How to organize compilation discs...

I recently imported a compilation disc called THE BEST OF BEETHOVEN. Although all the music is from the same composer there are various artists and orchestras performing the pieces. Instead of grouping the pieces together, each track is grouped separately. How do I get iTunes to group the tracks together under one album title? This has happened under several titles where there are different performers. Another example is a Mozart disc that contains a violin concerto and a piano concerto. Although they are on the same album, the violin concerto was separated from the piano concerto, I guess because they were performed by different artists or performers.
PLEASE HELP. I have so much music that I need to be able to organize all of it by album.

When you are viewing your albums do you have the veiw option enabled to "view browser"? If not then cick the "view" button, and click "show browser". Then you should be able to click on any album on the right hand side, and all you songs should be in one album, and if they are, but not in order, make sure you have "track number" as a sortable column, and that should put all the tracks in order too.

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    deus4ko wrote:
    Its great that you know how to access file attributes section on both PC and Mac. Without your clarification people would have been baffled.
    Actually, they wouldn’t be baffled at all.
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    Regardless of whether or not Paresh Devani solved this 2 years ago ( not sure how you know this anyway),
    I actually read the posts in threads, rather than blindly posting.
    I know it was solved 2 years ago because Paresh Devani selected the answer that fixed his issue 2 years ago & it was quoted in his original post… "This solved my question by Granavel on Feb 9, 2013 7:18 AM"
    the solution is not on here and could be useful to others. People still have this problem today.
    The solution is on here.
    However, had you bothered to read the original post, you would see that the solution you posted is irrelevant.
    Your solution will fix an issue, one that is completely unrelated to this thread...
    No response is necessary.

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    deus4ko wrote:
    Its great that you know how to access file attributes section on both PC and Mac. Without your clarification people would have been baffled.
    Actually, they wouldn’t be baffled at all.
    Since this is the iTunes for Mac forum, PC users generally won’t look here. and Mac users generally don’t care about Windows Properties...
    Regardless of whether or not Paresh Devani solved this 2 years ago ( not sure how you know this anyway),
    I actually read the posts in threads, rather than blindly posting.
    I know it was solved 2 years ago because Paresh Devani selected the answer that fixed his issue 2 years ago & it was quoted in his original post… "This solved my question by Granavel on Feb 9, 2013 7:18 AM"
    the solution is not on here and could be useful to others. People still have this problem today.
    The solution is on here.
    However, had you bothered to read the original post, you would see that the solution you posted is irrelevant.
    Your solution will fix an issue, one that is completely unrelated to this thread...
    No response is necessary.

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    So, I have found the solution and this question is not actual any more.
    The solution is quite simple - you have to properly configure application jad-file.
    It can be done like this (in ktoolbar):
    1. Open project settings from main menu (Project - Settings).
    2. Then go to MIDlets tab.
    3. There you have to change value in "*class*" column (for example, to smth like this - com.my_company.www.my_package.my_midlet_class_name).
    4. Press Ok button.
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    You should use Scene Builder, it will make all these import statements for you.
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    Thank you for reading to the end of this question,

    OK, I spent another afternoon doing the job started yesterday. Last night (could not sleep, so might as well think) I got to thinking that I really must have missed a step or something because all my work was done on the Mac and I did not recall any time when I transferred the new setup with folders to the iPhone.
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    I do not recall using the APPLY button on the first day trying this, but I used it this time.
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    If the check box already has a check mark, just click the box to remove it, click again to put the check mark in the box and voila the app takes off for the folder. This also works to just put apps onto a certain page, if you want to do that, but dragging apps around sometimes works better.
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    Hi there,
    I have a form, which is called: TESTFORM.fmb
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    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/u0/oracle/prodora/8.0.6/lib
    f60gen module=/u0/oracle/prodappl/ar/11.5.0/forms/US/TESTFORM.fmb USERID=apps/passwordAlthough fmx is successfully generated, the following error is also encountered during compile:
    FRM-18108: Failed to load the following objects.
    Source Module:APPSTAND
    Source Object: STANDARD_PC_AND_VA
    Source Module:APPSTAND
    Source Object: STANDARD_TOOLBAR
    Source Module:APPSTAND
    Source Object: STANDARD_CALENDAR
    I look for APPSTAND.fmb and I found it in this location: /u0/oracle/prodappl/ar/11.5.0/forms/US/
    So I then tried to compile again using the following command, but the problem is still occurred:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/u0/oracle/prodora/8.0.6/lib
    export forms_path=/u0/oracle/prodappl/ar/11.5.0/forms/US/
    f60gen module=/u0/oracle/prodappl/ar/11.5.0/forms/US/TESTFORM.fmb USERID=apps/passwordMy question is how to successfully compile this form?
    Any input would be helpful. Thank you

