How to populate pdf metadata "Subject" through "File - File Info"?

I am looking for a way to include metadata for the "Subject" of the publication through the file information settings.
When I include the title and author information, on a pdf export opened in Adobe Acrobat those two fields are filled in, however I can't seem to find a field for filling in the "Subject" that is in the document properties through Adobe Acrobat.
Is there a way to add this metadata through the file information window? Or is it something that would have to be manually entered in the metadata file?
These are more internal "Subjects" so the IPTC subject codes don't work, and they don't fill in this area of the metadata anyway.
Hopefully the question makes sense, thanks in advance for your help!
Kristin Crawford

One of the quirks in working with XMP metadata is that the names for the various categories of information appear to change between InDesign and Acrobat.  Thus if you put text in ID's "Description" it will show up in the "Subject" in Acrobat.  Note that Tomaxxi offers a free panel for IDCS5-6 that can makes these categories easier to access.
As you already know, IPTC adds many more categories, and XMP's extensibility means you can add your own, or others Adobe does not include.

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    Thank you for your help !

    Accessing the object is simple enough in a batch script (an Action in Acrobat X and later). The tricky part is in storing the results, as Acrobat doesn't like you writing to generic files on disc.
    I've attached a JS file that you run inside an Action. It creates a new blank document, which has an attachment containing the data as a tab-delimited list. Note that if you run the Action repeatedly without closing the blank document, it'll keep adding to the list.
    To use it, create a new Action, set the source files to "Ask when Action is Started" and "Don't Save Changes", add a JavaScript step from the More Tools panel, and paste in the contents of the JS file.
    You don't say what version of Acrobat you're using, so I can't post a pre-made SEQU file.

  • How to populate data in MPP through F4 search help(the field should get filtered as per key)

    Dear Experts.
    I am new to ABAP and hence trying jmy hands on various ways of peforming a task.
    I have a requirement. I want to maintain a database tables through MPP :  ZLT_Auftrag (Refer Screen Shot 1: Doubt MPP1) and ZLT_Kunde (Refer Screen Shot2: Doubt MPP2)
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    The fields of ZLT_Auftrag are: A1, A2, A3, A4, P1 P2 and P3 are related as per the key field "A3"   (Here A3 = K2)
    I want the User to be able to Maintain this table through the Screen that I had created using MPP. (Plz refer the attached Screen Shot3:Doubt MPP3  of the SCREEN in MPP)
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    MY REQUIREMENT: Here I want that either through F4 help or through drop down ONLY those values of Auftrag-A1 should appear on the SCREEN which satisfies the condition: A3 = K2
    I am unbale to get how to do that.
    I need your valuable suggstions.

