How to pass multi-value input parameter to SQL command

I'm having trouble following the threads related to passing multi-value parameters to a SQL command.
I need more details on the work-around that exists for using a dummy main report to GET the input parameters and pass them to a subreport parameter that uses the input parameters in its sql command WHERE clause.
So far the main report prompts user to enter badge numbers into a multi-value string type parameter field called badgeNumber.
The main report getRequesters command executes the following SQL:
SELECT requester FROM lawprod.requester WHERE lawprod.requester.requester IN  '{?badgeNumber}'
order by requester
The main report also contains a formula called requesterList that concatenates the input parameters and separates the values with commas:  (Join ({?badgeNumber}, ", ")  
So if user enters badge numbers 1 and 2 and 3 the value of requesterList is 1, 2, 3
From the main report I've used the Insert Subreport command to choose an existing report, and used the link tab to link @requesterList to ?requester; where ?requester is a multi-value parameter that is used in the subreport's SQL query as shown below:
WHERE (lawprod.ictrans.update_date <=  {?endDate} AND
       lawprod.ictrans.update_date >= {?startDate} AND
       lawprod.ictrans.doc_type = 'IS' AND
       lawprod.ictrans.system_cd = 'RQ' AND
       lawprod.mmdist.posting_type = 'O1')
      ( = AND 
       lawprod.ictrans.system_cd = lawprod.mmdist.system_cd AND
       lawprod.ictrans.location = lawprod.mmdist.location AND
       lawprod.ictrans.doc_type = lawprod.mmdist.doc_type AND
       lawprod.ictrans.document = lawprod.mmdist.doc_number AND
       lawprod.ictrans.shipment_nbr = lawprod.mmdist.doc_nbr_num AND
       lawprod.ictrans.line_nbr = lawprod.mmdist.line_nbr AND
       lawprod.ictrans.component_seq = lawprod.mmdist.component_seq)
      ( = AND 
       lawprod.ictrans.document = lawprod.reqline.req_number_a AND
       lawprod.ictrans.line_nbr = lawprod.reqline.line_nbr AND = AND
       lawprod.reqline.req_number = lawprod.reqheader.req_number)
       (lawprod.reqheader.requester in '{?requester}')
Following execution of the main report, Crystal appears to prompt for three values as expected: badge numbers for the main report, and start and end dates needed by the subreport.   I can't figure out why Crystal XI returns no data. Can anyone explain what I'm missing?
Edited by: Patricia Sims on Sep 21, 2009 9:30 PM

The reason no data is returned is that the multiple values are not (properly?) passed to the main report's SQL.  The main report's SQL should be (MS SQL):
select 1 as dummy
This causes exactly one record to be returned, which will basically be ignored (except the fact that it will drive the subreport; any query that returns only 1 record will suffice...).
Change the concatenation of the selected values to be (basic syntax):
formula = "|" + join({?badgeNumber}, "|") + "|"
The leading and trailing vertical bars are important (otherwise a database value of 1 might match a selection of 123).
Pass the concatenated string as the parameter value to the subreport.  In your subreport, select records on (basic syntax):
formula = (instr({?sr-badgeParam}, "|"+cstr({requester},"0") + "|") > 0)
(assumes is numeric in the database, and is integer; modify or eliminate cstr() if otherwise...)
Put your subreport on the detail format of the main report, and you're all set...

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    I am giving you a generic example.
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    SQL> r
      1  DECLARE
      3  BEGIN
      5  END;
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    I have skimmed through this an have ran into this problem before but not with RS specifically, but with other ASP.NET apps I have built.  Maybe this work around will help.
    In my database I created a table function I call udf_Split List.  It looks like this: (Can't remember where I got this from, but it's not my own.)
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    @RtnValue table
    > 0)
    Into @RtnValue
    Select Value
    - 1)))
    Set @List
    Into @RtnValue
    Select Value
    Then, in my query I used the following parameter: QueriedField IN(select value from dbo.udf_SplitList(@Parameter,',')  (I used commas to separate the list, but you can use whatever you like (;,|,*, etc.)
    For you @Parameter would be your DDS list parameter.  Hope this helps.  You can enter your list like Item1,Item2,Item3 etc.