    Are you using a WebLogic server?
    If yes, you should use the Forms Compiler
    for file in *.fmb
    do module=$file userid=<your connect string> compile_all=yes
    Tested on WebLogic and working, your paths will be different
    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/oracle_pfrd
    export FORMS_PATH=/u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/fr_inst
    export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$FORMS_PATH/bin
    export TERM=vt220
    export ORACLE_TERM=vt220
    export TNS_ADMIN=/u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/oracle_pfrd/network/admin
    for file in *.fmb
    do module=$file userid=scott/tigersy@dev2 compile_all=yes
    Edited by: mseberg on Mar 2, 2011 8:57 AM
    script run from directory .fmb's are in
    Should also work on iAS
    Edited by: mseberg on Mar 8, 2011 5:22 AM

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    You could put an external HD connected to the TC. Then each time one of you take new photos upload them to a folder on your Desktop. Name the folder with the date of the shoot (this assumes that each of your delete the memory card in the camera after each shoot and upload) and a brief description like: 01/16/10-Aidan's 4th Bday Party. You can also rename the photos in the folder. I use the international date and a brief description: 2010-01-16-Aidans 4th-001.JPG, -002.JPG, etc. You an use a file renaming application likeRenamer4Mac orName Mangler to do the job.
    Next import the folder into your iPhoto. This will create an Event with the same name as the folder. Then drag the folder to the hard drive on the Time Capsule. Then each of you can view the folders on the external HD and import those folders which you don't have - or not.
    This will also act as a backup of the original files. I'm not sure what format the external HD needs to be to work in this manner but it shouldn't matter as long as you're only storing files. You can't run a iPhoto library from it if it isn't formatted OS X Extended (journaled). Also running a library wirelessly is fraught with problems like dropouts which can damage the database file.
    That way you will have 3 backup copies of your photos - actually 2 as the two libraries on the TC really only count as one since they are on the same drive.

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    In the past (pre-Mountain Lion), I had individual folders for each of my mail accounts. For example, I had a folder for Comcast mail, Gmail, Hotmail, iCloud, and Yahoo. In the left-hand column of the main Mail window, it was nicely organized so that there was the "main" folder for a particular email service, and then underneath that folder there would be other folders such as Sent, Trash, etc.
    However, the way it appears now is that there is one single "Inbox", and underneath that Inbox are MORE Inboxes, with each one being a different mail service. For example, under my Inbox, the next thing down is "POP Account", then "GMail", then iCloud". But they ALL fall under the main heading of "Inbox".
    I really don't care for it to be set up this way. I much prefer having a dedicated Inbox for each mail service, and then the various folders that relate only to that service underneath.
    I hope I'm describing this correctly. For years, it was set up the way that I liked it. I'm not sure when it self-changed to the way it is now, but I really don't care for it. I've gone through all of the menus and I can not figure out how to get it back to the way it was.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    The “On My Mac” folder has never existed as such, neither in Mail 1.x nor in Mail 2.x. Mail uses that term to differentiate custom mailboxes stored locally on your computer from mailboxes stored on the server of IMAP accounts.
    In Mail 1.x such mailboxes appeared in the mailbox list grouped under an “On My Mac” icon, whether that’s how you wanted them to appear or not. In Mail 2.x, this changed to offer greater flexibility in how the user wants his/her custom mailboxes to be organized — see Mail Help’s “My mailbox organization was lost after upgrading Mac OS X” article. This allows the user to have multiple top-level “On My Mac” hierarchies, or name the group differently, or have custom mailboxes appear directly at the top level of the mailbox list for greater convenience, etc.
    To answer your question, no, you aren’t stuck with how Mail organizes custom mailboxes, but as you have found out, Mail has some bugs & glitches when it comes to reorganizing mailboxes, and you should make a back up of at least your ~/Library/Mail/ folder before start making changes, just in case.
    I sometimes reorganize my own custom mailboxes by renaming and/or moving them, and have never experienced any issues myself, so you should certainly be able to do things like that. There are only two things I recommend not doing in Mail when reorganizing mailboxes:
    1. Even though Mail allows it, don’t use a folder as both a mailbox (i.e. to store messages of its own) and as a parent folder for other folders.
    2. Never, ever, rename a folder just to change its capitalization. If you want to change from uppercase to lowercase or vice versa, rename the folder to something different first.
    A more thorough discussion of these issues, for those who might be interested, can be found in the following thread, for example:
    Mail - lost mail - driving me mad