    And the  code of the MPP is:
    *& Module Pool       SAPMZDEMO_MPOOL_03
    TABLES:  ZLT_MITA, ZLT_Kunde, ZLT_Auftrag, Zlt_Stdsatz.
    DATA: flg_lock  TYPE c,
    *      indx  TYPE i,
    *      indxk TYPE i,
    *      indxa TYPE i,
    *      TCNT TYPE sy-tabix,
          lv_msgv1  TYPE  sy-msgv1.
    *DATA: it_mita    TYPE TABLE OF ZLT_mita,
    *      it_kunde   TYPE TABLE OF ZLT_KUNDE,
    *      it_auftrag TYPE TABLE OF ZLT_AUFTRAG.
    *&      Module  STATUS_9000  OUTPUT
    *       text
    module STATUS_9000 output.
    *  SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'.
      If flg_lock is Not initial.
        LOOP at Screen.
      If screen-group1 = 'G1'.
      Screen-input = 0.
          MESSAGE s000(8i) WITH 'Mitarbeiter already locked by user' lv_msgv1.
    endmodule.                 " STATUS_9000  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_9000  INPUT
    *       text
    module USER_COMMAND_9000 input.
    *To Populate Data into Mitarbeiter through Pushbuttons
      CASE sy-ucomm.
        When 'OK_GET'.
          Clear : flg_lock.
            IF ZLT_MITA-M1 is NOT INITIAL.
                SELECT SINGLE *
                FROM  ZLT_MITA
                Where M1 = ZLT_MITA-M1.
    *To create a Lock Object so that when two or more employees are accessing the same data
    * at the same time then for the new user the data gets locked and only can been seen in
    *display mode
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
               MODE_ZLT_MITA        = 'E'
               MANDT                = SY-MANDT
               M1                   = ZLT_MITA-M1
    *           X_M1                 = ' '
    *           _SCOPE               = '2'
    *           _WAIT                = ' '
    *           _COLLECT             = ' '
               FOREIGN_LOCK         = 1
               SYSTEM_FAILURE       = 2
               OTHERS               = 3
            IF sy-subrc <> 0.
              flg_lock = 'X'.
              lv_msgv1 = sy-msgv1.
                MESSAGE S000(8i) With 'Enter Mitarbeiter Name'.
        When 'OK_SAVE'.
           Modify ZLT_MITA.
           IF sy-subrc = 0.
             MESSAGE s000(8i) With 'Data Saved'.
        When 'OK_DELETE'.
            IF ZLT_MITA-M1 is NOT INITIAL.
                FROM  ZLT_MITA
                Where M1 = ZLT_MITA-M1.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                MESSAGE S000(8i) With 'Data deleted'.
    *     When 'OK_FIRST'.
    *           indx = 1.
    *     When 'OK_NEXT'.
    *           indx = indx + 1.
    *     When 'OK_PREV'.
    *           indx = indx - 1.
    *     When 'OK_LAST'.
    *           Describe Table it_mita lines indx.
    *To Populate Data into Kunde through Pushbuttons
        When 'OK_GETK'.
            IF ZLT_Kunde-K1 is NOT INITIAL.
                SELECT SINGLE *
                FROM  ZLT_Kunde
                Where K1 = ZLT_KUNDE-K1.
                MESSAGE S000(8i) With 'Enter Kunde Name'.
        When 'OK_SAVEK'.
           Modify ZLT_Kunde.
           IF sy-subrc = 0.
             MESSAGE s000(8i) With 'Data Saved'.
        When 'OK_DELETEK'.
            IF ZLT_KUNDE-K1 is NOT INITIAL.
                FROM  ZLT_KUNDE
                Where K1 = ZLT_KUNDE-K1.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                MESSAGE S000(8i) With 'Data deleted'.
    *To Populate Data into Auftrag Through Pushbuttons
        When 'OK_GETA'.
            IF ZLT_KUnde-K2 is NOT INITIAL.
                SELECT SINGLE *
                FROM  ZLT_Auftrag
                Where A3 = ZLT_Kunde-K2.
                MESSAGE S000(8i) With 'Enter Kunde Name'.
        When 'OK_SAVEA'.
           Modify ZLT_Auftrag.
           IF sy-subrc = 0.
             MESSAGE s000(8i) With 'Data Saved'.
        When 'OK_DELETEA'.
            IF ZLT_Auftrag-A1 is NOT INITIAL.
                FROM  ZLT_Auftrag
                Where A1 = ZLT_Auftrag-A1.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                MESSAGE S000(8i) With 'Data deleted'.
    *To Populate Data into Position Thorugh Pushbuttons
        When 'OK_GETP'.
            IF ZLT_Auftrag-A2 is NOT INITIAL.
                SELECT SINGLE *
                FROM  ZLT_Auftrag
                Where A3 = ZLT_Kunde-K2.
                MESSAGE S000(8i) With 'Enter Kunde Name'.
        When 'OK_SAVEP'.
           Modify ZLT_Auftrag.
           IF sy-subrc = 0.
             MESSAGE s000(8i) With 'Data Saved'.
        When 'OK_DELETEP'.
            IF ZLT_Auftrag-A1 is NOT INITIAL.
                FROM  ZLT_Auftrag
                Where A1 = ZLT_Auftrag-A1.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                MESSAGE S000(8i) With 'Data deleted'.
        When 'OK_EXIT'.
           Leave Program.
        When 'OK_CLEAR'.
    *              it_mita, it_kunde, it_auftrag,
             MODE_ZLT_MITA       = 'E'
             MANDT               = SY-MANDT
             M1                  =  ZLT_MITA-M1
    *         X_M1                = ' '
    *         _SCOPE              = '3'
    *         _SYNCHRON           = ' '
    *         _COLLECT            = ' '
    endmodule.                 " USER_COMMAND_9000  INPUT
    *&      Module  user_cmd_9000  INPUT
    *       text
    module user_cmd_9000 input.
      If sy-ucomm = 'OK_CANCEL'.
      IF sy-ucomm = 'OK_EXIT'.
          LEAVE PROGRAM.
    endmodule.                 " user_cmd_9000  INPUT

  • How to populate list component via xml file?

