How to populate an application item using ONCHANGE.

I am trying to populate an application item, TAB_INSTATE using an onchange command. I cannot figure out how to do it. Does anyone know the syntax, or can you point me in the right direction. I am unfamiliar with javascript and have been relying on previous examples, posts. thanks
'select partner_name, partner_abbrev
from partners
where state_code is not null order by partner_name ',
|| 'onchange="'
WHEN :p300_authorization1 = 1
THEN 'f_set_casc_area(this,f21_'
|| LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0')
|| ');'
|| 'f_set_casc_subarea(this,f22_'
|| LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0')
|| ')"',
'- Select State -',
'f20_' || LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0'),
) in_state,

Hello Karen,
>> I am trying to populate an application item, TAB_INSTATE using an onchange command.
I believe I answered you in here - Re: once more...4 cascading LOVs, 3rd is hidden 4th no longer works However, for future reference…
You don’t have a direct access to an application item, using JavaScript, because application items don’t render on page. You can, however, using the AJAX framework to do that, using the add() method. The generic code I’m using is the following:
<script type=”text/JavaScript”>
function setSessionValue(pItem, pValue) {
  var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value,null,0);
  get.add(pItem, pValue);
  get = null;
</script>This code can set any page or application item value.

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    I am attempting to set an Application Item
    After login to my app, I want to retrieve a row from my SETTINGS table and populate some Application Items with the settings information so that I can
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    aucyr varchar(4);
    select year into auctyr
    from settings;
    :F106_YEAR := aucyr;
    I've tried a couple of other Syntax tricks attempting to reference the Application Item F106_YEAR from within PL/SQL (like V('F106_YEAR') but nothing seems to be working.
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    Thanks in advance.

