How to put native methods in jar file

Hi.I have an executable jar file(test.jar) that makes use of other jar files and native methods. For example, test.jar uses Jnpout32.dll. . test.jar , the other jar files and the native methods are all in the same directory. When I created test.jar I wrote a manifest file which specifies the class path of the other jar files and the native methods as follows and provided it as an option in the jar cfmev command.
Class Path: jdbc.jar Jnpout32reg.dll  //content of manifest.txt  file that I provided to the jar command
//carriage return I then run the command java -jar test.jar to run the file.
All I am seeing is the following error message
Exception in thread "AWT EventQueue-o
Any ideas? thanks in advance!
Edited by: Nostalgia on May 22, 2009 8:05 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

You seem to be confusing Java's classpath with your os's path. The classpath only applies to Java classes. See if this discussion helps:

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    Please follow these 2 steps:
    1. Add jar into webdynpro project
            Right Click on ur project -> Select properties -> Java Buil path -> Choose Libraries Tab -> Add External Jars -> add the file from ur computer
    2. Use the jar
          write the import statement in your webdynpro code to utilize the properties of added jar.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    Development Tools -> General Questions:
    I am trying to figure out how to put utility classes into JAR files and then compile and run applications against those JAR files using the command-line javac, jar, and java tools. I am using jdk1.7.0_17 on Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.7.
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    $ cat src/com/example/util/
    package com.example.util;
    public class Hello {
        public static void hello(String arg) {
         System.out.println("hello, " + arg);
    2013-05-20 21:39:12 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ cat src/com/example/hello/
    package com.example.hello;
    import static com.example.util.Hello.hello;
    public class HelloConsole {
        public static void main(String [] args) {
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    $ make
    rm -f hello
    find . -name '*.class' -delete
    javac src/com/example/util/
    javac -cp src src/com/example/hello/
    echo "java -cp src com.example.hello.HelloConsole" > hello
    chmod +x hello
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    $ ./hello
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    Any suggestions?

    I finally figured it out:
    1. All name spaces must match -- identifiers, packages, file system, JAR contents, etc..
    2. Tools must be invoked from specific working directories with specific option arguments, all according to the project name space.
    My key discovery was that if the code says
    import com.example.util.Hello;then the JAR must contain
    com/example/util/Hello.classand I must invoke the compiler and interpreter with an -classpath argument that is the full path to the JAR file
    -classpath ext/com/example/util.jarThe code is here:
    Here is a console session that demonstrates building and running the code two ways:
    1. Compiling the utility class into bytecode, compiling the application class against the utility bytecode, and running the application bytecode against the utility bytecode.
    2. Putting the (previously compiled) utility bytecode into a JAR and running the application bytecode against the JAR. (Note that recompiling the application against the JAR was unnecessary.)
    (If you don't know Make, understand that the working directory is reset to the initial working directory prior to each and every command issued by Make):
    2013-05-25 14:02:47 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ cat apps/com/example/hello/
    package com.example.hello;
    import com.example.util.Hello;
    public class Console {
        public static void main(String [] args) {
    2013-05-25 14:02:55 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ cat libs/com/example/util/
    package com.example.util;
    public class Hello {
        public static void hello(String arg) {
         System.out.println("hello, " + arg);
    2013-05-25 14:03:03 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ make
    rm -rf bin ext obj
    mkdir obj
    cd libs; javac -d ../obj com/example/util/
    mkdir bin
    cd apps; javac -d ../bin -cp ../obj com/example/hello/
    cd bin; java -cp .:../obj com.example.hello.Console
    hello, world!
    mkdir -p ext/com/example
    cd obj; jar cvf ../ext/com/example/util.jar com/example/util/Hello.class
    added manifest
    adding: com/example/util/Hello.class(in = 566) (out= 357)(deflated 36%)
    cd bin; java -cp .:../ext/com/example/util.jar com.example.hello.Console
    hello, world!
    2013-05-25 14:03:11 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ tree -I CVS .
    |-- Makefile
    |-- apps
    |   `-- com
    |       `-- example
    |           `-- hello
    |               `--
    |-- bin
    |   `-- com
    |       `-- example
    |           `-- hello
    |               `-- Console.class
    |-- ext
    |   `-- com
    |       `-- example
    |           `-- util.jar
    |-- libs
    |   `-- com
    |       `-- example
    |           `-- util
    |               `--
    `-- obj
        `-- com
            `-- example
                `-- util
                    `-- Hello.class
    19 directories, 6 filesHTH,

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    <zipfileset src="dist/lib/libreria1.jar" excludes="META-INF/*" />
    <zipfileset src="dist/lib/libreria2.jar" excludes="META-INF/*" />
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    This is not a NetBeans forum, it is a JDeveloper forum. You might want to try I also saw your other question - try looking in the New to Java forum: New To Java

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    Hi i have a question with your application can you down- or upload more files at the same time? Because i'm having problems with my ftp application.
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  • How to use native method

    how to use native methods

    Download and read Sheng Liang's book,
    Read the JNI specs on site ( )
    Beware with the JNI tutorial on the site - it is slightly outdated, and the samples need modifications to compile
    ----- END CANNED RESPONSE -----

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  • How do I deploy an external JAR file

    How do I deploy an external JAR file?
    I am grateful for every hint.