    There is a TextArea component that should show the name and
    the description of the item selected in the list component. But I
    dont know how to populate list with external XML and what should be
    the coding in flash as well as what should be written in the XML.
    Please help.

    Here's an xml file listing a couple of brother comedy teams:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Open a new .fla and save it in the same folder as the .xml
    file. Place a List Component on the Stage and name it (in this
    case, "comicTeams_list"). In the first frame write the following
    //create XML object and load external xml file
    var broList:XML = new XML();
    broList.ignoreWhite = true;
    broList.onLoad = processList; // this is a function that will
    be written below
    function processList(success:Boolean):Void{
    trace("Load failure");
    function loadList():Void{
    var broName:String;
    var listEntries =
    for(var i:Number = 0;i<listEntries;i++){
    broName =
    //to make something happen when you click on a name in the
    List, create a Listener and function
    var broListListener:Object = new Object();
    broListListener.change = someAction; //"someAction" is a
    function to be written shortly
    //add the Listener to the List
    comicTeams_list.addEventListener("change", broListListener);
    function someAction(evtObj:Object):Void{
    var pickedBrother:String =;
    //write actions here, referencing pickedBrother variable
    The names of the Marx Brothers will appear in the box.
    This is written in AS2. When you post a question, it's a good
    idea include which version of ActionScript you're using.

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    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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    Yes, I agree, that was a vague description.
    I open the File Info window for a single image or group of images to add location information. Once I've added, say a state such New Jersey in the state/province field, the next time I start to type"N" in that field the New Jersey autocomplete pops up. This is fine. The problem is I've added something wrong, such as Pensvylania (misspelled), and then I have that misspelled autocomplete popping up if I start to type "P". I also have some fragments, such as "Ne" where the autocomplete popped up and I just tabbed, rather than entered, and now I have "Ne" as an autocomplete choice.
    There must be a file somewhere that stores those autocomplete possibilities. I wanted to find that file and delete the bad ones. I could not see how to delete that choice when I was working directly in the File Info panes.
    Does this describe the problem a bit better?

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    In this picture, there is an auto completion option, what does this mean? I want to these informations will be applyed automaticly whithout my intervention. Is there any way to do this?

    Allthough I have never used them I would investigate templates in Bridge.  Here is one link

  • How to load PDF (HTML Loader) with File Reference (dialog box) [AIR]?

    Hi.  I'm trying to get my AIR application to load a PDF document from the dialog box using File Reference Class.
    With the code that I have if I use a regular Loader then I can get a PNG image to load into a container and display on the screen.  But PDF's require HTML Loader which seems not to accept because it is expecting a String.
    This is the error I got
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "[object FileReference]" to
        at test_pdf_load_from_dialogfla_fla::MainTimeline/loadFile()[test_pdf_load_from_dialogfla_fl a.MainTimeline::frame1:61]
    [UnloadSWF] test_pdf_load_from_dialogfla.swf
    Here is my code:
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.html.HTMLLoader;
    var file:FileReference=new FileReference();
    var container:MovieClip=new MovieClip();
    var i:Number=1;
    // button is an object on the stage, not being called via actionscript
    button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDialog);
    var myFile:FileReference;
    var myFileLoader:HTMLLoader;
    function showDialog(e:MouseEvent):void{
        myFile=new FileReference();
        var PDFFileType:FileFilter=new FileFilter("PDFs (*.pdf)","*.pdf");
        myFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, selectFile);
    function selectFile(e:Event):void{
        myFile.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadFile);
    myFileLoader=new HTMLLoader();
    function loadFile(e:Event):void{
    (with the new forum selection I also can't seem to put this topic into the ActionScript location of the forum for Flash Pro.)

    I was pondering on this subject for several hours when I thought "perhaps the declaration in the loadFile function might contain the "name" property.
    When I used a trace statement to test this, my thoughts revealed that to be accurate.  The call does indeed populate the Output console with the correct file name.
    To be sure I did the following:
    myFileLoader.load(new URLRequest(String(;
    myFileLoader.width=[[set width to anything other than the default of 0 to display the PDF content of the HTMLLoader]]
    myFileLoader.height=[[ditto from previous line, the default is 0 which would make the PDF content invisible]].
    I am so pleased to have had this inspiration and also to the fact that the ActionScript documentation that I found had good examples to follow.

