset?

    Sure ... right mouse click on  your page and choose 'Exclude Page from Menus' :-)

  • MOVED: how to make a good flow in the case?

    This topic has been moved to Off Topic Technical.
    how to make a good flow in the case?

    Browser variation is something we must all deal with.  For best results, begin projects with a clear idea of what type of layout you need (1-column, 2-column, 3-column or Multi-column grid).  Then get a CSS Layout that meets your requirements.
    PVII CSS Templates are rock solid & thoroughly tested to perform well in all browsers (commercial product)
    CSS Layout Magic (commercial extension for Dreamweaver)
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • How to make a hard copy of the OS mountain lion that i downloaded

    How to make a hard copy of the file ofthe OS mountain lion downloaded from apple

    Follow the directions in this link to make a Mt. Lion USB thumb drive: tall_drive.html

  • How to make scheduled jobs Fail if the return partial results?

    How to make scheduled jobs Fail if the return partial results?
    Does anyone know if there is a way to do this?
    We have a number of reports that we schedule to various locations in Excel and PDF. We are frequently getting problems which are manifesting themselves as empty data providers and if we run them as Web Intelligence reports it says Partial Results. Re running the reports normally fixes the problem and returns the data correctly but the problem is that the scheduler reports them as successful and the emails or files get distributed (causing our customers to complain!!!).
    Currently using XIr2 +SAP integration Kit migrating to XI 3.1 in July 2009
    Any ideas/suggestion would be appreciated...
    I did find reference to the adapt case ADAPT01122128 which may help but when and if are unkowns so not much help.

    This may be helpful to some people:

  • How to make a proactive view of the Logical Disk Free Space

    I was wondering how I could make a view (preferably within a dashboard) that monitors the state of the Logical Disk Free Space values for one or more predefined groups. I can only get this to work with line diagrams but that is pretty hard to read.
    I would like to make views like:
    1) A simple state view that shows the state of the servers (or disks) in three state form (1. Healthy: 80% or lower; 2. Warning: Between 80% and 90%; 3. Alert: 90% or higher).
    2) A view of actual percentages of the disk drives in a table form rather than the usual line diagram.
    I prefer the first one the most and seems to be the easiest aswell but I can't seem to get this to work.
    I hope that this is possible any like to know how to achieve this.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Bram,
    I think you need to create a new dashboard view for this.
    Make a new management pack for this.
    Once you create a new management pack.
    Go to monitoring TAB
    Locate the management pack there and right click and select new Dashboard.
    Create a summary view dashboard and then once it is created on the right hand side you will see something like
    Performance (Which i edited as LDS report for last 24 hrs as per the screenshot)
    Above that you will have a configure option. Click on it and mention the Object, counter and instance and of the LDS performance counter and mention the report duration (Last 1hr or  24 hrs )once you do this dashboard will start collecting the report
    for you.
    Once you scroll down the report you will get the list of servers in which space is low and how old is that alert
    Below is the screenshot for your reference.

  • How to make a stroke part of the shape

    One of the letters (S) on a logo I am working on doesn't look the right thickness alongside the other letters - there isnt a bolder version available so I have added a small stroke to make it visually balanced (text is converted to outlines). I would now like to make that stroke part of the shape (ie no separate stroke, but thickness of the letter with the stroke). I'm sure I've come across how to do this before, but cant seem to find it now... can you help? Many thanks.

    how is that different to just adding a stroke the normal way?
    It is only in the sense that it may be done with a single letter in Live Type, thus enabling individual changes of appearance of letters and still allowing your editing everything (the/each special letter must be selected by itself, and then you can type in one or more replacement letters with the same appearance).
    I just thought I should mention it, in case it might be preferable.

  • How to make a SOAP call using the PI 7.1

    Hi All,
    Can you please tell me how can we make a SOAP call using the PI 7.1?
    Thanks in advance

    Hello Shweta,
    Could you please clarify your question? Do you mean you need to call some business system from PI via SOAP? Or do you need to test integration model using SOAP client?
    If the requirement is to make a SOAP call to PI (send SOAP request to PI system), please refer to the guide which Stefan suggested in his post. The general procedure is the following:
    1. generate concrete WSDL in PI (you can do it via PI's Integration Directory);
    2. import generated WSDL to SOAP client (e.g. XML Spy described in the guide or soapUI which is free SOAP client);
    3. create SOAP request message in the SOAP client and send it to the endpoint (in this case, it will be sent to PI).
    This is general procedure for making SOAP calls to SAP PI using external SOAP clients. Please advise if specified steps should be described in more details or if there are any questions from your side regarding them.
    If the question is about calling business system from PI via SOAP, then please refer to SAP Help, configuration of SOAP receiver::
    My regards,

  • How to make my computer send all the audio through optical audio cable instead of headphone jack?