  • How to organize documents in KM?

    Hi all,
    Can somebody comment on as how to organize the documents in KM.Is there any standard guideline to follow while creating folders and sub folders in KM so that while viewing a user will get a classified structure of documents which he/she can browse easily.
    thanx and regards,

    Repositories in KM can be organized on the basis of functional requirements and actually real time way of keeping the doccuments in folders structure  there is no such hard and fast rule .to make  user view a classified doccuments you can use KM Navigation Iview as well KM Doccument iviews for specific doccuments. Each KM Iview available in PCD has a specific purpose  which need to be studied throughly before implementing and when you create one it specifically states you the purpose of the iview and always remember the path property in any KM iview is important for doccuments to be displayed and navigated in the repository.
    Hope this helps u
    With Regards
    <b>Subrato kundu
    SAP Enterprise Portal Technology Consultant</b>

  • How to Organize the Website With Different Themes?

    This is a question about HOW TO ORGANIZE MY WEBSITE. This requires understanding of what PAGES means and what SITES means, and I am not too sure.
    Please clarify for me what iWeb means by a website. Specifically, I want to make a website which has several different mutually exclusive themes but which are all accessible from each page:
    Some pages dedicated to my husband, who passed away in 2000.
    Some pages for individual friends.
    Some pages for a group of about 10 people. I want a page for each person in the group.
    Would those all be considered a different website? A different site? Or are they all in ONE website with my one URL, but just all interconnected?
    — Lorna in Southern California

    James' link didn't work because it is just an example
    Your URL will depend on where you upload your
    It sounds to me like you really want three separate
    sites. Why not do this - create FOUR sites. Make the
    TOP site just one page, and make text links to each
    of the top pages of the three other sites on that
    page. You could even add photos or graphics to
    represent each site and link to them.
    Here's an example: is my
    main .mac url and I have made my "top" site an index
    site with links to all other sites I have made.
    If you do this, visitors to will reach
    this "table of contents" page which can take them to or, etc
    etc. The your three separate sites can include all of
    their pages in the nav bar so when someone visits
    Site A or Site B they will see the links available to
    PS - it might be a good idea to put a text link or
    something at the bottom of each page in all sites to
    send visitors back to the main page (index page).
    Something like, "Click here to go back to Lorna's
    main page"
    Well, now this certainly would be another way of doing it! So my main URL would be the first Welcome — Table of Contents page, probably configured with photos and a phrase underneath? And then a viewer clicks onto Picture 1
    and gets transported to the top page of whatever that Picture 1 represents? And on that page 1, there are other sub-pages to click onto? So, Picture 1 might be "Hey, lookit the swim team!", and when people click onto that picture, a page comes up with about 5 hot links that take the viewer further down the road to (1) A group picture of the team with short bios under each photo, and then (2) a news report of the last swim meet that they won in Orlando, Florida, and then (3) an interview of the swim coach?
    Is that what you mean? Am I on the right track and reading you correctly?
    And at the bottom of each page (or somewhere noticeable), I woud put a "Go back to the Home Page" button?
    And within the swim team pages, at the top of the page there is a navigation bar that shows all the other pages in that site???
    Now, James suggested something different. (James Tseng) James said to make only ONE Mother Site and make separate Child Pages all equally sheltered under the Mother Site, but not all necessarily having links to all the other pages in the site.
    This is actually a good situation for me: to have two seemingly equally viable, legitimate, workable solutions to the issue of organizing my themes and pages within the website. Thank you. Hope the weather in Florida stays Flat Water.
    — Lorna in Southern California

