How to organize movies in subdirectories?

When I add a video to the library, iTunes places it in the iTunes Library, Movies subdirectory, and then a sub-subdirectory based on the name of the video file.  For example, a file named Event1opening.mp4 would end up in the iTunes Library/Movies/Event1opening  directory.  Thus if I have twenty Event1 files, I end up with them in 20 different subdirectories, one file per directory.
I would like to be able to organize these subdirectories so that all of the "Event1" files are in a single subdirectory.  That is, I would have an iTunes/Movies/Event1 subdirectory and all Event1 files would be in it.  It really does not make any difference to iTunes which displays the individual titles and they can be found with relative ease.  However, I am also accessing the library through a set top box and a couple of Android devices.  They just display the iTunes library file structure.  It is not as easy to scroll through every directory to find the specific file and it would be nice to be able to group the files so that instead of scrolling through 1000 files (50 events of 20 files each), I could just scroll through the 50 directories and then find the specific file within that directory. I have about 1,000 files in the library now, and continue to add more.
Can anyone offer a suggestion?
As background, I am running itunes 10.  I have passed several upgrades since I haven't seen the need and most of my Apple products are all older iPods that can not take advantage of features in the more recent versions.  I would upgrade though if that was required to be able to accomplish what I want to do.

Found with a Google search. p.html

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    File -> Relocate Masters
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    Now when I drag and drop the photo no red # shows up and the photo stays in project 1 and also shows up in project 2 apparently creating a duplicate.
    The projects are the basic containers.  Each image and all its versions are in exactly one project.
    You can use an image in many albums, without duplicating it, also in many products like books, screensaver, slideshows.  But the projects are the basic structure of the library and you cannot have the same image in two different project, without duplicating it by storing the same original image files twice. Use albums to organize your library thematically.
    Sorry, I misread your question.   Dragging an image file between projects should move the image and all its versions to the other project.  Aperture should only duplicate the image, if you hold down the alt/options key while dragging and move the image otherwise.
    Which Aperture version are you using? And which MacOS X version?  Is your profile signature "MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS 9.2.x, Aperture 3.5.1" still valid?
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    First off, are your song files in .WAV format?  If they are not, then these directions should work.
    Secondly, it assumes you are OK with the iTunes Way of organizing files. Which means artist folders with album sub-folders.
    If you have some other special setup in the way you organize your folders that I don't know about, now would be the  time to mention it ; )
    Basically, you use a special itunes "consolidate library" command to move everything over, as explained in this article:
    Post back if you have any questions!

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    Now when I drag and drop the photo no red # shows up and the photo stays in project 1 and also shows up in project 2 apparently creating a duplicate.
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    You can use an image in many albums, without duplicating it, also in many products like books, screensaver, slideshows.  But the projects are the basic structure of the library and you cannot have the same image in two different project, without duplicating it by storing the same original image files twice. Use albums to organize your library thematically.
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    Which Aperture version are you using? And which MacOS X version?  Is your profile signature "MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS 9.2.x, Aperture 3.5.1" still valid?
    In Aperture 3.6 on MacOS X 10.10.1 dragging between projects is still working as expected:

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