How to parse this xml

Hi Guys
I have the following xml file.
<scms:TokenDescription xmlns:scms="http://www./schema/2003/07/Passage/scms.xsd" xmlns:xsi="" Name="SID33322800" ATR="asdfafasdfdafdasfsda" FormatVersion="1.0">
  <Token SerialNumber="123456789" SmartChipSN="3232323232">
</scms:TokenDescription>I have managed to read the xml fine and bind it manuall to an object as follows:
            DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
            Document doc = docBuilder.parse (new File("xml.xml"));
                    NodeList keySetVersion = firstPersonElement.getElementsByTagName("KeySetVersion");
                    Element firstNameElement = (Element)keySetVersion.item(0);
                    NodeList textFNList = firstNameElement.getChildNodes();
                    System.out.println("keySetVersion : " +
                           ((Node)textFNList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim());My Question is can anyone tell me how i can read this part of the xml from this document the serial number and smartChipSN
<Token SerialNumber="123456789" SmartChipSN="3232323232">

Try this code,
Nodelist nList = doc.getElementByTagName("Token ") ;
Element node = (Element)nList.item(0);
To read the values of "SerialNumber" and "SmartChipSN", you can use getAttribute method.
String serailNo = node.getAttribute("SerialNumber");
String chipSN = node.getAttribute("SmartChipSN");

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        DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
        document = builder.parse(srcFile);
        NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName("data");
        Node node = list.item(0); // Loop this
        TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer();
        DOMSource source = new DOMSource(node);
        StreamResult result = new StreamResult(outputstream);
        transformer.transform(source, result);
    Using XSLT will be lot easier.No it won't. Extending DefaultHandler is easy.Do you really think so?
    Hardly 10-15 lines.