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    How to add metadatas to 3D dae files...?
    The cad file used as an entry, the 2D files used as textures, environment, shaders...etc?

    Yes sorry about the "Acrobat Tag" , the question was more for the CS6 suite, and the management of DAE files in Bridge and Photoshop Extended in a CQ5 DAM workspace.
    But nevertheless, it should be cool if Acrobat X 3D could import directly Collada files...

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    HI ,
    I m populating the records in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL and creates the cr Memo through the Auto Invoice ,
    but i m like to populate the Referance Field which is exist in Header part of the Cr Memo (Benith the TYPE).
    So plz help me,
    that which column of the RA_INTERFACE_LINE_ALL populates ,that gave me a data in the Referance Field .
    However this referance field is carried out from the table.Column =RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.ct_reference
    Plz Help..

    what you did?

  • How to populate the payment block through the BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_CREATE

    I am trying to create the incoming invoice through the BAPI (BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_CREATE) .
    In MIRO transaction when i create the Invoice without any tax , the <b>payment block shows free for payement</b> . How to give create the invoice with the following condition through the BAPI (BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_CREATE) .  when there is Tax : The payment block = 'R' (Invoice verification) .
    No Tax                : The payment block = ' ' (Free for Payment).

    But everytime the invoice is created the Payment block is set to 'R' even if the Tax is not given.
    Following i am populating
    <b>Header Structure:</b>
    <b>Test                   Value Description                      PI Header Data Fields</b>
    ‘X’                Invoice Indicator     HEADERDATA-INVOICE_IND
    SPACE                Document Type     HEADERDATA-DOC_TYPE
    05-11-2006           Document Date     HEADERDATA-DOC_DATE
    17-11-2006           Posting Date                     HEADERDATA-PSTNG_DATE
    123456-B1                Ref Document Number     HEADERDATA-REF_DOC_NO
    9001               Company Code     HEADERDATA-COMP_CODE
    7006924               Vendor Number     HEADERDATA-DIFF_INV
    BRL               Currency                     HEADERDATA-CURRENCY
    BRL               Currency                     HEADERDATA-CURRENCY_ISO
    10000               Gross Amount      HEADERDATA-GROSS_AMOUNT
    05-11-2006          Baseline ate                     HEADERDATA-BLINE_DATE
    DD               Header Text                     HEADERDATA-HEADER_TXT
    0001               Payment Terms     HEADERDATA-PMNTTRS
    123456-B1               Ref Document Number     HEADERDATA-REF_DOC_NO
    Z1               NF Type                       HEADERDATA-J_1BNFTYPE
    space               Payment Block Key      HEADERDATA-PMNT_BLOCK
    <b>For Item Structure:</b>
    <b>Test Data     Description            BAPI Item Data Fields</b>
    000001                     Invoice Item           ITEMDATA-INVOICE_DOC_ITEM
    4500021387     Purchase Order Number   ITEMDATA-PO_NUMBER
    0010                     Purchase Order Item           ITEMDATA-PO_ITEM
    Z1                     Tax Code                           ITEMDATA-TAX_CODE
    SP 50308                     Tax Jurisdiction Code           ITEMDATA-TAXJURCODE
    10000                      Item Amount           ITEMDATA-ITEM_AMOUNT
    200                      Item Quantity           ITEMDATA-QUANTITY
    EA                      Purchase Order Unit           ITEMDATA-PO_UNIT
    Can u please tell me what is the mistake or any other ways of populating the Payment block.
    Always the payment block is 'R' in MIR4 transaction even if i give space in the BAPI

  • How to populate a tree from .aspx file?

    I'm very new to flex. I have a .aspx file which has xml populated in it. I would like to populate the tree based on the values of the .aspx file. Here is my code which i have tried doing this functionality but it couldn't worked out. Could anyone help me out to resolve this problem.
    This is my sample aspx file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <myTree label="Main Root">
    <node label="Root">
    <node label="Folder a">
    <node label="item 1 a"/>
    <node label="Folder b">
    <node label="item 1 b"/>
    <node label="item 2 b"/>
    <node label="Folder c">
    <node label="item 1 c"/>
    <node label="item 2 c"/>
    <node label="Folder d">
    <node label="item 1 d"/>
    <node label="item 2 d"/>
    Here is my mxml file which i was trying:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Application 
    xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" creationComplete="XmlRpc.send()">
    public var XmlNode:XML=newXML();
    public function HandleXml(event:ResultEvent):void
    XmlNode= new XML(event.result.myTree.node);
    public function HandleFault(event:FaultEvent):void, "Error"
    <mx:HTTPService id="XmlRpc" url="Sample.aspx" result="HandleXml(event)" fault="HandleFault(event)"> 
    <mx:Panel id="panel1" width="400" height="200"> 
    <mx:Label id="label1" text="Sample Label" /> 
    <mx:Tree id="tree1" labelField="@label"> 

