How to password-protect PDFs to prevent editing?

I'd like to print a PDF from within Word and password protect it to prevent editing of the PDF. I don't need encryption (one of the default PDF services), I need password protection against editing.
If there's a way to do this without resorting to Acrobat Pro, it would be ideal.
Anyone? Anyone?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3) ons

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    Hi Rijul,
    Here is the security setting from my httprequest:
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                    protectOpen = true,
                    openPassword = _pdfKey
                WidgetCreationInfo widgetcreationinfo = new WidgetCreationInfo
                    name = _formName,
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                    signatureFlow = SignatureFlow.SENDER_SIGNATURE_NOT_REQUIRED,
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    Any file on the web has to be copied to the local machine in order for the file content to be presented to the viewer. That's how the "www" is built.  So, to make use of your web based PDF the file has to be downloaded to the local machine. This might be to the local machine's temporary internet / browser cache or (via a 'save this to my computer') to some other location on the local machine's HDD. Bottom line -- web based files get downloaded this is the case for protected file or a non-protected file.
    Be well...
    Message was edited by: CtDave

  • How to split a password-protected PDF file?

    There is a tutorial to let you know how to split a password-protected pdf file, check in here:

    Yup. You all are right. I ordered Adobe Acrobat today and the order is still processing. I can get to Adobe but that too does not work. I guess I will have to wait until my order is processed before I get the keys to the kingdom. Thanks for your help and please forgive my ignorance.Regards,Bob

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    Someone on another forum said you can with the app Goodreader Lite, but I haven't gotten to try it yet. I will let you know in about 45 minutes.
    P.S: Or this sounds even better -
    Message was edited by: compwiz1202

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    Yup. You all are right. I ordered Adobe Acrobat today and the order is still processing. I can get to Adobe but that too does not work. I guess I will have to wait until my order is processed before I get the keys to the kingdom. Thanks for your help and please forgive my ignorance.Regards,Bob

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         AcroApp app = new AcroApp();     app.Hide();
              if (app != null)          {
                   AcroAVDoc av = new AcroAVDoc(); 
                   if (av.Open(filename, "Test") == true)               {
                        AcroPDDoc doc = new AcroPDDoc();                    doc = (
                        Utilities.GeneratePath(FileVersion.TEMP) + fi.Name.RemoveFileExtension() + ".PDF");                    doc.Close();
         catch (Exception ex)     {
              ErrorLog.LogError(filename.RemoveFileExtension(), ex);     }
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    There are no methods in the Acrobat SDK for C# for what you wish to accomplish.

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    I would just ask the 3rd party that created the PDF if they could supply unencrypted files. If there is some reason they will not, I am surprised that they have not restricted printing. Normally when Acrobat security is set, you can not print to a new PDF, even if printing is allowed. One option is to provide the ID and password to the other folks who need to review the PDFs. On the surface, there seems to be a license issue with what you are trying to do and you may need to be careful that the company is not at risk. That is why I am suggesting to coordinate with the 3rd party.
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    You will not be able to achieve the functionality that you are looking for with "Password" based encryption\protection. 
    There is no way to monitor\audit the number of attempts to open a password protected PDF

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    Situation: I have a huge stack of PDF files and I'm using Photoshop CS5 to slice out previews and other things automatically, using a self-built javascript. Some (100+) of these PDFs are password-protected. I have the password to these files.
    Problem: Every time the script tries to open one of the protected PDFs it will open a popup, stop the whole process and wait for the user to input the password.
    Question: Is there a way to add the password to the open command of the function? Or more simply put, can this be fully automated?
    What I looked at so far: "PDFOpenOptions", "", the javascript reference("photoshop_cs5_javascript_ref.pdf") in general.
    Basic Example code:
    var f = new File("path to some password protected PDF");
    var d =; //this will trigger the password popup
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have access to Photoshop CS6 as well, if that somehow solves the problem.
    If I'm looking at a dead-end, feel free to tell me too.

    It is possible to do that via Scripting.
    If you are unable to create such a Script maybe you should look up the chapter »Creating data-driven graphics« in the documentation.

  • Open password protected PDF in website

    I hope someone can help me. Greatly appreciate it.
    My website has PDF documents that's available for registered users to view online (through my site) only.
    Currently, I can't find any solutions to prevent users from downloading/"save-as" the PDF doc in their local drives, so I'm thinking of password-protecting these PDFs. This will ensure that they'd not be able to view the PDFs even though they download it and save-as local.
    However, how do I open these password-protected PDFs on my site?
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    It'd defeat all protection intent if I were to give the password to the user to enter, right?
    1. Response.Redirect("mySecuredPdf.pdf")
    2. The browser will then prompt user for password.
    What can I do in the CodeBehind to enable the server to OPEN the pdf, and at the same time, pass the correct password to the viewer to open without prompting?
    I cannot remove password, because I want to prevent users from downloading and then opening it later, or redistributing the file.
    btw, i'm using ASP.NET.
    Please help.

    There's a similar thread in the Acrobat Windows section, and the answer is the same - only a DRM system with a client UI (such as Adobe Digital Editions) can restrict the *use* of a file. You cannot prevent the client downloading and saving it, as otherwise they can't see it on their screen. The page you're reading now is not on a computer at Adobe - it's on yours.
    > What can I do in the CodeBehind to enable the server to OPEN the pdf, and at the same time, pass the correct password to the viewer to open without prompting?
    I think you're getting the flow a little backwards - the PDF is 'opened' by the client, using their copy of Adobe Reader (or whatever). The webserver has nothing to do with the process other than blindly sending the file's 1s and 0s down a wire, so can't do anything to directly control the client's desktop applications.

  • How to password protect a numbers document

    I'm trying to figure out how to password protect a numbers document.
    My intention is to load this document onto a website, but only want authorized persons with the correct password to be able to access.
    Any ideas??

    bscaplan wrote:
    I am using Numbers 08
    And the Numbers User Guide, supplied with iWork '08, make no mention of password protection, which was introduced in Numbers '09.
    Looks like the best option is Wayne's second suggestion—open via File > Print > PDF > Open in Preview, then Save the resulting PDF document with encryption turned on.
    An alternate, if you want the recipients to receive a copy of the Numbers '08 file, and to be able to edit that file, you could enclose it in a secure disk image file.
    The basic procedure is to:
    Use Disk Utility to create a new, blank, sparse disk image, assign a password and save.
    Double-click the .dmg file (and enter the password when requested) to mount the disk image on your desktop, then Save a copy of your file to the (open) disk image.
    When done, eject the image, and upload the (encrypted) .dmg file to the website.
    Detailed instructions may be found in Disk Utility's Help files.
    Launch DU (found in the Utilities folder in Applications), click the Help menu and choose Disk Utility help.
    Go to the index, scroll to and click Security, then click a title similar to "Protecting confidential documents in a secure disk image." (a search on 'confidential' should also take you to a list containing that title.)
    My version of DU is old enough that sparse images hadn't been introduced, or I'd post a copy of the article here.

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