How can  parse this xml tag " Cell ID="0" Type="String" Afghanistan cell "

I have to parse this type of xml file.
so how can i parse this type of xml file like
<Row ID="1">
<Cell ID="0" Type="String" >Afghanistan</Cell>
<Cell ID="1" Type="Number" >93</Cell>
<Cell ID="2" Type="Number" >0</Cell>
<Cell ID="3" Type="Number" >1</Cell>

You haven't given us enough information. Is this for iPhone or Mac OS X? What language are you using? etc.

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    I am sure there should be some solution to this. I have XML file like this
    <data value="123" color="RED">
    <data value="13323" color="BLUE">
    I need to parse this XML and get the data element(s). The problem is that I need to get the complete data element include tags like
    "<data value="123" color="RED"><type>single</type></data>". I need to parse the complete XML file and get every data element including tag and send it to another upstream process.
    Any solution to this will be appreciated. I am little familiar with SAX. Is there any solution around using xerces SAX parser.
    Other solution is also appreciated.

        DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
        document = builder.parse(srcFile);
        NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName("data");
        Node node = list.item(0); // Loop this
        TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer();
        DOMSource source = new DOMSource(node);
        StreamResult result = new StreamResult(outputstream);
        transformer.transform(source, result);
    Using XSLT will be lot easier.No it won't. Extending DefaultHandler is easy.Do you really think so?
    Hardly 10-15 lines.

  • How to parse this xml

    Hi Guys
    I have the following xml file.
    <scms:TokenDescription xmlns:scms="http://www./schema/2003/07/Passage/scms.xsd" xmlns:xsi="" Name="SID33322800" ATR="asdfafasdfdafdasfsda" FormatVersion="1.0">
      <Token SerialNumber="123456789" SmartChipSN="3232323232">
    </scms:TokenDescription>I have managed to read the xml fine and bind it manuall to an object as follows:
                DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
                Document doc = docBuilder.parse (new File("xml.xml"));
                        NodeList keySetVersion = firstPersonElement.getElementsByTagName("KeySetVersion");
                        Element firstNameElement = (Element)keySetVersion.item(0);
                        NodeList textFNList = firstNameElement.getChildNodes();
                        System.out.println("keySetVersion : " +
                               ((Node)textFNList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim());My Question is can anyone tell me how i can read this part of the xml from this document the serial number and smartChipSN
    <Token SerialNumber="123456789" SmartChipSN="3232323232">

    Try this code,
    Nodelist nList = doc.getElementByTagName("Token ") ;
    Element node = (Element)nList.item(0);
    To read the values of "SerialNumber" and "SmartChipSN", you can use getAttribute method.
    String serailNo = node.getAttribute("SerialNumber");
    String chipSN = node.getAttribute("SmartChipSN");

  • How to Parse this XML File and require below mentioned value as output using powershell script

