How to populate another page item based on cascading select lists?

Oracle 10gXE
APEX 3.2
I've created cascading select lists based on the examples (using Javascript and AJAX) that i've seen on this forum. Thanks for help on that!
Now that I have these LOV's being populated without needing to submit the page, how do I take the value that is presently in each LOV and concatenate them together to populate another page item? I'm trying to build the URL string that will execute an Oracle Report once the user clicks a button.
Previously, when I had multiple Select Lists with a submit, the URL was being put together using an After Submit Computation that would set the value for an item (P26_REPORT_URL) on the page. Notice that a report parameter (i.e. parameter name and Select List value) is only included if the user has provided a value. The page item that holds these values is then referenced by a button for URL redirect. The URL Target for the button currently is: javascript:popupURL('&P26_REPORT_URL.'), but will not work at the moment because P26_REPORT_URL page item is not changing based on what is selected in the LOVs. Since I'm not submitting anything (do I need to?), how do I put together the values needed?
Computation for P26_REPORT_URL:
l_param VARCHAR2(2000);
l_param := '&REPORTS_URL.&report=&P26_RPT_VIEW..rdf&desformat=&P26_DESFORMAT.&destype=cache';
l_param := l_param||'&p_olo_code=&P26_OLO_CODE.';
l_param := l_param||'&p_start_dt=&P26_BEG_DATE.';
l_param := l_param||'&p_end_dt=&P26_END_DATE.';
l_param := l_param||'&p_org_code=&P26_ORG_CODE_2.';
l_param := l_param||'&p_flair_org_code=&P26_FLAIR_ORG_2.';
l_param := l_param||'&p_agy_code=&P26_BUDGET_ENTITY_2.';
RETURN l_param;

This is a great suggestion! After I posted, I started looking at a Javascript solution and figured it's probably what I had to do.
However, now the cascading select list no longer working for some reason after I added the function to concatenate the item values. When I remove the showReport() function the select list works again.
Here is what I have in the HTML Header portion of the page:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function popupURL (url) {
  w = open(url,"winLov","resizable=1,width=800,height=600");
  if (w.opener == null)
  w.opener = self;
function showReport()
  var l_param = '&REPORTS_URL.&report=' + $v('P26_RPT_VIEW') + '.rdf&desformat=' + $v('P26_DESFORMAT') + '&destype=cache';
  if ($v('P26_OLO_CODE' != '')
   l_param += '&p_olo_code=' + $v('P26_OLO_CODE');
  if ($v('P26_ORG_CODE_3' != '')
   l_param += '&p_org_code=' + $v('P26_ORG_CODE_3');
  function get_AJAX_SELECT_XML(pThis,pSelect){  
     var l_Return = null; 
     var l_Select = $x(pSelect); 
     var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=ORG_SELECT_LIST',0); 
     gReturn = get.get('XML'); 
     if(gReturn && l_Select){ 
         var l_Count = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("option").length; 
         l_Select.length = 0;
         for(var i=0;i<l_Count;i++){ 
             var l_Opt_Xml = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("option");
appendToSelect(l_Select, l_Opt_Xml.getAttribute('value'), l_Opt_Xml.firstChild.nodeValue)
get = null;
function appendToSelect(pSelect, pValue, pContent) { 
var l_Opt = document.createElement("option");
l_Opt.value = pValue;
l_Opt.innerText = pContent;