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    NAME: contact_details
    Ver Date Author Description
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    I have made the following modifications to your app to get it to work as I thing you need it to.
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    function hilitebtn(val) {
    //gray buttons
    //AJAX call to get project-ids
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=GETPROJECTS',0);
    gReturn = get.get();
    var arr=gReturn.split(':');  //dump into array
    get = null;
    for (i=0;i<arr.length;i++) {
    // alert('val=' + arr);
    if ( arr[i]==5)
    if ( arr[i]==6)
    if ( arr[i]==7)
    if ( arr[i]==8)
    <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>
    <input type='button' id='graduate' value='Graduate'>
    <input type='button' id='distance' value='Distance'>
    <input type='button' id='career' value='Career/Tech'>
    <input type='button' id='photo' value='Photos'>
    2) Defined the application process  GETPROJECTS as DECLARE
    IDS varchar2(1000);
    l_act_code varchar2(100) :=4;
    l_act_code := wwv_flow.g_x01;
    for x in(
    where ACT_CODE = l_act_code)
    IDS := IDS || X.PROJECT_ID|| ':' ;
    3) Changed the 'onchange' event-handler on p1_act_code to be 'onchange=hilitebtn(this.value)'
    4) Added the JS to the HTML Page Footer <script>

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    Excel Action Screen Shot:
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    [Account].[Account Key].CurrentMember,
    [Account].[Account Key].[Account Key]
    [Account].[Account Key].CURRENTMEMBER.Name,
    I am hoping that I can somehow modify the MDX above to make it return all the
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    WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Account Key List] as
    DESCENDANTS([Account].[Account].CurrentMember, [Account].[Account].[Account]),
    SELECT {[Measures].[Account Key List]} on 0,
    ([Account].[Account Company Number].[Account Company Number],[Account].[Account Major].[Account Major]
    ) on 1
    FROM [Company 10 Action Demo]
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    Edit 1 - Adventure Works Cube Version
    I was unable to get the suggested answer with the "Exists" function to work.  To better demonstrate this issue, I have recreated it using the Adventure Works Cube.
    I will focus on the Customer dimension, specifically the Customer and
    Education attributes.  I created a report action called Test Report Action.  Below is the XML created for it in the cube.
    <Action xsi:type="ReportAction" dwd:design-time-name="f35ad5ee-5167-4fb8-a0e0-0a74cc6e81c6">
    <ID>Report Action 1</ID>
    <Name>Test Report Action</Name>
    <Path>ReportServer?/Test Report</Path>
    <Name>Test Customer Existing</Name>
    Below are the steps to re-create the issue.
    Connect to the cube in Excel
    Add dimension Customer -> More Fields -> Customer
    Add measure Internet Sales -> Internet Sales Amount
    Right-click Internet Sales Amount cell, select "Additional Actions" -> "Test Report Action" and see customer values created for URL 
    When the action is ran at this point with Customer, I see the values created in the URL shown message box (since there is no SSRS report server at location specified).
    Now the part I'm unable to resolve
    Remove the Customer dimension and add Customer -> Demographic -> Education
    Right-click Internet Sales Amount cell, select "Additional Actions" -> "Test Report Action"
    Nothing happens. If I ran the action on the cell next to "Bachelors", I would want it to build up all the list of all the "Customers"  that make up the "Bachelors" in the
    Customer dimension as part of the report parameter.  If no attributes where used in the cube from the
    Customer dimension for that cell, then I would like it to return "All Customers", or something similar to show that all customers are included in the aggregations.
    I am not too MDX savvy, thus far.  I think I need to somehow join the
    Customers to Internet Sales Amount in the Generate function portion.  I have tried several different combinations of the
    Customer dimension and Internet Sales Amount, along with various functions to see if I could get this to work with no success.  I am hoping that someone more knowledgeable the me will have a solution.   If you need more details,
    please ask and I will provide them.