    Need values for below as an output for below xml file so help me with the script:
    Under Criteria Tag-
    TimeStamp Display Value
    OID corresponding to display value for nodes "Criterion"
    Under Report Body Tag--
    name in Report Section and OID value
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <Report name="Execution Action" type="detailedchanges_rpt">
                <TimestampCriterion name="date" displayvalue="08/10/14 23:08">
                    <Timestamp displayvalue="08/10/14 23:08">1412780929000</Timestamp>
                <MatchCriterion name="approvalId" displayvalue="Not applied" operator="contains" />
                <MatchCriterion name="promotionComment" displayvalue="Not applied" operator="contains" />
                <SelectCriterion name="changeWindow" displayvalue="Not applied" />
                <SelectCriterion name="auditEvents" displayvalue="(Any)">
                <SelectCriterion name="attributeDisplay" displayvalue="Changed attributes">
                <SelectCriterion name="versionCompare" displayvalue="Version with current baseline">
                <BooleanCriterion name="showContentDiff" displayvalue="No">
                    <Boolean value="false" />
                <BooleanCriterion name="displayUsers" displayvalue="No">
                    <Boolean value="false" />
                <BooleanCriterion name="displayPackages" displayvalue="No">
                    <Boolean value="false" />
                <BooleanCriterion name="displayCustomProperties" displayvalue="No">
                    <Boolean value="false" />
                <BooleanCriterion name="strictPackageMatch" displayvalue="No">
                    <Boolean value="false" />
                <BooleanCriterion name="displayCriteriaAtEnd" displayvalue="No">
                    <Boolean value="false" />
                <SelectCriterion name="elementExists" displayvalue="Not applied" />
                <IntegerCriterion name="maxLinesPerBlock" displayvalue="10">
                <NodesCriterion name="nodes" displayvalue="">
                <MatchCriterion name="nodeName" displayvalue="Not applied" operator="contains" />
                <CustomPropertiesCriterion name="nodeProps" displayvalue="Not applied" />
                <RulesCriterion name="rules" displayvalue="Critical System Files">
                <MatchCriterion name="ruleName" displayvalue="Not applied" operator="contains" />
                <MatchCriterion name="elementName" displayvalue="Not applied" operator="contains" />
                <CustomPropertiesCriterion name="elementProps" displayvalue="Not applied" />
                <CustomPropertiesCriterion name="versionProps" displayvalue="Not applied" />
                <AttributesCriterion name="attributes" displayvalue="Not applied">
                    <Integer name=".missingImpliesFailure">1</Integer>
                <ContentCriterion name="content" displayvalue="Not applied" />
                <MatchCriterion name="auditEventUserName" displayvalue="Not applied" operator="contains" />
                <IntegerCriterion name="changeType" displayvalue="Added, Modified, Removed">
                <SeverityRangeCriterion name="severity" displayvalue="1 - 10000">
                    <Integer name="min">1</Integer>
                    <Integer name="max">10000</Integer>
                <BooleanCriterion name="currentVersionsOnly" displayvalue="Yes">
                    <Boolean value="true" />
                <TimeRangeCriterion name="timeRange" displayvalue="All time" />
                <PackagesCriterion name="packages" displayvalue="Not applied" />
                <SortCriterion name="sortNodes" displayvalue="Name, ascending" isascending="true">
                <SortCriterion name="sortRules" displayvalue="Name, ascending" isascending="true">
                <SortCriterion name="sortElements" displayvalue="Name, ascending" isascending="true">
                <SortCriterion name="sortVersions" displayvalue="Date, descending" isascending="false">
            <ReportSection name="" category="node">
                <String name="typeName">Windows Server</String>
                <ReportSection name="Critical System Files" category="rule">
                    <String name="typeName">Windows File System Rule</String>
                    <ReportSection name="C:\Temp" category="element">
                        <ReportSection name="08/10/14 22:48" category="version">
                            <Integer name="changeType">1</Integer>
                            <String name="changeTypeName">Added</String>
                            <Integer name="severity">10000</Integer>
                            <String name="severityName">High</String>
                            <Timestamp name="changeTime" displayvalue="08/10/14 22:48">1412779682000</Timestamp>
                            <String name="approvalId"></String>
                            <ReportSection name="attributes" category="attributes">
                                <ReportSection name="DACL" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">Inherits Entries: true
    NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, Access Allowed:
     Standard rights:
      Full Control
      Read &amp; Execute
      List Folder Contents
      Read Control
      Write DAC
      Write Owner
     Specific rights:
      Full Control
      Traverse Folder / Execute File
      List Folder / Read Data
      Read Attributes
      Read Extended Attributes
      Create Files / Write Data
      Create Folders / Append Data
      Write Attributes
      Write Extended Attributes
      Directory Delete Child
      Read Permissions
      Change Permissions
      Take Ownership
     Header flags:
      Object Inherit
      Container Inherit
    BUILTIN\Administrators, Access Allowed:
     Standard rights:
      Full Control
      Read &amp; Execute
      List Folder Contents
      Read Control
      Write DAC
      Write Owner
     Specific rights:
      Full Control
      Traverse Folder / Execute File
      List Folder / Read Data
      Read Attributes
      Read Extended Attributes
      Create Files / Write Data
      Create Folders / Append Data
      Write Attributes
      Write Extended Attributes
      Directory Delete Child
      Read Permissions
      Change Permissions
      Take Ownership
     Header flags:
      Object Inherit
      Container Inherit
    BUILTIN\Users, Access Allowed:
     Standard rights:
      Read &amp; Execute
      List Folder Contents
      Read Control
     Specific rights:
      Traverse Folder / Execute File
      List Folder / Read Data
      Read Attributes
      Read Extended Attributes
      Read Permissions
     Header flags:
      Object Inherit
      Container Inherit
    BUILTIN\Users, Access Allowed:
     Specific rights:
      Create Folders / Append Data
     Header flags:
      Container Inherit
    BUILTIN\Users, Access Allowed:
     Specific rights:
      Create Files / Write Data
     Header flags:
      Container Inherit
    CREATOR OWNER, Access Allowed:
     Generic rights:
      Generic All
     Specific rights:
      Full Control
      Traverse Folder / Execute File
      List Folder / Read Data
      Read Attributes
      Read Extended Attributes
      Create Files / Write Data
      Create Folders / Append Data
      Write Attributes
      Write Extended Attributes
      Directory Delete Child
      Read Permissions
      Change Permissions
      Take Ownership
     Header flags:
      Object Inherit
      Container Inherit
      Inherit Only
                                <ReportSection name="Group" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">TRIPWIREENT\None</String>
                                <ReportSection name="Owner" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">BUILTIN\Administrators</String>
                                <ReportSection name="Read-Only" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">false</String>
                                <ReportSection name="SACL" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">(null)</String>
                                <ReportSection name="Type" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">Directory</String>
                    <ReportSection name="C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" category="element">
                        <ReportSection name="08/10/14 23:08" category="version">
                            <Integer name="changeType">2</Integer>
                            <String name="changeTypeName">Modified</String>
                            <Integer name="severity">10000</Integer>
                            <String name="severityName">High</String>
                            <Timestamp name="changeTime" displayvalue="08/10/14 23:08">1412780929000</Timestamp>
                            <String name="approvalId"></String>
                            <ReportSection name="attributes" category="attributes">
                                <ReportSection name="SHA-1" category="modified">
                                    <String name="expected">de375d8a456a7345323babee88975ca567a2d5c4</String>
                                    <String name="observed">3c5520382f91cb1cd898fee2da4eba3fa338d982</String>
                                <ReportSection name="Size" category="modified">
                                    <String name="expected">829</String>
                                    <String name="observed">854</String>
            <ReportSection name="reportTotals" category="reportTotals">
                <Integer name="summary.nodeCount">1</Integer>
                <Integer name="summary.ruleCount">1</Integer>
                <Integer name="summary.elementCount">2</Integer>

