How to Query if TextInput is selected (has focus)?

How do I (in actionscript) query to see if a textinput has focus at that time?
Is there something like "if (textInput.IsSelected == true)"... or something similar?  Please let me know.

You may be able to use the focusManager property of the container with the getFocus method of the FocusManager and see if that component is the TextInput you are interested in.
If this post answers your question or helps, please mark it as such.

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    With the Oracle Web Service, I'm having trouble trying to figure out why I am unable to query for a Lead using only a Custom MultiSelect Picklist that I have.
    The Multi-Select Picklist has 3 values:
    - Picklist 1 (ID: <No Values>)
    - Picklist 2 (ID: Picklist 2)
    - Picklist 3 (ID: Picklist 3)
    I have leads with selected values
    - Picklist 3
    - Picklist 2 and Picklist 3
    Whether I query for any leads with a single value or multiple values, I'm getting nothing in return.
    ~= 'Picklist 3' (Returned Nothing but results do exist in the CRM UI)
    ~= 'Picklist 2;Picklist 3' (Returned Nothing but results do exist in the CRM UI)
    ~= 'Picklist 2,Picklist 3' (Returned Nothing but results do exist in the CRM UI)
    When I query using LIKE though, I get of the results being a lead with just "Picklist 3" as the value for the Multi Select Picklist
    ~LIKE '*Picklist 3*' (25 Leads are returned with values of both Picklist 3 and Picklist 2, Picklist 3)
    And as a side note, I'm able to successfully insert/update values into this Multi select picklist as
    Picklist 2;Picklist 3
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately, I have already specified the fields I do want returned...I just didn't post them as they are irrelevant to my question. What my question is attempting to say is that if I were to run my actual query on a database the query would look like this:
    select LeadEmail from Lead where CustomMultiPicklist1 = 'Picklist 3' (Using the API: ~= 'Picklist 3')
    This returns 0 results even though I have a Lead with CustomMultiPicklist1 = 'Picklist 3'
    On the other hand if I were to do the following query....results are returned.
    select LeadEmail from Lead where CustomMultiPicklist1 like '%Picklist 3%' (Using the API: ~LIKE '*Picklist 3*')
    So pretty much I'm trying to figure out what the correct syntax is for querying CustomMultiSelectPicklists only.
    Edited by: tyler m on May 5, 2010 7:17 AM

  • How to query which features my version has?

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    I just would like to learn that which features my oracle version has? So what is the query for that? I forgot which data dictionary table stores this information. Thanks

    select     name
    ,     detected_usages
    from     dba_feature_usage_statistics
    where      detected_usages > 0This will show you which features are being used.
    select parameter, value from v$option order by 1to see what options are available.

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    Hi Pradeep,
    I have already checked  "Initialisation Lead Selection" property . I have faced the same problem in another view also there it got solved by changing the cardinality.  In this case, I had tried both cardinality and Lead selection property  but nothing  is working.

  • IB:How to update a serial Number which has Inventory Material Transactions?

    Dear friends
    first of all thanks for your time and valuable solutions
    Install base: How to update a serial Number which has Inventory Material Transactions
    problem description:
    Install base > quick search
    Here is Installbase record, when I query from quick search
    Rec#     Item          Item Instance           Serial Number          Status
    1     300-7000-01      3000000           1000XXX-0538JQ0003 Return for Adv Exchange
    2     300-7000-01     8000000               1000XXX-0538JQ0003-     Return for Adv Exchange
    3     300-7000-01     5000000               1000XXX-0538JQ0003-A     Return for Adv Exchange
    looking above data, first and third records are the legitimate serial numbers(correct according to the client specs), second record is not legitimate since it has a dash as suffix, we found there are many illegitimate serial Numbers exists, needs to be updated with the right serial Numbers which I analyzed in excel after pulling data from mtl_material_transactions , oe_order_lines_all , mtl_serial_numbers , mtl_system_items_b
    basically these are all RMAs
    I need to update the second record as 1094SUZ-0538JQ0003-B as per the guidelines, while updating I need to keep all the existing contracts, Warranty, what ever material transations it has, need to be same.
    we have a package updating the serial numbers using IB API (csi_Item_Instance_Pub.update_item_instance) but it is updating only the records which has no serial numbers present for that instance, if there is a serial number already exists it is not working.
    user define error msg "Serial Number 1094SUZ-0538JQ0003- has Inventory Material Transactions. This serial number cannot be used to update an existing Item Instance", but I need to update this anyway!! or am I missing something here, please advice me
    below post looks like similar issue, talks about hard update, I have no clue, by doing that the updated serial number will have same transations, contracts, dates....attached to it like the previous serial number
    would be great If you guys help me out, really appreciated!!
    unfortunately I couldn't find any solutoin in metalink for the existing serial number update
    code for updating the serial number using IB API
              x_msg_count := 0;
    x_msg_data := '';
    p_instance_rec.instance_id := rec.child_instance_id;
    p_instance_rec.serial_number := rec.child_serial_number;
    p_instance_rec.object_version_number := rec.child_object_number;
    p_txn_rec.transaction_id := Fnd_Api.g_miss_num;
    p_txn_rec.transaction_date := SYSDATE;
    p_txn_rec.source_transaction_date := SYSDATE;
    p_txn_rec.transaction_type_id := 1;
    p_api_version => 1.0,
    p_commit => Fnd_Api.g_false,
    p_init_msg_list => Fnd_Api.g_false,
    p_validation_level => 1,
    p_instance_rec => p_instance_rec,
    p_ext_attrib_values_tbl => p_ext_attrib_values_tbl,
    p_party_tbl => p_party_tbl,
    p_account_tbl => p_account_tbl,
    p_pricing_attrib_tbl => p_pricing_attrib_tbl,
    p_org_assignments_tbl => p_org_assignments_tbl,
    p_asset_assignment_tbl => p_asset_assignment_tbl,
    p_txn_rec => p_txn_rec,
    x_instance_id_lst => x_instance_id_lst,
    x_return_status => x_return_status,
    x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
    x_msg_data => x_msg_data