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    There's a method to doing what you're wanting to do that I've
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    Hi 2932464,
    2932464 wrote:
    I have a set of text Field items in oracle apex:
    Order Number
    Revision Number
    When we open the report, revision should be hidden.
    Only when the user enters unique order number (non-duplicate order numbers), revision number should be visible.
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    Please help.
    Giving you example how to achieve this.
    Step 1. Create three Page Items
        1) P1_ORDER_NO - Text Field
        2) P1_REVISION_NO - Text Field
        3) P1_ENABLE_DISABLE_REVNO  - Hidden,Value Protected - No
    2. Create 3 Dynamic Actions
    1) Disable revision number on page load
        Event - Page Load
        Action - Disable
        Fire When Event Result Is  - True
        Selection Type - Item
        Item - P1_REVISION_NO
      2) Check duplicate order number
        Event - Change
        Selection Type - Item(s)
        Item(s) - P1_ORDER_NO
        Condition - is not null
        Action - Execute PL/SQL Code
        Generate opposite false action - Unchecked
        Fire When Event Result Is  - True
        Fire on page load - Unchecked
        Stop Execution On Error - Checked
        Wait for Result - Checked
        PL/SQL Code -
    l_count number;
      select count(*) into l_count
        from emp
       where empno = :P1_ORDER_NO;
    if l_count > 0 then
    end if;
    Page Items to Submit = P1_ORDER_NO
    Page Items to Return  = P1_ENABLE_DISABLE_REVNO
    3 ) Enable and Disable Revision Number
        Event - Change
        Selection Type - Item(s)
        Item(s) - P1_ENABLE_DISABLE_REVNO
       condition - greater than or equal to
       value  - 1
       Action - Disable
       Fire on Page Laod - Unchecked
       Generate opposite false action - checked
       Selection Type = Item(s)
       Item(s) - P1_REVISION_NO
    Hope this helps you,

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    you can also have a look at the following thread.
    Re: Shuttle Control In APEX 3
    My APEX Blog:
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    please help me on this regards.
    Edited by: user13416557 on Aug 27, 2011 1:48 PM

    When you are on page 32, check that there is value on page 34 item session state

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    Could you please tell how you try use it ?
    If you set value to item P55_COURSES_TO_EVALUATE and submit page, value is saved to session state.
    Then you can use that item in any page like
    :P55_COURSES_TO_EVALUATEYou can not access page value in javascript/jQuery from other pages like
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    --variables needed to read excel data from flow files
    v_blob_data BLOB;
    v_blob_len NUMBER;
    v_position NUMBER;
    v_raw_chunk RAW(10000);
    v_char CHAR(1);
    c_chunk_len number := 1;
    v_line VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
    v_data_array wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
    v_rows number;
    v_sr_no number := 1;
    --------------------------------------get file info from www_flow_files
    select blob_content into v_blob_data from wwv_flow_files
    where last_updated = (select max(last_updated) from wwv_flow_files where UPDATED_BY = :APP_USER) and id = (select max(id) from wwv_flow_files where updated_by = :APP_USER);
    v_blob_len := dbms_lob.getlength(v_blob_data);
    v_position := 1;
    --Read and convert binary to char
    WHILE ( v_position <= v_blob_len ) LOOP
    v_raw_chunk := dbms_lob.substr(v_blob_data,c_chunk_len,v_position);
    v_char := chr(p_bl_wd_data_entry.hex_to_decimal(rawtohex(v_raw_chunk)));
    v_line := v_line || v_char;
    v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;
    -- When a whole line is retrieved
    IF v_char = CHR(10) THEN
    -- Convert comma to : to use wwv_flow_utilities </span>
    v_line := REPLACE (v_line, ',', ':');
    -- Convert each column separated by : into array of data </span>
    v_data_array := wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table (v_line);
    --get filename from wwv_flow_files
    select filename into :P2100_FILE_NAME from wwv_flow_files where last_updated = (select max(last_updated) from wwv_flow_files where UPDATED_BY = :APP_USER) and id = (select max(id) from wwv_flow_files where updated_by = :APP_USER);
    :P2100_AUTHORISATION_ID:= v_data_array(2);
    -- Clear out
    -- v_line := NULL;
    --v_sr_no := v_sr_no + 1;
    END IF;
    Best Regards