    Hi Ritehere,
    I know this is simple but am beginner in Powershell Script so I was looking for logic to go through however the output you provided is not what i am looking for and your script is too complicated, as under timestamp i wanted display value and correspoding
    to display value the OID name and then name value correspoding to that OID. May be u got it wrong.
    Thanks anyways.

  • How to parse this kind of XML documents and store in a relational tables

    Can u guys help me out , to parse these kind of XML under PR there Sr,CreationDate and DoBID.. Again under Sr...there are LD, CID,TID, RID and so on.....
    so how to parse this kind of to create the structure of the table....pls help me out..

    First, your XML document is not well formatted. Once you're done with that you can extract the values and store it in a table column.
    sql> WITH xml_table AS
      3  '
      4  <nk8:PR xmlns:nk8="">
      5  <nk8:Sr>
      6  <nk8:LID>LID Value</nk8:LID>
      7  <nk8:CID>CID Value</nk8:CID>
      8  <nk8:TID>TID Value</nk8:TID>
      9  <nk8:RID>RID Value</nk8:RID>
    10  <nk8:CC>OnError</nk8:CC>
    11  <nk8:AID>---------</nk8:AID>
    12  </nk8:Sr>
    13  </nk8:PR>') XMLCOL FROM DUAL)
    14  SELECT extractvalue(t.column_value,'//nk8:LID','xmlns:nk8=""') "LID",
    15   extractvalue(t.column_value,'//nk8:CID','xmlns:nk8=""') "CID",
    16   extractvalue(t.column_value,'//nk8:RID','xmlns:nk8=""') "RID",
    17  extractvalue(t.column_value,'//nk8:CC','xmlns:nk8=""') "CC"
    18  FROM xml_table, table(xmlsequence(extract(xmlcol,'/nk8:PR/nk8:Sr','xmlns:nk8=""'))) t;
    LID        CID        RID        CC
    LID Value  CID Value  RID Value  OnError

  • How can i generate xml like this?