    Used this. May not be perfect but should get you there. Only if the table is registered (all the seeded tables should be registered) this will work.
    select distinct a.table_name,b.column_name from fnd_tables a, fnd_columns b
    where a.table_id=b.table_id
    and upper(b.column_name) like '%SERIAL%'
    Also this is very old one but if you need history for this change add the history insert logic as well..
    l_return_err VARCHAR2 (80);
    PROCEDURE debug (p_message IN VARCHAR2)
    dbms_output.put_line (SUBSTR (p_message, 1, 255));
    END debug;
    debug('Switching from serial number XDT07406. to XDT07406 ');
    UPDATE fa_additions_b
    SET serial_number = 'XDT07406'
    WHERE serial_number = 'XDT07406.';
    debug('No of rows in fa_additions_b updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE fa_mass_additions
    SET serial_number = 'XDT07406'
    WHERE serial_number = 'XDT07406.';
    debug('No of rows in fa_mass_additions updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE rcv_serial_transactions
    SET serial_num = 'XDT07406'
    WHERE serial_num = 'XDT07406.';
    debug('No of rows in rcv_serial_transactions updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
    SET serial_number = 'XDT07406'
    WHERE serial_number = 'XDT07406.';
    debug('No of rows in mtl_serial_numbers updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE mtl_unit_transactions
    SET serial_number = 'XDT07406'
    WHERE serial_number = 'XDT07406.';
    debug('No of rows in mtl_unit_transactions updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE csi_item_instances_h
    SET new_serial_number = 'XDT07406'
    WHERE new_serial_number = 'XDT07406.';
    debug('No of rows in csi_item_instances_h updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE csi_t_txn_line_details
    SET serial_number = 'XDT07406'
    WHERE serial_number = 'XDT07406.';
    debug('No of rows in csi_t_txn_line_details updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE csi_item_instances
    SET serial_number = 'XDT07406'
    WHERE serial_number = 'XDT07406.';
    debug('No of rows in csi_item_instances updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE wsh_delivery_details
    SET serial_number = 'XDT07406'
    WHERE serial_number = 'XDT07406.';
    debug('No of rows in wsh_delivery_details updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    debug('Switching from serial number jct20591 to JCT20591 ');
    UPDATE fa_additions_b
    SET serial_number = 'JCT20591'
    WHERE serial_number = 'jct20591';
    debug('No of rows in fa_additions_b updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE fa_mass_additions
    SET serial_number = 'JCT20591'
    WHERE serial_number = 'jct20591';
    debug('No of rows in fa_mass_additions updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE rcv_serial_transactions
    SET serial_num = 'JCT20591'
    WHERE serial_num = 'jct20591';
    debug('No of rows in rcv_serial_transactions updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
    SET serial_number = 'JCT20591'
    WHERE serial_number = 'jct20591';
    debug('No of rows in mtl_serial_numbers updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE mtl_unit_transactions
    SET serial_number = 'JCT20591'
    WHERE serial_number = 'jct20591';
    debug('No of rows in mtl_unit_transactions updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE csi_item_instances_h
    SET new_serial_number = 'JCT20591'
    WHERE new_serial_number = 'jct20591';
    debug('No of rows in csi_item_instances_h updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE csi_t_txn_line_details
    SET serial_number = 'JCT20591'
    WHERE serial_number = 'jct20591';
    debug('No of rows in csi_t_txn_line_details updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    UPDATE csi_item_instances
    SET serial_number = 'JCT20591'
    WHERE serial_number = 'jct20591';
    debug('No of rows in csi_item_instances updated :'||sql%rowcount);
    l_return_err :='Updating in one of the script has this error:'|| substrb(sqlerrm, 1, 55);
    debug('Value of l_return_err='||l_return_err);