    Hi Joel
    Continuing on from my last question, there was something else I want to ask if you dont mind.
    Now that I have the v_data_array(2) value in a page item I would like to use as an input value to a procedure to return some information I need displayed on the page. To do this I need to convert it to a number but when I try to so this I get the following error
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    When I use the wwv_flow.debug that you told me about it is outputting a value '4851 ' so it look like there may be some sort of asii character causing a problem. I have tried using trim(v_data_array(2)) and ascii(v_data_array(2)) but nothing seems to work.
    Would you know how to convert a v_data_array value to a number? At the moment I am attemting to do it withiin the same code I attached in my earlier post but I have replaced the assignment of :P2100_AUTHORISATION_ID with the code below where P_BL_WD_DATA_ENTRY.getauthid is the procedure returning the values I need.
    :P2100_AUTHORISATION_ID:= P_BL_WD_DATA_ENTRY.getauthid(to_number(v_data_array(2)));

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    I'm working on a drilldown dashboard page and have been encountering a problem when i try to populate a Text Page Item (hidden or not) using the javascript built in $s function.
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    Here's an example of code that works:
    SELECT 'javascript:$s("P1_DEPTNO",'||d.deptno||')' LINK,
    d.dname LABEL,
    sum(e.SAL) sal
    FROM emp e, dept d
    where e.deptno = d.deptno
    group by 'javascript:$s("P1_DEPTNO",'||d.deptno||')', d.dname And here's an example of code that does not work:
    SELECT 'javascript:$s("P1_DEPTNO",'||d.loc||')' LINK,
    d.dname LABEL,
    sum(e.SAL) sal
    FROM emp e, dept d
    where e.deptno = d.deptno
    group by 'javascript:$s("P1_DEPTNO",'||d.loc||')', d.dname However, when I hard code a text value the script works:
    SELECT 'javascript:$s("P1_DEPTNO","BOSTON")' LINK,
    d.dname LABEL,
    sum(e.SAL) sal
    FROM emp e, dept d
    where e.deptno = d.deptno
    group by 'javascript:$s("P1_DEPTNO","BOSTON")', d.dname
    ORDER BY d.dname I'm encountering this problem on several versions of APEX: ( installation) and (
    Does anybody know of this problem and how to solve it? I've looked for settings on the page item itself, and can't figure it out.
    I've re-written my sql to utilize the value fields of my tables instead but I have some objects on the page which are really going to depend on the character based data instead.

    In your javascript you are generating, surround your value with double-quotes and it'll should then always work with both numbers and strings (your strings are probably being interpreted as variable names and they don't exist at runtime, hence erroring out).
    SELECT 'javascript:$s("P1_DEPTNO","'||d.loc||'")' LINK,Edited by: gti_matt on Aug 16, 2011 9:50 AM

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    Any suggestion would be appreciated. thanks.

    You can create your own tabular form using APEX_ITEM API's
    Create report and you can put similar code to following
    SELECT APEX_ITEM.TEXT(1,col1) pk1, APEX_ITEM.TEXT(2,col2) pk2 FROM your_tableSo data will be displayed in TEXT boxes as if it's a tabular form. Now you need to handle INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE processes manually. You can easily handle INSERT and DELETE. But handling UPDATE can be a nightmare. What if user has updated both the column values?
    Updated details
    One way out would be to use ROWID as Primary key to handle DELETE and UPDATE
    SELECT APEX_ITEM.CHECKBOX(1,ROWID) tick, APEX_ITEM.TEXT(2,col1) pk1, APEX_ITEM.TEXT(3,col2) pk2 FROM your_tablebut yet I suggest to go for proper primary key..
    Edited by: Hari_639 on Dec 3, 2009 6:52 PM

  • How to remove the Page Item in thin Bean JSP

    Hi, I'm wondering how to remove the Page Item in JSP developed by BIBeans, since I have tried to remove the Presentation's Page Item in BiBeans Catalog, but with no result in JSP. Thank you!

    There are two ways to do this:
    1) If you want to remove and individual dimension from a presentation, you can hide the dimension. This can be performed directly from within QueryBuilder. Within the first section of Query Builder that shows the selected measures selected and associated dimensions, simply remove the required dimensions from the right dialog panel.
    2) To hide all page items within a presentation, simply add the following the property, pagingControlVisible="False", to the presentation tag in your JSP. For example:
    <orabi:Presentation location="Local Computer Sales/Products/KPI Sales Prior Period and Prior Year" id="BIProductKPIs_pres2" pagingControlVisible="False"/>
    Hope this helps
    Business Intelligence Beans Product Management Team
    Oracle Corporation

  • Want 2 populate value in 2nd list item based on value selected in 1st list?