    Hi all,
    How can i generate xml like this & i need to send it to via HTTP :
                 <subject>message subject</subject>
                 <text>message text</text>
                 <sid>to be define later</sid>
                 <trx_id>Unique number</trx_id>
                 <contentid>see note</contentid>
    </mms>& how can i get the value of the sid (for example)?
    I hav tried to generate that xml by using StringBuffer & append, but it's not what i mean...
    Anyone can help me?

    Ok...i got it. But i still hav some problems.
    This is the sample code that i used :
    public class XMLCreator {
         //No generics
         List myData;
         Document dom;
            Element rootEle, mmsEle, mmsE;
            StringWriter stringOut;
            mms mms;
         public XMLCreator(String subject, String image, String sound,
                    String video, String text, String sender, String recipient,
                    int id, String date, String contentid) {
              mms = new mms(subject, image, sound, video, text, sender,
                            recipient, id, contentid, date);
         public void run(){
         private void createDocument() {
              //get an instance of factory
              DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
              try {
              //get an instance of builder
              DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
              //create an instance of DOM
              dom = db.newDocument();
              }catch(ParserConfigurationException pce) {
                   //dump it
                   System.out.println("Error while trying to instantiate DocumentBuilder " + pce);
         private void createDOMTree(){
              //create the root element <Mms>
              rootEle = dom.createElement("mms");
         private Element createMmsElement(mms b){
              Element subjectEle = dom.createElement("subject");
              Text subjectText = dom.createTextNode(b.getSubject());
              //create url_image element and author text node and attach it to mmsElement
              Element imageEle = dom.createElement("url_image");
              Text imageText = dom.createTextNode(b.getUrl_image());
              // & etc....
              return rootEle;
          * This method uses Xerces specific classes
          * prints the XML document to file.
         private void print(){
                   OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat(dom);
                            stringOut = new StringWriter();
                   //to generate output to console use this serializer
                   XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(stringOut, format);
                   //to generate a file output use fileoutputstream instead of system.out
                   //XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(
                   //new FileOutputStream(new File("mms.xml")), format);
              } catch(IOException ie) {
            public String getStringOut() {
                return stringOut.toString();
    }when i tried to show the stringOut.toString() in my jsp, it's only showed string like this :
    The Lords Of The Ring http://localhost:8084/movie/lotr.3gp 6281321488448 6281321488448 123 0 20070220114851 LOTR.
    1. Why this is happen?i want to generate xml which its format is like above.
    2. How can i send this xml (put in msg parameter) using jsp (via web) without creating the mms.xml?
    3. if i want to set the msg parameter equal to mms.xml - means that msg = mms.xml, what is the data type for msg? is it an object or anything else?
    Thx b4 in advance...

  • How to parse a XML file

    I am a new learner to XML & JAVA,I dont't know how to parse the XML file using JAXP,Who can tell me,Who can write an Example?
    Best Regards.

    Using the SAXParser in JAXP the parsing of the XML file is event driven.
    Instantiate the parser:
    SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
    SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();
    InputSource is = new InputSource(new FileReader(theXML));call the parse method:
    parser.parse(is, this);The following events are fired as the parser works through the XML public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
    public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
    characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)etc.
    You write what you want within each of these sections to handle the structure of your data. Keep in mind SAX is useful only when you know the structure of your XML.

  • How to parse thus XML data?

    In below thread:
    Receiving .Net dataset with deployed proxies
    i asked how to create a external definition in IR base on above XML data.
    Now,i have created a XSD file base on the XML data.And importing it into IR successfully.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <xs:schema id="NewDataSet" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
    <xs:element name="NewDataSet" msdata:IsDataSet="true" msdata:Locale="zh-CN">
    <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element name="Status">
    <xs:attribute name="Result" type="xs:string"/>
    And now,the question is how to parse the XML data in diffgr:diffgram  segment.It seems a MS-XML syntax.Can it be parsed by XI?
    I tried,but the following error occurs: RuntimeException in Message-Mapping transformation: Cannot produce target element /ns0:ZMT_SD_ORDER01_RESULT. Check xml instance is valid for source xsd and target-field mapping fulfills requirements of target xsd at

    The above Exception seems to be because of mapping error.
    Check your mapping for all the mandatory 1-1 mapping, also the 1-unbounded parent node mapping.
    Once when you import the XSD and activate your External Definition if it does without any error then there is no problem with your External Definition.
    If this error occurs only when you test your mapping then this is mapping error and not because of XSD.
    Please check the parent node mapping like 1-unbounded.
    Reward Points if useful

  • How can I change the tag name in cursor statement?