  • DB Adapter Query - Polling using nested select

    When polling a table to initiate a BPEL process, can I use a nested select in the expression.

    The visual expression builder does not currently support this so you need to specify the raw sql directly.
    If you use the DeletePollingStrategy there is a way you can specify the exact sql string for both the 'select' and the after read 'delete'. So if you write the where clause yourself it can contain nested selects.
    This is the readme from the new PureSQLSelect database adapter sample. Also you may want to look at the PureSQLPolling sample.
    This sample shows you how you can bypass the designer's visual where clause builder to specify arbitrarily complex sql strings for your selects.
    Like the other samples, this sample uses the basic Movies schema.
    The Steps:
    Create a basic select. Made sure it has the same name and number of input parameters as you will need for your sql string. In this case create a single input parameter and call it 'genre_param'.
    Create a trivial where clause in the wizard expression builder using genre_param. I.e.
    Ideally run the sample once just to make sure everything else works and to get a template SQL. The select ... FROM ... part will be the same.
    Open the toplink_mappings.xml file. Look for an element called <database-query>. There will likely only be one. A sample is presented here:
    <existence-check>Check cache</existence-check>
    We want to switch this query from using a high-level expression to a pure sql string. You will remove the <main-expression> element and replace it with a <sql-string> element of your own devising.
    Your replacement should look something like this:
    <existence-check>Check cache</existence-check>
    The tempation to start writing pure sql may be terrible to some, but it was intentionally left out of the wizard for good reasons. Please be wary of the following when specifying pure sql:
    -There is a way to set the pure sql string in the Mapping Workbench, but when you edit the partnerlink to refresh the toplink_mappings.xml you may get an exception due to the query being in a pure sql format. For this reason you need to manually edit the toplink_mappings.xml, and again every time your run the wizard and hit finish after that.
    -The #genre_param is a TopLink convention for writing a sql string which still takes parameters. At runtime if you enter 'Action' in the bpel console, you will see this sql:
    bind => [Action]
    The #genre_param gets replaced with the value of the input parameter genre_param.
    -When specifying pure sql you should be aware of the following:
    -maintenance issues
    -loss of database platform independence
    -The sql needs to conform with the way TopLink works. It is recommended that you do not change the SELECT ... FROM ... part of the query. TopLink's design is to read from one table at a time. If an Employee has an Address, then the Address is read with a hidden relationship query. There are two advanced TopLink features which optimize reading from multiple tables, called joinedAttribute and batchAttribute reading, but the combination of these features with raw sql was not explored here. So to avoid danger you can only really affect the top level query, and only rewrite the where clause.
    -The pure sql route does not interact with most TopLink features, especially batch reading (on by default), and can not be combined with the following:
    -SequencingPollingStrategy (LastUpdated, LastReadId, File)
    These features extend the selection criteria at runtime.

  • How to query objects intersecting the coordinates

    Hi all,
    I am an Oracle Spatial Newbie. I made a search on the Google but could not find a simple answer for a simple question. I migrated my database from PostGIS to Oracle. I would like to learn the Oracle version of my PostGIS query:
    SELECT * from ykn WHERE ST_Intersects(poly, ST_MakeEnvelope(30.0, 37.792 , 30.1, 37.8,900914));
    All my records are converted to Oracle geometry type using a conversion tool. And also the R-tree index is added. I also would like to know how to query if the query has to be different to use the index.
    I'll be glad if you could help.
    Kindest Regards