    Thanks for you help with this.  This morning I found a workaround.  Below describes what that is.
    What I ended up doing was getting a list of values from a degenerate dimension that I could use to pass to SSRS to get a list of transactions for a report.  Below is how I did this, in relation to the Adventure Works cube using the degenerate dimension
    Internet Order Details.
    WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Order Param List] AS
    EXISTS([Internet Sales Order Details].[Sales Order Number].[Sales Order Number].Members, ,
    "Internet Sales"),
    [Internet Sales Order Details].[Sales Order Number].CurrentMember.Name,
    SELECT {[Measures].[Order Param List], [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]} ON 0
    ,([Date].[Calendar].[Date]) ON 1
    FROM [Adventure Works]
    This will get a list of Sales Order Number in a text string, separated by "&rp:OrderNum=" for each measure of
    Internet Sales. This would allow me to create an SSRS report to bring back detail information for each
    Sales Order Number. Below are some sample results.
    May 16, 2007 SO50493&rp:OrderNum=SO50494&rp:OrderNum=SO50495&rp:OrderNum=SO50496&rp:OrderNum=SO50497&rp:OrderNum=SO50498&rp:OrderNum=SO50499&rp:OrderNum=SO50500 $12,157.80
    May 17, 2007 SO50501&rp:OrderNum=SO50502&rp:OrderNum=SO50503&rp:OrderNum=SO50504&rp:OrderNum=SO50505&rp:OrderNum=SO50506&rp:OrderNum=SO50507&rp:OrderNum=SO50508 $13,231.62
    May 18, 2007 SO50509&rp:OrderNum=SO50510 $4,624.91
    With this, I can then create a Report Action in SSRS with a Parameter Value of
    EXISTS([Internet Sales Order Details].[Sales Order Number].[Sales Order Number].Members, ,
    "Internet Sales"),
    [Internet Sales Order Details].[Sales Order Number].CurrentMember.Name,
    The way I was going about it before was flawed, as I was trying to get a list of the granular values from each dimension used to build the measure value and pass each one of those as separate parameters. I just needed to set something unique for each fact
    measure transaction that represents the value and uses that in a query parameter for the SSRS report.

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    Hi Rajkm,
    In order to pass a multi-value parameter through the Reporting Services Web services, you need to define the same numbers of ParameterValue objects as the number of the values of the multi-value parameter being past into the report. The Name property
    of these ParameterValue objects must be specified same to the parameter name.
    I found a good FAQ article for this scenario:
    How do I pass a multi-value parameter into a report with Reporting Services Web service API?:
    Hope this helps.
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

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    I am Navigating from Report A to Report B using Jump to Report option.
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    I would like to know if its possible or not to pass multi value parameter in drill through report?
    I would appreciate if someone can help me here.

    Yes you can pass multi value parameters to a drill through report.
    It works similar to multi value parameters for subreports, which is discussed in detail in this thread:
    -- Robert

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    Could someone please guide me, how to pass the value to this internal parameter in each of the following case - 
    1. Report is accessed through a Desktop application/Web application in Report Viewer.
    2. Report is accessed through the Url.
    3. Report is accessed through the Report Manager.
    Any quick help on this is highly appreciated.
    -Vinay Pugalia
    If a post answers your question, please click "Mark As Answer" on that post or
    "Vote as Helpful".
    Web : Inkey Solutions
    Blog : My Blog
    Email : Vinay Pugalia

    Hi Vinay Pugalia,
    Internal Parameters in SSRS are parameters that are not configurable by the end-user at run-time and values cannot be passed to this type of parameter (when present in the child report) in case of a drill-through report implementation. This
    type of parameter is read-only and not accessible in parent report.
    This varies from a Hidden Parameter, which the user is not prompted to provide, but can still be configured through the URL to the report server.
    So no matter you access the report through report manager, URL or Report Viewer. The passing value to the internal parameter will not work.
    As you have mentioned that I will also suggest you use the hidden parameter instead.
    More details information in this blog for your reference:
    SSRS – Understanding Report Parameter Visibility
    How to pass value to  hide parameter is the same as that of the visible parameter, similar thread for your reference:
    Passing the value in action property of a text box
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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      I am trying ABAP OO newly. How to pass a value to the export parameter for a method (public instance) called in a report? This *export parameter has a reference type of structure.
    Thanks in advance,