    I'm still doing something wrong because this is not working for me.
    I've tried both of the following versions as an Application Process set to run on New Session after Authentication:
    auction_year varchar(4);
    select year into auction_year
    from PBUUC.SETTINGS where rownum < 2;
    and I also tried:
    auction_year varchar(4);
    select year into auction_year
    from PBUUC.SETTINGS where rownum < 2;
    APEX_UTIL.SET_SESSION_STATE (p_name, p_value);
    F106_YEAR is a global Item (shared components).
    The select statement works just fine in SQL*PLUS so I know that it is correct.
    If I run the debugger and log into the application, here is the output. Shouldn't I see my Application Process get called if it is set to run on New Session after Validation?
    My Application process is named RETRIEVE_AUCTION_SETTINGS
    0.01: A C C E P T: Request="P101_PASSWORD"
    0.01: Metadata: Fetch application definition and shortcuts
    0.01: alter session set nls_language="AMERICAN"
    0.01: alter session set nls_territory="AMERICA"
    0.01: ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."
    0.01: ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","
    0.01: ...NLS: Set date format="DD-MON-RR"
    0.01: ...Setting session time_zone to -04:00
    0.01: NLS: wwv_flow.g_flow_language_derived_from=0: wwv_flow.g_browser_language=en-us
    0.01: Fetch session state from database
    0.02: ...Check session 695371898690095 owner
    0.02: ...Check for session expiration:
    0.02: ...Metadata: Fetch Page, Computation, Process, and Branch
    0.02: Session: Fetch session header information
    0.02: ...Metadata: Fetch page attributes for application 106, page 101
    0.03: ...Validate item page affinity.
    0.03: ...Validate hidden_protected items.
    0.03: ...Check authorization security schemes
    0.03: Session State: Save form items and p_arg_values
    0.03: ...Session State: Save "P101_USERNAME" - saving same value: "jps"
    0.03: Processing point: ON_SUBMIT_BEFORE_COMPUTATION
    0.03: Branch point: BEFORE_COMPUTATION
    0.03: Computation point: AFTER_SUBMIT
    0.03: Tabs: Perform Branching for Tab Requests
    0.03: Branch point: BEFORE_VALIDATION
    0.03: Perform validations:
    0.03: Branch point: BEFORE_PROCESSING
    0.03: Processing point: AFTER_SUBMIT
    0.03: ...Process "Set Username Cookie": PLSQL (AFTER_SUBMIT) begin owa_util.mime_header('text/html', FALSE); owa_cookie.send( name=>'LOGIN_USERNAME_COOKIE', value=>lower(:P101_USERNAME)); exception when others then null; end;
    0.04: ...Process "Login": PLSQL (AFTER_SUBMIT) wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.login( P_UNAME => :P101_USERNAME, P_PASSWORD => :P101_PASSWORD, P_SESSION_ID => v('APP_SESSION'), P_FLOW_PAGE => :APP_ID||':1' );
    0.06: ...Process "Clear Page(s) Cache": CLEAR_CACHE_FOR_PAGES (AFTER_SUBMIT) 101
    0.06: Nulling cache for application "106" page: 101
    0.00: S H O W: application="106" page="1" workspace="" request="" session="695371898690095"
    0.01: alter session set nls_language="AMERICAN"
    0.01: alter session set nls_territory="AMERICA"
    0.01: ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."
    0.01: ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","
    0.01: ...NLS: Set date format="DD-MON-RR"
    0.01: ...Setting session time_zone to -04:00
    0.01: NLS: wwv_flow.g_flow_language_derived_from=0: wwv_flow.g_browser_language=en-us
    0.01: Application 106, Authentication: CUSTOM2, Page Template: 2904114531488186
    0.01: ...Session ID 695371898690095 can be used
    0.01: ...Application session: 695371898690095, user=JPS
    0.01: ...Determine if user "JPS" workspace "1040027630222986" can develop application "106" in workspace "1040027630222986"
    0.01: ...Check for session expiration:
    0.01: Session: Fetch session header information
    0.01: ...Metadata: Fetch page attributes for application 106, page 1
    0.01: Fetch session state from database
    0.02: Branch point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.02: Fetch application meta data
    0.02: Computation point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.02: Processing point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.03: Show page template header
    0.03: Computation point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.03: Processing point: AFTER_HEADER     
    0.04: Computation point: BEFORE_BOX_BODY
    0.04: Processing point: BEFORE_BOX_BODY
    0.04: Region: Auction_Title F106_AUCTION_YEAR

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    We can do like this:
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    You can use the application item as bind-variable with its name. ie. your application item is named G_MY_APPLICATION_ITEM, then you can access/set it using :G_MY_APPLICATION_ITEM.
    For example
        -- assign like a variable
        -- use in a SQL statement
          FROM MY_TABLE

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    Hello Amit
    This would be a great place to start...
    Alternatively, APEX 4.0 will make this sort of task declarative.
    Kind regards
    Simon Gadd

  • How to populate another page item based on cascading select lists?

    Oracle 10gXE
    APEX 3.2
    I've created cascading select lists based on the examples (using Javascript and AJAX) that i've seen on this forum. Thanks for help on that!
    Now that I have these LOV's being populated without needing to submit the page, how do I take the value that is presently in each LOV and concatenate them together to populate another page item? I'm trying to build the URL string that will execute an Oracle Report once the user clicks a button.
    Previously, when I had multiple Select Lists with a submit, the URL was being put together using an After Submit Computation that would set the value for an item (P26_REPORT_URL) on the page. Notice that a report parameter (i.e. parameter name and Select List value) is only included if the user has provided a value. The page item that holds these values is then referenced by a button for URL redirect. The URL Target for the button currently is: javascript:popupURL('&P26_REPORT_URL.'), but will not work at the moment because P26_REPORT_URL page item is not changing based on what is selected in the LOVs. Since I'm not submitting anything (do I need to?), how do I put together the values needed?
    Computation for P26_REPORT_URL:
    l_param VARCHAR2(2000);
    l_param := '&REPORTS_URL.&report=&P26_RPT_VIEW..rdf&desformat=&P26_DESFORMAT.&destype=cache';
    l_param := l_param||'&p_olo_code=&P26_OLO_CODE.';
    END IF;
    l_param := l_param||'&p_start_dt=&P26_BEG_DATE.';
    END IF;
    l_param := l_param||'&p_end_dt=&P26_END_DATE.';
    END IF;
    l_param := l_param||'&p_org_code=&P26_ORG_CODE_2.';
    END IF;
    l_param := l_param||'&p_flair_org_code=&P26_FLAIR_ORG_2.';
    END IF;
    l_param := l_param||'&p_agy_code=&P26_BUDGET_ENTITY_2.';
    END IF;
    RETURN l_param;