    By the way, what is the A here? I thought it is the table name and replaced A with YKN but got the same message."A" is an alias for the table YKN. You HAVE to use an alias whenever dereferencing the fields of any Oracle object. SDO_GEOMETRY
    is an Oracle object and sdo_srid is a field of that object so, to access its value you have to use an alias.
    Now, the original query - assuming the table sdo_geometry column is called POLY - didn't have an alias which would be confusing:
    select a.poly.sdo_srid from ykn where rownum < 2;
    -- Result
    ORA-00904 - "A"."POLY"."SRO_SRID": invalid identifier.What is missing here is the alias a after the table name YKN as in the following:
    select a.poly.sdo_srid from ykn a where rownum < 2;So, what we have is a rule
    Whenever accessing the fields / methods of an SDO_GEOMETRY we must:
    +1. Alias the table+
    +2. Use the alias when accessing column methods or fields eg <alias>.<column>.<field/method>+
    An example:
    select a.geom.sdo_gtype, a.geom.sdo_srid, a.geom.sdo_point.x, a.geom.sdo_point.y, a.geom.get_WKT() as wkt
      from projpoint2d a
    where rownum < 3;
    -- Results
    2001           NULL          363088.42        5405618          POINT (363088.42 5405618.0)
    2001           NULL          363202.85        5407375.46       POINT (363202.85 5407375.46)Note: All column above are fields of sdo_geometry except get_WKT() which is a method of sdo_geometry but still needs an alias to execute.

  • 9i - How to Determine If Oracle Management Server Has Been Configured ?

    hi all,
    I'm using 9.2 on a Windows 2000 server - but I'm new to this server and don't know what has been done in the past.
    I'm getting the VTK-1000 error when I try to connect in Oracle Management Server mode.
    To determine the problem, I need to know how I can determine whether the Oracle Management Server has been created/configured. Also, how can I know that the Repository has been created?
    This is what I've tried:
    -Tried logging in as sysman with a password of oem_temp
    - checked the Windows services - none exist as OracleManage... which causes me to think OMS was never configured
    But I dont want to destroy something that may already exist. That's why I want to confirm first.
    Sorry for the lame question - I'm new to Oracle.
    Thanks, John

    Well, then you don't have the SYSMAN password. Here you have two options, the first one, is to try to recover that repository or the second option, to get rid of this repository and create a brand new one.
    If you are willing to use the existing repository, then you will have to reset sysman's password, the procedure to perform this task is as follows:
    Connect by means of SQLPlus to the repository, you should open a session with the OEM repository database owner. In case you don't have this password (most probably) you will have to temporarily reset this password, as outlined on the bottom procedure.
    Open a session to the database as the OEM repoistory owner, let's say OEM_REP or whatever is the actual repository.
    sqlplus <OEMRepositoryOwner>/<OEMRepositoryOwnerPassword>@<OEMRepository>
    At the SQL prompt issue the command:
    execute smp_maintenance.reset_sysman();
    Your sysman password will be reset to OEM_TEMP, then you can enter if the repository is up and running, and you can issue commands to check status and shutdown it.
    Temporarily resetting a db user password:
    1. Connect to the database as sysdba:
    sqlplus / as sysdba
    2. At the sqlplus prompt query the dba_users table to get the password:
    select username, password from dba_users where username='<OEMRepositoryOwner>';
    Copy the current password in a safe place.
    3. Set a new password, let's say 'X'.
    Alter user <OEMRepositoryOwner> identified by X;
    4. Once you are done with the previous reset sysman procedure, then you can restore the user password:
    alter user <OEMRepositoryOwner> identified by values '<PreviouslyEncodedSavedPassword>';
    Then you are done.
    ~ Madrid

  • How to query opening balance for all customer or Vendor for an speci. date

    How to query opening balance for all customer or Vendor for an specific date?
    put any date and query will show all customer/ Vendor  that date opening/current balance.

    Hi mizan700 ,
    Try this
    SELECT T0.[DocNum] As 'Doc No.', T0.[CardCode] As 'Customer Code',
    T0.[CardName] As 'Customer Name',(T0.[DocTotal]-T0.[PaidSys]) As 'O/S Balance'
    FROM OINV T0 INNER JOIN OCRD T1 ON T0.CardCode = T1.CardCode
    INNER JOIN OCRG T2 on T1.GroupCode = T2.GroupCode
    INNER JOIN INV1 T3 ON T0.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
    WHERE T0.[DocStatus] ='O'
    (T0.[DocDate] >='[%0]' AND T0.[DocDate] <='[%1]')

  • How can I take a single selected image from a slideshow to pass  to another page?

    I have a slideshow of several images from which a user needs to select one (for example the image that is featured in a lightbox after cicking the thumbnail) and then go to another page for further details on that image, with the same image displayed again, and where I want to embed some html to offer further options based on that selected image. How do I pass the name of the object from one page to another? How do I detect that a user has selected an image?
    I have tried setting each image in the lightbox as a hyperlink to a new page, and also tried setting its caption as a hyperlink, but neither of those ideas seem to work (at least in Preview).
    Any suggestions please? I am working in Muse CC 2014.