    To listen to online radios or CD's played from my computer, I used to connect the computer to my home entertainment system from the computer's headphone jack to the AUX port on my home entertainment system.
    I now wanted to get better sound and purchased the optical audio cable. However, I don't know how to tell my computer to send the audio signal to the home entertainmeny system through the optical digital cable rather than through the headphone jack. If I just unplug the cable connecting the headphone jack and the AUX port and only have the PC and the system connected with the optical audio cable, I don't hear any sounds. I suspect the computer isn't sending any data through the optical audio port. I'm not able to find how I can adjust the settings on my computer so that from now all sounds are output through the optical audio.
    1) I'd like to do that mainly for my HP desktop (configuration below) and any advice on how to do that would be appreciated.
    2) I also have a HP laptop (configuration below) and was wondering if that would be doable too (even though it doesn't appear to have a audio out, but it has HDMI out - can one convert it to optical audio?
    Thanks in advance!
    My desktop is: 
    ENVY h8xt,
    • Windows 8 64
    • 3rd Generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 quad-core processor [3.4GHz, 8MB Shared Cache]
    • 12GB DDR3-1333MHz SDRAM [3 DIMMs]
    • 1TB 7200 rpm SATA hard drive
    • No secondary hard drive
    • 1GB AMD Radeon HD 7570 [DVI, HDMI, DP, VGA adapter]
    • 300W Power supply
    • SuperMulti DVD Burner
    • Wireless-N LAN card (1x1)
    • 15-in-1 memory card reader, 2 USB 2.0 (front), 2 USB 3.0 (top)
    • No Additional Office Software
    • No additional Security Software
    • No TV Tuner
    • Beats Audio (tm) -- integrated studio quality sound
    • HP USB volume control keyboard and mouse with Win 8 keyboard
    • Adobe Premiere Elements & Photoshop Elements 10
    And the laptop:
    HP ENVY 15t Quad    
    • Windows 8.1 64
    • 4th generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ Processor
    • NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) GT 740M Graphics with 2048MB of dedicated video memory
    • 15.6-inch diagonal Full HD BrightView LED-backlit Display (1920x1080)
    • 8GB DDR3 System Memory (1 Dimm)
    • 1TB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
    • 24GB flash Hard Drive Acceleration Cache
    • No Additional Office Software
    • Security Software Trial
    • 6-Cell Lithium-Ion Battery
    • No Internal DVD or CD Drive
    • Standard Keyboard
    • HP TrueVision HD Webcam w/ integrated digital mic
    • 802.11 AC WLAN and Bluetooth(R) [2x2]
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hello @_goma,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! 
    I have read your post on how you are looking to make your computer send all the audio through an optical audio cable instead of the headphone jack, and I would be happy to assist you in this matter!
    To configure your desktop to enable the optical audio cable, I recommend following the steps below:
    Step 1. Click the Windows Key Button on your desktop
    Step 2. Type "Control Panel"
    Step 3. Select "Control Panel" in the top right-hand corner
    Step 4. Select Sound
    Step 5. Under the Playback tab, right-click the white area below the devices available
    Step 6. Select "Show Disabled" and "Show Disconnected Devices"
    Step 7. Connect your Optical Audio Cable
    Step 8. Select your Optical Audio Cable as the default device and click "Enable"
    Since it is not possible to convert the HDMI out to audio out on your notebook computer, it is unfortunate that the notebook is not able to connect with an optical audio cord.
    Please re-post with the results of your troubleshooting, and I look forward to your reply!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • How to make checkbox field inactive in the output of ALV report.