    This is a great suggestion! After I posted, I started looking at a Javascript solution and figured it's probably what I had to do.
    However, now the cascading select list no longer working for some reason after I added the function to concatenate the item values. When I remove the showReport() function the select list works again.
    Here is what I have in the HTML Header portion of the page:
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function popupURL (url) {
      w = open(url,"winLov","resizable=1,width=800,height=600");
      if (w.opener == null)
      w.opener = self;
    function showReport()
      var l_param = '&REPORTS_URL.&report=' + $v('P26_RPT_VIEW') + '.rdf&desformat=' + $v('P26_DESFORMAT') + '&destype=cache';
      if ($v('P26_OLO_CODE' != '')
       l_param += '&p_olo_code=' + $v('P26_OLO_CODE');
      if ($v('P26_ORG_CODE_3' != '')
       l_param += '&p_org_code=' + $v('P26_ORG_CODE_3');
      function get_AJAX_SELECT_XML(pThis,pSelect){  
         var l_Return = null; 
         var l_Select = $x(pSelect); 
         var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=ORG_SELECT_LIST',0); 
         gReturn = get.get('XML'); 
         if(gReturn && l_Select){ 
             var l_Count = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("option").length; 
             l_Select.length = 0;
             for(var i=0;i<l_Count;i++){ 
                 var l_Opt_Xml = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("option");
    appendToSelect(l_Select, l_Opt_Xml.getAttribute('value'), l_Opt_Xml.firstChild.nodeValue)
    get = null;
    function appendToSelect(pSelect, pValue, pContent) { 
    var l_Opt = document.createElement("option");
    l_Opt.value = pValue;
    l_Opt.innerText = pContent;

  • How to set an application item when report column link is clicked?

    I am trying to set the short name of a bread crumb entry when I drill into a detail from an interactive report page.
    The master report has a column link with target = detail - "page in this application"
    I can pass page items through the URL and they are set on the target page.
    How can I set an application item before the target page is called?
    Is there a way to set a process before the link is followed?

    I'm not totally sure that I understood the question but, it soounds like you want to set the value of some page items on the page that is opened when you click a link on a column in the master window. Is this right?
    If so, you can achieve what you want by creating hidden page item(s) on the target page. In the master page, on which every column provides the link, go into Report Attributes, click on the link column and scroll down to the section labeled "Column Link" Within this section, set the link text to the current column value, e.g. #MASTER_REPORT_COLUMN_NAME_HERE#. Set the target to "Page in this Application" and pick the page number for the target window.
    Underneath this you will see a section to set set the value for page items. If you click the flashlight, you can search for the hidden page item that you created above. Use the same value to set it as you did the link text, i.e. #MASTER_REPORT_COLUMN_NAME_HERE#. Do this and let APEX take care of passing the values on the URL.
    On the child page, just set whatever control you want to dynamically pick up the value from the hidden field. For example, if you hidden field where named P4_CLEARER_NAME. You could set the title attribute to "Contact Information for &P4_CLEARER_NAME."
    You need the preceeding "&" and terminating "." around the name of you hidden page item to do this.

  • How to update 500 list items using Rest API

    Hi All,
    i have requirement that is "required to update 500 list items using rest Api".
    how can i do it,please share your thoughts with me.