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    TimeStamp Display Value
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <Report name="Execution Action" type="detailedchanges_rpt">
                <TimestampCriterion name="date" displayvalue="08/10/14 23:08">
                    <Timestamp displayvalue="08/10/14 23:08">1412780929000</Timestamp>
                <MatchCriterion name="approvalId" displayvalue="Not applied" operator="contains" />
                <MatchCriterion name="promotionComment" displayvalue="Not applied" operator="contains" />
                <SelectCriterion name="changeWindow" displayvalue="Not applied" />
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                <BooleanCriterion name="displayUsers" displayvalue="No">
                    <Boolean value="false" />
                <BooleanCriterion name="displayPackages" displayvalue="No">
                    <Boolean value="false" />
                <BooleanCriterion name="displayCustomProperties" displayvalue="No">
                    <Boolean value="false" />
                <BooleanCriterion name="strictPackageMatch" displayvalue="No">
                    <Boolean value="false" />
                <BooleanCriterion name="displayCriteriaAtEnd" displayvalue="No">
                    <Boolean value="false" />
                <SelectCriterion name="elementExists" displayvalue="Not applied" />
                <IntegerCriterion name="maxLinesPerBlock" displayvalue="10">
                <NodesCriterion name="nodes" displayvalue="">
                <MatchCriterion name="nodeName" displayvalue="Not applied" operator="contains" />
                <CustomPropertiesCriterion name="nodeProps" displayvalue="Not applied" />
                <RulesCriterion name="rules" displayvalue="Critical System Files">
                <MatchCriterion name="ruleName" displayvalue="Not applied" operator="contains" />
                <MatchCriterion name="elementName" displayvalue="Not applied" operator="contains" />
                <CustomPropertiesCriterion name="elementProps" displayvalue="Not applied" />
                <CustomPropertiesCriterion name="versionProps" displayvalue="Not applied" />
                <AttributesCriterion name="attributes" displayvalue="Not applied">
                    <Integer name=".missingImpliesFailure">1</Integer>
                <ContentCriterion name="content" displayvalue="Not applied" />
                <MatchCriterion name="auditEventUserName" displayvalue="Not applied" operator="contains" />
                <IntegerCriterion name="changeType" displayvalue="Added, Modified, Removed">
                <SeverityRangeCriterion name="severity" displayvalue="1 - 10000">
                    <Integer name="min">1</Integer>
                    <Integer name="max">10000</Integer>
                <BooleanCriterion name="currentVersionsOnly" displayvalue="Yes">
                    <Boolean value="true" />
                <TimeRangeCriterion name="timeRange" displayvalue="All time" />
                <PackagesCriterion name="packages" displayvalue="Not applied" />
                <SortCriterion name="sortNodes" displayvalue="Name, ascending" isascending="true">
                <SortCriterion name="sortRules" displayvalue="Name, ascending" isascending="true">
                <SortCriterion name="sortElements" displayvalue="Name, ascending" isascending="true">
                <SortCriterion name="sortVersions" displayvalue="Date, descending" isascending="false">
            <ReportSection name="" category="node">
                <String name="typeName">Windows Server</String>
                <ReportSection name="Critical System Files" category="rule">
                    <String name="typeName">Windows File System Rule</String>
                    <ReportSection name="C:\Temp" category="element">
                        <ReportSection name="08/10/14 22:48" category="version">
                            <Integer name="changeType">1</Integer>
                            <String name="changeTypeName">Added</String>
                            <Integer name="severity">10000</Integer>
                            <String name="severityName">High</String>
                            <Timestamp name="changeTime" displayvalue="08/10/14 22:48">1412779682000</Timestamp>
                            <String name="approvalId"></String>
                            <ReportSection name="attributes" category="attributes">
                                <ReportSection name="DACL" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">Inherits Entries: true
    NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, Access Allowed:
     Standard rights:
      Full Control
      Read &amp; Execute
      List Folder Contents
      Read Control
      Write DAC
      Write Owner
     Specific rights:
      Full Control
      Traverse Folder / Execute File
      List Folder / Read Data
      Read Attributes
      Read Extended Attributes
      Create Files / Write Data
      Create Folders / Append Data
      Write Attributes
      Write Extended Attributes
      Directory Delete Child
      Read Permissions
      Change Permissions
      Take Ownership
     Header flags:
      Object Inherit
      Container Inherit
    BUILTIN\Administrators, Access Allowed:
     Standard rights:
      Full Control
      Read &amp; Execute
      List Folder Contents
      Read Control
      Write DAC
      Write Owner
     Specific rights:
      Full Control
      Traverse Folder / Execute File
      List Folder / Read Data
      Read Attributes
      Read Extended Attributes
      Create Files / Write Data
      Create Folders / Append Data
      Write Attributes
      Write Extended Attributes
      Directory Delete Child
      Read Permissions
      Change Permissions
      Take Ownership
     Header flags:
      Object Inherit
      Container Inherit
    BUILTIN\Users, Access Allowed:
     Standard rights:
      Read &amp; Execute
      List Folder Contents
      Read Control
     Specific rights:
      Traverse Folder / Execute File
      List Folder / Read Data
      Read Attributes
      Read Extended Attributes
      Read Permissions
     Header flags:
      Object Inherit
      Container Inherit
    BUILTIN\Users, Access Allowed:
     Specific rights:
      Create Folders / Append Data
     Header flags:
      Container Inherit
    BUILTIN\Users, Access Allowed:
     Specific rights:
      Create Files / Write Data
     Header flags:
      Container Inherit
    CREATOR OWNER, Access Allowed:
     Generic rights:
      Generic All
     Specific rights:
      Full Control
      Traverse Folder / Execute File
      List Folder / Read Data
      Read Attributes
      Read Extended Attributes
      Create Files / Write Data
      Create Folders / Append Data
      Write Attributes
      Write Extended Attributes
      Directory Delete Child
      Read Permissions
      Change Permissions
      Take Ownership
     Header flags:
      Object Inherit
      Container Inherit
      Inherit Only
                                <ReportSection name="Group" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">TRIPWIREENT\None</String>
                                <ReportSection name="Owner" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">BUILTIN\Administrators</String>
                                <ReportSection name="Read-Only" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">false</String>
                                <ReportSection name="SACL" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">(null)</String>
                                <ReportSection name="Type" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">Directory</String>
                    <ReportSection name="C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" category="element">
                        <ReportSection name="08/10/14 23:08" category="version">
                            <Integer name="changeType">2</Integer>
                            <String name="changeTypeName">Modified</String>
                            <Integer name="severity">10000</Integer>
                            <String name="severityName">High</String>
                            <Timestamp name="changeTime" displayvalue="08/10/14 23:08">1412780929000</Timestamp>
                            <String name="approvalId"></String>
                            <ReportSection name="attributes" category="attributes">
                                <ReportSection name="SHA-1" category="modified">
                                    <String name="expected">de375d8a456a7345323babee88975ca567a2d5c4</String>
                                    <String name="observed">3c5520382f91cb1cd898fee2da4eba3fa338d982</String>
                                <ReportSection name="Size" category="modified">
                                    <String name="expected">829</String>
                                    <String name="observed">854</String>
            <ReportSection name="reportTotals" category="reportTotals">
                <Integer name="summary.nodeCount">1</Integer>
                <Integer name="summary.ruleCount">1</Integer>
                <Integer name="summary.elementCount">2</Integer>

    Hi Ritehere,
    I know this is simple but am beginner in Powershell Script so I was looking for logic to go through however the output you provided is not what i am looking for and your script is too complicated, as under timestamp i wanted display value and correspoding
    to display value the OID name and then name value correspoding to that OID. May be u got it wrong.
    Thanks anyways.