    Hi Manuel,
      If you read my blog mentioned in the beginning of the thread, you will note that such solution is not supported in our engine due to number of reasons.
      Please, read the blog and use application library shared among these two applications. You will achieve the same effect. Please note that the using application will need run and deploy-time dependencies to the shared library.
      You should not add files to any of the folders manually or manipulate engine's classpath in such situations.
    Best Regards,

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    Hi all =)
    I have a program that uses an external library (in a JAR file) I would like to compile my program as a JAR and have it include the external library that it needs to run, so that the external library would not need to be on the computer running my program. How can I do this?
    Thanks =)
    Message was edited by:

    Ok I was able to make my JAR and launch my application correctly. However whenever I click a button that has a method using my external library I get the following error:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Koneko>java -jar D:\Mangment.jar
    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/poi/poifs/filesystem/POIFSFileSystem at managment_system.ManagmentGUI.getNextStat( at managment_system.ManagmentGUI$1.actionPerformed(
    I do not get this error when I run and use my program from within the IDE.
    The JAR that has my external library (and has the class for POIFileSystem) is also on my D drive and i referenced it correctly (I think) In my classpath:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <classpathentry kind="src" path=""/>
         <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>
         <classpathentry kind="lib" path="D:/poi.jar"/>
         <classpathentry kind="output" path=""/>
    </classpath>I would really like to get this working and I'm very confused XP

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    Thanks for all

    Thanks a lot, I'm going to try both ways.What both ways? Both replies are about the same thing -- using the classpath to find resources.
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    name in the jar file and also in the directory ? Is
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    Any help would be fantastic
    Thanks in advance

    the first thing, that I suppose you know, is that iPlanet needs an extra xml file. If your jars have this exta xml file , the only thing is to use the iasdeploy command line to deploy your jars fles

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    Hey there,
    I'm writing a native Java launcher as a replacement for java.exe (or eclipse.exe). So far I'm only on Windows NT x64. Things work pretty well: My native executable launches the JVM using the Invocation API and calls a static `main' method.
    Now I thought it was a good idea if my executable could provide the implementations of a few native methods so the `jvm.dll' can communicate with the executable that it was loaded by. This would free me from having to locate and load a shared library at runtime. I expected this to "just work," but alas, it didn't. Providing a simple native method such as
    Java_com_phrood_kourou_Kourou_available0(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls) {
    return JNI_TRUE;
    in the executable and calling it from Java through JNI, I get an `UnsatisfiedLinkError'. Why is that so? Both the executable and the DLL live in the same process, so shouldn't the C function be found without further concern?
    Then I came up with the somewhat experimental idea and just loaded the EXE file from Java by `System.load(pathToExe)'. I never expected this to work, but---it did!
    That's good news, of course. Only I'm afraid that's a lot more memory-consuming than it needs to be. My EXE file has some 200 KB and counting, and I only need I a handful of small native-method implementations. I could write a DLL, of course, but I'd like to do without an extra file and an extra project to set up and maintain.
    So, my question is: Why do I have to load the EXE into the same process a second time? Is there a more elegant solution?
    -- Phil

    It doesn't work anyway. Although I can load my EXE as a DLL, the newly-loaded image has its own address space, so I cannot use that to call back the EXE.
    I think I can acomplish what I need without a DLL altogether. Hopefully.
    I want the usage of my executable to be as simple as using `java.exe'. Clients should just write a configuration file, rename and start or double-click the EXE and that's it. An MSI would be pointless here, since the usage of the launcher is completely generic.
    More importantly, maintaining cross-platforms C++ projects with Eclipse CDT is possible but a bit of a hassle. I already have two projects: one for the EXE and one for the Java companion Jar. Creating a new DLL project would require me to maintain 3 Eclipse build configurations for Windows, Linux, and Mac; and even another three should I support the x86 architecture. I'd be happy if I could do without.
    What strikes me is that you folks try to teach me what I should do or not do, even call my problem a "nonproblem," rather than just help me out and try to answer my questions. None of the answers here were helpful to me, but I think I figured it out.
    Nonetheless, thanks for taking the time to read and answer.

  • How To Load Sound From Inside jar File?

    Hello There
    i've made a jar file that contains Images&Pictures But I Can't Use Them
    So I Used For Loading Images
      URL url = this.getClass().getResource("image.jpg");
             setIconImage(new ImageIcon(url).getImage());and for loading sound when i use
      URL url = this.getClass().getResource("Bond2.wav");         
           AudioInputStream stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File(url));there's an error That The file Constructor doesn't take url
    how can i fix it?

    First_knight wrote:
    and for loading sound when i use
      URL url = this.getClass().getResource("Bond2.wav");         
    AudioInputStream stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File(url));there's an error That The file Constructor doesn't take url
    how can i fix it?Remove the "new File()". There is a getAudioInputStream() method that takes a URL.
    AudioInputStream in = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(url);

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