    I have two tables: TableA and TableB. I want generate a XML file using XSU12 from these two tables, the XML structure like:
    <ROWA num="1">
    <A3_ROW num="1">
    <A3_ROW num="2">
    How can I change the tag name and attribute for "A3_ROW"?
    Thanks in advance!

    In short, you can't.
    You can use the column alias as you're already doing to change the name of the "A3" part of "A3_ROW" but you cannot change the "_ROW" part of "A3_ROW". This is added automatically.
    You can combine the results of XSU with an XSLT stylesheet (made very simple if you're using XSU by working with Oracle XSQL Pages) to change the name of any element or completely restructure the XML output into a target XML, HTML, or text format.

  • Liquid data--how to parse the xml which is generated on the fly

    I am using liquid data for retreiving data from database which I am able to do
    but the problem is that it generates the xml on the fly and prints the response
    in xml format in html document .My need is that I want to parse this xml and use
    the data on need basis in my jsp document.
    I am usig following weblogic workshop 8.1 tags in my jsp :
    <lds:query name="bdemo_cust_info" server="t3://localhost:7001">
    <lds:param name="cust_name" value="<%=\"MCD\"%>"/>
    Please help??
    Thaks and Regards,
    Ajay Jindal

    hi Ajay
    You can create a Liquid Data Control and display it using NetUI - or see the QueryClient
    example in weblogic\samples\liquiddata\ejbAPI and create an XML Bean from the
    - Mike
    "ajayjidal" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I am using liquid data for retreiving data from database which I am able
    to do
    but the problem is that it generates the xml on the fly and prints the
    in xml format in html document .My need is that I want to parse this
    xml and use
    the data on need basis in my jsp document.
    I am usig following weblogic workshop 8.1 tags in my jsp :
    <lds:query name="bdemo_cust_info" server="t3://localhost:7001">
    <lds:param name="cust_name" value="<%=\"MCD\"%>"/>
    Please help??
    Thaks and Regards,
    Ajay Jindal

  • How can I display selected tags across multiple e-mail addresses?

    I receive email on a specific topic but via several e-mail addresses. How can I view selected tags where the resulting e-mails span several (7) email addresses. They are all active on my Thunderbird, but as far as I know, I can only display the selected tag on one of them at a time.
    Any assistance greatly appreciated as this is a very big problem for me.
    thanks, Ron75

    This solution does not appear to work across multiple e-mail addresses.
    Perhaps I should have said "work across multiple e-mail address at the same time. I get e-mail on specific topics via several email addresses and wish to view all the tagged emails regardless of which email account in which they reside.
    I could not get this solution to select more than one email account at a time.

  • How can I activate multiple tags at one time?

    How can I activate multiple tags at one time?

    I'm pretty sure you can run this on a sub tree of /etc/tags

  • How can I access xml document from javascript whithin a JSP page

    how can I access xml document from javascript whithin a JSP page?
    I have a JSP that receives an XML document from a JavaBean, so I can access it within the entire JSP, but I need to access it from the javascript inside the JSP... and I have no idea how i can do this.
    Thanks in advance!

    The solution would only work on MS IE browsers, as other browsers do not support an XML DOM.
    It can be done, but you would be stuck with using the Microsoft broswer. If that is acceptable, I have some example code, and a book recommendation.

  • How can I remove people tags from MULTIPLE images in Organizer 13?

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    Comp. 792 wrote:
    Hi, my linked images all have dashed lines at the bottom of the images. I searched for an answer and someone said to add:
    img a {text-decoration:none:}
    to the end of my CSS,
    That CSS is complete nonsense. The correct way to remove borders from around links is here:
    If you want to get rid of dotted lines, they are almost certainly caused by the outline property. However, outlines around links are there for a reason: it provides a visual "you are here" clue to people who navigate the web with the keyboard, either through preference or because of disability. You shouldn't remove the dotted outline without providing a different visual clue.

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    I assume you mean load it into XML DB ?. Fundamentally your document is about the upper limit for 9.2.x. I would strongly recommend trying to break it up into a set of smaller documents using a SAX parser before trying to load it into XML DB. In 10g it should be possible to load much bigger documents than this.

Maybe you are looking for

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