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    First, your XML document is not well formatted. Once you're done with that you can extract the values and store it in a table column.
    sql> WITH xml_table AS
      3  '
      4  <nk8:PR xmlns:nk8="">
      5  <nk8:Sr>
      6  <nk8:LID>LID Value</nk8:LID>
      7  <nk8:CID>CID Value</nk8:CID>
      8  <nk8:TID>TID Value</nk8:TID>
      9  <nk8:RID>RID Value</nk8:RID>
    10  <nk8:CC>OnError</nk8:CC>
    11  <nk8:AID>---------</nk8:AID>
    12  </nk8:Sr>
    13  </nk8:PR>') XMLCOL FROM DUAL)
    14  SELECT extractvalue(t.column_value,'//nk8:LID','xmlns:nk8=""') "LID",
    15   extractvalue(t.column_value,'//nk8:CID','xmlns:nk8=""') "CID",
    16   extractvalue(t.column_value,'//nk8:RID','xmlns:nk8=""') "RID",
    17  extractvalue(t.column_value,'//nk8:CC','xmlns:nk8=""') "CC"
    18  FROM xml_table, table(xmlsequence(extract(xmlcol,'/nk8:PR/nk8:Sr','xmlns:nk8=""'))) t;
    LID        CID        RID        CC
    LID Value  CID Value  RID Value  OnError

  • How to parse a XML file

    I am a new learner to XML & JAVA,I dont't know how to parse the XML file using JAXP,Who can tell me,Who can write an Example?
    Best Regards.

    Using the SAXParser in JAXP the parsing of the XML file is event driven.
    Instantiate the parser:
    SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
    SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();
    InputSource is = new InputSource(new FileReader(theXML));call the parse method:
    parser.parse(is, this);The following events are fired as the parser works through the XML public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
    public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
    characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)etc.
    You write what you want within each of these sections to handle the structure of your data. Keep in mind SAX is useful only when you know the structure of your XML.

  • How to parse thus XML data?

    In below thread:
    Receiving .Net dataset with deployed proxies
    i asked how to create a external definition in IR base on above XML data.
    Now,i have created a XSD file base on the XML data.And importing it into IR successfully.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <xs:schema id="NewDataSet" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
    <xs:element name="NewDataSet" msdata:IsDataSet="true" msdata:Locale="zh-CN">
    <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element name="Status">
    <xs:attribute name="Result" type="xs:string"/>
    And now,the question is how to parse the XML data in diffgr:diffgram  segment.It seems a MS-XML syntax.Can it be parsed by XI?
    I tried,but the following error occurs: RuntimeException in Message-Mapping transformation: Cannot produce target element /ns0:ZMT_SD_ORDER01_RESULT. Check xml instance is valid for source xsd and target-field mapping fulfills requirements of target xsd at

    The above Exception seems to be because of mapping error.
    Check your mapping for all the mandatory 1-1 mapping, also the 1-unbounded parent node mapping.
    Once when you import the XSD and activate your External Definition if it does without any error then there is no problem with your External Definition.
    If this error occurs only when you test your mapping then this is mapping error and not because of XSD.
    Please check the parent node mapping like 1-unbounded.
    Reward Points if useful

  • How quickly parse big XML file (60 MB) ???

    How quickly parse big XML file (60 MB) ???

    I assume you mean load it into XML DB ?. Fundamentally your document is about the upper limit for 9.2.x. I would strongly recommend trying to break it up into a set of smaller documents using a SAX parser before trying to load it into XML DB. In 10g it should be possible to load much bigger documents than this.

  • How to Parse the XML generated by Mapping LookUp - RFC API

    Hi Friends,
    I m using the link by Michal Krawczyk for Mapping Lookups - RFC API
    How to parse the XML created in the target node ?

    Check the second half of my code in this blog,
    It deals with webservice call's but almost the same for RFC.