    Didn't get you correctly, if you asking reference for REST API to update list items please refer below links
    Destin -MCPD: SharePoint Developer 2010, MCTS:SharePoint 2007 Application Development

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    We have a web application developed using ADF (application development framework) and deployed on WebCenter (weblogic 10.3.2)
    OID Authentication and OAM identity assertion is configured in WebLogic 10.3.2 .
    How to configure security in ADF application (web.xml or weblogic.xml) so that it uses OAM identity assertion (already configured as authentication providers in weblogic server)
    Any pointers or documentation so that application (developed using ADF) check for identity tocken and verifies it with one of identity assertion providers.

    I have to concur. With OAM you don't need this. OAM intercepts the calls and inserts a cookie for WLS to get user information from.
    I strongly advise to go through the above mention OFM Security Guide. Esp. Chapter 10 tells you in every detail how to implement OAM SSO with WLS (with or without OHS as a proxy).
    Reading this chapter saves you time and turnarounds on this topic...

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    Hi @needyrhelp,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    I see that you are wondering how to scan multiple items using your HP photosmart 2610 and for them to be able to be in one attachment in your e-mail. I am happy to look into this for you!
    Please see the how to scan guide for the Operating System you are using. Here is the list of how to scan guides, Scan. Select your Operating System from the list, then select How to scan with HP software, then How to scan a multi-page original text document into a single file. You will need to scan each page one at a time, and add it to the same document. The how to scan guide will show you how. After done scanning to the file, then see the link for How to attach a scan to an email.
    If you do not know the Operating System you are using, please visit this website. Whatsmyos.
    Hope this information is helpful, and thank you for posting!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Can anyone point me in the right direction? I have googled and searched but cant seem to get anywhere.
    Also once i get my menu established, i would like to style it. It seems like a lot of work to style each element by hand. I was wondering if there were some collection of spry menu css files somewhere that i could just attach and presto!
    Thank you.

    I would like to use dreamweaver cs4 and spry menu to create a dynamically created menu system. My concept is to populate the menu items on the fly using MS sql server as the database technology.
    create a dynamic XML file containing data from the database
    create A SpryXMLDataSet
    create a SpryRegion where the menu appears
    using SpryRepeat populate the menu
    More info can be found here
    Also once i get my menu established, i would like to style it. It seems like a lot of work to style each element by hand. I was wondering if there were some collection of spry menu css files somewhere that i could just attach and presto!
    Have a look here
    If you require further Spry related support go to

  • How to populate multiple list items dynamically?

    Dear members,
    I have a form there are 3 list items i want to populate these from a record group by dynamically.
    but i can be able to populate only one list item. the others give errors.
    frm-41337 cannot populate the list from record group.
    following is the program unit:
         (p_list_item in varchar2,
         p_query in varchar2)
         cst_rg_name constant varchar2(30) :=
         v_rg_id RECORDGROUP;
         v_rg_id := FIND_GROUP(cst_rg_name);
         if id_null(v_rg_id) then
              v_rg_id := create_group_from_query(cst_rg_name, p_query);
         end if;
         if populate_group(v_rg_id) =0 then
              populate_list(p_list_item, v_rg_id);
         end if;
    i call this in the when-create-record
    'select location_name, to_char(location_id) from gl_locations');
    'select company_name, to_char(company_id) from gl_company');
    'select group_name, to_char(group_id) from gl_user_groups');
    only one is populated others give errors.
    what is wrong?
    Muhammad Nadeem
    Oracle Programmer

    Hi again,
    Did the popup work ?
    For the list item , use the built-in add_list_element in a loop. Example : in the pre-form or when-new-form-instance trigger ,
    for rec in (select column1,column2 from t_table order by 1 desc) loop
    ADD_LIST_ELEMENT('block_name.list_item_name', 1, rec.column1, rec.column2);
    end loop;
    See you

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    Not sure it will work, but you can try using the app.hideMenuItem() method. See reference here.

Maybe you are looking for

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