    Want 2 populate value in 2nd list item based on value selected in 1st list?

    Gaurav -
    The 3rd list will not populate because nothing has been selected yet in list 2. The value in list 2 is null, so the loop to populate list (3) has nothing to load. Try the following below. This should seed your 2nd list so the 3rd list will populate.
    You will have to declare first_record boolean and first_value to match DESCC.
    first_record := true; -- NEW *****
    if first_record = true then -- NEW SECTION *****
    first_value := CurRec.DESCC;
    first_record := false;
    end if;
    :block2.item2 := first_value; -- NEW *****
    My name is Ken, 1990 is when I started using Oracle Forms 3.0, character based in the Unix environments. And you are very welcome.

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    How do I delete Completed items from the Completed Reminders List? The list is growing too long.

    The little box, next to the reminder on the reminder page.  Touch it, and it puts a check mark there, i suppose to mean completed.  Leave the app.  When you go back, the items are gone.  ( at least on mine...)

  • Enable/Disable item Based Value from Select in Tabular Form

    Hi Guys
    I want to Disable text field in Tabular form, Based on the Select List Item Value.
    Let's Say
    I'm having one select lista and text box in each record in tabular form.
    Select List having 2 items ... Add Text(return value 1) and No Text(return value 2)
    if value =1 then i want to enable text box , so user can enter value.
    if value=2 then text box won't allow to add text or will become disalbe.
    Please Help

    You can do this by using a small java script
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function FldEnableDisable(pThis)
    if (pThis == 50)
    { $x('P2_TEXT').disabled=false; }
    </script>Here P2_Text is the text box whose value I am enabling or disabling based on the selected value from a List box. On The list box I have onChange="javascript:FldEnableDisable(this.value)" ( You can specify this under HTML Form Element Attributes)
    Manish Jha

  • Condition that checks the value of an Item derived from a select list

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    Type: PL/SQL Expression
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    I also tried, :P1_SELECT is not null and :P1_SELECT = '%nul%'.
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    Message was edited by:
    After a long day I saw that I did not write the condition correctly. Mea culpa.

    I had the problem wrong.
    The issue was a second field that could have a Y or N or null. When I checked it in PL/SQL expression as
    :P_YN != 'Y' and :P_SELECT is null
    assuming the null condition would resolve as != 'Y' I had to do an explicit check as
    (:P_YN != 'Y' or :P_YN is null) and :P_SELECT is null
    That fixed it.... I like null and I hate null
    Thanks for the reply

  • Update primary key with a tabular form based on a select list for each row

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    Now I want to change the primary key values in table2.column1 with a tabular form (MRU) based on a select list (LOV based on table1.column1) for each row.
    The user should be able to choose for every row a new value from the select list to change the old primary key value at this position.
    How can I do this with ApEx?
    I've the tabular form and so on, but at the moment I get the following error:
    "Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Fehler in MRU: row= 1, ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Die aktuelle Version der Daten in der Datenbank wurde geändert, seit der Benutzer einen Update-Prozess eingeleitet hat. ..."
    Thank you for your support!

    I've two tables: Table1 with only one column (primary key) is a foreign key for table2.column1 (primary key). There is also a second primary key column in table2.
    Now I want to change the primary key values in table2.column1 with a tabular form (MRU) based on a select list (LOV based on table1.column1) for each row.
    The user should be able to choose for every row a new value from the select list to change the old primary key value at this position.
    How can I do this with ApEx?
    I've the tabular form and so on, but at the moment I get the following error:
    "Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Fehler in MRU: row= 1, ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Die aktuelle Version der Daten in der Datenbank wurde geändert, seit der Benutzer einen Update-Prozess eingeleitet hat. ..."
    Thank you for your support!

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