  • How to parse nested xml file using dom

    i want to parse nested xml file
    please tell me how to parse nested xml
    for eg.
    please tell how to parse this file

    Normally if you have no idea about X, the first thing you should do is google "X tutorial". You will find plenty of them out there. And the advantage is, they are better written than whatever we spend two minutes throwing together here. Not to mention that it saves us the two minutes.
    But if you have specific questions with your SAX parser when you get it going, then ask them here. Actually, ask them in the XML forum here, not this one.

  • How to Parse an XML file using SAXParser in java.

    Hi all
    Am a bit new to XML files and have no idea about SAXParsers ... Now my problem is to parse this XML file below
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <sc:memory_segmentation xmlns:sc="sc_memory_segmentation.xsd">
       <sc:architecture name="MPC55xx"></sc:architecture>
       <sc:derivative name=""></sc:derivative>
       <sc:configuration name=""></sc:configuration>
       <sc:memory name="Internal ROM" type="ROM">
             <sc:area name="Bootmanager" type="BOOTMANAGER">
                   <sc:segment name="ROM page 1">
             <sc:area name="Bootloader SWE" type="BOOTLOADER">
                   <sc:segment name="ROM page 2">
                   <sc:segment name="ROM page 3">
             <sc:area name="Application SWE 1" type="APPLICATION">
                   <sc:segment name="ROM page 4">
                   <sc:segment name="ROM page 5">
                   <sc:segment name="ROM page 6">
                   <sc:segment name="ROM page 7">
             <sc:area name="Application SWE 2" type="APPLICATION">
                   <sc:segment name="ROM page 8">
             <sc:area name="Application SWE 3" type="APPLICATION">
                   <sc:segment name="ROM page 9">
             <sc:area name="Application SWE 4" type="APPLICATION">
                   <sc:segment name="ROM page 10">
       <sc:memory name="Internal RAM" type="RAM">
             <sc:area name="RAM" type="RAM">
                   <sc:segment name="RAM page 1">
                   <sc:segment name="RAM page 2">
                   <sc:segment name="RAM page 3">
                   <sc:segment name="RAM page 4">
                   <sc:segment name="RAM page 5">
       <sc:memory name="Internal EEPROM" type="EEPROM">
             <sc:area name="EEPROM" type="EEPROM">
                   <sc:segment name="EEPROM page 1">
                   <sc:segment name="EEPROM page 2">
                   <sc:segment name="EEPROM page 3">
                   <sc:segment name="EEPROM page 4">
                   <sc:segment name="EEPROM page 5">
    </sc:memory_segmentation> And from this file I need to make 3 Hashtables out of it one for ROM , RAM and EEPROM containg Segment information i.e. Segment start and end addresses and Area type of the segment....
    If anyone could at least guide me with the basic commands and structure of the parser it would be really really great ...
    Thanks a lot

    Normally if you have no idea about X, the first thing you should do is google "X tutorial". You will find plenty of them out there. And the advantage is, they are better written than whatever we spend two minutes throwing together here. Not to mention that it saves us the two minutes.
    But if you have specific questions with your SAX parser when you get it going, then ask them here. Actually, ask them in the XML forum here, not this one.