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    public class TestClassLoader {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
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    while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
    URL metaInf = en.nextElement();
    So I want to know how to organize the content of MANIFEST.MF file to output the file name

    getResources doesn't do what you apparently think it does. The resource path still has to be an exact match, but getResources allows for the possibility that the same resource path may occur multiple times on the class path.
    You could use it to access all the MANFEST.MF files on the classpath but you'd need to full resource path "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
    The code you've written doesn't access the contents of the manifests, of course. To access the contents of manifests use java.util.jar.Manifest objects.

  • How to Organize the columns in the dynamic internal table?

    Hello Folks!
    How to Organize the columns in the dynamic internal table? i tried passing the parameter COL_POS to the fieldcatalog, Which is not working.

    Organize in What order ? What is your way to output ?
    If you use ALV, you need to create fresh FIELD CATALOG for your dynamic table and then assign the column position.

  • How to organize Data Objects and other Objects in SWCV

    I am looking for Best Practices on how to organize data objects in SWCV as well as other objects such as a Distribution Rules.
    We are planning to develop three occasionally connected applications with NW Mobile 7.1 this year and maybe additional one the following year. We will create multiple Standard Data Objects (e.g. Plant, Company Code, Reservations, ...) which are shared in the first set of transactions and in the future transactions.
    I have heard before to separate out Standard Data Objects from Distribution Models and have two different SWCV.
    Should I have a) one SWCV for all current and future Standard Data Objects and one for the distribution rtules or b) should I separate out common data objects into one SWCV, and all transaction-specific data object each into separate SWCV?
    Just wondering if there are any best practices available for this so that I won't run into problems in the future when we want to add more transactions/data objects?
    Any advise is appreciated.
    W. Berger

    Hi Siva,
    Thanks for quick reply!!
    I have created say SWCV1 for Dataobjects.
    Now i want to create seperate SWCV2 for defining distribution model.
    How i should proceed..I cannot see the uses option while creating new SWCV2  ( Only option i see is  'backward compatibility checkbox : uses NW04/NW04s MI Application')
    where to check the following which you have mentioned?
    SWCV2 was created and inherited SWCV1 in uses tab of SWCV2.
    Thanks in advance!!

  • How to organize in iPhoto 6???

    I need help organizing my pictures in iPhoto 6... When I need to send a picture or just browse in my directory of pictures I have to take a guess in which folder the picture i'm looking for is in. For example I have a "Modified" and "Originals" folder, then I have to open another folder for the year like "2005" or "2006" and after that there is the major problem : I have folder names like "Roll 1", "Roll 16", "Roll 32".... it takes too long to find a picture..
    Can somebody tell me tips and tricks on how to organize my pics so that I can find them easily while browsing my pictures folder???

    Hi cotjoey,
    First, you can always select the photo/photos within iPhoto and File>export them to the desktop, where you can then navigate to the desktop or folder on the desktop to upload or send the photos.
    Second, you can do some renaming of rolls within iPhoto.
    iPhoto 6 Library folder in the Finder
    As you can see the structure is now related to rolls. Rolls are created for each folder you import and each import session from a camera.
    It is very easy to change the names of film rolls within iPhoto to make them easier to find images within. Open the info panel in iPhoto by clicking on the "i" icon. Once it is opened, click on the roll title in the viewing window.
    Click on the word "title" in the info pane and type in your new title. I like to use a date and text format such as 12/25/05 Christmas at Mom's, 1/05/06 my birthday, etc. Once the roll names are changed within iPhoto, they are also changed within the Finder, making it easy to locate an image.
    When importing from a camera, make sure you name the roll with a date and text before the import.

Maybe you are looking for