    "class definition
    class lcl... definition.
      public section.
        method m1 imporitng par type ref to data.  "now you can pass any reference to the method, but this way you have to maintain this reference dynamically inside the method (you can't be sure what that reference is really "pointing" at)
    "in program
    data: r_lcl type ref to lcl...
    create object r_lcl.
    call method r_lcl
         par    =  "pass any reference variable here

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    When executing the planning function by create planning seq. in the web template : I see value of variable store data like ...
        A.) input one value -> V1
        B.) input three values -> V1;V2;V3
    This function execute completely in web.
    However, I want to use the planning function in workbook(Excel).
    The value of variable can't input V1;V2;V3... I don't know how to pass multiple values from workbook to parameter(Multiple single values type) in planning function ?
    thank you.

    Please see the attached how to document (page no 16).
    <a href="">how to</a>
    Hope this was helpful

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    Hi Experts,
       i want to pass the value of variable to field of standard sap transaction. but that field is not having the parameter ID. so please tell me how i pass the value to field.
    thanks in advance.

    You might like to provide a few more details of which field and transaction you are trying to interact with... typical solutions involve user exits / BAdIs / Enhancements, or transaction variants, or building a BDC to part fill the screens of the Tcode you are calling.

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    Hi LAScorpion,
    In Reporting Services, if we want to pass a combo box parameter (means signal-parameter) from one report (main report) to another report (subreport), we can enable an action with “Go to report” or “Go to URL” option to achieve the requirement. For more details,
    please see:
    Method1: Go to report
    Right-click a report item to open the properties dialog in subreport, click Action in the left pane.
    Enable Go to report action, then select the main report name in the drop-down list.
    Add a parameter as below:
    Select ID (a parameter name from main report) in the drop-down list of Name, and select [ID] (a field name from subreport) in the drop-down list of Value.
    Method2: Go to URL
    Right-click a report item to open the properties dialog in subreport, click Action in the left pane.
    Enable Go to URL action, the URL below is for your reference:
    ="javascript:void('http://server_name/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2ffolder_name%2fmain_report_name&rs:Command=Render&parameter_name="& Parameters!parameter_name.Value &"'))"
    Besides, if the parameter’s values are based on other parameters, then the combo-box got greyed out when we haven’t select values in preceding parameters. For more details, please see:
    Cascading Parameters
    If there are any misunderstanding, please elaborate the issue for further investigation.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • SSIS-How to pass multiple value to stored procedure from table row one by one using ssis package??

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    If you want to do it in SSIS, a way to do this is by using For Each Loop as mentioned above.
    Create 1 OBJECT type variable (list of values) and one STRING type variable (one value at a time)
    Use EXE SQL Task with ResultSet = FULL RESULT SET and query = SELECT COL FROM TABLE ORDER BY COL ASC...output this to the OBJECT type variable 
    Next, a For Each loop container with Foreach ADO Enumerator, ADO object source variable = Object type variable and map that to String type variable with index = 0.
    Within your for each loop container, select another EXEC SQL Task and pass in an input parameter (the String type variable) and query = EXEC PROC ? -- WHERE ? = String type variable.
    This will execute your store procedure just for that one value out of the whole list.
    Now within the same For Each loop, select another EXEC SQL Task and again pass in an input parameter (the same String type variable) and query = DELETE FROM TABLE WHERE COL = ? -- WHERE ? = the current value 
    The above process should A) get the list of values from the table B) pick one value at a time and execute the proc and delete and right after delete that value from the table.
    Hope this helps.
    -- some further investigation/tweaking may require but it should help you get started.

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