  • How to parse SOAP XML output and load to oracle9i table

    Below is the SOAP output response and I need to load the data into oracle 9i database tables.
    I am able to parse regular XML without namespaces but unable to parse the data with namespaces.
    I would need help in parsing this XML.
    <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u="">
    <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o="">
    <u:Timestamp u:Id="_0">
    <AssetGetListResponse xmlns="">
    <AssetGetListResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
    <a:AccountName>MPS-API Sandbox</a:AccountName>
    <a:AssetTag3rdParty i:nil="true"/>
    <a:ContractNumber i:nil="true"/>
    <a:ContractTypeDescription i:nil="true"/>
    <a:ControlID i:nil="true"/>
    <a:Group i:nil="true"/>
    <a:GroupID i:nil="true"/>
    <a:Model>WorkCentre Pro 265</a:Model>
    <a:AccountName>MPS-API Sandbox</a:AccountName>
    <a:AssetTag3rdParty i:nil="true"/>
    <a:ContractNumber i:nil="true"/>
    <a:ContractTypeDescription i:nil="true"/>
    <a:ControlID i:nil="true"/>
    <a:Group i:nil="true"/>
    <a:GroupID i:nil="true"/>
    <a:Model>WorkCentre 7428</a:Model>
    This is what I tried.
    lp_parser xmlParser.Parser;
    lx_xmldoc xmlDom.DOMDocument;
    ln_doc_node xmlDom.DOMNode;
    lnl_product xmlDom.DOMNodeList;
    lnl_meter xmlDom.DOMNodeList;
    ln_product xmlDom.DOMNode;
    ln_meter xmlDom.DOMNode;
    li_product_cnt NUMBER;
    li_product_max NUMBER;
    li_meter_cnt NUMBER;
    li_meter_max NUMBER;
    lnl_asset_meter_nodes xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    ln_asset_meter_node xmldom.DOMNode;
    ls_batch_number VARCHAR2(30);
    ldt_proc_dt DATE;
    ls_batch_item VARCHAR2(30);
    ls_place_id place.place_id%TYPE;
    ls_product_id product.product_id%TYPE := ' ';
    ls_contract_id contract.contract_id%TYPE;
    li_contract_version contract.contract_version%TYPE;
    li_contract_sequence contr_product.sequence%TYPE;
    ls_meter_id meter_log.meter_id%TYPE;
    ls_read_type meter_log.read_type%TYPE;
    ldt_reading_dt meter_log.reading_dt%TYPE;
    li_meter_value meter_log.meter_value%TYPE;
    li_adjust_copies meter_log.meter_value%TYPE;
    ls_meter_type VARCHAR2(20);
    ls_serial_id product.serial_id%TYPE;
    ls_meter_read_type VARCHAR2(50);
    invalid_parsing EXCEPTION;
    PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_parsing, -20100);
    FOR meter_xml_rec IN (SELECT SOAP_RESPONSE
    FROM temp_table
    WHERE call_id=2) LOOP
    lp_parser := xmlparser.newParser;
    xmlparser.parseClob(lp_parser, meter_xml_rec.SOAP_RESPONSE);
    lx_xmldoc := xmlparser.getDocument(lp_parser);
    ln_doc_node := xmlDom.makeNode(lx_xmldoc);
    ls_batch_number := xslProcessor.valueOf(ln_doc_node, 'AssetGetListResponse/AssetGetListResult/AssetFeed/AccountID');
    lnl_product := xslprocessor.selectNodes(ln_doc_node, 'AssetGetListResponse/AssetGetListResult/a:AssetFeed');
    li_product_max := xmlDom.getLength(lnl_product)-1;
    FOR li_product_cnt IN 0..li_product_max LOOP
    ln_product := xmlDom.item(lnl_product, li_product_cnt);
    ls_batch_item := xslProcessor.valueOf(ln_product, 'AccountName');
    3:32:41 PM *
    **3:32:41 PM ORA-20100: Error occurred while processing: Namespace prefix 'a' used but not declared.**
    3:32:41 PM ORA-06512: at "SYS.XSLPROCESSOR", line 22
    3:32:41 PM ORA-06512: at "SYS.XSLPROCESSOR", line 502
    3:32:41 PM ORA-06512: at line 50
    3:32:41 PM *** Script stopped due to error ***
    3:32:41 PM End SQL Editor Execution

    Something like this :
    lnl_product := xslprocessor.selectNodes(
                   , '/s:Envelope/s:Body/AssetGetListResponse/AssetGetListResult/a:AssetFeed'
                   , 'xmlns:s="", xmlns="", xmlns:a=""'
    li_product_max := xmlDom.getLength(lnl_product)-1;
    FOR li_product_cnt IN 0..li_product_max LOOP
      ln_product := xmlDom.item(lnl_product, li_product_cnt);
      ls_batch_item := xslProcessor.valueOf(ln_product, 'a:AccountName', 'xmlns:a=""');
    ...Or, using a single query :
    SQL> SELECT extractValue(value(x), '/AssetFeed/AccountID', 'xmlns=""') as AccountID
      2       , extractValue(value(x), '/AssetFeed/AccountName', 'xmlns=""') as AccountName
      3       , extractValue(value(x), '/AssetFeed/AssetID', 'xmlns=""') as AssetID
      4       , extractValue(value(x), '/AssetFeed/AssetNumber', 'xmlns=""') as AssetNumber
      5       , extractValue(value(x), '/AssetFeed/SerialNumber', 'xmlns=""') as SerialNumber
      6  FROM temp_table t
      7     , TABLE(
      8         XMLSequence(
      9           EXTRACT(
    10             XMLType(t.soap_response)
    11           , '/s:Envelope/s:Body/AssetGetListResponse/AssetGetListResult/a:AssetFeed'
    12           , 'xmlns:s="", xmlns="", xmlns:a=""'
    13           )
    14         )
    15       ) x
    16  WHERE t.call_id = 2
    17  ;
    ACCOUNTID                                      ACCOUNTNAME           ASSETID                                   ASSETNUMBER    SERIALNUMBER
    de5862bf-f223-e011-bd3b-0024e861b15c           MPS-API Sandbox       ecf1545a-f1e9-e011-8a8a-0024e861b15c      57119B28       UTU101993N
    de5862bf-f223-e011-bd3b-0024e861b15c           MPS-API Sandbox       b33b5160-f1e9-e011-8a8a-0024e861b15c      7EE42ADC       PBB015012