    Creating a hyperlink from the text caption should work. Try previewing: File/Preview Site in Browser to test.
    (I tested it using both Preview and File/Preview Site in Browser and it did link to the page I assigned)

  • Looking for a simple example of how to query all the accounts

    I'm new to the web service model in oracle crm and have been trying to just get a list of the accounts in the system. I generated a .cs class from the account wsdl and added it to my project. I'm able to get a handle on the account class but not sure the right syntax to make a call out.. As a fyi - i also have been able to login thru the service and obtain a session id.. so I'm that far..
    Are they any existing code examples on how to query this? This is what I have so far but i throws an exception -
    Account act = new Account();
    act.Url = "https://"+dbcon.serverName+"/Services/Integration;jsessionid="+ sID;
    AccountWS_AccountQueryPage_Input qbe = new AccountWS_AccountQueryPage_Input();
    AccountWS_AccountQueryPage_Output qRet;
    qbe.ListOfAccount = new Account1[1];
    qbe.ListOfAccount[0] = new Account1();
    qbe.PageSize = "20";
    qbe.StartRowNum = "0";
    qbe.ListOfAccount[0].AccountId = "";
    qbe.ListOfAccount[0].Description = "";
    //act.CookieContainer = .... is this line needed?
    qRet = act.AccountQueryPage(qbe);
    return qRet.ToString();
    Thanks in advance for your help - Todd
    Edited by: user11139473 on May 6, 2009 6:33 PM

    I am doing the same thing but I am not sure what is Account1 in your case. Can you show me the implementation of Account1 class?
    Account act = new Account();
    act.Url = "https://"dbcon.serverName"/Services/Integration;jsessionid="+ sID;
    AccountWS_AccountQueryPage_Input qbe = new AccountWS_AccountQueryPage_Input();
    AccountWS_AccountQueryPage_Output qRet;
    qbe.ListOfAccount = new Account1[1]; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< qbe.ListOfAccount = new ListOfAccountQuery();
    qbe.ListOfAccount[0] = new Account1(); <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    qbe.PageSize = "20";
    qbe.StartRowNum = "0";
    qbe.ListOfAccount[0].AccountId = ""; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    qbe.ListOfAccount[0].Description = ""; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    //act.CookieContainer = .... is this line needed?
    qRet = act.AccountQueryPage(qbe);
    return qRet.ToString();
    On the right is my line of code. The ListOfAccount member of AccountQueryPage_Input has datatype ListOfAccountQuery. In my case, a NULL is returned after the call.
    Did you code work in the end?

  • How to query the master block based on one of the values in detail block

    In version 6i forms, I have a field in data block which is not set as a database item. I am using that field to store a value from detail block. If I want to query the form using that field (which represents one of the values from detail block), how do I do that? Any pointers?

    Do you want to query a master, which contains a specific detail? If so, here's an example how you could do it with a PRE-QUERY-trigger:
      vcQuery VARCHAR2(4000);
        -- Build up an exists Sub-Query
      END IF;

  • How do i copy and paste selected rows from numbers to another numbers worksheet

    I have asked this question before, but it sounds as if numbers did not have the update at that time.  I have pasted a spreadsheet from excel into numbers.  I would now like to take selected rows, for example, row 5, row 9, row 22, row 27, etc, copy these entire rows, and pastte into another blank numbers work sheet.  In excel, one can hold down the ctrl key, and click on each row they want to copy, and all will be copied in one operation,  Than you can paste into a new excel work sheet.  I have tried this on my ipad 2 many times, holding down the command key, and tapping on each row I want to copy.  I just cannot get this to work.  Please let me know how to do this, if numbers even has this possible.  Thanks.

    I have tried this on my ipad 2 many times, holding down the command key, and tapping on each row I want to copy.
    Command Key.... on ipad? Ddint know there was one.
    As for copying non-continuous ranges, cannot be done on ipad at this time. On a desktop maybe, but i cannot test it right now.
    Each row can be done individually, or you could sort the rows to grab the range you want. To do this (espeically if there is nothing that is unique about them), just make a new column and place a 1 in the cell for each row you want to copy, sort. That will place all your rows together and enable you to copy.paste them back out.
    If you want to preserve the original sort order, make another column (I usually use A for this) and put in =ROW() as the equation. Fill it down for the whole table and copy/paste values over it. now after you do any kind of sorting, you can always return the list to the original sort order.

Maybe you are looking for