    Hi Wolfman,
    I do not understand what you are trying to say. My requirement is to fetch xml from .aspxfile and then use it to populate the tree structure in flex. It would be great if you could share me with the piece of code which suites my requirement. Thanks

  • How to create pdf from word doc file

    I have a word doc file. (not docx). I have adobe 8 pro. I wrote a word script to create the file using the distiller. The fonts in the pdf file it makes look wacky. That script looks liek this:
    * create archive pdf file
    lfilename = "t:\cardeals\pdf\pdf_archive\" + PADL(alltrim(STR(month(date()))),2,"0") + PADL(alltrim(STR(DAY(DATE()))),2,"0") + SUBSTR(ALLTRIM(STR(YEAR(DATE()))),3,2) + "1.pdf"
    oWord = createOBJECT("Word.Application")
    oWord.DisplayAlerts = .f.'t:\cardeals\cardeals.doc')
    oword.ActivePrinter = "\\CSSSERVERONE\Overflow"
    oPDF = CREATEOBJECT ( "PDFDistiller.PDFDistiller.1" )
    oPDF.FileToPDF("c:\", "&lfilename.", "High Quality" )
    release oword
    I also wrote a script to attempt to print it from the Adobe printer. It seems to work, but when I go to open the created pdf file it I get the following message:
    Acrobat could not open mypdf.pdf because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged.
    The code was this:
      Set oWordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
        Set oDocument = CreateObject("Word.Document")
        oWordApp.Visible = True
        oWordApp.Application.WindowState = wdWindowStateMinimize
        Set oDocument = oWordApp.Documents.Open("t:\cardeals\cardeals.doc")
        strOutputPDFName = "c:\mypdf.pdf"
        holdprtrdefault = oWordApp.ActivePrinter
        oWordApp.ActivePrinter = "Adobe PDF"
        oWordApp.Application.PrintOut FileName:="t:\cardeals\cardeals.doc", _
            Copies:=1, _
            Range:=wdPrintAllDocument, _
            Item:=wdPrintDocumentContent, _
            Pages:="", _
            PageType:=wdPrintAllPages, _
            Collate:=True, _
            Background:=False, _
            PrinttoFile:=False, _
    If I clkick on the PDFMaker icon iside word, the resultant file is BEAUTIFUL. Can I automate this from within word? If not, does PDFMaker have a command line utility that I could put in a batch file?

    I don't have an answer, but you might get a better response in the scripting forum.

  • How to populate "comments" property of jpg files?

    I have PSE 6 and am trying to determine if it's worth upgrading to PSE 9.  I mostly use PSE for the Organizer feature.  I use it to apply tags to jpg files.  I noticed that jpg files also have a "Comments" property that is exposed in Windows Vista and Windows 7 (along with the assigned tags).  I see that PSE can store "Notes" for a jpg but this information doesn't appear to be stored in the Comments property or in any other exposed property.
    Is there a way to populated the Comments property of the jpg?  Is there anyway to see the Notes property in the jpg or is that text just stored in the catalog?
    I haven't been able to find any additional functionality in PSE 9 over PSE 6 as it relates to the Organizer feature.  Am I missing something significant?

    krhackbarth1 wrote:
    Is there a way to populated the Comments property of the jpg?
    krhackbarth1 wrote:
    Is there anyway to see the Notes property in the jpg or is that text just stored in the catalog?
    Just in the catalog.
    The Notes and the Comments values are stored in different sections of the image's metadata.  Windows Explorer reads certain sections, PSE Organizer reads other sections, as well as using its own database for other data such as Notes.

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    Hi, I just started to run WLS on Solaris on Port 80 with SP5, and I say the following exception: weblogic.utils.ParsingException: nested IOException: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Na

  • Once the aggregated cube how to run the query

    hai , i had cube havind lot of data . so i was used aggregation . after that how to run  query from aggragated cube when ever i went to rrmx . but it has showing not aggregated cube. once aggregate the cube where is stored plz let me know