  • How to parse/extract XML from clob field using ODI

    I am very new to ODI. I have an oracle table which has clob field. This clob field contains xml. I would like to parse this xml and convert it to oracle table. Means I would like to make all the tags of xml as oracle table columns.
    I have created a PL/SQL procedure and used XMLTABLE function and I have achieved my goal. The same this I am trying to do with ODI. Since I am new to ODI so any help is appreciated.

    In 9.2, you are limited into your options. Have a look into, among others, updateXML. Updating tp 10gR2 will give you more options to succeed.

  • Liquid data--how to parse the xml which is generated on the fly

    I am using liquid data for retreiving data from database which I am able to do
    but the problem is that it generates the xml on the fly and prints the response
    in xml format in html document .My need is that I want to parse this xml and use
    the data on need basis in my jsp document.
    I am usig following weblogic workshop 8.1 tags in my jsp :
    <lds:query name="bdemo_cust_info" server="t3://localhost:7001">
    <lds:param name="cust_name" value="<%=\"MCD\"%>"/>
    Please help??
    Thaks and Regards,
    Ajay Jindal

    hi Ajay
    You can create a Liquid Data Control and display it using NetUI - or see the QueryClient
    example in weblogic\samples\liquiddata\ejbAPI and create an XML Bean from the
    - Mike
    "ajayjidal" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I am using liquid data for retreiving data from database which I am able
    to do
    but the problem is that it generates the xml on the fly and prints the
    in xml format in html document .My need is that I want to parse this
    xml and use
    the data on need basis in my jsp document.
    I am usig following weblogic workshop 8.1 tags in my jsp :
    <lds:query name="bdemo_cust_info" server="t3://localhost:7001">
    <lds:param name="cust_name" value="<%=\"MCD\"%>"/>
    Please help??
    Thaks and Regards,
    Ajay Jindal

  • How to parse a XML stream sent to servlet with PUT method

    I have to interface my servlet app with other apps communicating with XML.
    This way, My servlet will receive a XML stream in the http request, parse it and send back a XML message.
    What I've done is :
    An html page to send a XML File with a put method :
    <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="PUT" action="http://localhost:8080/MyApp/servlet/TestUploadServlet">
         <input type="file" size="20" name="FileToUpload" value="Select File">
         <input type="submit" name="UploadFile" value="Upload">
         <input type="reset" value="Reset">
    A servlet TestUploadServlet with :
    SAXParser parser = new SAXParser( );
    Trace.traceLine( "SAXParser" );
    parser.setContentHandler (this);
    try {
    parser.parse( new InputSource( requete.getInputStream() ) );
    catch (SAXException e) {
    Trace.traceLine( e.getMessage() );
    catch (IOException e) {
    Trace.traceLine( e.getMessage() );
    and the methods startElement, stopElement and other to work with the elements detected by the parser (already used by other programs parsing local xml files).
    And it doesn't work.
    is the html code is a good way to send a file in the http Put method ?
    is the parser.parse( new InputSource( requete.getInputStream() ) ); a good method to read the stream ?
    please help.

    I think the problemn comes from the method used to send the <XML> stream.
    Using an html form doesn't seem to be a good method.
    I tried several methods or examples found and none of them seems to work.
    here is another example in the servlet side :
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
    throws ServletException, IOException
    ServletOutputStream output = res.getOutputStream();
    output.println("ContentType: " + req.getContentType() + "<BR>");
    int content_length = req.getContentLength();
    output.println("ContentLength: " + content_length + "<BR>");
    if(content_length > 0) {
    output.println("Content: ");
    ServletInputStream input = req.getInputStream();
    byte [] buffer = new byte[1024];
    int nb;
    while((!= -1) {
    Can somebody tell me how to write a java code sending a http request with the content of a file in the content of the request ?

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