    Dear All,
    I am having one ALV report in whose output there are checkboxes against each record. Example: the output columns of my ALV report are:
    Checkbox, Sales Document No, Billing Document No.
    Now, my requirement is that if for the Sales Document No there exists any Billing Document No in the output then the Checkbox should be inactive but if the Billing document coloumn is empty for a particular Sales Document No then only the Checkbox field should become active.
    Kindly guide me on how to make this checkbox field inactive.
    Waiting for your reply.
    Warm Regards,

    Follow the below steps:
    1.Define as--> GS_STATUS TYPE SLIS_STATUS,
    2.check layout check box fieldname is not initial.
          then set the status according to your logical conditions
    Hope this would help you.
    Let me know your feedback.

  • How to make two Application Modules share the same entity cache?

    Hello everyone, I am using JDeveloper
    I have a little problem in my application through using two AppModules that contain also same ViewObjects. So to be clear one VO is declared in two AppModules. When I commit the view by using AppModule1 and then go to another page that uses the same VO but from AppModule2, I have to commit again, even through the row is previously stored in the database.
    I understood that this came because different AppModules use different entityCache for database communications.
    I am asking if anyone knows any option on how to sync the entity caches from the two appmodules, or how to make them use the same entity cache.
    Thank you

    You can make a copy of the app and give it another name, but it will use the same settings files no matter which you open. Settings aren't stored in the app, but in your Preferences.
    Firefox, being a Windows derivative, might have the capability to use "Profiles" where you'd set it up different for each profile. I don't use Firefox, so I don't know if that option exists.

  • How to make my iTunes Library use the music which is already on my NAS?

    Hi there,
    I know there have already been some posts around the forum about having the iTunes library on external harddrives or NAS's.
    Though my question is different to that question and the solution for those can't seem to cater for my issue.
    In the other posts, most of them have the music on their MAC's or MacBooks already, and it was more of a migration of their iTunes Library.
    My situation on the other hand is this:
    I have recently bought a MacBook Air and sold my PC Desktop. Before I sold it, I backed up everything to my NAS, so my music is now sitting on the NAS.
    I am now trying to have my iTunes library on my NAS instead of my MacBook Air. Since my MacBook Air is only 128GB, I cannot store all my music on my MacBook Air then migrate it to the NAS (Via some of the solutions I've found online). So those solutions would not work for me.
    That is why I am here, asking this question:
    If my music is already on the NAS, I have a clean iTunes (No music in it), and I don't mind if I my music folders get re-arranged from the doings of iTunes. How do I make my iTunes Library accommodate the songs I have on the NAS?
    The reason I want to do this is because currently I have an iPhone, iPad, MacBook Air and Apple TV. My home sharing is on, so as you can imagine, if I wish to stream songs, it would be handy to have them in iTunes.
    This is my first question, once this is solved, hopefully it will simultanously solve a second question I have in mind (Regarding having all my TV shows and Movies to be in the iTunes Library as well, the contents are currently on my NAS too).
    Your help would be greatly appreciated, as I am new to OS X (Always been a Windows person, as I was a big gamer).
    So far, I have to say, my experience on OS X and the Apple ecosystem is fantastic!

    Typing in all caps indicates shouting is considered rude and is difficult to read.  Many simply do not read such posts.
    The music sync is one way - computer to ipod.  The exception is itunes purchases.  File>Transfer Purchases
    You need to copy everything from one computer to the other.

  • How can you sort without adding all the music to iTunes?

    I'm an older person and I don't get it. At first I just had a shuffle and I downloaded specific songs into iTunes that I liked. Then I upgraded. I loaded a whole bunch of cd's into various libraries at various times on an external hard drive. Now, I have a ton of music and would love an easy way to organize it! There are lots of duplicates and lots of songs I just don't like. The trouble is, I haven't figured out how to just see a list of all the songs and sort and delete from the list. I have to open a library and then I get a bunch of file folders of an album or two. Then I have to open the album to see the songs. If I forget what the song sounds like and I click on it to play it, the album goes automatically into iTunes. I don't have enough room on my pc for all that music to go right into iTunes. Do you get my question?? Can you help me?

    When you play a song with iTunes, it automatically gets added to the library, as you noticed.
    If you just want to play the song so you can decide whether to keep or delete it, use another player. You may already have Windows Media Player on your machine. If not you can download Winamp.
    When you are done sorting, add the ones you want into your iTunes library

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